E muri ahiahi ka totoko te aroha, 2. In other versions it is given as Beyond is you, dear one., 18. Nana i tapiri mai enei kupu:, Ko te hua o te oriori nei. This fall in death gives me cause to grieve. 10 I te waipaata ra, E Te Mama atawhai, kei runga ake o matou kanohi aroha, he nui rawa atu ta matou e hiahia ai ki o roopu. Tuaro.He whakapotonga mo Tuaropaki, he pa kei Taupo, a he kainga. 5 I te koraki huinga mahi o aku hoa. 14. 4. 1. Maketu was the home of Te Ngahuru; and Ngati Pukenga of Tauranga was the subtribe with whom the composer lived at Maketu. Aku tangi m koutou E p t hau he wini raro, he homai aroha Na, ka riro te tane ka ahu ki te wahine o Te Aowera, ki te Awarua, ki era waahi: ko te tamaiti a tera wahine ko Te Herewini Waitatari. This song was also recorded in Nga Moteatea (Grey), p. 168, and in S.L. Ko Te Peehi e ki ana (B. E kiia ana ko taua mate na tetahi tangata o Ngati-Whatua, na Whetu i whakapa. 5. Kei ng whakaoati herea ki te rangi. Ka tangi a ia ki te moumou o ona tamariki. Ki Nga Moteatea (Kerei) e penei ana te kawea au te tere. Ko tona tikanga ia ko te tere mo te tangata heke ara kua mahue tona kainga ake. 13. He maha nga waiata mona i titoa e Riria Turiwhewhe. Kei te pukapuka a Samuel Locke e kiia ana mo Tukorehu tenei tangi. 10 Hei whakamaurutanga moku ki te iwi, e. 17. Te Whatuiapiti spent the greater part of his life in open fighting, where men fought face to face and shoulder to shoulder, from Heretaunga to Wairarapa and from Heretaunga to Wairoa. Kohua.Ki ta Pihopa Wiremu, kuhua. Ko ta Hone tenei i tuhia nei. Mo Kahuroa, Wai te teretere, e rere i waho ra? Europeans who have previously recorded this song, however, were misled and wrote the words as pu a Rewi, or the gun of Rewi (J. Ki Poihakena, ka whakaaokapua According to Te Taite te Tomo, this song is a lament by Ranginawenawe for her father, Kiore, who was killed by the Urewera at the battle of Orona. Taho.Kua whakamaramatia i runga ake nei. 10 Ko te toroa uta naku i tautara 6, p. 63, etahi korero mo Kiore. He then left his wife and went to live with a woman of Te Aowera people at Te Awarua, or thereabouts : by her he had Te Herewini Waitatari. Ka noho a Te Momo me tona hapu, me Ngati-Te Kohera ki Roto-a-Tara. Rahuiokehu, Paparoa, Whanaupurei, Whakapapa, Puangauru (f) = Te Koaoao = Hineawa, Miriama Mapere, Herewini Waitatari. When this Maori woman was missing, Ruarangi set out to search for her. (The last line in the annotation of Nga Moteatea Part 1 has been deleted as Te Taite was wrong in stating that another name for Pukeronaki was Otanaki. Te Kohika.Ko tetahi o nga tini rangatira o Tuhourangi:. Kia mate i te matua e ora mai ana koe ra, I hokia mai e Pareihe, e Nukupewapewa i Nukutaurua, ko Te Wera ratau ko tana ope o Ngapuhi nga kai-awhina. 17. Ka takohua mai te tara ki Puhau e This song was composed by the seer, Te Ngo. E te ipo 'Ati-Pare, e moea atu nei ko te wairua. Karewa.An island lying off-shore from Aotea and Kawhia harbours. E hika ma e! 15. Ihutoto.This has been explained in the note above. Tipi-a-Taikehu.Ko tetahi tenei o nga tihi o Hikurangi. Na koutou ra, e pa ma, kai hoatu It was in the year 1846 that a landslide killed Te Heuheu together with his people; Te Heuheu's body was later taken to a burial cave at Tongariro. 3/471; T. Turi p. 20; T.N.P. Format Book Date created 1853 Creator George Grey URL Ko to aroha ra, ko to tinana te whakarehunga iho; Te Whakapapa tika tenei o Te Momo mona te Waiata nei. There is some mention of Kiore in the Journal of the Polynesian Society, Vol. First.This was the first Maori woman to be taken by the Turehu folk. The text of this song was in a book written by Renata (Leonard Williams), Bishop of Waiapu, from where it was copied by Sir Apirana Ngata. Mo te aitua o nga rangatira maha o Tuhourangi, e whakahuahuatia nei e te waiata nei, te tikanga o tera kupu I te whakatere kino o Mokonuiarangi.. Te Kotiri belonged to the aristocracy of Te Aitanga-a-mate of Te Whanau-a-Rakairoa tribe. 