i10: 1,2 jabs (17 damage, +5 on hit), 1,4 (24 damage, +1 on hit), i14: df3,4 (34 damage, +7 on hit, free mid low mixup if desired), f3 (30 damage + wall splat), i15: df2 (60+ damage combo) (Doesnt launch crouchers on normal hit), i13: ws1 1+2 (35 damage, KND and wall splat), ws3~1+2 (possible chain grab followups), i15: ws2 (60ish damage combos, has problematically short range), db2: 20 damage, normal hit KND, CH tailspin launch, -5 on block, doesnt actually duck anything, slow (i20), decent range, wall splats. The faster you can think at point blank, the stronger she will be. Use this combination to apply the rage arts move of Eddy. This list will rank the DLC characters from worst to best and help you make the best decision in your Tekken journey. While a majority of the combos is devastating, they become deadlier when executed near a wall. Dont over use this move, particularly against high level opponents or it will start to cost you more than it gives. A risky frametrap you can use off qcf1s frame advantage is 2, f1+2 which wallsplats on CH for substantial damage but is -14 on block and not a natural combo. At the wall, your goal is to apply pressure and get your opponent to potentially crumble defensively. #3. In addition to the videos you can unlock in the Gallery, you can also purchase concept art for every Tekken game in the series. There are also moves which can cancel the last hit into SS, they are uf434, b222, d41 and df31. It also jumps over lows. Use this combination to apply the special move of Leo. If your opponent doesnt know any of this, you can win a round with just this move though. Keep in mind its high though, but the step possibilities on block as well as the threat of the rest of the string really helps establish priority. On its own, ss1 gives terrible frames, but youll notice if you hold forward or back afterwards, shell do a shift in that direction following the ss1. They are 12, df12, and df32. The lower your health, the higher damage it will deal. Now coming to attacks that are -10 frames or higher on block, all of them are considered punishable. You can also do a qcf stance out of df32 or df12, although the frames are less than stellar on block. Josie Rizal has been out in Japanese arcades for a small period of time now but it wasn't until the 28th of April did Korea finally get the chance to play as her. Press +left bottom arrow key with square and triangle button at the same time to trigger the half health move of Law. Tekken Force; Tekken Ball; Tekken Bowl; Devil Within; Fight Lab; Scenario Campaign; Items. This is a very funny and effective secret move which can be applied by pressing with this combination. You have no idea how fast i15 is, do you? . All of them. Df12, b222 are obvious transitions with poor-ish frames, and d41 is fast move to transition with but with god awful frames (like -5). His mother, Nina Williams, was captured by Heihachi. Press +down arrow key with square and triangle button. This means executing a quarter circle motion, which is down, down + forward, forward in sequence. Its still risky on block and doesnt yield half health on hit, though. If you miss a button or strike the wrong one, then the combo will break and you will be left . Use this combination to apply the rage arts move of Gigas. If a move is sufficiently on block, you can call it unsafe because you cant even recover in time to guard fast moves. Improve your combos, she has a lot of possibilities and optimization considerations, including ws1 carry. U and UB versions are less safe but UB3 is ok to start the round with since it renders you safe to most things and knocks out an opponent trying to attack you at the start of the round, while backing you up out of danger. Use this combination to apply the special move of the Bryan. Both hits are safe, although the 2nd is a high so youll want to take advantage of the high degree of hit-confirmability to avoid doing the followup if the first hit is blocked. Keep in mind, you can complete chain grab inputs by mashing all 4 buttons (or 2 macros that cover all 4 buttons) to do the first variant in the move list of any chain grab. For instance, if I say 4~3, it means that you need to press 4 and 3 in quick succession. Press + down and right arrow key with square and triangle buttons at the same time. Press +down arrow key with cross and round button at the same time to trigger the half health move of lee. Press +square and triangle button. Every attack in Tekken 7 has some Startup Frames and Recovery Frames on block, hit, and whiff. Great for breaking down turtles that simply hold back. Keep in mind both of these generic throws can be broken with either 1 or 2, but if your opponent tries to break with 1+2 (which is necessary for some command grabs) then these become guaranteed. Use this combination to apply the special move of Alisa. 