Although mixing paints to produce a new color does tend to be easier than many people initially think, it can also take a little getting used to before you are able to accurately predict your results so just going with a better cadmium yellow alternative right off the bat is usually a better option. The range was developed over the span of three years by Colart Chemists and underwent blind testing that showed that painters failed to distinguish between the environmentally friendly paint and paint with theless wholesome, heavy metal alternative. 9.25 - 72.95. Article continues below advertisement. The primary reason why no real alternative has been mass adopted in the US aerospace sector to date, is the perceived risk involved from switching from a deposit which OEMs are confident delivers the right sacrificial corrosion protection, to one which is yet to be proven when used in high volume. Although you are easily able to see the slight difference in color, they are still very similar to each other with lemon yellow also offering great versatility when added with other colors too. At least Quinacridone is cool I think, though now I am interested in Anthraquinone myself. var ouibounceScript = '