To find out more about the ingredients used in the product and its function simply click on ingredient name. Hb```c``~@l(/$2\`4 03010]P dT @
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0000034972 00000 n
Our Kitchen cleaner is safe for food preparation areas so you can clean with confidence, and is enriched with Citrus extracts for a beautiful fresh fragrance. 0000029332 00000 n
Cif Antibacterial Multi-Purpose Spray Safety Data Sheet Download (8423685/120.1207) MSDS - CHIP, 67/548/EEC . 0000067449 00000 n
Enriched with citrus extracts, it's formulated to act fast against. Helps prevent impurities from water from causing adverse effects on product performance, appearance, or stability. How to use: Spray onto surface and wipe evenly with a damp cloth. : *A L,L^I
>%! Manual process AISE-P304 - Kitchen cleaner. Spray onto surface and wipe evenly with a damp cloth. 0000026108 00000 n
If you do not see the email please check your junk mail folders. We take great care to ensure information on this site is up to date. Unlimited SDS and Chemical Risk Assessment Storage in your own SDS and Assessment Libraries. 0000026420 00000 n
The ISDSS App will contain all these latest life-saving features built to help you achieve full COSHH Compliance. Our Anti-Bac Spray is safe for food preparation areas so you can clean with confidence, and contains cedarwood extract for a fresh fragrance. *Enveloped viruses including Vaccinia and Flu Viruses (H1N1). }AIN*3lx.1hO:z,E(3 d*z~ k@H }GMm 4 6td:p a9~bxQfjsx!5x^6#'@
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We'll also keep your SDS up-to-date for you. %PDF-1.5
0000001741 00000 n
Cif Ultrafast Kitchen Spray Cif Ultrafast Kitchen Spray. SAFETY DATA SHEET Cif Bath Ultrafast SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking 1.1 Product identifier Product name : Cif Bath Ultrafast Product code : 8556733 Product description : Bathroom Spray Cleaner Product type : liquid Other means of identification : Not available. SAFETY DATA SHEET Cif Antibacterial Multi-Purpose Spray . Be the first to review Cif Kitchen Ultrafast 450ml. 52 0 obj
Product Name: Cif Bath Ultrafast Product Code: 8556733 Language: English Regulation: GHS/CLP Manufacturer: JohnsonDiversey UK Limited CAS Number (s): EINEC Number (s): How it works - 1 - Download Receive your MSDS with an instant email for free. 0000026153 00000 n
25 0 obj
Vendor Information. They cut through grease and remove dirt from all over your kitchen, leaving it clean and sparkling. Keep your kitchen gleaming with the best Cif kitchen cleaner Cif Power & Shine Kitchen Spray. Our lightweight formula cuts through grease in just one wipe, leaving your kitchen surfaces sparkling with a zesty finish. AISE-P303 - Kitchen cleaner. e7sk^m9*o5hTgXpyR At55Fc. 0000030452 00000 n
Fight larger fires with water spray jet or alcohol-resistant foam. Get in touch with Unilever and specialist teams in our headquarters, or find contacts around the world. Cleanline Hard Surface Cleaner is a ready-to-use multi-purpose cleaner for walls, doors, paintwork and most washable hard . Always read the label and product information before use. 0000029040 00000 n
Or contact one of our experts on +44 1227 39 0860, By clicking 'Register' you accept our terms and conditions, Access to over 250,000 safety data sheets, Add SDS to 'My Library' 24/7 online access. Cif Power & Shine Kitchen Spray Description Keep your kitchen gleaming with the best Cif kitchen cleaner - Cif Power & Shine Kitchen Spray. Access your SDS and Chemical Risk Assessments on Mobile. We've given you 5 free safety data sheets that we'll look after for you moving forward. %PDF-1.4
We take great care to ensure information on this site is up to date. <>>>
In case the surface is very dirty, clean the surface before disinfecting. We are building the ISDSS App, a free and even more accessible service that will allow you to search, select, share, and access all your SDS on your mobile phones or tablets. The ISDSS App will be a free service, available on both Android and iOS devices, containing essential features built to help you achieve full COSHH Compliance. Cross-platform Sharing Feature allows you to share your SDS or Assessments with your team. How to use Cif Power & Shine Kitchen Spray: For beautiful cleaning results every time, spray onto the surface, leave for a few seconds and wipe with a cloth. For disposal considerations see section 13. Cif Spray Acti-Fizz Multi-Purpose Ocean MSDS Download. Always read the label and product information before use. 0000000807 00000 n
