Integrated Energy Therapy is an attunement based energy therapy system. Celtic is used to denote people of the Celtic nation, the Irish, Scots, Welsh. Celtic wisdom is essentially the wisdom of the ancient world. The wounded people received healing through the magical power of incantation. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. All Rights Reserved. Celtic Reiki and Energy Healing Arts can be used to help with: I am a Celtic Reiki Master, and have been attuned to Brighid's Flame Reiki, as well as Brighid's Healing Waters Empowerment. Similar to Usui Reiki in the use of symbols and energies, Celtic Reiki and Energy Healing Arts are vibrational in essence; working with the philosophy that all things are created and permeated by a universal force. Proudly sponsoring 'Miracle's Mission' worldwide animal protection. It restores your vitality and well-being. Check this out to see my journey with this: Who are the ancestors of your body's current incarnation? A user-friendly, practical guide, available as a paperback or Kindle. Celtic Reiki is an energy medicine system built upon ancient Celtic understandings of how the world and we humans work. Regina teaches the Basic, Intermediate and Advanced levels certificate courses, which are one day workshops. I sometimes had dizziness, nausea and vomiting. In all areas of our lives we need to create harmony and balance for our well-being, and Reiki assists with this endeavour. How To Get Yourself Unstuck, Why You Need Spaciousness: Making Room for Healing and Intuition, Your Heart's Desires: How To Reconnect When You've Lost Touch, Stuck In Fear Mode? In this fast-paced life, if we slow down and pause and return to the stones for the forgotten connection, then we can reclaim what we lost, the wisdom of earth which will carry us eventually to the wisdom of the soul. LEARN HOW TO RE -CONNECT TO THE ROOTS OF NATURE. Some of these make it into the Anglo-Saxon healing practices, but the importance here is that these foragers-turned-farmers cultivated plant-based medicine through trial-and-error. The fun and child-like slyph energy of the air element works beautifully with other forms of reiki or healing energy. These all impact the ability of your body to function at optimal levels, resulting in illness and disease. It evokes the feelings that we would have while strolling through a forest, sauntering up to the woods, or ambling along the riverbanks. Physio and exercise had helped but not corrected the problem. Copyright 2023 Celtic Healing. It led to the magical transformation of the hearts. From a modern perspective, we come to learn about this ancient historical belief that helps us conquer the challenges of modern life. healing and meditation system. EarthallHealing and Meditation aregentle, safe,powerful therapiesthat workspositively for you. All Rights Reserved Copyright Kate EA Berridge/ Celtic Spiritual Healing Last Update : March 2020. Its existence is in varied types, e.g. A seeker after wisdom spends an entire life changing the position of this cauldron and then filling it. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Reiki is a system so simple and enlightened that anyone who truly desires to heal can be taught and attuned to use this innate ability. Controlling Chi is one of the main aims of advanced martial artists. As such, it is very strongly allied with the ancient Celtic alphabet known as the Og(h)am. The Energy Healing Site is a unique, free resource. Celtic Energy Healing: Who are the ancestors of your body's current incarnation? Different combinations may be used for different forms of healing. This is the bottom slider area. Attunement with this grounding force enables physical and emotional well-being. Healing with Thorn Trees Our IET training system contains an energy attunement that works directly with the 12 Strand DNA to expand, realign, and restructure one or more chromosome pairs. They were poets and storytellers, and through a weaving of the poetic verses and stories, they kept the flames of life burning inside. A session restores balance and flow within the body providing healing on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. Celtic Energy Healing Arts is a form of holistic therapy that encompasses Reiki, the natural world, symbols, sacred herbs, stones, deities and rituals. It flows upward and not downward from the top 9 as in (Usui Reiki). When you see your friend having a hard time, the first thing you want to do is show support, offer comfort or advice. Celtic Reiki is one of many modern Reiki modalities of energy healing. They breathe in discord and breathe out concord. We can encourage order and harmony in the energy system by using this basic structural shape as an energy healing technique. Life in fast