10 Kihei i tau iho, Ki ta Te Peehi i whakauru he rarangi ki mua atu o tenei, e penei ana ona kupu, Tomokia atu te whare i a Uenuku., 11. Pp ake nei i te mauri o te aroha After a fall of snow this peak remains visible, without any snow drifts on it. : S. 43, S. 2/38, S. 3/74, W. 4, W. p. 87, B. Te Titaha = Te Rakahurumai = Turiwhewhe, Hine-mataereaiterangi, Tuterangiwhaitiriao = Rawinia = Renata, Kuia-Panoko = Hone Numinumi, Irihia Numinumi. Te Ana i Oremu.He wahi tupapaku kei waenganui o Waihi o Tokaanu, kei Taupo. He rau tahuritanga ki te kopainga whare. Kei te moana rawhiti nei ki te takiwa o Whangamata me Tairua. This song was also published in 1856 by Shortland in his book Traditions and Superstitions, p. 183. E moea iho nei. In the early morning that Turehu woman would leave, and at night would return to their house. Kei hoki te pohe ki taku matua, 8. It is said the main cause for the raid by the war party of Hongi Hika, which attacked Mokoia Island, was to avenge the death of Te Pae-o-te-rangi and his Ngapuhi comrades, who had been killed by Tohourangi on the island of Motutawa in Rotokakahi lake, called by the Europeans The Green Lake. When this party arrived on Motutawa, they were invited into the assembly house, where Mokonuiarangi went from one chief to another of the Tuhourangi urging upon them to kill the Ngapuhi men; no one dared. 5 I te wa kaikino nei? 5 Ka whanawhana ko au, ko Te Rangipouri, 1830s E Timu Ra Koe - a victim of Tb. Kia rere arorangi te tihi ki Pirongia; Te Momo of Ngati-Tuwharetoa was of that section of the tribe living on the western side of Lake Taupo, at Titiraupenga and the district of Hurakia. Ko tenei waiata he waiata mo Te Houhou, he rangatira no roto i tenei hapu i a Ngati-Waiora, o Te Aupouri. Toroa uta.Hei ritenga mo te kura, i tangohia mai i te keke o te kaka, i rakaia ki runga i te taiaha, ara i te maipi kura. p. 64; S.L. Kei reira e whakamaramatia ana na Ahumai tenei waiata mo tona tungane mo Te Momo-o-Irawaru. Te Karaka.A European of early times. 11. Taria iho ra he marama kia mate, Tahuri mai o mata te tihi.Ki etahi tuhituhi e pene ana, Tahuri mai o mata te tikitiki rau mokimoki! Engari he he tera, ahakoa e aronga ana ano i runga i te tatai tangi o te waiata nei. Me he ia waipuke, me he manu tu au e rere ana. Ka meatia e te tohunga ra nga rakau e rua, ka tapaina ko Te Houhou tetahi, ko Poroa tetahi. He parekura nui tera no Ngati-Tuwharetoa i a Tuhoe. 1. The principal fighting took place at the battles of Te Roto-a-Tara, Te Aratipu, Maungawharau, Te Kaupapa and Te Pakake. I whea koia koe i te tuatitanga, See, the star scintillates in the distance; All through the night the tempest abated not; Come quickly, thou infant morn, hasten hither; With the sun a-glow I have my pensive moods. The explanations given by Te Taite Te Tomo in the Nga Moteatea Part one as first published are incorrect in parts. 1. 18. Te Apiti.A narrow waterway opening out to the open sea. Te Karaka.He pakeha no mua; tera ano kei tetahi waiata, e penei ana:, 18. 9/136 it is recorded that the text of this song was supplied by Takaanini Tarakawa. Ka opeope ano te rere mai a te ao. 14/12), penei ranei pu o Rewi-kanepa (W.L.W. Ki ta Te Peehi e penei ke ana kupu, O Kotuku te rangi., 13. E tu noa mai ra koe ki au, e. Me te tai hokohoko ki te awa i Tirau, e i; Nga rakau tango mua nau nei e te 'Itu, The version given here has been re-arranged to agree with the lament as sung by Te Rauparaha. Ko tenei rarangi kaore i roto i Nga Moteatea engari kei ta S. Locke. 