You do what your told and move on. This is an opinion/reflection paper; therefore the mind of the author is most definitely significant. White privilege is an unearned advantage given to Caucasian individuals, as it confers dominance by establishing that the is white race is superior (McIntosh, 1990). Read More How Does Diversity Affect Your Work Relationship 1111 Words | 5 Pages Based on this information, explain why HIV-infected individuals are at a very high risk. The importance of accommodating diversity has been persistently high for and supported by people all over America for decades. 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This training on cultural diversity encouraged me to examine and re-evaluate my personal belief system, the principles and opinions and attitudes I hold dear, and the significant issues of life we encounter in the workplace and in the general community. These changes show how work done by men and women is judged differently because of their assumed differences. The issue on ethnicity and race has always been complicated and sensitive. Diversity. INTRODUCTION As I move forward in my studies and life I plan to expand my awareness of recognize my own ethnocentricities and respect the benefits of other cultures diverse values and behaviors. Introduction Describe two (2) types of assessment that could be used in community services and specify their, A facilitator would conduct a critical incident debriefing for this scenario. When asked about diversity in the workplace he stated that diversity was an important part of the workplace. Many organizations have recognized that the workforce is changing and they are working to create a work environment in which diversity and difference are valued and in which employees can work to their fullest. It will also give current statistics and recent trends of the demographics in the United States as well as the forecasted trends. The similarities and differences that exist between you and your work community may have an impact on your work. Since the founding of the United States, African Americans have been denied citizenship that was deemed essential to the foundation (Alexander 2010: 1). Cultural values and beliefs provide a framework for people to make assumptions about and respond to their situations and or circumstances. Having realized how pertinent workplace discrimination is globally, this paper will give a broad look into the various ways that diversity is displayed in the workplace. Occupational subcultures is developed as people form shared identities around the work that they do. Education is the core element in which all other professions are based and rooted. Observing fairness and showing respect keeps the workforce stronger because they are valued and is part of the inclusion that brings motivation and awareness. Reflection on Diversity. I accept the situation as it is and attempt to deal with issues as they transpire. But it gives the highest output if properly managed. Culture also strongly influences perceptions and expectations. For example, there is a low, representation of Hispanics in most health- related occupations. This writing exercise uncovered new meaning and insights while both challenging and supporting certain personal views and ideas about leadership. was photographing a particularly heavy spraying session going on over the skies of Raynham, Massachusetts (in America) the other day, as I have become wont to do. Copyright 2022 All rights reserved. 7. The corporate leaders are faced by global challenges on how to handle diversity. Diversity in the health care industry is very essential and as such nurses must be aware of multicultural practices to provide effective nursing care. 1. I can be casual about whether or not to listen to another persons voice in a group, This paper is about my reflection of White Privilege in the United States. Devry University. Recruit and help source diverse talent. This multicultural world brings out the potential on improvement and efficient, but also comes with that are the challenges. In management, the conflict management involves a models, communication skills, and create a structure for management of conflict.
Each of the topics discussed were equally, important but what strikes me as the most surprising one is the lack of diversity in the workplace, in the United States of America. Introduction Diverse work teams bring high value to organizations. I visualize myself in a university where I can evolve and stimulate my brain with knowledge and innovation, while doing research, creating and inventing. It is in need of attention in order to uphold the well-being and success of businesses and organizations all over the world. Just because an immigrant comes to Canada with a workers visa, it doesnt guarantee them an amazing job. When interviewing the supervisor I noticed he did stereotype some of the races. In conflict management, I had experienced a manager to handle the conflict by compromise, the conflict was about that the employee his salary goal not fulfil by his hard working. A diversified company or organization is likely to be more prosperous because, creating diversity in the working place or school can attract new customers and ideas. But I soon realized, at quite a young age, just how wrong I was., This research paper addresses the importance of diversity training in the workplace. Green, Mayra Lpez, Allen Wysocki, and Karl Kepner2
