A player's age division is determined by the athlete's age on August 1st of the year in which the tournament is being held. USA Water Polo National Junior Olympics 2022 Session 1- July 16-19 Northern California Boys 12U, 14U, 16U, 18U Live Streaming - Game On Live Studio 2022 Session 2- July 21-24 Northern California Girls 10U, 12U, 14U, 16U, 18U & Mixed 10U, 12U Live Streaming - Game On Live Studio 2022 Session 3 - July 28-31 Dallas, TX Girls & Boys 14U, 16U, 18U Please see the "Qualification" tab for deadlines for your zone. Session 3 Final Placing
.wsite-elements.wsite-footer div.paragraph, .wsite-elements.wsite-footer p, .wsite-elements.wsite-footer .product-block .product-title, .wsite-elements.wsite-footer .product-description, .wsite-elements.wsite-footer .wsite-form-field label, .wsite-elements.wsite-footer .wsite-form-field label{font-size:14px !important;} What season is Polo? All updates can be found in Appendix E: Registration Process
Example: If a player is 14 years old on August 1, they are eligible to compete in the 14&U division. Irvine, CA - February 8 - The world's largest water polo tournament returns this summer with the 2022 USA Water Polo Junior Olympics set to feature three sessions from California to Texas. Junior Olympics 2022. SESSION ONE and TWO - Please CLICK HERE for Important Coaches Tournament Information
} 2021 Junior Olympics Postby jlweath Mon May 31, 2021 1:57 pm The current projected Schedule for the 2021 Junior Olympics Dear Coaches and Club Admins We are writing to you with definitive dates and locations for the 2021 Junior Olympics this summer. All times are Japan Standard Time (GMT/UTC+9) The competition will take place from 24 July - 8 August 2021. Championships Coaching Resources Cowtown WPC Dare to Dream Development Education Extension Hosts Houston Storm Masters National Junior Olympics . {"hasCustomMembership":true,"hasCustomMinicart":true} For additional questions, please email events@usawaterpolo.org. Athletes and Teams may not participate in Sessions I or II AND Session III. font-style: normal; } I appoint USAWP as my attorney-in-fact to execute any documents necessary to effectuate such assignment. url(//cdn2.editmysite.com/fonts/wIcons/wicons.woff?buildTime=1673987310) format('woff'), "458499876165989491", #wsite-content h2.wsite-product-title {} Events
USA Water Polos Junior Olympics tournament is held every year in July and marks the culmination of a years worth of hard work for competitive teams in the youth water polo community. {"navigation\/item":"\n , http://www.usawaterpolo.org/juniorolympics/. document.dispatchEvent(initEvt); An overview of the college recruiting process. function initMembershipModels() { var initEvt = document.createEvent('Event'); Example 2: If a player turns 15 on August 1, his/her age is 15 on August 1st and is therefore no longer eligible for the 14&U division. '',
Gives rising seniors an opportunity to meet coaches face to face, introduce themselves, and invite the coach to watch them play in Junior Olympics. Please browse our galleries from this year and previous year's tournaments by session, day, age group and game. Boys water polo stats: Junior Olympics 18s final CC United 4 3 3 3 - 13 @VGWaterPolo ( @HBHSAQUATICS ) 5 3 1 1 - 10 Goals: (CCU) Indart 3, Thomas 2, Zamanian 2 (V) Crooks 4, Padua 2 Schedule is subject to change, please check back regularly. The 2021 Junior Olympics will be offered in the following format. They are, however, able to participate in the 16&U division. url(//cdn2.editmysite.com/fonts/wSocial/wsocial.svg?buildTime=1673987310#wsocial) format('svg'); LIVE stats for both matches will be available via 6-8 Sports at 68Scores.com. #wsite-content h2, #wsite-content .product-long .product-title, #wsite-content .product-large .product-title, #wsite-content .product-small .product-title, .blog-sidebar h2 {color:#000 !important;} If USAWP notifies me that any Event Imagery must be removed from public display, for any reason whatsoever, in USAWPs sole discretion, I will promptly remove, or cause to be removed, those images from public display. Now some details on our actual first day of competition as Longhorn. }}\"\n {{\/membership_required}}\n class=\"wsite-menu-item\"\n >\n {{{title_html}}}<\/span>\n <\/a>\n {{#has_children}}{{> navigation\/flyout\/list}}{{\/has_children}}\n<\/li>\n","navigation\/flyout\/list":"