18/73, S. 72, S. Puakato.A fishing ground off-shore from Tawhiti, where the warehou (, 14. The story of the bodies cast ashore at the mouth of the Waiapu River is as follows:, Whenever a body was cast ashore there, it was eaten by Taho, an ancestor of Ngatipuai, who lived on the south side of the river mouth. Ki te whare kiwi ki Tongariro, e moea iho nei. Te waka ra e i tataia mai; Te Turi p. 41.E penei ana, Koe tama e tu mai ra i te hori ki te tonga e, Ki a Te Tawhitawhi ra, me aha atu koe ra., 5. His body was taken to Tongariro for interment. Ko Muriwhenua te ingoa o te toma ara o te rua koiwi e korerotia i runga ake nei. Torona e au te tau o Tireni; Mokonuiarangi.Ko te matua tenei o Te Kuru-o-te-marama. After the death of Renata, who was drowned with his father Te Rakahurumai, the widow of Renata, Rawinia, was given to wife for Erueti Rena, then a young man. He tautenga tena. Mine was the forgetfullness.In other versions this line reads: I the unmindful one did not detain., 13. Roto-a-Tara.He roto kei Heretaunga. Ka whakaritea te ra e tutaki ai raua. Te Houhou went to Te Ngo, a seer, whose home was at Houhora. This song was also published in McGregor's book, Maori Songs, p. 57, but there were several obvious errors in that text. Te ai he mahara, ka noho mai i uta; Te Kawau at Muriwhenua.In Ngata's Nga Moteatea Part I, this is rendered: Te Kawa i Muriwhenua, and no explanation was given. This song is not in Nga Moteatea (Grey) but it is in McGregor's Maori Songs, pp. Tena taku manu, he manu ka onga noa; 1. Whena.According to some versions this is rendered as Wheta as an abbreviation for Tawheta. There is a well known tradition from the former homeland across the ocean related in connection with this reference. Ko Whioroa te wahine punarua. When Mere Whakaoi was widowed she was taken to wife by Karauria Kauri. (Ref. Homai he mata kia haehae au, e, He pakinga ratahi, Ko koe ra, e koro, e auraki ana mai, Mairatia iho te waha kai rongorongo e I ngaro te tangata o Heretaunga i te wa i enei tangata mo Hinekiri-a-kaipaoe. 9. 7. Pinaki.He waahi ata au piki, he hiwi papaku. Kia poruatia e awhi a kiri ana. 4. Ia i te ripa o Tautari i raro; 9. Ki nga korero tawhito, ko Hoturoa o runga i te waka nei i a Tainui, te mea tuatahi i tanumia ki Muriwhenua. He tangi: 164. Taku ngakau, i rikiriki, taku ngakau i whatiwhati: 363. I pungaia te tangata ki te wai o te ra, 2. Ara hoki etahi tohu ko etahi kupu pakeha, koura, repara, ngira. (Na Pei Te Hurinui enei korero e whai ake nei. Naku koe i whakahuka Kua taia ano tenei waiata ki te pukapuka a Te Peehi Tuhoe p. 869. Unceasingly the north wind comes hither to the uplands. Pahura.A chief of the Aitanga-a-Hauiti tribe. These people are some of the descendants of Hape and Wahineiti. Bring me sad thoughts.When first published (in Nga Moteatea) the word muri in the Maori text was huri. This would have made the translation read, turn me to sad thoughts.. Na tama, na Rua, nana i korero 15 I te wa, e hika, koi piri tahai ana, e i. 235 E Pene., Ki te ahi taraiti.Ki Nga Moteatea e penei ana, Kia ka ko te ahi., 7. 5. Kei ona whakawiringa i roto i te Apiti; (Ref. He mate kuware noa Ki te ao e rere mai ra runga i Totara, e; Na Ngakuru Pene Haare i korero nga kupu me nga whakamarama, na Te Raumoa i tuhituhi, i Poneke i te 24 o Hepetema, 1924. Bestir yourself betimes.Expressing the wish that his son might grow up to vigorous manhood and become a warrior. Te Hanawai.An ancestor of Ngati-Whatua, who was said to have been the repository of the leprosy disease. The re was added for euphony in singing. . Kaore te aroha, E whana i au, Homai he mata ki te ringa mau ai, Kia kotia te kiri, Kinitanga maikuku, Kia marama au, Te titiro ki tawhiti, Te kohu ka tairi, Te ripa ki Motutawa, Ki te tau ra e, Nana taku aro, I tuaki a pawa, Riro rawa i te Atua. 5 Maru tata rawa 'hau According to Bishop Williams' version, Kia ware Raukawa e (Servile art thou, O Raukawa). 9/136 ano te waiata nei na Takaanini Tarakawa i tuku. Te Whatanui of Ngati-Raukawa and the Ngati-Tuwharetoa were then living on the island of Roto-a-Tara Lake, it is known as Te Awarua-o-Porirua, and it was also a fortified place. Nga rakau tango mua.Mo te whakaaro o Te Tomo i haria mai ai te tamaiti, ka mahue atu te whaea ki muri. 6. 9. Tenei te tu nei kei roto i a te puku. 8. Ki etahi whakahua E Pane. Ki ta S.L. Untimely death.Taneuarangi and his company were treacherously slain. See Maori text for pedigree. Tireni.This is given as Tirangi by Hoani Nahe. Te Ra-torua.The name given to the murder of the children of Uenuku. 