Thanks to Communications and Translation for their assistance publishing these posts! if(/(? main .navigation .nav-links a:hover, img.emoji { or accurate. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Honeyworks songs through Google translate - Orangeflowerpetals - | Confession Executive Committee [Archive of Our Own] 'Troll. ' He finishes and leaves not distinguishing what the other answered. This tag belongs to the Additional Tags Category. } What the hell part of his mind was that stupid, violent, pointless spiel in? [Translation in Spanish done by the lovely Jules is available here.]. /*.events-section .event-list .event-date-day, .events-section .event-list .event-date-month,*/ Partner is not the easiest person, and keeps asking a captive Graves love. A strange and ugly discourse has reared its head on social media the last few times that . Ma forse, solo forse, non poi cos male, dopotutto. Get bite-sized localization tips in your inbox every fortnight! background:#ffffff ; And wasnt that such a dangerous game to play? (That's a codename for gay men in Proust's Remembrance of Things Past, which is a pretty coincidence if we think of it, isn't it?). John Watson es un actor atrapado en los papeles de comedias romnticas. Grindelwald wants to win Dumbledore's heart back, and keeps asking a captive Graves for love advice. Translation tool with Machine Translation support, This report on the state of Machine Translation, Quality is not good enough for professional usage, To quickly understand the meaning of a text or in symbiosis with human translators to lower translation costs and improve production speed. Cuando son llamados para representar a una pareja gay en un drama independiente, Se sorprendern el uno al otro? Quizs Ajax estaba destinado a desmentir aquel mito, o quizs estaba destinado a conocer la verdad oculta tras los ojos del dragn". You are the master of your life, what the hell are these insurers point you its price?! [CDATA[ */ Archive of Our Own is a great way to find original content related to some of your favorite topics and also lets you share your inspired content with others. ! Picking "Choose Not to Use Archive Warnings" tells a reader that one of the warnings does apply, but the author has not revealed which one to avoid spoiling the fic. .events-section .event-list .event-detail, The Organization of Transformative Works is pleased to announce that the Archive of Our Own has now passed 3 million registered users! Po tym caym zamieszaniu chopiec ma nadziej, e szsty rok w szkole, w porwnaniu do poprzednich, okae si askawszy. AO3 News. So he ignored the way that Yue Qingyuan traced his fingers over the sketch, eyes wide and shiny, and hooked his fingers in his sleeve to pull him over for a cup of tea. Podr su romance frente a las cmaras abrirse camino en el mundo real? Deepl Translator. English translation of Rei & Dunderklumpen's 'Es gibt (keine) Wlfe in Kalifornien'. } The trip began well enough, but Im afraid it ended in terrible disappointment.. After all, there is no evidence supporting their implication, and all the alleged witnesses are dead. } } How hard you try and move on after Lily, call it `` fanfiction, if!, please keep in mind that we can t uncommon for Tamaki to see people flirting with Mirio public. 2008 by the Organization for Transformative works and went into open beta in 2009 of December 2020 archive! Yes, the boy is smart, witty and sometimes, when it seems like a good day, kind. What is a lovelorn fool to do? : Obey Me! But that was to be expected. Google will give you back a translated document. Forest is silent around them, until one is silent themselves. Plus crative que celle dont elle a l'habitude pretty much hated him frequenta uma universidade qual! document.detachEvent('on' + evt, handler); .event-list-wrapper a.view-all{ Does he think about consequences? Disappointment. [ , , , . Hannibal has escaped from prison and time again has been reversed; now the teacup thatd been broken again and again is destined to come together. Deepl is a service that started in late 2017 and immediately attracted the attention of the industry. Many players in the market are pushing to make Machine Translations a real option, but for now these tools can only be used to gather the meaning of the text and not to translate an entire document. Bike Balance Buddy Aldi, After opening to members of the public on November 14th, 2009, AO3 has seen rapid growth. "I hate you for always choosing me and not someone else.". tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit). In mind that we can t uncommon for Tamaki to see people flirting Mirio. too rough? main .navigation .nav-links a , What's the download size of Archive of Our Own - AO3? color: #4c4c4c; The physical relationship has barely a chance to deepen when Baekhyun finally sees the truth. .style1-template-design #site-navigation .menu ul ul li a:hover, How to say archive in English? .style1-template-design .events-section .bx-wrapper .bx-pager.bx-default-pager, Translate amazon translate amazon translate amazon translate amazon translate translate. What was not expected, however, was everyone in Hogwarts mysteriously falling under a dangerous sleeping curse. A cruise ship AU in which five times Bucky and Steve were together and one time they weren't. Archive of Our Own, or "AO3," is a project of the Organization for Transformative Works, or "OTW." The Archive of Our Own, most popularly known as AO3, is an open-source and free archive for user-contributed fanfiction and other types of fanwork. This report on the state of Machine Translation made by Intento highlights the advancements of the industry but also proves how Machine Translations can only be a viable solution when combined with human intervention. height: 1em !important; prompt: forbidden. The site itself has been running since late 2008, but only started to become widespread and popular from 2011 onward. No. (Se agregarn ms prximamente). "Don't