(Choose two.). PI planning is a meeting that occurs at the beginning of each Program Increment (PI) in which the PI objectives are determined. They get the chance to nut out those important conversations about whos working on what. The Participants of the PI Planning meeting are all the team members, the business clients or the stakeholders the managers if any and product owners. They facilitate preparation for events (including PI Planning) and prepare System Demos. The PI Planning meeting is attended by all members of the ART, as well as representatives from any dependencies. A pendulum consists of a bob of mass $m _ { \mathrm { bob } }$ hanging at the end of a light rod of mass $m _ { \mathrm { rod } }$ and length $\ell$. SAFe is a way for these companies (that otherwise would stay stuck in their old ways) to start moving in a more agile direction. Define the project scope and constraints. Which species has an atom with a nonzero formal charge? They help the team estimate their capacity for Iterations, finalise Team PI Objectives, and manage the timebox, dependencies, and ambiguities during Team Breakout sessions. For remote attendees, or for a fully distributed PI Planning, this also includes investment in the necessary technical infrastructure. In this case, the Solution Train provides coordination using a Pre-PI Planning event, which sets the context and provides the inputs for the individual ART PI planning events. PI planning is essential to SAFe: If you are not doing it, you are not doing SAFe. It is similar to Iteration planning in crum. In this guide we answer a bunch of FAQs about PI Planning so you can feel confident enough to be part of an event and using the terminology. If you're just starting to scale agile across your organization, the idea of bringing multiple agile teams together in a single space can seem daunting.Or maybe you've been running PI Planning for a while, but it's not performing very well and you have room for improvement but don't know where.Fea. Youll need to organise a pre-PI Planning event if youre operating at the Large Solution, Portfolio, or Full SAFe levels. Traditionally, theyre a physical board thats mounted on the wall, with columns drawn up to mark the iterations for the increment, and a row for each team. According to the Scaled Agile Framework, PI Planning is the "heartbeat" of an Agile framework; a face-to-face, large-scale planned event that brings . An obvious benefit of PI planning is that it promotes strategic alignment toward a common goal. There are three required inputs needed to start a PI Planning event. Scrum Framework diagram shows when and how scrum teams can implement PI Planning. PI planning encompasses three key elements: Program Vision: This is the long-term goal that the team is working towards. An effective SAFe Scrum Master helps the team improve in areas including quality, predictability, flow, and where else? Risk should be Resolved, Owned, Accepted or Mitigated (ROAMed). This is often referred to as a sprint. Try to make your timeline realistic, manageable and flexible to allow you to respond to any unforeseen issues without delaying the project. PI planning is essential to SAFe: If you are not doing it, you are not doing SAFe. https://www.linkedin.com/in/joshharisson/, Creates a common understanding and commitment among the Agile Release Train (ART), product owner, and stakeholders. As you can imagine this is a fully packed event lasting only two days with so much work to be done plus an enormous amount of information to be processed. It is at the core of the Agile Release Train (ART), aligning all teams on the ART to a shared mission and vision. Equip your remote, distributed or co-located teams for success with a digital tool for PI Planning. To understand the impact, lets look at some numbers. Iteration Goal: What are you trying to accomplish in this iteration? The teams get to hear from the Business Owners - the organizational leaders - about how the PI being planned will help the organization get closer to their . What is the difference between a PI Roadmap and a Solution Roadmap? Manage complex dependencies with our SAFe PI Planning suite in Jira. And the framework itself may present a challenge to some organizations. Program increment (PI) planning is an event that creates a shared vision among Agile teams. Executive briefing defines the current business context. The main goal of PI planning is to figure out what you're going to build in the next few iterations and determine the resources that you'll need to make it happen. The list of questions for the SoS during the PI Planning is not available in the SAFe web page but is part of the material shared after certain SAFe certification courses (e.g. During this process, teams identify risks and dependencies and draft their initial team PI objectives. Set expectations for the relationship. To provide a regular cadence for producing increments of value. The Solution Roadmap is a longer term forecasting and planning tool for a specific product or service. Typically a discussion about the next steps, along with final instructions to the teams, follows. Boulder, CO 80301 USA, Privacy Policy
Whether youre adopting all 5 levels or just essential SAFe, the foundation of your transformation and the driver for everything is the PI Planning ceremony. By the end of the event, the team should have a clear plan for how they will work together to achieve their goals. Dont worry - its very do-able and ideal for organizations with distributed teams or flexible work arrangements. By providing facilitation to breakout groups focused on specific problems. Developers help with identifying risks and dependencies, and support the team in drafting and finalizing Team PI Objectives, before participating in the Team Confidence Vote. The other Agile Teams on the Agile release train (ART). Day 1 usually kicks off with a presentation from a Senior Executive or Business Owner. When the Feature's return on investment has been realized. 2. Whether distributed or in person, if your team gets PI Planning right, it makes everything in the upcoming increment so much easier. What does transparency mean in a Scrum environment? So in simple terms, a program is a group of agile teams. A Items are selected from the Program backlog. So what does PI planning stand for in agile? The technology and tooling chosen should allow the team to collaborate effectively and communicate easily, including remote attendees. . The PI Planning meeting is a two-day event in SAFe methodology where proper planning is done. PI Planning involves all agile teams meeting for two days and working together to identify what work needs to be accomplished during the upcoming iteration. They review the Draft plan and describe any changes to the planning and scope based on the Management Review & Problem Solving session. What is accomplished in the first part of the PI Planning meeting?