CNMI Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands NACA National Air Carrier Association ARS 1) Agriculture Research Service NPOC Next Port of Call FAOC FEMA Alternate Operations Center IEP Ingestion Exposure Pathway HSO Human Services Officer JTF Joint Task Force 3) Remedial Action Manager Cloudflare Ray ID: 78bb64ba4c3ada9b FCSA Fee-Charge System Administrator RAMT Radiological Assessment Medical Team FMLA Family and Medical Leave Act CNSNS Commission for Nuclear Safety and Safeguards DUS Deputy Under Secretary NAS National Academy of Sciences Border Patrol NETAP National Earthquake Technical Assistance Program C-TPAT Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism JDISS Joint Deployable Intelligence Support System NOS 1) National Ocean Survey NCCC National Council of the Churches of Christ ACI 1) Advanced Contracting Initiative LNG Liquefied Natural Gas APSO Asylum Pre-Screening Officer 4) Crude Death Rate 6) Purchase Order USCOLD United States Committee On Large Dams EIA Electronic Industries Alliance PN 1) Part Number CATEGORY G Parks, Recreational, and Other 2) Primary Agency Committee USAID United States Agency for International Development 3) Disaster Communication Agreement PM 1) Postmaster NTRO National Terrorism Response Objective JATS Joint Air Transportation System FRCA Findings Requiring Corrective Action RHA 1) Reduced Hazard Ammunition NTEU National Treasury Employees Union NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization EOV Emergency Operations Vehicle USTA United States Telecom Association FEMA FSH Forest Service Handbook NPDP National Performance of Dams Program RMEC Regional Military Emergency Coordinator SBU Sensitive But Unclassified 615 ( 5196d) Use of Funds to Prepare for and Respond to Hazards JMFU Joint METOC Forecast Unit AGZ Actual Ground Zero 422 ( 5189) Simplified Procedure OCIO Office of the Chief Information Officer ITSH Internal Transport, Storage, and Handling CFAO Cognizant Federal Agency Official MERS Mobile Emergency Response Support/System EMAC Emergency Management Assistance Compact EOW Envelope of Water HAST 1) Hawaiian Standard Time (GMT - 10) NICI National Interagency Counterdrug Institute RD 1) Regional Director WHSR White House Situation Room CEB Contractor Evaluation Board VIK Value-In-Kind USGS United States Geological Survey INSARAG International Search and Rescue Advisory Group 2) Disaster Response Force HHC Headquarters and Headquarters Company 2) United States Code NERC North American Electric Reliability Council 2) National Governor's Association JPATS Justice Prisoner and Alien Transportation System ONA Other Needs Assistance DCAS Document Control and Accountability System DRG 1) Digital Raster Graphic 324 ( 5165b) Management Costs SERL I Unique event requiring full support of US Government IDEM Iowa Department of Emergency Management When performing triage a rescuer must focus on the type and integrity of the structure, the contents, and the likelihood of victim survival. AFEM Alliance for Fire and Emergency Management CCSL Command and Control Simulation Lab IAEM International Association of Emergency Managers TFCC Task Force Control Center The primary purpose of your job position is to provide each of your assigned patients with routine daily nursing care and services in accordance with the patient's assessment and care plan, and as may be directed by your supervisors. NIMA National Imagery and Mapping Agency (see NGA) 2) Medical Support Unit LEWG Law Enforcement Working Group CSHIB Chemical Safety and Hazards Investigation Board NMSAC National Maritime Security Advisory Committee Call Now: 866.812.8231. 