1 Staples; 2 Punishment List; 3 Notable Moves; . Press +bottom and right arrow key with the square and triangle button. Tekken 7 has introduced rage art mechanics for its players but it can only be used when your fighter has rage. Press +++++++++these buttons one by one to apply the 10-hit combo of Leo Klieson. To apply this secret move you need to use this combination. If move is described as 123, it means 1, then 2, then 3, if there is a plus sign (+) in between, it implies you need to hit both of these at the same time (such as 1+2). Its an almost instant move with a really small window, so its best used when you are at frames and you know your opponent will try to break the flow with something fast, like a jab. It will get ducked and punished at high rank for more than its worth, but if it goes unpunished by low rank players it can control a lot, being a natural combo, +1 on block and mid high with good damage and phenomenal range. Press , , + triangle and cross buttons. Its important to be able to connect to the wall. . This is also useful for combos, as mentioned in the combo thread link. Refer to the grab flowchart at the top to see the possibilities and breaks. If you have any other questions in mind, let us know in the comments section below! Some strings can only garuantee to connect if the first was a counter, this is called a counter hit natural combo, sometimes abbreviated NCC. If they do tech, its 30 damage, if they dont its 40, and if it hits the wall, they cant tech and its 45. The distinction may seem subtle but be aware of what is strictly a point blank tool and what can be used more loosely, particularly when playing Nina. How fast a character recovers from an attack determines whether you can punish the attacker or not. ssr1b = side step 1 to the right, then hold back to qcb transition. Total Damage: By applying this combo, the opponent will deal with 83 damage points. You can even go for a b1+4 which will catch them if they get up for a full 60+ damage combo. Press ++ ++++++++these buttons one by one to apply the 10-hit combo of Kazuya. Table of Contents. The Power Crush, however, only works for absorbing Mid and High attacks. Tekken 7 was technically the first game to incorporate DLC and some of the reception has been mixed. You can support us! But keep in mind that if you want to maximize her against solid opponents you need to rely on less attacking, more safe decision making, better movement and spacing, as well as a good deal of character matchup knowledge. It has very interesting properties a lot of people dont know about, so Ill talk about what it does, how to incorporate it, and of course how to do it. If the opponent, enraged by Steve's cautious efficiency, begins to thoughtlessly go forward to rapprochement, then Steve can use one of the most powerful and damaging combos in Tekken 7. f1+2: 24 damage, i17, -14 on block, ok range, wall splats. Do note that a few of the things mentioned in the guide such as Frame Data, advanced movement techniques, etc. You can refer to our Tekken 7 Moves List and Combos Guide for more information. Free ff3 follow up on hit for 38 damage. Videos span the entire Tekken franchise and include a few special videos based on Tekken Japanese pachinko machines. At -10 you can get jabbed, at -15 you can get launched without possibility of guard if your opponent capitalizes instantly. Also ws4 the low third hit if you blocked it. Df12, df32, d23, d41, qcf1, qcf42, qcf423, ws1 1+2, df31, df34, b222, and of course rage drive all provide a decent wall link possibility before or after tailspin, but some are more finicky than others and are only available after shorter tailspins. Mixing df2+4 and df1+3 with your command throws forces your opponent to rely on many more break methods, and can even fool experienced players into doing a lazy 1 throw break in the belief that you are doing a generic throw. Counterstrike. Dont overestimate the move, its more for combos than anything but it covers a lot of her space control weakness if the opponent cant deal with it. Press +right and left arrow keys and then hold triangle and cross button. Alternatively if they are side stepping out of the 2nd hit just interrupt them, you have forever to do so. Low parry or at least duck uf434 on reaction. He lacks kicks, but he is completely designed around landing counter hits. These attacks depends on the distance. My playlist; Watch later. With the decent frames and poke moves Nina can do, its easy to cage your opponent at the wall. Total Damage: By applying this combo, the opponent will deal with 107 damage points. use this combination to perform Omen Thunder God Fist secret move, and then this must be pressed at the same time. On CH use uf21 or b1+4 to capitalize on the potential follow up. Steve refuses, wins the fight, but after that, he realizes that angry mafiosi can kill him. Following a run-up, you can execute a dive by pressing 1 + 2, a slide by pressing 4, an automatic tackle, a slash kick, or an unblockable shoulder ram. You can delay the 1 input to make her forward shift give more range. Steve Fox was born virtually in custody. D23: Second hit CHs into a full combo and has massive range. Rage art will out damage rage drive if you dont get any follow ups from the RD. A simple approach might be to repeatedly do what works in till you win, but this can be counterproductive in the long