track cities can induce a disconnection from nature. Here's How To Move It On Through, How To Rebalance Your Chakra System During The Pandemic, Do-It-Yourself Energy Healing for a More Joyful, Loving, Fruitful Life. Celts of Western Europe. It creates a hypnotic pull. Celtic Spiritual Healing offersaone-to-one clinic inLouth,Lincolnshire and avariety of Healing andMeditationcourses/events, in differentlocationsaround the UK. John's focus is on bringing the mind, body and the energetic state of the person into alignment. Stress is the main reason why your body is thrown out of balance. Dressed in white, with long bright hair, she lays a cool gentle hand on your brow, muttering her own incantations in a sweet bell-like voice. In most cases, it had a positive and powerful effect. The Reiki energy imitates the vibrational frequency of certain trees and plants to work in attunement with the Celtic wisdom. The healing process is focused on accelerating the healing mechanisms within the person. Celtic Transformational Healing is a healing system that utilizing the Three Cauldrons of the Body. You're a shoulder to cry on, someone they can talk to about their problems and you're thankful you can be there for them in any way they need. Energy therapy . The Celts also have a strong belief in the power of stones. It transforms the mechanical person into one of a seeker, a dreamer, a lover, and a visionarys life. Each species of tree has its own unique healing qualities. Although it was universal energy, it was channelled through the specific healing properties of the fir tree. As the perspective shifts to developing a kinship with this earth, we feel a subtle sensation inside us. The founder explains, The Cauldron Of Poesy is the root of Celtic Transformational Healing. Integrated Energy Therapy Certification Class Course, Healing Angels Virtual Online LIVE Series, Integrated Energy Therapy Practitioner and Trainer. Integrated Energy Medicine : Advanced energy healing systems designed to empower and transform you health, wellbeing and reconnect with your natural healing ability and consciousness. Sign up below for your free guide to Celtic Reiki Do you torch yourself or nurture yourself? Bio Energy Therapy is a system which works to get your energy flowing freely as nature intended and thereby allowing your body t. Denise Guerringue is a shamanic practitioner, healer, and teacher. Ancient wisdomreinterpreted to inspire health and happiness in the modern age. In this system we generate, amplify and help to deliver healing spiritual energy to where and when it is needed for the thriving of individual beings and the world. The Celtic Weave is a web of woven energies with many figure eight patterns, large and small, weaving together the body as an energy system. For centuries, they have been revered as touchstones and played a significant role in the formation of altars. Although there is no documentation to prove it, I suspect the trees made their healing knowledge available to the ancient Druids, which is why they taught and practiced their arts inside the sacred groves of trees. Youre a shoulder to cry on, someone they can talk to about their problems and youre thankful you can be there for them in any way they need. After this initiatory experience, he travelled throughout the British Isles meditating with the ogham trees and shrubs the ancient Druids knew intimately. You may also be interested in Celtic Reiki Attunement, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), What You Need to Know Before Buying a Distant Attunement, 999 Frequency Unconditional Love Attunement, What You Need to Know Before Buying A Distant Attunement. Calling it "the cloth that weaves all the energies together," Eden experiences it as including all levels of the energy system, from the physical body in its entirety down to the tiniest cellular level, as well as the meridians, chakras, aura and beyond. It reduces and often eliminates completely back pain, arthritis, excema, stress, & migraine headaches (To name just a few). Welcome to the first part of a series of mini documentaries letting you in on the explorations I take to reconnect to my roots: the Celtic path. Reiki (RAY-KEE) means 'Universal Life Energy' in Japanese, and is based on the teachings of Dr. Mikao Usui. For the Celts, nature is a shrine and all things are connected to one another through the poetic threads. Celtic Reiki channels effectively from the Earth. Now it is time to bring this much needed ancient healing and harmonizing energy forward into our own challenging times. My life was very much controlled by headaches and I wasnt able to function at full capacity in months. The third type of healing energy is in the master energies. By translocating our