Arcon Partners Ltd. is registered in the Republic of Bulgaria, with head office in Sofia , the company has a full license for international trade in arms. On July 26, continuous shelling throughout the early hours of the morning, starting about 04:30, intensifying at 06:15. The extended range round DN1CZ is primarily designed to be used with the 152 mm SPGH DANA model 77 and DANA-M1 and M2 without modification. Modern artillery systems primarily exist to deliver indirect fire onto targets (Dullum et al., 2016). Four civilians, including two children, were killed in one of the attacks on 24 July. document.write('
'); MSM GROUP, S.R.Otrova 925/27018 41 Dubnica n/VhomSlovak republic, Tel: +421 42 2855 111Fax: +421 424 421 603. str.58B Asen Jordanov, floor 1, office 1, 1407 Sofia, Bulgaria,