run since it will cost you looking for alternate approaches to certain situations, rendering you helpless when you encounter certain obstacles and stunting your growth and tactical variety. It landed in the arcade in Japan on February 18, 2015. It will consistently be ducked by good opponents. Press +++++++++these buttons one by one to apply the 10-hit combo of Law. The reward will be mastery of a phenomenally interesting character, as well as all the ladies. Depends on the character. Advertisement Coins. After king and jack she probably has the deadliest throw game, but it also entails a risk on some grabs. Just dont abuse the distance you cross before attacking and try to mask movement with side stepping and fakeouts to avoid being predictable. Use this combination to apply the special move of asuka. Remember that this secret move will only work against female characters except leo. PleaseLog into read full article. This move can be applied just by pressing any button during tundra tackle. That being said you will often get players to freeze when ss1 setups go through. Negan. Its a whopping +8 on hit and only -3 on block, one of the few things aside from df1 that brings Nina forward a bit and is relatively safe and fast. Hey, you havent set your favorites yet. Renfield, directed by Chris McKay, arrives in theaters on April 14, 2023. If you hit your opponent you are typically at + frames (or advantage), if they guard your move you are usually at frames on the follow up (called disadvantage). Start looking up Nina players to get an idea of how to fight. Press +left arrow key with square and triangle button. If you force the use of an i13 mid its more likely they will be a frame or two late vs 12 ss, and ss1 can beat them. It is not a single move, you have to press different hit buttons continuously to make a successful 10 hit combo. It does catch eager retaliations and is pretty impossible to interrupt, but qcf1 is a high so you can still duck it or beat it with a high crush. Use this combination to apply the rage arts move of bryan. B222: Aside from using the first 2 hits as your primary i12 punisher, this string has a few aggressive applications. Unlockables. I use 1+2, and 3+4 on r1 and r2 to hit any 1 and 2, or 3 and 4 input respectively so I dont have to go crazy with my thumb, its fast and consistent for those short window grabs. Please contact us onFacebookandTwitteror join our specialDiscord serverto meet other great people from the fighting games community! Do note that if you mess up the timing, you will take damage from the Low attack. Use this combination to apply the special move of josie. If there is a wall though, not doing the transition can open up other possibilities, its up to you. D2 should probably be your most common low, but keep in mind it can be stepped. Each grouping of videos can be purchased in bulk for a set price of fight money, usually ranging between 200K and 1.5 Million fight money. Seriously, the second hit of 12 goes far for a jab. If uf21 lands in the rear qcf1 can straighten the opponent for optimal combo follow ups. Everything in the Gallery can be purchased with Fight Money, but certain conditions must be met before some items can be purchased. Strong against people whiffing randomly at range or moving forward at the wrong time, as well as a hard callout. Press+ ++++++these buttons one by one to apply the 10-hit combo of KUMA. While unblockable, these attacks are not hard to sidestep. The follow up is unbreakable if the first part hits, for 42 damage. Its phenomenal for finishing an opponent with a sliver of health left, but remember this move is risky as balls. Press +triangle and cross buttons. You are better off stopping after 1 or 12 and doing more interesting maneuvers such as side stepping or using d2 to crush high retaliations. Press ++ ++++++these buttons one by one to apply the 11-hit combo of Kazumi Mishima. Careful though, this move is still a high and is slower if you wait on the 1 input. Press and hold +left arrow key with round and square button at the same time to trigger the half health move of Kazuya. With the exception of jump, you can cancel all these movements into each other. You can try using it after f3 at low level for high effect but at higher levels its more difficult to land. Use this combination to apply the special move of Lee. The grab animation is different (her hands are oriented differently) between her command and normal throws, which can que experienced players to break the specific throw, but this isnt a concern till higher ranks. On open ground, ss1 has a few applications. If you are on controller its nice to bind multi button presses to the L and R buttons, such are 1+2 on R1 and 3+4 on L2, which facilitates inputs. Total Damage: By applying this combo, the opponent will deal with 90 damage points. F1+2: Great for calling out the opponents movements and attack due to the armor, and the risk reward is elevated in your favor at the wall due to followup possibilities from this move on hit. CH b4, for instance, is great against certain kinds of approach options from your enemy and can snipe an ongoing string if you stepped the first hit, and will net you 3/4ths life. Press + . 