Any company who wants to gain competitive advantage in global economy; workforce diversity is the valuable asset which one can use. According to Malvin and Girling (2000), workplace diversity potentially contributes to competitive advantage for the organization as roles within the organizations remain distributed on the basis of professional competence and specialization where important aspects of problem solving and enhanced creativity emerges. Within this assessment, I scored a one-hundred and five. 3.When and if the client brings it up. In this reflection analysis, I will elaborate on most common white privileges mentioned by Peddy McIntosh through my personal experiences., In White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack, Peggy McIntosh provides vivid examples on how "white privilege" is considered to be unapparent for many white individuals and negatively affects people of color. The bolded advantages points could be found by readers quickly, so that it is easier for readers to know the main points and structure of this page. Organizations have to recognize the benefits of diversity and, Diversity in the workplace is a subject that has gained increased attention in the workplace over the past few years. Positive impacts can include building a sound knowledge base fellow colleagues, which can make for smoother integration of the organization into foreign cultures. Secondly, the report will explain how business performance correlates to workplace diversity. Diversity could best describe as an egg with different color but once you open it, it shows similarities from the inside. A distinct workforce is important to ensure that it has an accessible, affordable and quality healthcare system. In this diversity in the workplace paper we will focus on discrimination in the workplace, federal and state legislations regarding workplace discriminations, the responsibilities of human service manager to handle the issues, and the effects of such discrimination on development and management of human resources., Globalization taking place in the business world today has led to increased workforce diversity as employees from different cultural backgrounds are brought together. Access to our library of course-specific study resources, Up to 40 questions to ask our expert tutors, Unlimited access to our textbook solutions and explanations. Workplace Bomb Threat Staff work at a community centre that runs. This paper will better explain who I am and focus on the key assessments that I felt were important to me. I can honestly say, I learned a lot about myself while taking a few of these assessments. The manager used a three hundred dollars as a bonus to the employee and the money was taken by. But along this, there are a lot of circumstances that makes it more hard and challenging to deal with. A diverse workforce is a reflection of a changing world and marketplace. It begins by examining the concept of diversity and the drivers for it, and then, drawing on examples from the current literature, reviews the different benefits and challenges of managing diversity in the workplace. Clearly, this manager either had taken classes on management or had a natural talent for the managerial role. I can truly be innocent until proven, Reflective Essay: Diversity In The Workplace. For example, he said Latinos were the hardest working, Personification And The Oedipus Complex In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, Analysis Of Hi I Am A Slut By Savannah Brown, The Lone Ranger And Tonto Fistfight In Heaven, And The Things They Carried, Julius Caesar Political Structure Analysis. and that you should respect one another, even if you are from a different race. And as members of these various groups struggled for recognition, they developed a new sense of pride in what made them distinctive., Diversity brings equality into the work placement. After completing this assessment, I learned that I am a diversity realist. Everyone around you will have similarities and differences, there is a reason we are all individual people, we are all different and have something different to offer. The diversity issues involving gender, sexuality, race, age, culture and religion will be explored, and the benefits that diversity training brings in each area will be outlined., Hitt, M. A., Black, J. S., & Porter, L. W. (2012). We were founded as a nation of Diversity. Some may think that living in South Florida provides quite a bit of diversity, but in such a large city as Miami, our day to day activities do not actually expose us to a numerous variety of cultures as one might think. It was discussed in the group that diversity in the workplace is the managers responsibility, Cultural Diversity Training Employers who are able to accept and make appropriate allowances for their workers differences are likely to have happier employees, as a result., Diversity is a very important part in today 's workforce. This paper examines Bateman and Snells research against the case study video entitled Diversity in Hiring: Candidate Conundrum to propose that additional examination be conducted to decide whether Robert Gedaliah or Paul Munez was correct in their decision making pertaining to whom to hire for the Outreach Customer Representative position. For this reflection paper, Public Relations is one of the careers which got my attention, while doing the Focus 2 assessment. Different people have their own different backgrounds, believes, culture, race, religion and perception. Caucasians, who benefit most from the white privilege system in the