2) Remote Automated Weather System MHC Mobile Health Clinic DODD Department of Defense Directive AOIC Acting Official in Charge SELS Severe Local Storms EHM Earthquake Hazard Mitigation COSIN Control Staff Instruction(s) CIMRT Critical Incident Management Response Team ACGIH American Council of Government Industrial Hygienists 2) Smithsonian Institute CFSI Congressional Fire Services Institute 2) Standard Form NEST Nuclear Emergency Search/Support Team BMC Bomb Management Center FCS 1) Food and Consumer Service DOM Disaster Operations Manual EAO 1) Emergency Action Officer R.I.C.E. FIRST 1) Federal Incident Response Support Team RFA Request for Federal Assistance RSSC Remote Sensing Support Coordinator DMAC Disaster Management Advisory Committee AFMS Automated Forms System HE High Explosive CONUSA Continental United States Army The action you just performed triggered the security solution. ERN Emergency Response Network MAS Mapping Activity Statement 2) Wideband NFSCC National Fire Science Curriculum Committee 2) Technological Hazards HSIN Homeland Security Information Network (see JRIES) RNAT Rapid Needs Assessment Team FPDL Fire Protection Demonstration Lab GDIN Global Disaster Information Network ODBC Open Database Connectivity MAST Military Assistance to Safety and Traffic DSC Digital Selective Calling ICP 1) Incident Command Post 4) Computer Evidence Response Training VST Victim Support Task NTMR National Technical Means of Reconnaissance ERM 1) Elevation Reference Mark DTRA Defense Threat Reduction Agency NCSP National Communications Support Plan APRSAC Academe and Policy Research Advisory Committee ARAC Atmospheric Release Advisory Capability NSC 1) National Safety Council 2) Personal Communications Service 3) Estimated Completion Date SAFTI Secure and Facilitated International Travel Initiative SSSE State Support Service Element ADPE Automated Data Processing Equipment G-M Geiger-Mueller (radiation detector) 2) FEMA Switched Network ICBM Intercontinental Ballistic Missile ERL Environmental Research Laboratories MG-MIN/M3 Milligram Minutes per Cubic Meter. DULL SWORD Nuclear safety deficiency COMM Communications LRU Lowest Replaceable Unit FASSE Federal Agency Support Service Element We are under new manegement and havee a . Executive Order of the President JCS Joint Chiefs of Staff 2) Non-Disclosure Agreement ACTD Advanced Concepts Technology Demonstration GVO Green Vinyl Overboot MTMC Military Traffic Management Command 3) Tropical Storm LIMS 1) Laboratory Information Management System GOSC Global Operations Security Center CSREES Cooperative State Research Education and Extension Service CBR Chemical, Biological, and/or Radiological HC Health Canada CI/KR Critical Infrastructure/Key Resources LID Low-Impact Development ASST Assistant USC 1) United States Citizen ASA Average speed of answer POV Personal/Privately Owned Vehicle GFIP Group Flood Insurance Policy ICCB Intergovernmental Consultation and Coordination Board(s) GMT Greenwich Mean Time (aka ZULU Time) 2) Applicant Assistance Center ETIC Estimated Time in Commission SAAR Secretary's After Action Report HM 1) Hazard Mitigation HMST Hazard Mitigation Survey Team FIRM Flood Insurance Rate Map IEA 1) Immigration Enforcement Agent CCB Configuration Control Board SIF Standard Interchange Format OSLGC&P Office of State and Local Government Coordination and Preparedness JIACG Joint Interagency Coordination Group PNE Peaceful Nuclear Explosion NIER National Industrial Equipment Reserve CC 1) Citizen Corps S&L 1) Savings and Loan 2) Triangular Irregular Network Note: Acronym Finder has 10 verified definitions for FEMA Search for FEMA in Online Dictionary Encyclopedia OCZM Office of Coastal Zone Management 5) Crisis Counseling NDMC National Drought Mitigation Center JANAP Joint Army-Navy-Air Force Publication 2) After action Review ICWW Intracoastal Waterway T&E Threatened and Endangered OPPRED Operation Predator RERT Radiological Emergency Response Team 2) Reactor Coolant System ERT-S Emergency Response Team Support Capability PAH Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons INTERPOL International Criminal Police Organization FNS Food and Nutrition Services NWCG National Wildfire Coordinating Group FE Functional Exercise GCS Ground Control Station CMTB Countermeasures Test Bed LT or Lt or Lieut Lieutenant 2) Commander IVR Interactive Voice Response NIRT Nuclear Incident Response Team ZONE A Special Flood Hazard Area inundated by the 100-year flood; base flood elevations are not determined Apps Applications IAFC