Leave product to act for 5 minutes to allow for disinfection, then rinse or wipe away with a damp sponge. 0000001833 00000 n
Cif With Bleach Multipurpose Ultrafast Spray Cleaner . 81309/06.11.03, 8176019, 8187116 APPLICATION Liquid Abrasive Cleaner SUPPLIER Unilever UK Limited 3 St James's Road Kingston-upon-Thames Surrey KT1 2BA 0151 641 4307 Technical . <5% Non-ionic Surfactants, Cationic Surfactants, Phosphates, Perfume. If youre looking for a powerful kitchen wipe rather than a kitchen cleaner spray, we have you covered with Cif kitchen wipes. Description. Choose Cif Ultrafast Spray for a hygienically clean home! Homecare Partners in Grime Competition T&Cs, Homecare 12 days of Cifmas Giveaway T&Cs, Cifs best kitchen cleaner spray, keeping your kitchen gleaming. Restore your kitchen surfaces to their beautiful best with Cif Ultrafast Kitchen Spray. endstream
26 0 obj
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28 0 obj
With its fast-acting formula, Cif Ultrafast Kitchen Spray cleans the tough grease & grime quickly and easily from your kitchen surfaces. Cif Professional Wood Floor Cleaner Camomile Revision: 2015-06-04 Version: 04.0 Safety Data Sheet According to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking 1.1 Product identifier Trade name: Cif Professional Wood Floor Cleaner Camomile Product Code: 8423685/120.1207 For recently launched products or where the formulation has changed, this detailed fragrance information might not be immediately available as it takes time to update each product page. }68 rXuV):5. Cif Bath Ultrafast Safety Data Sheet Download (8556733) MSDS - GHS/CLP 4b )( b x BX b w D E3 JA L 'goxy2 K Cif Ultrafast Kitchen cleaning spray is a brilliant everyday kitchen cleaner removing daily dirt and grease on your cooker, hob, cooker hood and many other kitchen surfaces. Safeguard your workplace: SAFETY DATA SHEET Cif Antibacterial Multi-Purpose Spray 1 IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING PRODUCT NAME Cif Antibacterial Multi-Purpose Spray PRODUCT NO. Cif Professional Kitchen Descaler Revision: 2019-06-18 Version: 04.0 Safety Data Sheet According to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking 1.1 Product identifier Trade name: Cif Professional Kitchen Descaler Cif is a registered trade mark and is used under licence of . x |T?|Of&m2$d0]E HH d4,*`( ApbVZd~a>{Y@(!LN6hZ!\BwO=mB@sxSMyVBl6B y%w]=op!M/G
C~[M1DAB)w x |E?^G1!$0@ $LQ7 Language: English For new or unusual types of surface, test on a small inconspicuous area first. Its naturally derived cleaning agents quickly lift away 100% of tough grease for an unbeatable streak-free finish. The ultra-degreaser will restore the busiest room in the house to its beautiful best. Get in touch with Unilever and specialist teams in our headquarters, or find contacts around the world. <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.32 841.92] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>>
Bona Hard-Surface Floor Cleaner Spray, for Stone Tile Laminate and Vinyl LVT/LVP, Unscented, 32 Fl Oz. All Rights Reserved. Risk Assessment Digital Sign-Off to help you track assessment reviews and records. All product names which include a date (month and year) are no longer manufactured. - 3 - Be safe We create content that promotes artists, companies, products, causes and ideas that can change the world. 0000030569 00000 n
Vendor Info . Always read the label and product information before use. 0000029135 00000 n
Enjoy a streak-free shine on ceramic, chrome, and enamel surfaces first time, every time. Identified uses Consumer uses 1.3 Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet Unilever UK Limited Springfield Drive KT22 7GR Surrey . Do not use on painted surfaces, marble or linoleum. %PDF-1.4
3 0 obj
CIF Floor Cleaner Bathroom Expert - 750ml. Its naturally derived cleaning agents quickly lift away 100% of tough grease for an unbeatable streak-free finish. 1"`aEqA "*3\zxyz;J1*,mwO1nD3@~`F/. For shinier results, wipe down the surface again with a dry cloth after cleaning. Always read the label and product information before use. Enjoy a streak-free shine on ceramic, chrome, and enamel surfaces. Cif Ultrafast Kitchen Spray makes cleaning your kitchen surfaces easy. Learn how your comment data is processed. ;IgO;lL=ia_m!SLRB+OwoP{K(XLD"9~X --H--=! Cif Ultrafast Kitchen Spray 450Ml With its fast-acting, grease-removing formula enriched with citrus extracts, Cif Ultrafast Kitchen Spray removes daily dirt and grease from your cooker, hob, and cooker hood quickly and easily while being gentle to surfaces, leaving them looking their beautiful best. Payment information will be provided after you place the order. Select one of the following or write something we haven't heard yet. 0000029237 00000 n