United States, are more likely to be blinded to the existence of privilege system and take these privileges for granted it. One of the objectives that the team discussed was diversity in the workplace. Also I have learned that, I learned that Minorities and women can suffer diversity bias in such forms as job and pay discrimination. The result is a diverse American labor force representing a microcosm of our society - yet one that continues to struggle with its identity. The hypothesis of the study is leaders with diversity training, who manage a diverse work team,experience higher levels of productivity. Reflection On Workplace Diversity 1196 Words5 Pages Throughout the progression of this class, I took various assessments that measured my preferred workplace attitudes. Needless to say, I was, Andrew Hacker wrote Two Nations: Black and White, Separate, Hostile, Unequal, and in it he says, From Slavery through the present, the nation has never opened its doors sufficiently enough to give black Americans a chance to become full citizens. I can use slang and forgo proper English and not have my intelligence questioned. While diversity is most notably tied to race and religion, the idea of diversity goes much further including age, experience, time with a company, gender, and many more factors (Greenburg, 2004). In this diversity in the workplace paper we will focus on discrimination in the workplace, federal and state legislations regarding workplace discriminations, the responsibilities of human service manager to handle the issues, and the effects of such discrimination on development and management of human resources., Making sure that equality and diversity procedures are followed in a business will secure a general feeling of fairness and security for employees and employers. Asians, on the. We live and work in a diverse world, consists of people with divergent backgrounds with different needs and preferences. I conducted an experiment where I was unable to fully use my dominant hand for a morning. Although Americas ideals have radically changed over the decades, white privilege still runs rampant. In order to keep from causing friction, diversity needs to be introduced with grace, accompanied by communication and adaptability, as well as the acceptance and willingness to change within management as well as the staff (Patrick & Kumar, 2012). This is possible by first increasing the diversity in the workplace and allowing for employees to learn about each others differences and, There are various kinds of people work in same workplace. The. Diversity's counterpart inclusion supports that all individuals are valuable to the organization, not just those who are different. Retrieved from Oya Aytemiz Seymen (2006), according to Fleury (1999) explains cultural diversity management as an . In a workplace there are standards and policies in place to decrease the chances of a person being discriminated against. Diversity management benefits associates by creating a fair and safe environment where everyone has access to opportunities and challenges. In this system being white is a norm and dominant power. Organizations have to recognize the benefits of diversity and, Humans are unique in so many ways that each have their own personality, skills, knowledge, and attributes that varies from one another. It is true that there are some institutions that welcome diversity, and there are actions being done by various people, the healthcare administrators and leaders to, resolve this, however, there is still a lingering question. opportunities are in Washington D.C when it comes to jobs in the public relation career side. Therefore, in order organizations to realize the benefits of the diversity in their organizations, the human resource managers need to effectively deal with diversity issues in the work place (Rosenwald, Mitchell, et al. Diversity Reflective Essay. I would be able to recognize what motivates a person. Focused in its early years on racial equality, the movement widened its scope to include equality based on gender, age, sexual orientation and disabilities. Effective leaders must learn to embrace conflict because it is an inexorable part of human interactions and without intervention, it seldom finds its own productive solutions (Myatt, 2012). The ways in which diversity can impact on work and work relationships: In a good negotiation, it shows a good attitude to your opponent, and then it can reduce the conflict by your poor attitude. I have chosen those conditions that I think in my case attach somewhat more to skin-color privilege than to class, religion, ethnic status, or geographic location, though of course all these other factors are intricately intertwined. Diversity is our individual differences in terms of age, ethnicity, gender, race, or other dimensions (2015, P.327). No matter what race, religion or cultural background, everyone is seen as the same within the organisation. The author argues that in the current workforce which is diverse, the challenge is exclusion. The harsh reality for many of them is that they will never be able to fully participate in mainstream society and receive the benefits and basic rights that are taken for granted by the rest of the nation. The fourth resource is the most important, in my opinion. A person can be disseminated agonist for their age, disability, gender, religion, or even for being pregnant. I was amazed of all the workplace politics within the civilian world. Diversity in the workplace