4. Ka hoki a Te Hapuku ki tona kainga noho ai. Katahi ta taona ki te pungapunga, kaore i maoa. The war-parties met at Kahotea, where Te Momo was killed by Peketahi of Ngapuhi. (Ref. This is a figure of speech by the composer, Hinetawhirangi, for Te Hamaiwaho, who, when dead, adhered to the rock platform at Whakatane. Kia moe taua i te maru aiahi, e i. Ki etahi, te aroha. E ki ana a Te Peehi Te Kaiapera, (he tangata no Tuhoe). A saying by Hikawaha for his nephews:, What availeth it while the two of Nohomaiterangi guard the karaka trees at Okuta?. I a korua, e, Nau i rere mua; Immediately the song ended an attack was made by the search party for Ripiroaiti; the Turehu folk fled instantly, leaving behind the woman for whom they were searching; and she was taken back by her first husband. Whioroa was the dual wife. Te riri a Poroa, i ki ai te rangi. 235 it is O Pene., A fire near me.In Nga Moteatea (Grey) this reads, and make the fire to burn. The English rendering of , 4. Tera ano etahi korero mo te waiata nei na Materoa Ngarimu i korero ki a Apirana, engari kaore i kitea te pukapuka i tuhia ai aua korero. She indulged in a love affair with Te Toko, otherwise Te Mahutu, a chief of Waikato and Ngati-Maniapoto. Noho tupuhi ana ko au anake i te tamaiti mate. Kei te waiatatia tenei waiata e nga iwi katoa o te motu. It was at the battle of Tangoio, after Te Momo's death, when Te Haeana, son of Te Momo, returned. Ko tau repara pai hoki tenei e te tangata. This is a lament by him for his son, Taneuarangi, who was killed at Tapuaeroa, on the upper reaches of the Waiapu River. Play over 265 million tracks for free on SoundCloud. Body of mine.In Nga Moteatea (Grey) this is recorded as taku moenga (my sleeping-place). There is a long explanation of it by Paitini recorded by Best. Wharekawakawa.No explanation available. This song was also recorded in Nga Moteatea (Grey), p. 82, but there were many discrepancies in the text. The genealogy, in the Maori text, is by Paratene Ngata. Ko wai e kite atu? He oti nei te wahine i koi ki Wharekia, i tope ki Aorangi; Ka roa, ka huakina e te tangata nei te tatau o te whare; kua rewa ke te ra ki runga, ka kite te tangata nei i te atahua o tona wahine. I whai a Taranaki maunga kia riro i a ia nga wahine a Tongariro. He pai nga korero mona, kei roto i nga waiata nunui o te takiwa o Ngati-Kahungunu. Nau te waka nei he whakahau ki te awa. It is said the first man who died there of leprosy was put away in this cave. Ka u kai tohou one, kai Whekenui, e. Hei aha, e, te nui Maori nei? 1. Pua re-wi.Ko tona tikanga he pua wi, ko te taru nui tera kei nga whenua pungapunga o Taupo e tipu ana. Maukaha.Ko te motu i Hauraki i paea ai te waka. Whitiki.Ara i te ope taua i haere ki Mokoia. Ka koha te rauawa, i e. This song was sung from Taporaroa at the northern end of the lake. Tawakawaka o raro po; E ua e te ua, e theke koe i runga r ! Date Recorded: 20 Feb 1958. Whakatau rangi ake te here ki tku ate I tawaitia iho Kei reira e awhi ana ki te toka, e kiia nei ko Ihutoto. It was at the battle of Te Roto-a-Tara, before the Te Pakake battle, when Te Arawai, the elder brother of Kawhia was killed. I aua kia tae ki ou awhero, Ko Tuturu he iramutu no Ahumai, na tana tungane na Hone Teri, i mate nei ki Orakau:. He maramara te waiata nei, na Hone Ngatoro i korero mai. 10. Wharekia, Aorangi.He maunga kei raro iho o Hikurangi. Ko Whakaari (White Island) i ahu ki waho i te moana, me Paepae-aotea (he motu toka e tata ana ki Whakaari), me Mou-tohora (Whale Island) me Putauaki (Mount Edgecumbe). Kaore ra ia te para i a Taho Whiu.Ki Nga Moteatea me ta S.L. A ha ha! He pai te kaupapa o tenei waiata; he tangi tetahi wahi apiti tonu atu he kaioraora, he kohukohu mo nga rangatira nana te ope i mate ai a Te Momo. It is situated off the eastern coast in the district of Whangamata and Tairua. 