0 coins. It can be tricky at first, go into practice and turn on input history to see how you are hitting the directions. FF3 crotch shot that bitch from practically any distance for 19 damage. All rights reserved. This gets very interesting once you understand how everything works. For instance, if you manage to whiff Laws 1, 2 by crouching as Jack-7, you should easily punish it with your WS + 1 with a quick follow-up combo. Gets low parried on the 2nd hit past a certain rank, and has really shitty tracking making it miss a lot of the time when there is a lot of movement going on. During KI Charge you need to use this combination to apply this secret move. Lightning Screw Uppercut. The risk reward of throwing this out is not so bad, if your opponent stays up to avoid the mid, the high is very safe, at -3 only. Concept Art can be purchased individually or in group bulk for a set amount of fight money for each game. Press +left arrow key with round and square button at the same time to trigger the half health move of Devil Jin. Here is a full listing of every unlockable that can be found in Tekken 7, as well as the required Fight Money needed to unlock them. Tapping u~N or d~N will let you sidestep in or out of the screen. Press +++++++++these buttons one by one to apply the 10-hit combo of Lee Chaolan. Press + down arrow key with square and triangle buttons at the same time. D41 is a fantastic defensive move if you are overwhelmed, it comes out super fast and beats highs so dont hesitate to spam it at this rank. Your turn is up if blocked at -7 frames though. Use it in the open to set up a chain grab, which can yield 30% to 45% life, or an evil mist setup (this is breakable stun though) for db3+4 and 2/3rds life combo. You spin the dpad/stick until he counts to 5 I think, and then press 1. Whatever you do, don't get lost in the flashing lights. Press+ +++++++these buttons one by one to apply the 10-hit combo of Shaheen. Any diagonal input can be problematic, since you cant buffer you will end up crouched if you mash in advance. Can also be done with ws1+2, same move. With the df32, 1+4 wall combo ender, you can execute a ton of wall pressure. The major ones typically used are qcf1, df32, df34, b222 and ws1 1+2 post spin. This means that despite her small limb size she can extend what is normally a range 0 poke into the medium-shortish range instead. Press +. Use this combination to apply the rage arts move of bob. Start using wipe the floor (d, df4 or df4 from crouch) into ff3 on hit, this will do enough damage to take control of rounds and give you momentum. You can unlock all of the character endings and special movies from past Tekken games in the Gallery. Dont hesitate to use f1+2 if you want to unga bunga through the opponents priority and cover great distance. Leaves you crouched on recovery, see the combo list above for specific followups from this launcher. If the first hit counters its a natural combo leaving you at +6, otherwise if the 2nd is blocked its 0 frames in a point blank situation, which favors Nina. This is the Tekken 7 Fated Retribution BnB you see from most Hwoarang players and did a ton of damage until Season 2 nerfed the moves. 1, 2, 3, 4 = square, triangle, X, circle = X, Y, A, B = left punch, right punch, left kick, right kick, respectively. Stopping kicks lets you down them and punch them in the face and you can get an additional 24 damage off a well timed f1+2 as they stand up or hold back, since they are backwards, or you can try an easier d4 if they try to get up for less. Win and you'll be rewarded with the ending. Press and hold +all arrow keys at the same time with a square button to trigger the KO move of jack-7. This move can be held to be + on block, gaining a bit of damage, but will wall bounce either way, for an improvised combo that will change depending on distance between the wall. Press + triangle and cross buttons. He also becomes fellow with Marshall Law and Paul Phoenix, having previously started training with them. D343: The initial low hit ducks highs pretty quickly. Youll see its easier to do from afar and difficult to do the closer you get. Tekken Wiki. . Press + down arrow key with square and triangle buttons at the same time. You can also SS cancel the third hit into something like ss1 to cover the opponents ducking options and mix up the string. Hey, you havent set your favorites yet. Use this combination to apply the special move of Panda. I highly recommend learning to block Low attacks because almost all of them are heavily punishable. You can simply press u to get up straight but can get punished for it. For instance, Kings 1, 2 + 1 + 2 or his air-throws come under this category. Us onFacebookandTwitteror join our specialDiscord serverto meet other great people from the low attack bitch from any. Instance, Kings 1, 2 + 1 + 2 or his air-throws come this..., not doing the transition can open up other possibilities, its easy to cage your opponent potentially. 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