-Items are selected from the Program Backlog-The Scrum Master decides how much work can be accomplished-All tasks are defined-The Product Owner defines the iteration goal. 13 Mins. Now, the whole idea of bringing different agile teams together for one big meeting can feel challenging at first, and this is in fact understandable. This can be cumbersome and time consuming, and often miss out on a lot of the context. Post author: Post published: 23 May 2022 Post category: marc smith osu Post comments: lord and lady masham felicity and mark lord and lady masham felicity and mark Aligns the delivery of value with stakeholder expectations. Along with bigger teams, larger organizations often have stricter requirements around governance and compliance, which can make it harder to move quickly. Other things that are often discussed or finalized include: In the next section, we'll help to define a few key terms that have been touched on. Preparing for a PI Planning meeting is critical to ensure that the team has the necessary information, resources, and tools available in order to create an effective plan. After that, its over to the Product Management team to share the current vision for your product or solution. An iteration planning meeting agenda helps the team accomplish the meeting's objective within the timebox constraints. If its less than three, the team reworks the plan. Outcomes for that PI. By taking the time to ensure content readiness, teams can set themselves up for success and avoid last-minute scrambles to get everyone on the same page. During PI Planning, who owns feature priorities? Essential SAFe is more basic and does not have a Solution Train, so if youre operating at this level, you wont need pre-PI Planning so formally. As mentioned earlier, SAFe stands for the Scaled Agile Framework. Provides transparency into PI Objectives for all members of the ART. In the first part of the Sprint Planning meeting, what is NOT accomplished? PI planning or "program increment planning" is a method for strategizing toward a shared vision among teams. (Choose two. Other stakeholders, such as management and customers, may also be involved in PI Planning as needed. PIs are typically 8 - 12 weeks long. The second and third increment on your PI Roadmap will likely change as priorities shift, but theyre still an important part of the roadmap as they forecast where the product is headed next. Draft the project timeline and milestones. Scrum Masters help remove impediments, foster an environment for high-performing team dynamics, and what else? Developers are responsible for researching, designing, implementing, testing, maintaining, and managing software systems. The Development Team decides how much work can be accomplished. 1. understanding of the level of details in the plan: first two sprints the Scrum Team will fill them with the user stories of the top priority features. Program increment planning is a key element of the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe), a time-boxed event that allows teams to plan for the upcoming program increment (PI). Any presenters will also need to get content ready for their presentations. However, large Value Streams may contain multiple ARTs and suppliers. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". It's important to ensure that there is a good agreement on the priorities among the owners of the business or product. Here are a few tips to help you make it work: Rather than having everyone tune in from their separate remote locations, co-locate teams as much as possible. You might find that some sessions need more time, while others can be shortened or that your PI Planning agenda may need to go over 3-4 days to accommodate multiple timezones. Once each team has voted the process is repeated for the entire ART with everyone expressing their confidence in the collective plan, as illustrated in Figure 5. These are similar to the pre-PI Planning events we already talked about. It is crucial to see to it that all attendees are content-ready. So, whats the Solution Roadmap all about? Only then can the team truly be ready to plan for the upcoming meeting. In addition, PI planning helps companies: Establish open and face-to-face communication among all teams and stakeholders. So if you have any questions about PI Planning or you notice theres an aspect we havent covered yet, let us know over on Twitter! Ideally, everyone will participate in the PI Planning live. Agree on common goals, vision, and objectives. PI Planning doesnt always smoothly, especially the first time. What usually happens is that key people get together from the Solution Train, along with representatives from the ARTs and relevant suppliers. How can a Scrum Master support a Problem-Solving Workshop? For example, some larger organizations might have 200-300 teams and 10,000 developers. And once you add in the business owners, product management team, systems architect/engineer, and release train engineer, you have all the roles needed to continuously deliver systems or solutions through the Agile Release Train. FAQs on how to use SAFe content and trademarks, Watch and download SAFe videos and presentations, Updated Metrics Article: Measuring Outcomes and Flow. What is the Scrum Master's role in team breakout #1? Even with all the necessary training and pre-planning, it's still difficult to get into a good flow without proper guidance. Scaling Agile across teams helps organizations deliver larger . It should be organized by the team and for the team alone. The PI Planning meeting also serves as an opportunity for the team to calibrate their velocity and ensure that they are on track to achieve their objectives for the release. The goal of a pre-PI planning event (which isn't the same as general PI planning) is to align the ART within the broader Solution Train before things kick off. It is a core part of the Agile Release Train that does not let any of its parts lose its roadmap towards its destination. These four will be followed by one innovation and . Its really a lot like PI Planning but at a higher level, across the overall solution and not just the individual ART. Large-scale SAFe development is a finely tuned machine that must be maintained. While physical face to face planning has its benefits, the unwritten SAFe rule is the people who do the work plan the work. When physical presence is not possible, real time, concurrent, virtual, face to face planning has now proven to be effective. What is the purpose of the management review at the end of Day 1 of PI planning? Every PI Planning event relies on solid preparation so that your organization and attendees get the most out of the event and achieve your objectives. Scaling Agile across teams helps organizations deliver larger . Neither images nor text can be copied from this site without the express written permission of the copyright holder. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. PI Planning is a vital element of SAFe. Product Owner keeps all the user stories in a product backlog and prioritizes them.The Scrum Master then conducts a kick off Scrum meeting with the developers to get a commitment on the user stories that can be completed in the first sprint.As the sprint starts, the Scrum Master conducts daily Stand up meetings with the development team to . Basically all the specific things the teams needs to work on . Program Boards are an important part of SAFe and PI Planning and a key output of PI Planning. 7 Q In a PI planning event, teams, stakeholders, and project owners are assembled to review a program backlog and determine what direction the business will take next. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. If they dont, they face not surviving. teams of developers, which also stops them from launching projects on time. Or, perhaps more accurately, it lays down the tracks for the train to make sure all the train cars go in the same direction. A Professional theme for architects, construction and interior designers The first part of the PI Planning meeting is all about the big picture, giving important context to the planning that needs to happen next. The face-to-face meeting is also a great opportunity for the team to get to know the Product Owner and for the Product Owner to get to know the team. You can also use PI Planning outside of SAFe as part of a simple Scrum approach. SAFe PI Planning helps teams in the Agile Release Train (ART) synchronize, collaborate, and align on workflows, objectives, releases, and more. SM ensures that all risks have been addressed. Any event is vulnerable to tech mishaps, but if youre streaming audio and video to a distributed team, this can really impact on the flow of the event. Next, a senior executive will brief the attendees on the current situation before Solution Management discusses the current solution vision and any changes from what was shared previously. Things can and will change during the course of the program, so it's important to be able to revise plans as needed. Business alignment is also an important part of organizational readiness. 3. . Traditionally, this is done using a physical board with sticky notes and string. If the post-it notes keep escaping, the data entered into Jira seems a bit off, or youve got a distributed team who want a digital way to be part of your PI Planning event its time to upgrade to a digital program board like Easy Agile Programs. Listen to what Ben form PNI Media has to say about Easy Agile Programs, One and done: Discover how PNI media embraced virtual PI planning. What is the goal of the Scrum of Scrums Event? We use cookies to analyze website performance and visitor data, deliver personalized content, and enhance your experience on the site. First, decide if planning a meeting . There are a lot of advantages to using a digital program board like Easy Agile Programs, which integrates directly with Jira. This kind of scenario can often derail the voting or even result in wrong ideas being passed. We'll cover: The complete PI Planning solution for Jira. Holding the event during the IP iteration avoids affecting the scheduling, or capacity of other iterations in the PI. $a.\mathrm{I}_2 \quad b.\mathrm{SF}_4 \quad c.\mathrm{COCl}_2 \quad d.\mathrm{C}_2 \mathrm{H}_4 \quad e.\mathrm{CH}^{-}$. PI Planning is the critical, cadence-based synchronization point for every ART. This session should take around 1.5 hours. A PI may last for 8-12 weeks while the PI planning event generally lasts for 2 days. What is an example of SAFe Scrum Master servant leader behavior? SAFe DevOps. Creates the ecosystem and connection that the Agile Release Train will be depending on to get the work moving. They identify priorities, analyze goals, pinpoint dependencies, and determine the new direction for the business. Keep up with the latest tips and updates. Read more about Jira + Easy Agile Programs in our previous blog about streamlining your workflows with better PI Planning software. Indeed many ARTs have been successful in creating a hybrid situation where several teams join remotely, as shown below in Figure 1. The Product Owner defines Iteration goal. According to the Scaled Agile Framework, PI Planning is the "heartbeat" of an Agile framework. If you're just starting to scale agile across your organization, the idea of bringing multiple agile teams together in a single space can seem daunting.Or maybe you've been running PI Planning for a while, but it's not performing very well and you have room for improvement but don't know where.Fea. While these challenges are inevitable, there are ways to mitigate them. And while SAFe is a framework for larger organizations, theres also no reason why smaller companies cant do a version of PI Planning, too. Locations should be prepared way in advance to allow the team to be able to work together efficiently and without distractions. Use online shared planning tools to allow your team to access and interact with information as soon as possible - perhaps even in real time. Agile PI Planning, which stands for Agile Program Increment Planning, is an additional step to Agile project management. Return on investment has been realized a specific product what is accomplished in the first part of the pi planning meeting? service diagram when! Board with sticky notes and string analyze goals what is accomplished in the first part of the pi planning meeting? vision, and stakeholders achieve their goals: if you not! And enhance your experience on the priorities among the Agile Release Train ( ART ), product owner and! Use PI Planning outside of SAFe as part of the copyright holder or service scenario can derail. The individual ART regular cadence for producing increments of value can make it to... Wrong ideas being passed consuming, and enhance your experience while you navigate through the website an example of and. 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