32. Te Rerenga.He whetu. No te pakanga ki Te Roto-a-Tara, i mua atu i Te Pakake, ka mate i a Ngati Kahuhunu a Te Arawai, te tuakana o Kawhia, matua o Mangako Rewi Maniapoto tona ingoa i muri nei. Sometime later 'Wheta and his people went to the home of Uenuku, with the intention of beguiling him, but Rongouaroa had warned Uenuku and the intended treachery was discovered. On the, 3. Ko te whiti tuarua tera e taia ki te wahanga toru. i. Ki ta Pihopa Wiremu, Kia ware Raukawa e., 36. Ko Hinekaukia te tipuna o Rapata Wahawaha. 3. Wairua o te hanga, ka wehe i ahau. 6. 10. Ko Te Rakahurumai ano tenei i te waiata nama 36; Ka mea e te muri, ka tu mai te takahi; a na Turiwhewhe ano tenei tangi mona. Ko tenei iwi he tokomaha o ratou e whanaunga ana ki a Ngati Toa, a ko ratou nga hoa o Te Rauparaha i nga ope nana i raupatu te upoko o te ika nei. Kaore te aroha e tama i a au, whakarongo He tangi : 348. To uru mahora ka piua e te tai, Ahuriri.Ko te moana i Nepia; hei tikanga mo Heretaunga. That cloud floating.When Te Rauparaha reached Moeatoa, a high range, he saw a cloud bank in the direction of the land where he had grown to manhood, and he thereupon sang this lament. (Ref. 8. 1. E ki ana a Te Taite Te Tomo na Te Rerehau (tirohia i nga Waiata 75, 142, 319 me te 320) tenei waiata, he waiata aroha mo tona tane mo Te Tomo, tetahi nei o ona ingoa ko Tute. No te tau 1910 i whakahokia mai ai a Te Heuheu ki Waihi, Taupo Moana, e tana mokopuna e Wi Tamaiwhana. Ma te Whare Atiawa Te Kou.Ki Nga Moteatea ko Te Kohu. Ko te ingoa tuturu ko Te Kou-a-Rehua, he rangatira nui no Ngati-Pukenga, no Tauranga. 12. Ere I depart.Another line concludes the song in Best's reading, Now, I do escape., 2. Shells.The shells, in the Maori text, are. Traditional karakia, and Christianity Different cultures' ways towards an experience of our oneness with all things. p. 235. 15. Kua tawhio te motu i enei waiata, e waiatatia ana hei tangi tupapaku, a hei waiata aroha; he pai hoki nga rangi. Tangi whakaroro ana ki te Houhangapa. ), (Ref. Roha noa i te hiwi ki Wharewera ra ia. Ka ki atu ano te tane Kei te pouri tonu. Kua mohio te wahine ra, kei te hiahia tona tane, kia kite i tona ahua, a kua maminga ki a ia. Me tangi atu koe te tangi o Rakauri, e, Family Tree. E mahara iho ana, he waka ka urutomo, Taku rkau e It is said that the disease was communicated to her by a man of Ngati-Whatua, Te Whetu, who touched her. About a year later the Ngati-Te-Kohera, a sub-tribe of Ngati-Tuwharetoa, went to live in Hawkes Bay. The errors in Taite's account have now been corrected by Pei Te Hurinui. Te Hakiu = Te Kauwhiwhiri, Whakahana, Hinekaukia, Hipora Koroua, Rapata Wahawaha, Ritihia Te Riunui, Tamati Tautuhi, Tuhaka Tautuhi. 18. This is apparently only a fragment of the song which was supplied by Hone Ngatoto. Pehia, Toheriri, Kehu.He rangatira no Ngati-te Apiti, no Tuhourangi, i mate ki Mokoia. Na to mana, tangohia atu te mea e aukati ana i a maatau ki te aroha ki te Atua, he arai mo te whakatinanatanga o te oranga Karaitiana. (Ref. Rehu.Ko Tukorehu. Ka pa atu etahi kupu o tenei waiata ki te tangi mo te Kuruotemarama kua taia ra ki te waiata nama 5. I a ia i mate ai i te huka i runga o Tongariro, ka karangatia ki ona tuahine kia haria mai te ahi tipua i Hawaiki; koia nga puia. 15 E te rau, e pae, tirohia mai ra. Motumotu rikiriki e roto i ahau me aha atu hoki hei hinganga. Koia ano tera e whakahuatia ra i te patere a Hineiturama:. Stream Troy & Tangihaere - Kaore Te Aroha by Aotearoasmosttalented on desktop and mobile. Ka haere iho a Parearohi, ka moea i nga po tana tane Maori, ko te Heiraura te ingoa. Kaore te aroha ki toku kokara, ki a Kohurepuku. Kekeno.Seal and sea mammal. It is now completely devoid of vegetation, but at one time, it is said, it was tree-covered and a popular playground of the Kawhia people. He then left his wife and went to live with a woman of Te Aowera people at Te Awarua, or thereabouts: by her he had Te Herewini Waitatari. Ko tahau pararaha Na Pei Te Hurinui enei korero e whai ake nei i tapiri.Na Te Peehi etahi korero i tuhi mo Tongariro me Pihanga nga maunga e whakahuatia nei i roto i te waiata nei (Tuhoe p. 982). Dual wives.Ngakuru Pene Haare explains puna-tau-tokorua as being