Always use on cold surfaces. View Risk Assessment, This is where you can view and store all your Safety Data Sheets, To search for more SDS's click "Safety Data Sheets" above. Rinse well after using on marble, natural stones, painted metal or vitro-ceramic. PRODUCT NAME Cif Power Cream Kitchen Spray with Active Shield Technology SUPPLIER Unilever UK Limited Springfield Drive Leatherhead Surrey KT22 7GR 0800 77 66 46 / EIRE 1850 388 399 unileversds@unileverconsumerlink.c o.uk PRODUCT NO. An ingredient which helps to clean or remove dirt and oil, creating foam when used with water, This prolongs the shelf-life of the product, even once it has been opened, protecting it from bacteria, yeasts and moulds, Maintains the right acidity / alkalinity balance of a product. For recently launched products or where the formulation has changed, this detailed fragrance information might not be immediately available as it takes time to update each product page. 4 0 obj
0000000998 00000 n
Manufacturer: JohnsonDiversey UK Limited Buy Cif Ultrafast Kitchen Spray. Cif power and shine kitchen spray keep kitchen gleaming with an unbeatable and 100% streak-free shine from every spray. <5% Non-Ionic Surfactant, Perfume, Limonene, Phenoxyethanol. All product names which include a date (month and year) are no longer manufactured. - 2 - Get trained Access our free training and library of resources. we will try to resolve this issue for you. 0000001193 00000 n
Use Cif safely. Our Anti-Bac Spray is safe for food preparation areas so you can clean with confidence, and contains cedarwood extract for a fresh fragrance. It removes tough grease and food spillages. 0000001784 00000 n
CIF Floor Cleaner Bathroom Expert - 750ml. 0000001179 00000 n
8480173 / 4 APPLICATION Kitchen Spray Cleaner EMERGENCY TELEPHONE0137294 8999 CONTAINER SIZE Trigger 2 HAZARDS . Quick and easy way to achieve sparkling clean and hygienic surfaces all around your home. 25 0 obj
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5.2 Special hazards arising from the substance or mixture No special hazards known. 8423685/1/20.11.2007 APPLICATION General Purpose Cleaner SUPPLIER Unilever UK Limited Springfield Drive Leatherhead Surrey KT22 7GR 0800 77 66 46 / EIRE 1850 388 399 SAFETY DATA SHEET Cif Power & Shine Bathroom Spray . Smart Substance Search Engine to help you find the SDS or Chemical Risk Assessment you need. Cif Power & Shine Kitchen Spray proves to be an effective kitchen cleaner spray for hobs and cooker hoods too! 0000031411 00000 n
0000026473 00000 n
0000026665 00000 n
To find out how you can continue to use this service as paid subscriber, please click the button below. Cif Ultrafast Bathroom Spray | Cif SAFETY DATA SHEET Cif Antibacterial Multi-Purpose Spray 1 IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING PRODUCT NAME Cif Antibacterial Multi-Purpose Spray PRODUCT NO. 0000026501 00000 n
Cif Ultrafast Kitchen Spray | Unilever Cif Ultrafast Kitchen Spray To find out more about the ingredients used in the product and its function simply click on ingredient name. However, please always check the product packaging for the most up to date ingredients used. 35 0 obj
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To find out more about the ingredients used in the product and its function simply click on ingredient name. 0000001199 00000 n
Helps prevent impurities from water from causing adverse effects on product performance, appearance, or stability. With its fast-acting formula with bleach, it kills 99.9% of germs and flu viruses like Salmonella, MRSA, E. Coli, and Listeria, as well as flu viruses including H1N1. , it & # x27 ; s formulated to act for 5 minutes to allow for disinfection then. - CHIP, 67/548/EEC more about the ingredients used most up to date Leave product to act fast against,! 9~X -- H -- = take great care to ensure information on this site is to! Multi-Purpose Cleaner for walls, doors, paintwork and most washable Hard, mwO1nD3 @ ~ ` F/ write... Quick and easy way to achieve sparkling clean and sparkling to use Spray. House to its beautiful best is up to date ingredients used in the packaging! Every time resolve this issue for you, products, causes and ideas that can change the world or... Be the first to review Cif kitchen Cleaner Spray, we also a. 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