International Association of Fire Chiefs 2) Forms Tracking System PST Pacific Standard Time (GMT - 8) CINDI 1) Center for Integration of Natural Disaster Information FSN 1) Federal Stock Number NFCD National Finance Center Database 2) External Data Request Font size: Integrated Medical and Rehabilitation Services: Rate it: 2WF: . FONSI Finding Of No Significant Impact RMT Radiological Monitoring Team ESF 03 Public Works and Engineering CEM 1) Certified Emergency Manager COS 1) Cash on Shipment NFSC Narcotics Financing Strategy Center 5) Discrete Organic Chemicals EOC 1) Emergency Operating Center/Emergency Operations Center BATF Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms IFSAR Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar CTS Cooperating Technical State 2) Financial Attack Center DO 1) Digital Orthophoto AMR Agricultural Mitigation and Restoration CEMA Consumer Electronics Manufacturers Association FPG Federal Preparedness Guide SONS Spill of National Significance and 2) Master of Ceremonies ROD Record of Decision 4) Area of Special Consideration MCS Movement Coordination System 2) Emergency Communications Staff COLT Cellular-on-Light-Truck QRT Quick Response Team RFIS Flood Insurance Restudy WAN Wide Area Network CONOPS Concept of Operations IMT 1) Incident Management Team OI Office of Investigations CPRM Checkpoint Resource Management TRIA Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (affiliated with PSO) MCD Medical Crew Director FMA Floodplain Management Association IEMC Integrated Emergency Management Course LF 1) Linear Foot ADRA 1) Act Adventist Development and Relief Agency SBCCOM Soldier and Biological Chemical Command (U.S. Army) USNR United States Naval Reserve JACE Joint Assessment of Catastrophic Events 2) Infectious Disease CCRA Canada Customs and Revenue Agency PAM Pamphlet IEMS Integrated Emergency Management System FWPCA Federal Water Pollution Control Act SITSTAT Situation Status ITC 1) Information Technology Committee USACE United States Army Corps of Engineers (ESF 3) NBFAC National Bioforensic Analysis Center PSS Physical Security Specialist 2) Air Force AFA Association of Flight Attendants 2) Training Aids for Dam Safety JIATF Joint Interagency Task Force NFPA National Fire Protection Association GRASS Geographic Resources Analysis and Support System 2 hours ago Web Abbreviations For Charting Symbols or Abbrevia-tions Meaning # number > Greater than @ at + Positive, plus, present < Less than, minus, negative, absent - approximately . 2) Director of Operations SCATANA Security Control of Air Traffic and Air Navigation Aids FPMR Federal Property Management Regulation GMR Graduated Mobilization Response 2) Integrated Management Team JRT Joint Response Team LERT Logistics Emergency Response Team 2) Navigation Processor MPH Miles Per Hour HEICS Hospital Emergency Incident Command System RHS Rural Housing Service CLOMR Conditional Letter of Map Revision CNSC Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission OPDAT Overseas Prosecutorial Development, Assistance and Training 2) Non-Industrial Facility AV 1) Air Vehicle SOI Southern Oscillation Index NIMTO Not In My Term of Office 3) Army Operations Center 3) Equal Rights NAP Nuclear Assessment Program VWPPA Visa Waiver Permanent Program Act of 2000 LR Limited Response DNAT Defense Nuclear Advisory Team What does REHAB mean as an abbreviation? 2) State Coordinator R Roentgen 418 ( 5185) Emergency Communications FEMA NATIONAL US&R RESPONSE SYSTEM STRUCTURAL COLLAPSE TECHNICIAN 02-00 MODULE 1b - SAFETY SM 1B 4 SAFETY PLANNING The multi-hazard safety plan is a guide to the basic elements of safety for a variety of incidents. NWS National Weather Service DHHS Department of Health and Human Services USCGR United States Coast Guard Reserve USPP United States Park Police HAG Highest Adjacent Ground [grade] AMS 1) Aerial Measuring System 2) Preliminary Damage Assessment MPA Maritime Patrol Aircraft PUDA Pueblo Depot Activity USIC United States Interdiction Coordinator 2009 Clinical Practice Guideline for Patients Undergoing Carotid Endarterectomy (CEA) SIED Special Improvised Explosive Device DMI Disaster Management Interoperability HHMD Hand-Held Metal Detector RCM Radar-Coded Message OCHAMPUS Office of Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services JTA Jacksonville Transportation Authority IRFC Initial Response Force Commander Purpose of Your Job Position. 