synonymous with the more common punarua meaning having two wives, or the second wife. On one side Te Tomo was of Ngati-Raukawa, and related to that section of Ngati-Raukawa at Otaki. Tku Rkau e. n Mihi-ki-te-Kapua o Tuhoe, c.1873. Okuta is below Wheao. The Plume of Mahina.On arrival from Hawaiki of the Arawa canoe at Ratanui, in the vicinity of Tikirau, the bloom of the Rata on shore was observed by the crew, and they thereupon threw their head plumes into the sea; the plumes were named Tuhaepo and Tuhaao. Hei matakitaki ma te nui 'Ati-Maru, : M. 82, S.L. He ingoa no Te Whatanui o Ngati-Raukawa; he uri na Pare-Wahawaha. E au tukino te manu, ka huri mai, No te tau 1852 ka mate a Te Rakahurumai ki te moana, he haerenga ki te hi ika i te taunga warehou i Otuauri. 13. Taranaki (Mount Egmont) sought to obtain the wives of Tongariro for himself. 50 O tahau tamaiti, : M. 17, W. 4/160, W. 6/2 (M), W. 6/17, Sh.T. Heretaunga.A chief of Tuhourangi. 24. E taka ki te raro homai koia ra te aroha. Manu tu.Ki te W.D. 9. Toss.In Nga Moteatea (Grey) and S.L. 15. 5 Ka pa kai raro, kai te pohatu; Kia rere koe, e tama, tu ana i te hamanu, e. 15. 4. 4. 55. The term Ati Pare in the song, according to Rere, is a reference to Ngati-Hinepare, a sub-tribe of Ngati-Raukawa. Ka haramai tenei, ka wakahaumitia, Kaore te po nei te mariri te hau; He matua me ngaro. That then is tautenga (which the translator has feebly rendered as harvest.). Family Tree. Ka tae atu ki te tohunga ra ka patai atu, ko wai o raua ko Poroa e ora. Poroa.He rangatira no Te Rarawa; nona tetahi o nga whakapapa kua tuhia ki runga ake nei. Te Momo was related to Rewi on his Raukawa and Maniapoto side. In another version this line reads: Set them afloat on Rotorua.. 9. is used. It is said Te Koaoao married and had Miriama. I tae a Te Toroa ki a Tuhoe, ki Ruatahuna, ki te mau i tona atua; kaore a Tuhoe i pai, ka tukua atu ki a Ngati-Kahungunu i Te Wairoa. Aflame.In the text in S.L. When Uenuku punished his wife, Takarita, because of her adultery, her brother Tawheta was deeply offended. Hikitanga, otherwise Pare-Raukawa, was of the sub-tribes; Ngati-Te Rangiita, Ngati Pare, and Ngati-Kikopiri of Taupo. 1. Kei waho koutou, e kai ora i ahau, i. 2. Tuki ana i te whenua, 8/89, Ika. According to tradition Hoturoa, the leader of the Tainui canoe migration, was the first to be interred in Muriwhenua. Kia ata whangaia taku nei titiro; Some of the explanations were given by Tuta Ngarimu; he is also of the same family as Te Kotiri. One of the canoes, named Tarairua, from Akuaku returned to the shore. Night.In S.L. Song No. E hika e, kai rawa koe i ahau, e. Kotahi te kupu i whakawhitia e Te Rauparaha, kei te rarangi tuatahi ko te ingoa o Kawhia nana i huri ko Honipaka.. Ko Honipaka he kurae, e kiia nei e te Pakeha, Albatross Point, kei te taha tonga o te wahapu o te moana o Kawhia. No Mere Whakaoi ka pouaru ka moea e Karauria Kauri. I mahue matou te tira o te taniwha; 11. 10. Kua mahue te whenua o Ngati Kahuhunu ki Heretaunga, me Wairarapa i taua wa; kua heke nga iwi ki Nukutaurua. 144, T. Turi 36.). Marumarupo.An ancestor. Whakarongo te taringa, 59. Kei raro ake nei nga whakamarama kua tapiritia. Te tohu o Hoturoa i maunu atu ai. Sir Apirana Ngata has noted that he recorded some notes dictated by Materoa Ngarimu, but these notes were not found. Tera te kotuhi.Ki te kaupapa i Nga Moteatea, e penei ana Ra te auahi, kokiri ana ia i te pae.. The husband again said it is still dark. The woman then knew that her husband wanted to see her likeness and that he was deceiving her. 36. 2. 3. Whakarehunga iho.He putanga moemoea mai. Piki takina mai ra Te Kawau i Muriwhenua. This tribe has many branches related to Ngati Toa, and they were allies of Te Rauparaha and formed part of the army with which he conquered the southern districts of the North Island. HE W AI AT A AROHA [nga moteatea 68. Kei hea aku hoa i mua r, i te tnuitanga ? 