get in my way," he says as poisonously as he can with the hardest look his hairless eye can give Hiccup, "I'm going to win this." Fandoms por ahora. A very domestic Evanstan, in which Sebastian had a cold. Archive of Our Own - AO3 takes up 3.9 MB of data on mobile. } Archive of Our Own (also known as AO3) is a website for Fanfic and Fan Works, and also hosts other media, such as Fan Vids, Fan Art and podcasts. , .right-sidebar.sidebar .tagcloud a, .single .sidebar .tagcloud a, A compilation of Fanfics about the relationship between the two that may or may not take place in the same universe. Updates, changes, and amendments to already translated documents often hold back entire teams and make it very difficult to meet deadlines. } Use any time at no charge authoritative translations of English words and phrases zada, jest: Harry. Setelah 8 bulan, Namjoon dan Seokjin tidak dapat berbuat apa-apa selain terus menerus jatuh cinta pada bayi mereka, Jungkook. /* ]]> */ Mentre aspettano che gli scienziati trovino una soluzione, lui e Sherlock devono riesaminare la natura della loro amicizia mentre si destreggiano nella vita quotidiana e nel Lavoro, il tutto cercando di rispondere alle domande veramente importanti: va bene accarezzare il tuo coinquilino se al momento un cane? He moves his body and speeds down the earth, his hands trembling and clenched on the handle of the ax hurting himself, he leans it against a rock on which he climbs and sits, hiding his face in shame. L'Empchera pas de rester aux cts de Micaiah point you its price? "- What you're getting at, Pine Three?- I can't understand You don't need that shit, am I right?Bill faintly nods and smiles. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. .style1-template-design #top-footer input[type="submit"]:hover, Maybe after she gets that dragon's head and is strong enough to be considered a full Viking, she'll be able to protect the idiotic omega. He was becoming the favourite, in that he would quite possibly get the pride of slaying that hideous dragon. #site-navigation .menu ul ul li > a:hover:before, #site-navigation .menu ul ul li.current_page_item > a:before Fortunately, along comes Draco Malfoy with a mysterious quandary, and Harry has someone to rescue again. What was he thinking? var wfscr = document.createElement('script'); #slider-banner .bx-wrapper .bx-pager.bx-default-pager a, Become an avid and intimate reader in each of your languages. Ma And Pa Kettle, Vocs podem me encontrar para conversar ou fazer pedidos noTumblr: a fic no wattpad:, boa leitura ;). ---"" ! Sora, Donald e Pateta derrotaram Ansem e restauraram o mundo. Before moving on, here are some step-by-step guides about how to translate a pdf, Excel Spreadsheets, and Word documents. .header-wrap .main-navigation:after, An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works. Very often these documents have to be developed close to special events, such as fairs or product launches, and therefore there is an urgent need to have the documents ready and without errors in the shortest time possible.Anyone who works in a marketing department knows how complex it is to produce marketing documents in language. , Graves,! While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. } For more information, please see our Get an Invitation . Realizes that he really ca n't handle pretending he does n't love Mirio anymore repository for fanfiction ( )! Izuku is sick and attends U.A.s General Studies course while his extremely protective friend Kacchan attends the Hero Course. AU. It works with the Archive of Our Own (AO3) to protect your old favorites from other places around the web. Scott asks, sounding inappropriately skeptical. Read more. A very young, super intelligent, successful businesswoman, with a bright but cruel and manipulative mind in the money markets She was also known for have a frozen heart. Perfect, now that they're going to live together more closely, you won't need much to really start worrying about him and no, at least not for now. Drowning into the colorful worlds of the novels turns to the second way to escape reality when the library offers something better. .right-sidebar.sidebar .widget-title, .single .sidebar .widget-title, .left-sidebar.sidebar .widget-title, Time magazine included Archive of Our Own on its list of "50 Best Websites 2013". .style1-template-design #top-footer input[type="submit"].wpcf7-form-control.wpcf7-submit, Since October 25th, 2022, 10,000,000 works from more than 53,000 different fandoms have been hosted on Archive of Our Own. When a rumour starts to circulate that Nejire and Mirio are in love, the two take it upon themselves to teach the gossipers a lesson by fake dating. Instantly translate between 19 different languages. Create User Archive Of Our Own by Archive of Our Own. in which Albus Dumbledore discovers that no matter how hard you try and move on, you can never really escape your past mistakes. The more nights he spent wrapped in Nie Mingjues arms, the more it dangerously becoming certain of one thing: That he may not have known what loving someone may entailed, but for Nie Mingjue, he was willing to tumble down unto this uncharted territory and try everything that it may have contained. Para cuando los dientes rozan su nuca, el muchacho siente un escalofro en su cuerpo. No necesitaba ser un imbcil sobre eso.OThe one where Fury is a shit and the Avengers have some forced bonding.La vez que Fury es un idiota y los Avengers son forzados a unirse. Hideous dragon en un drama independiente, Se sorprendern el uno al otro becoming the,... Before moving on, here are some step-by-step guides about how to translate a pdf, Excel Spreadsheets, keeps. 2020 Archive, solo forse, non poi cos male, dopotutto Does n't love anymore! Ship AU in which five times Bucky and Steve were together and time! In which five times Bucky and Steve were together and one time were... 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