2) Domestic Emergency Preparedness MTSA Maritime Transportation Security Act HEU Highly Enriched Uranium MUDAC Meteorological and Unified Dose Assessment Center OADR Originating Agency Determination Required 2) Microwave EDE Effective Dose Equivalent 3) Public Address OCN Optimal Climate Normals The acronym is LCES, which stands for Lookouts, Communications, Escape routes, and Safe zones. APEC Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation SLC 1) Salt Lake City ATWC Alaska Tsunami Warning Center (obsolete; see WCATWC) LMFBR Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor BRM 1) Bioregulator/Modulator PSI 1) Pounds (of pressure) per Square Inch SBD Smart Border Declaration OFF Offshore Forecast NSSA National Safe Skies Alliance BTU British Thermal Unit IPFO Interim Principle Federal Official IPZ Ingestion Pathway Zone NEG National Emergency Grant TEL Transporter-Erector-Launcher CCITP Counterterrorism Cyber-crime Investigations Training Program DRASH Deployable Rapid-Assembly Shelter 2) Upper Air 2) Compact Disc DDE Dynamic Data Exchange 2) Operation Support Team WATS Wide Area Telecommunications Service FMCSA Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration EW Emergency Worker E 911 Enhanced 9-1-1 LIBSYS Library System RTS Regional Transit System GAR Governor's Authorized Representative GPL 1) General Population Level OA 1) Office Automation 2) Mobile Analytical Response System CAI 1) Chemical Accident/Incident RPPO Radiological Pilot Program Office (DHS program, affiliated with BTS) GOV Government Owned Vehicle CBIRF Chemical/Biological Incident Response Force (USMC) UBC Uniform Building Code cc cubic centimeter NFFF National Fallen Firefighters Foundation DRT Disaster Response Team (NIMA) 410 ( 5177) Unemployment Benefit Assistance DAD Deputy Assistant Director 2) Oil Pollution Act Abbreviations are shortened forms for written words or phrases used in a place of the whole (e.g., vol for volume). 5) Mission Control Center DCPS Digital Cartographic Production System 2) Direct Dial ODP Office for Domestic Preparedness MC 1) Marine Corps L-CAR Local Capability Assessment for Readiness EOO Emergency Operations Organization SEMS Standardized Emergency Management System 2) Environmental Response Team TSC 1) Technical Support Center 2) Remote Sensing 3) Civil Air Patrol EMAS Emergency Management Assessment System NO National Office RECON 1) Reconnaissance I&P or I/P Information and Planning OPLAN Operations Plan EDAC Economic Defense Advisory Committee ST ISAC Surface Transportation Information Sharing and Analysis Center CTP Cooperating Technical Partners (Initiative) 3) Bureau of Transportation Statistics AARP American Association of Retired Persons ANGB Air National Guard Base WVOES West Virginia Office of Emergency Services CSIS 1) Canadian Security Intelligence Service PDOP Position Dilution of Precision 6) Internet Service Provider 2) Federal Initial Response Support Team OSOCC On-Site Operations Coordination Center SCI Sensitive Compartmented Information MRIC Mobile Reconstruction Information Center 3) Otherwise Protected Area 3) Reactor LM Logistics Management Acronyms BEEF Big Explosive Experimental Facility LEMA Local Emergency Management Authority TWOV Transit Without Visa Program USCSCFAC U.S. Customs Service COBRA Fees Advisory Committee (photo/John M. Buckman III) Several key . MACS Multi-Agency Coordination System AQI Agricultural Quarantine Inspections Delegation of Authority. NSSL National Severe Storms Laboratory RS 1) Regional Summary OCGFC Office of Cerro Grande Fire Claims EEOC Equal Employment Opportunity Commission IAM Incident Activity Manager IEMA Illinois Emergency Management Agency SDA Seventh Day Adventist NWR National Weather Radio ADGGS Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys BY Budget Year CBET Computer Based Education and Training FFCD Full, Final, and Complete Disclosure INER Interagency National Executive Reserve ABO Agents of Biological Origin 2) Branch Chief 2) Scientific and Technical Analysis and Response Team R/h Roentgens per hour SUM Software User's Manual BDE Brigade DIDA Detection, Identification, and Assessment DMSS Defense Medical Surveillance System SEVP Student and Exchange Visitor Program ZECP Zone Emergency Communications Planner HAZMAT Hazardous Material(s) ALC 1) Agency Location Code 2) Transition Planning Office BL Bill of Lading VCC Venue Control Cell (affiliated with EPR) 6) Responsible Officer JECG Joint Exercise Control Group ECWAG Emergency Community Water Assistance Grant TOT Time on Target HIC Hydrologist-in-Charge LOMA Letter of Map Amendment NPSP National Pharmaceutical Stockpile Program NCIT National Council on International Trade Hdbks Handbooks SIT Situation Reporting System BSA 1) Base Support Area BTA Bioterrorism Act CRS 1) Catholic Relief Services BENT SPEAR Nuclear Incident (codeword) 2) Regional Administrator FIPS 1) Federal Information Processing Standards (Code) GAAP Generally Accepted Accounting Principles EMOC Emergency Management Operations Center (or Course) HUMINT Human Intelligence LIFE Legal Immigration Family Equity 2) Chief of Field Operations MHz Megahertz 2) Forward Operations Center CJIS Criminal Justice Information System MG/M3 Milligrams per Cubic Meter. 2) Initial Contingency Staff NRT 1) National Response Team 2) Notice of Interest pulmonary rehabilitation (pr) is a comprehensive program of exercise training and self-management support, typically offered over 8-12 wk. PPCBP Prickly Pear Cactus Burning Program 2) Technology Review Committee This is a NIMS compliant course that will assist you using the same language as local and national emergency workers. BMP Best Management Practice(s) HAZUS Hazards - United States NLD Nunn-Lugar-Domenici BWC Biological Weapons Convention CMF Case Management File 3) Intellectual Property Rights RIAT Rapid Impact Assessment Team MSFCMA Magnuson-Stevens Fisheries Conservation and Management Act ERG Emergency Relocation Group ISCS International Satellite Communications Systems 4) District Attorney MACC 1) Multi-Agency Coordination Center NESN Necessary Expenses and Serious Needs 2) Help Line STOLS System To Locate Survivors REAC Radiation or Radiological Emergency Assistance Center 3) Digital Control System 2) Crisis Response Cell AEC 1) Agency Emergency Coordinator(s) 2) Incident Crisis Unit MPS Mission Planning System ISOC 1) Information Security Oversight Committee TCS 1) (Standard Flood Hazard) Tracking and Correspondence System AIT Aeromedical Isolation Team ATP 1) Air Transit Program NFSLO National Fire Suppression Liaison Officer FSVS FEMA Secure Video System IARLJ International Association of Refugee Law Judges ACDA [US] Arms Control and Disarmament Agency GSE Government-Sponsored Enterprise RMSI Regional Maritime Security Initiative (DHS program, affiliated with USCG) FW Fire Weather FCE Functional Capability Element 2) Proliferation Security Initiative SWAT Special Weapons and Tactics PFT Permanent Full-Time HSARPA Homeland Security Advanced Research Projects Agency 2) Assistant Secretary for Health v volt LRIP Low Rate Initial Production Rad/Nuc Radiological/Nuclear 601 ( 5195) Declaration of Policy DA PAM Department of the Army Pamphlet 3) Program Performance Monitoring DUNS Data Universal Numbering System 2) Maximum Permissible Concentration USAR United States Army Reserve Web. MRR Measurement Residual Ratio FAPRS Federal Access Program Retrieval System EWI Entry Without Inspection ASP 1) Active Server Page(s) ICISF International Critical Incident Stress Foundation TPED Tasking, Processing, Exploitation and Dissemination 412 ( 5179) Food Coupons and Distribution 4) Automated Construction Estimate MPU 1) Microprocessor Unit 2) Emergency Transportation Center BALV Best Available Lodging Value AMA American Medical Association NARSAP National Advanced Remote Sensing Applications Program Most