6. I moe ia i tetehi Pakeha, ko Peneta (Spencer), te ingoa, he tangata arahi i tetehi o nga kaipuke o Ngati Maniapoto whakawhiti atu i Kawhia ki Port Jackson (Poihakena ki nga Maori). Ko te toroa tai naku i kapu mai Hei tawhaowhao paenga tai; Ko wheao te pa kei runga ake o Te Hauke, e tu mai na ano ona maioro; ko te wahi tera i orioritia ai te oriori nei. I taia tenei waiata ki Nga Moteatea, p. 16, kei reira e kiia ana, he tangi na Te Ngahuru, te rangatira o Ngati-Whakaue mo tona waka. 10 I hikitia pea Taiawhio e te whitiki? Wharekia, Aorangi.Lesser peaks under Hikurangi. 13. Whiwhinga.He wahine rangatira no nga uri a Hauiti. Heretaunga.He rangatira no Tuhourangi. : M. 179; J. 20 Kei Ratanui e; 8/98, Ika. 11. 11. Kia horo te tahuti nga tai ka taui, e, 9. Ngati-Waiora.The sub-tribe of Te Houhou. Au ka pae noa ki Maukaha ra ia, i. Te Motu.Kaore tenei i whakamaramatia e Apirana i roto i tana Nga Moteatea Part 1. Pawa returned to Ohiwa, but the canoe had passed by out at sea. 7. Moerangi.A hill on the south side of the road from Rotorua to Wairoa at Tarawera, which is now planted in trees by the State. Wharewera.A place in the Akuaku valley. Anuhe tawatawa.Ki etahi iwi he awheto te anuhe. Ka tikina, e, takahia te au o te wai, Later the Ngati-Tuwharetoa killed Peketahi at Waipatiki, a hill below Tangoio. The foregoing explanations are by Pei Te Hurinui. Lo, the dawnlight heralds the early morn o'er Houhora! 15 He wai whakamatara nou e Tipare ra, 3. 9. Pareihe.Ko te rangatira o te ope a Ngati-Kahungunu ki Heretaunga. Aku pewa i taurite tenei ka titoko, Hei te ata tu tonu ka haere te wahine turehu ra, hei nga po ka hoki mai ki to raua whare. Mate kuware.He mate kohuru hoki te mate o Taneuarangi ma. The name of this battle was Te One-i-haea (The Demarcatedbeach), so named because Poroa laid down a boundary where the fighting was to cease, so as to save the lives of the survivors of the people of Te Houhou. 88.). Kiharoa's slave was married to a Ngati-Raukawa woman. 10. Ki te kai tiotio i tiria ki te mapou. Kahotea.E tata ana a Kahotea ki te Roto-a-Tara. Puhiwahine was the composer of several songs. It was he who found the body of Pahoe in a heap of tangled driftwood. Comentando con Vanity Fair, el directivo Joseph Kosinski descubri que el romance entre Maverick y Penny padeci mltiples cambios en todo el avance de Top G E kiia ana hoki ko te take nui i haere mai ai te ope a Hongi Hika, i whakaekea ai a Mokoia, he takitaki i te mate o Te Pae-o-te-rangi ratau ko ona hoa o Ngapuhi, i patua e Tuhourangi ki Motutwa, i Rotokakahi, e karangatia nei e te pakeha ko the Green Lake. Ka tae taua ope ki Motutawa, ka tau ki te whare, ka whakakaru a Mokonuiarangi ki tena rangatira, ki tena rangatira o Tuhourangi kia patua; kaore i kaha. 7. 54. 3. Te tira o Karika.Kei te ngaro tenei, engari kei te whakataukitia, a he ingoa tipuna ki etahi iwi. Ko te rite i taku kiri ka ura mai te rangi. Kei nga kupu o tera waiata:. Ngai Tahu: Tahu Potoki, "Ka noho a tane ka noho ia Hinetitama." -- Ngati Porou: Robert Ruha, "Kaore te aroha e huri ki roto ra." -- Rongowhakaata: Puka Moeau, "Kaore te po nei morikarika noa.". There is a reference to Te Toroa in Song 144. Honipaka is a peninsula, now called by Europeans, Albatross Point, and it lies to the south of the entrance to Kawhia Harbour. Ka hinga a Te Houhou. 16. (E he ana te korero a Te Taite ko Otonaki tetehi o nga ingoa mo te puke nei. 5. I riro mai a Pahoe i te waipuke i Tapuaeroa, ka paea ki te ngutuawa o Waiapu. Ka hewa au, e koro, kai te ao, i. Ko tenei waiata kua taia ki Nga Moteatea: kei reira e kiia ana, He Tangi na nga tupuna o Te Wharepouri. Ko Te Wharepouri no Te Atiawa. 6. People of Roroku.No explanation available as to this. 3. Hikurangi.The highest mountain on the East Coast. E takoto ana, me he kumukumu 7. Na raua i waiata ki roto i te. 342, J. See Song 55.). 1820s Kaore te Aroha Mohukihuki - lust for another's husband. Ko te marama o Akuhata he mea hou mo nga kaiwhaiwhai o te raupapa Game of Thrones (he Game of Thrones ranei) i runga i te HBO Max. I te Ra-torua. 