encompasses much more than the topic of race. I truly believe this would allow me to be a successful manager and would allow me to capitalize on my political skills within the. When an employer understands and values differences among their employees, the company can gain many valuable assets. Culture plays an important part in shaping a persons behaviour. Diversity has many faces that range from gender, culture, ethnicity, race, economic status, physical abilities, and many more, and this can be a problem that can affect many people who are employed or looking for employment in society because they are being judged or discriminated against for their differences. Recognizing the importance of diversity in the organization and effectively manage to ensure the organization and its valuable diverse employees are growing hand in hand. Starting with the basic question what is this workplace diversity .It is an environment created by individuals with wide range of characteristics and experiences which may include race, ethnicity, gender, age, religion, capability, and sexual orientation. Ostensibly, the modern American workplace is a simmering pool of diversity. "Difficult goals direct our attention to the task at hand and away from irrelevant distractions," and "lead us to discover strategies that help us perform the job or task more efficiently" (Robins, 2010, p.69)., In this course, I have learned many new things about the business environment. When considering the diversity of the class members, we will celebrate the uniqueness that the differences contribute. 3. Diversity Also included will be a rough outline of the entire contents of the manual and the table of contents for the manual., This is something all of my staff are trained on and feel comfortable handling. Diversity in my own words would be the equal rights for, people to get opportunities in the same platform, with the qualifications needed, no matter what, race, ethnicity and sex. I will focus my reflection on the Diversity in the work place. When I first heard this phrase I was convinced the officer and the city workers were just worried for my friends, who happened to be African-American and Latino, and I as a whole and just chose me out of the group to speak to. There is also diversity in age, education and gender. Moving to the United States made me learned much more about diversity. I can turn on the television or open to the front page of the paper and see people of my race widely represented. As a general rule, in society, whites are still regarded as the most powerful and most successful. Some of us have had experiences where we have made a connection with someone who was "other". By managing the workplace diversity, companies can increase the overall efficiency that results in higher output. While learning of cultural competence I became aware of all I still needed to learn and experience if I were to become an ethical social worker. In our neighborhood, there are many different cultures and people from different backgrounds, most of whom I have never gained interest orient myself with . Age Diversity in the Workplace The employer will benefit of a business with increased productivity, which retains qualified workforce and can use the varied background experience to deal with day by day business challenges., Despite a vast array of societys attempts to make the workplace equal for all people, discrimination still continues to this day. References: Esty, K, Richard G, & Marcie S. Workplace diversity. Eagly, A. H., & Carli, L. L. (2007). Through every generation, equality has rapidly grown, but the fact that it wasnt established as a basic human right in the first place shows the complete egotistical arrogance whites have shown and still, to a certain extent, show today. Workplace diversity is different characteristic in employees that make them different from one another. But if business took the time to understand the importance of differences in people so many doors could open for the employers and employees. Week 5: Learning Team Reflection
When diversity is not welcomed with willingness, many problems which can be detrimental to the staff and organization as a whole ranging from conflict and tension to staff leaving the company, can occur. Also, people have different Cultural intelligence, which is defined as the person 's capability to function effectively in situations characterized by cultural diversity. Cultural genograms chart culture-specific information such as: Activities of daily life, cultural-racial/ethnic identity development, soul wounds, and racial socialization Spirituality and faith, When should a culturally competent counselor should broach the topic of culture? An employer can benefit by having a diverse group of employees, who each bring different strengths with them. Diversity as a social condition is not new to America. Champion these topics with the wider team and actively show support for communities through social media. Culture also strongly influences perceptions and expectations. 10. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Building on the Piagetian concept of disequilibrium (i.e., cognitive conflict) and empirical research documenting relationships between cognitive conflict and transformative learning, this article explores the influence of facilitated conflict (i.e., intentional efforts by the instructor to help students reflect on and work through the intergroup conflict they experienced in the course) on the . They are dealing with the problems that arise when people in the workplace communicate. Even though there are individual differences exist among people, still they should be treated fairly in the workplace. Please do not consider any experiences or accomplishments that would normally appear on a resume. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Some of the strengths of diversity training for new employees are its ability to create in them a positive idea of the organization and foster the idea of belonging. Reflection Paper: Diversity in the Workplace 2 Reflection Paper: Diversity in the Workplace This course on cultural proficiency in health management has broadened my understanding with regards to social factors such as racial or ethnic, socioeconomic, gender and other differences that affect provision of healthcare. The same society taught them to be ignorant and unawareness of these privileges. Each assessment measured different parts of my attitudes, and behaviors, within the workplace. I chose to observe a supervisor at the local chicken plant. Equal Employment Opportunity, Affirmative Action, and Workforce Diversity: Cases, Laws, Philosophies, Values and their Future John Nelson Arkansas State University Abstract Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO), Affirmative Action and Diversity are key concepts of public human resources management in the United States. Furthermore, these issues are discussed because they are constantly the debatable topics in the workplace. When beginning this course, I had little knowledge of the depth of diversity found in our world today. Therefore, in order organizations to realize the benefits of the diversity in their organizations, the human resource managers need to effectively deal with diversity issues in the work place (Rosenwald, Mitchell, et al. People from different genders, ethnicity, national origin, and sexual orientations make up for the diverse workforces that did not exist due to discrimination and other societal issues that created a barrier for companies. 8 hours ago Web Introduction Today, diversity in the workplace is crucial for the effective organizational performance, especially in the health care environment. It is vital that a spirit of understanding and edification is active amongst the students and from the teacher (Romans 14:19, King James Version) to produce fruits of mutual respect: reduced bias, positive academic outcomes, enhanced problem solving, and healthy group dynamics (Cousik, 2015, p. 54). Also another aspect of good communication and conflict management is the strengthening of employee relationships. They are building global relationship, raising awareness of marketing opportunities, avoiding marketing mistakes, increasing the number of customer, and improving creativity and innovation. I lived in a small town, which acted as a shelter from the harsh realities faced by many ethnicities, but also prevented me from experiencing cultural diversity. Diversity in workplace encompasses respect and acceptance of the differences in the work place creating a positive and safe environment. Although the differences themselves are unquestionable, organizations and society often reject them by acknowledging only a few of them. He was wearing a somewhat ill-fitting dark suit and tie in a rural suburban town on a 95 degree day. Finally, the report will discuss, Diversity in the workplace has been a very knowledgeable course in which sometimes I have been challenged on my own thought process and beliefs. When I was 11, my summer camp did a workshop on diversity and to be completely honest I went into the workshop thinking I was going to be the one schooling all the financially and social privileged kids on how it really was near the bottom of the barrel. Positive impacts can include building a sound knowledge base fellow colleagues, which can make for smoother integration of the organization into foreign cultures. 6. 8. Statistics show that the higher in the workplace you go, the whiter it becomes (Seal, 2012). These implementations of diversity benefit companies by creating a comfortable environment, This paper is the first part of a training manual that will help employees to have a better understanding of diversity in the work place and how to act towards different diversity issues that may arise in the workplace. Conflict also happen by communication differences, the role requirement, and personality differences. Respecting individual differences will benefit the workplace by creating a competitive edge and increasing work productivity. The characteristics that shape individual differences are age, ethnicity, gender, disability, language, religious beliefs, life stages, education, career responsibilities, sexual orientation, personality, and marital status. I believe that all students can learn and that learning is a lifelong process that can be achieved with students, parents, and the community. Childs, J.T. Every country has different advantages and disadvantages of workforce diversity., Hirokawa, Robert, Larry, & Linda (2003) suggested that effective groups achieve tasks and maintain good relationships among members, but this achievement or effectiveness has difference in role playing when sex and gender are being introduced (p. 221). This reflection paper was an extension of this learning, and provided a deep introspection about leadership concepts; how did I, how am I, and how can I apply this knowledge in my workplace. 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