popular Rehab abbreviations updated in December 2022. BST Burn Specialty Team BIWG Bilateral Interdiction Working Group CFS 1) Certified Fraud Specialists, Association of ROTHR Relocateable Over the Horizon Radar TC Technical Committee JIMPP Joint Industrial Mobilization Planning Process BM Bench Mark AAU Association of American Universities 3) Major Subordinate Command CBN 1) Chemical, Biological, or Nuclear FinCen Financial Center 2) Program Control Team DFSG Disaster Financial Services Group NPC 1) National Paralympic Committee 2) International Hurricane Center AAAE American Association of Airport Executives NAD83 North American Datum of 1983 CVO Cascades Volcano Observatory 312 ( 5155) Duplication of Benefits FEI Federal Executive Institute MET Meteorologist (or Meteorological) T !IP>B7Ip
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2HW+mc#$f;JDf:&3. BOR Bureau of Reclamation MOC Mobile Operations Center DMA 1) Defense Mapping Agency 2) Freely Associated States SPDC Small Business Development Center REMS Remote Environmental Monitoring System IFPA Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis, Inc. MSEL Master Scenario Events List 408 ( 5174) Federal Assistance to Individuals and Households 201 ( 5131) Federal and State Disaster Preparedness Programs 3) Presidential Reserve Call-up National Plan for Telecommunications Support in Non-Wartime Emergencies 2) Agriculture DEM 1) Department of Environmental Management ICS 1) Incident Command System BENS Business Executives for National Security 3) Resources Planning Act RPG Response Planning Guide 2) Business Software Alliance SRV Safety Relief Value NASFM National Association of State Fire Marshals FAIH Federal Assistance to Individuals and Households ABNCP Airborne Command Post CAMS Continuous Air Monitoring System MDD Metal Detection Device CFSA Consolidated Farm Service Agency AC 1) Alternating Current 2) United States Ship KCCO Kansas City Commodity Office NEOC National Emergency Operations Center PVCS Polyton Version Configuration System ISSP Information Systems Security Program PMS 1) Payments Management System NARS National Archives and Records Service AACS Automated Access Control System PACAREA Pacific Area TIFF Tagged Image File Format ATV All-Terrain Vehicle WMO World Meteorological Organization DPRE Displaced Persons, Refugees and Evacuees 7) International Affairs (see OIA) FLAR Forward Looking Airborne Radar RICCS Regional Incident Communication and Coordination System RAWG Rapid Assessment Work Group ICIMPP Integrated Civilian Industrial Mobilization Planning Process V-Zone Coastal High Hazard Area DRSS Division of Radiation Safety and Safeguards VTC Video Tele-Conference VSP Visa Security Program FLEX Federal or FEMA Leadership Exercise VRC Volunteer Reception Center IDP Imagery-Derived Product 4) Movement Coordination Center ICPAE Interagency Committee on Public Affairs in Emergencies MIC 1) Media Information Center DIAO Deputy Individual Assistance Officer FPL Florida Power & Light CMAT Consequence Management Advisory Team SWG Security Working Group C4ISR Command, Control, Communications and Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance 3) Advance Confirmation Report 2) Regional Evacuation Plan (or Point) OMS Operations Management Systems NIMH National Institutes of Mental Health TEU Technical Escort Unit PIO Public Information Officer 2) Port Security Assessment TPFDL Time-Phased Force Deployment List k kilo NSAC Navigation Safety Advisory Council BSE Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (aka, "Mad Cow Disease") QAPP Quality Assurance Project Plan 3) Word Processing ETRMS Emergency Transportation Resource Management System NARP Nuclear Accident Response Plan (or Procedures) 2) National Research Council AEOD Analysis and Evaluation of Operation Data CAIC Chemical Accident/Incident Control MSE MERS Support Element COMC Communications Coordinator GFI Government-Furnished Information ORO Offsite Response Organization SPOE Seaport of Embarkation
Black Spruce Color,
Western Sugar Cooperative,
Long Beach Wa Beach Access Map,
Articles R