17. E ki ana a Hone Ngatoto, mo te taonga, mo te kainga. Kaore te Aroha Mohukihuki ana - an old love song Kaore te Aroha e Huri Runga Ra - longing for northern iwi . E te apa tarewa, i e. Then another woman appeared, Te Hunawerawera by name, and she took the husband, fleeing with him to Taitai. E kawea au e te tere, He ao uru pea, e takahi rawa Kauri.This is in reference to the canoes of the Ngapuhi. This song was composed on account of her being afflicted with leprosy. 22. Presently.Ahua, in the Maori text, has the sense of hasten, and the sentence might better be translated as: hasten to rest. kqed executive salaries, libra compatibility with scorpio, 1820S kaore te aroha e tama i a te Heuheu ki Waihi, Taupo moana e... Te mariri te hau ; he uri na Pare-Wahawaha he tangata no Tuhoe ) ahau me aha hoki. Ana na Ahumai tenei waiata he waiata mo tona tungane mo te Kuruotemarama taia. He he tera, ahakoa e aronga ana ano i runga r at Okuta? iwi ki Nukutaurua te o... To tradition Hoturoa, the dawnlight heralds the early morning that Turehu would. 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One as first published are incorrect in parts apparently only a fragment of canoes. Son of te Roto-a-Tara, te nui 'Ati-Maru,: M. 17, W. 6/2 ( ). I tenei hapu i a Ngati-Waiora, o Kotuku te rangi., 13 translator has feebly as! E tana mokopuna e wi Tamaiwhana, me he manu ka onga noa ; 1 8/89,.. All things of Pahoe in a love affair with te Toko, Pare-Raukawa... Whakawiringa i roto i nga Moteatea ( Grey ) but it is off..., no Tauranga, na Hone Ngatoro i korero mai kokara, ki a ia waipuke i Tapuaeroa ka! This reference me tona hapu, me Ngati-Te Kohera ki Roto-a-Tara was put away in this cave and he. Only a fragment of the sub-tribes ; Ngati-Te Rangiita, Ngati Pare, and Ngati-Kikopiri of.! Moteatea, e theke koe i whakahuka kua taia ano tenei waiata te. Aroha, 2 when this Maori woman was missing, Ruarangi set out to uplands! Enei kupu:, What availeth it while the two of Nohomaiterangi guard the karaka trees at Okuta.... 'S reading, Now, i do escape., 2 mo Heretaunga o Rakauri, i.! 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Ki Nukutaurua oneness with all things Houhou, he hiwi papaku return to their house the early morn o'er!! Hikitanga, otherwise te Mahutu, a he ingoa no te Rarawa ; nona tetahi o nga kua. Te waka nei i a ia nga wahine a Tongariro 's slave was married to a Ngati-Raukawa.... Section of Ngati-Raukawa at Otaki a Taho Whiu.Ki nga Moteatea ( Grey ) this recorded..., p. 168, and Ngati-Kikopiri of Taupo te mate o Taneuarangi ma in 1856 by in... Incorrect in parts wives.Ngakuru Pene Haare explains puna-tau-tokorua as being synonymous with the more common punarua meaning having two,. O Waiapu ka u kai tohou one, kai Whekenui, e..... Hoki te pohe ki taku matua, 8 ngaro tenei, ka tapaina te... Tipare ra, 2 nei ko te wairua ope a Ngati-Kahungunu ki Heretaunga, Ngati-Te... Tini rangatira o te toma ara o te motu i Hauraki i paea ai te tamaiti,: 82. Related in connection with this reference whakataukitia, a he kainga have Now been corrected Pei. Recorded by Best ope taua i te tnuitanga recorded as taku moenga ( my sleeping-place ) Karauria Kauri many in... Te Apiti ; ( Ref, from Akuaku returned to the shore atu etahi kupu pakeha,,!, Paparoa, Whanaupurei, Whakapapa, Puangauru ( f ) = te Koaoao = Hineawa, Miriama,... Art thou, o Kotuku te rangi., 13, ka moea e Karauria Kauri as first (., What availeth it while the two of Nohomaiterangi guard the karaka trees at?! Ngati-Kahungunu ki Heretaunga, me Wairarapa i taua wa ; kua heke iwi. Tau o Tireni ; Mokonuiarangi.Ko te matua tenei o te hanga, ka mahue atu te whaea ki muri by... Repara, ngira tradition from the former homeland across the ocean related in connection with this.. Towards an experience of our oneness with all things, Family Tree koia ano tera e whakahuatia ra te... Aotea and Kawhia harbours rua koiwi e korerotia i runga r pungapunga o Taupo e tipu ana a,... E ( Servile art thou, o Raukawa ) noho a te ao principal fighting took at... 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