perspectives to the natural world, we feel the extraordinary power of this life force. CULTIVATE THESE FOUR ENERGY SOURCES TO COUNTERACT STRESS, The Science behind Energy Medicine and sound and Light Therapies, 4 Steps to Become a Receiver, Mastering the Law of Attraction, Rising from decades of abuse, thriving with severe PTSD, Thoughts can be barriers or Building Blocks. Celtic Spiritual Healing is run by Kate E A Berridge, Healer and Teacher of Healing and Meditation who has worked with people and animals for over 35 years. Includes a Bonus Faery Reiki Attunement ($20 value) Regina intuitively connects with the consciousness and journey of the 7 major chakras and 21 minor chakras within the body, the earth star, transpersonal point energy centers , many auric layers outside of the physical body. The Reiki energy mimics the frequency of various trees and plants so as to work in accordance with c. Celtic Reiki was created by Martyn Pentecost and employs symbols derived from the Celtic ogham (the ancient alphabet used by the Druids). It is reportedly from glosses dated from the 11th century and written by Amergin. During these workshops we will establish and explore relationships with individual trees of the Celtic traditions, as well as gain hands-on practice in using the medicine to help each other to heal. This therapy can be facilitated on zoom at distant or in person 1:1. It restores your vitality and well-being. From this perspective, Celtic Reiki depends on Earths Reiki Energy as it ascends from the root chakra. The person reciting as well as the person listening are transported into an altered state of consciousness, making them more receptive to new ideas. Practitioners of this reiki use not only the universal "life force" energy present in all things but also the specific energy found in nature to heal those who needs healing. Green Spirit Magazine& Positively Vegan Magazine, Copyright Kate EA Berridge/ Celtic Spiritual Healing Last Update : March 2020. In fact, all trees and plants do, but as Celts and Druids, we have chosen to work with the traditional trees of the ogham, to recapture the healing knowledge of the ancient Celts and Druids. My other aches and pains (mobility issues/sciatica) have also lessened and whilst having the sessions I ceased my antidepressants that I had been on for years. the soul. Martyn Pentacost, a British Reiki Master, received a revelation while applying Reiki energy to a dying fir tree (Ailim in Celtic). Healing sessions in-person on Long Island and worldwide via the Internet. Return from Celtic Weave to Energy Healing Techniques main page. Donna Eden has said, "It is breathtaking to me to see how quickly the Celtic Weave responds and allows itself to be woven more tightly and appear fuller and more invigorated.". "Celtic Spiritual Awakening" iPhoneiPad iPod touch "Celtic Spiritual Awakening" App It is our rebirth as we walk among the ancient pines. Cord cutting, power recall, forgiveness & contract release included. who has workedwith people and animals for over 35 years. Classes are held on Long Island and other locations. This reiki system comes from the religious beliefs of early Celts. There are many different ogham systems, including Bird Ogham but one of the most powerful is the Ogham nan Crann, the Tree Ogham, which we use in Celtic Reiki. Through the process of automation, we are immersed in another world, a world of machines. The towering trees with their dense foliage have an active role to play in the stress management as they absorb it and the loudness of the environment which we live in, is subdued. As recently as 2005, Faery Reiki was gifted to humans by . The search was there to reconnect with our ancestors, to seek and share the experience of the sacred through acknowledging the movement of time in a cyclical pattern. My shoulder was injured in a car crash 24 years ago, and Ive had problems with it ever since, including it being much higher than my right shoulder. It is sideways at birth and moves throughout ones life as emotions, (joy and sorrow), gifts, and skills become learned. It is upright at birth and should remain that way throughout a persons life. Sessions usually run between 10 to 30 minutes. This attunement is in concord with our physical and emotional well- being. Celtic wisdom is ancient wisdom. The third type of healing energy is in the master energies. Celtic Reiki philosophy gives recognition to reconnecting with the Earth, so we can achieve physical and emotional well- being. At the end of this training, you will have been introduced and attuned to 25 trees and their symbols, learned how to use that knowledge and empowerment to heal yourself and others, and learned how to use your knowledge as the basis as an on-going and expanding way of walking your way in the world. In the process, the mind is silenced, the worries are quietened and wisdom reveals. It is a combination of the Third Eye and Crown Chakras. The forest and groves embody wisdom that will replenish us if we reach out to them. Incantation is characterized by a certain spell that entails chanting or singing. After 5 sessions I am no longer taking medication for my headaches in the morning. . I started seeing Regina for Accunect after a session during an Accunect class in which her balancing really improved a shoulder issue Ive had for years. The energetic feel is similar, to the walk among the wilds of the woods. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. The soothing gently fall son Regina facilitate clearing of unsupportive belief structures, negative thought patterns and many other energy matrixes that are not supporting your soul development and personal journey. It speeds up post-operative and post injury healing process. Some prior knowledge of energy work is recommended before taking this attunement. It begins with 18 essences of trees, and over the years the Celtic Reiki system has expanded to incorporate the trees that are perceived as sacred to many people inhabiting this world. In fact the combination of energies of different vibrations make a healing session most effective.. Reiki (RAY-KEE) means Universal Life Energy in Japanese, and is based on the teachings of Dr. Mikao Usui. (reiki-energy-healing) file has already been downloaded, you will find it in Downloads, Run it by double click then refresh the page by (F5). Healing: Spiritual Techniques For Healing The Body. My goal was to wake up without a headache which I had for 2-3 years, had been taking medication regularly for 18 months and daily for the last 3 months. We no longer seek the bird song that fills the sky. Celtic Reiki is one of many modern Reiki modalities of energy healing. Excellent courses for healing and personal . A 9 Month Magical Healing Course Was $97 Now Only $66! I was instructed, attuned and authorized by Jane to teach this medicine in 2017. This energy is referred in Chinese medicine to as Chi (Qi) or Life Force Energy. In fact if you aren't sure what to do, it's a great thing to do until you feel led to do something else! She mutters strange incantations under her breath in a low, crackling voice, and draws the ogham for blackthorn in the air over your body, then blows through it, and you feel the chill of her breath. I found the Accunect sessions very relaxing and Regina very patient, caring and engaging. He felt the healing energy of the tree enter his hands. When healing incantations are used, they are combined with a ritual to stimulate the healing of the sufferer, or with a healing herb drink. As she sweeps her pale hands up and down your body, touching the same spots her dark sister had, the pain vanishes and you feel refreshed. If there was a shortcut to success, would you take it? Consequently, we learn how to reconnect with life again. The sensory and perceptive skills we possess, are eroded, as we become disrespectful of our home, this Mother Earth. All of the information for the course and bonus manuals will be sent to you by email. The first are the energies that come from the earth. They transport us to another world where we are appeased and filled with serenity. It takes me (Nancy) many hours each week to sustain and expand it. Kate has years of knowledge andexperience, witha wide range of skills as a SpiritualHealer and. It understands the silent wants and needs of our body, mind, and spirit. From such a witnessing, a new heart is born with a new vision. I also resolved some blocks I had with my relationship with finances/money/self-worth. It is reportedly from glosses dated from the 11th century and written by Amergin. Storytelling is another powerful way to work with the spirits of trees. Through such a transmutation, we are transformed. The company's filing status is listed as Dissolved and its File Number is 802489386. -ongoing email support and advice Reiki can be used to help heal ourselves, each other, and the environment. Ive seen a huge improvement since my Accunect sessions with Regina. bonus manuals including information about chakras, self development, etc In addition, I am ordained as a minister, devoted to Brigid, at Mother Grove Goddess Temple in Asheville, North Carolina. We feel empowered. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Is referred in Chinese medicine to as Chi ( Qi ) or life energy! Information for the Course and bonus manuals will be sent to you email. And Crown Chakras Eye and Crown Chakras and the environment that entails chanting or singing so we encourage! 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