With this you will keep your RPM high and get moving fast. One thing to mention is that german 6.7 is actually really good against soviet 6.7, it's the stabilized brit APDS ATGM throwers and impenetrable american T__ heavy tanks that really hurt. FRENCH ATGMS ARE NON-EXISTENT. For anyone who has ever played War Thunder and certainly for those who have perused the forums, the line Germany suffers! is probably something youve heard before. At least 5 times! MidCii; Jul . I think that is what contributes in combination with what you mentioned for the low WR of Germans at the 5.7-6.7 BR range. Centurions have a 2-plane stabilizer that for some reason acts like it's from 2020, which lets you use hard cover or play behind a hill, only popping your turret out briefly to take easy shots. APCR is not a viable option, especially on T__ which can take an 88 to the breech and only turn yellow. -ifa potential target learns the maps thisscenario can be avoided, - If the slow tank manages to guess the attack strategy of the faster tank he can setup and counter-ambush, - if there is position that overlooks the entire cap point and if you can reach it fast enough (so should be on your half of the map), - if you take your time to get to the cap point and the M18 doesn't use this time to simply cap. Puma 50mm Panzergranate has pretty low post pen damage on higher tier tanks. I am obviously a bit salty though, I've played basically every nation in WT except the USA so maybe I'm a bit biased. Weaponry,
Is a panther really a good vehicle for flanking? There are many, many more ways in which Germany is claimed to suffer--these are just a few that I chose to address for this first post. The 341 is practically an closed top, better armoredM42 with more than double the ROF, 40m/s faster velocity, and almost double the explosive filler that doesn't have it crew killed by 7.62s and doesn't explode from a stray bullet hitting it's exposed ammo. (I guess this is closely connected to the two major questions above (being interactions and economy)). It's strengths clearly outweighs it's burdens when the game is based around city/village structures. Because heat rounds don't care about armor. Just hide behind a hill or a tree and wait till the panther finally arrives, and then shoot that big juicy target in the side (i do that all the time, the best vehicle to kill king tigers is actually the M56 Scorpion). I'll give you a half point for this one as I clearly said the M18 will head to your spawn after it caps, Well if it makes you feel better stranger things have happened. You can penetrate e.g. Add the EBR 1954 Version in the Tech tree, add the French Tiger 1 'Bretagne', add the French stabilised gun variant of the AMX-10RC and AMX-30 in the main tech tree . For special purposes I still have my Ju-288 with its two SC1600 bombs. While an M18s speed might allow it to get to a point a few moments before a Panther would, the M18s lack of armor and less capable cannon burden it if something like a Panther arrives shortly thereafter. Penetrations do just little damage. Just in case, just drive backwards or risk turning the hull sideways and drive foreward (). This leads to US players spamming the turret and thus smoking the gunners view. While the M18 can reverse much quicker, it also lurches about far more. 1. jagdtiger having stupidly high Br at 7.3 arcade. And no I wasn't talking about the swingfire I mean the 7.7 german raketenjagdpanzer 2 literally fires the same missiles as the STRV.81 (which also has a gun) and yet sits a whole BR higher for some reason. And 5.7 tanks can pen American tanks. I tested you 50 cal theory and it can be done but it takes so many rounds and reloads its not an arguing point at all. I wouldn't say its off topic at all, map friendly brawling options fallsintocategory's the suffering community thinks Germany needs and in the upper low MBT department East Germany is suffering as the tanks are missingaltogetherlike some other nationsvehiclesand that right there is the very definition of "Suffering". The most obvious example of this is that a player can jump directly from the Panzer IIIs at 3.0 to the Tiger H1 at 5.3. This has been an universal issue for all the nations since they have switched to the formula instead of historical documents, a reasoning which I can somewhat understand. Any player should understand that, especially new players! An Panther however loses his main advantage of better armor. Stepping forward progressively is how I use(d) my poor reversing tanks and the Panthers were among them (the British were the biggest group though). That ammo should not be stock! Not if you hang back in a position that overlooks the objective beforehand, you then can in fact ambush them as they try to cap as you'll know exactly where they'll show up and the M18 won't have a clue about your whereabouts. This puts Germany in a lose/lose position when choosing their plane to call in. I'll have to talk about CAS soon I suppose. The Tiger IIs' cannons do not bounce like M18s on trampolines, no matter how much people pretend that they do. Panthers has not too much problems in their brs. Julius, a doctor supplement for ed friend of Horace, who is there a generic viagra or cialis accompanied Claudius Nero in his military expeditions. Which again he can only do if he knows where you are and when that doesn'thappen they end up driving right into your gun barrel in some cases literally. I've said that I'm looking at things that are perceived as suffering but aren't in the interest of finding and isolating the true examples for sake of fixing these things. This can be minimized if you slow down first (knowing there is an enemy out there). And im asking how your angling it. The turret armor isn't much. The rest including pz iv and pz 3 is pretty balanced in my opinion. Mobility: The complaint: One of the most common complaints that is leveled against the nation of Germany is a perceived lack of mobility. It takes about 0.5-1s to stop but experienced player can fire earlier - APHE just needs to hit center-mass of a Centurion to kill it. FW 190's can go for air targets and ordnance is sufficient to bomb a tank and strafe lights. warrior412, February 10, 2020 in General & Upcoming. What about T95? The problem here is that Japan doesn't have a lot of players and thus meeting japanese aircraft is pretty rare in RB. That being said I wanted to ask them to get answers, because for me it is important. In a standard WT match, do I try to command people using the chat to go to certain positions which they won't do? Neither does it have much of a turret traversethis would of course be no issue if the capture points weren't only inside cities where traverse matters!). A COMMENTARY ON THE BOOK OF LEVITICUS - Bonar. It bounces off and does little or no damage when pens. 20112022 Gaijin Games Kft. You can do just as well with a vehicle that has different strengths if you use those strengths correctly. I'll have to talk about CAS soon I suppose. The Panther by contrasthave close to no reverse. Because of the above, one death leavers can be more common due to a lack of supporting vehicles to respawn with. Would have been fair If Gajin would have handled this as they did for other nations ("not neccessary"). By All trademarks, logos and brand names are the property of their respective owners. I will keep the scope of this topic to relate to BRs 1.0 to 7.0 in RB, with the primary emphasis being on 4.X-5.X. This only works when your gun doesn't require precise aiming to penetrate your enemy. That vehicle is more treating. Ammo rack closest in the hull so you'd just one bang it. I myself often wonder why German players don't just take out their CAS when playing against 5.7-7.7 brits for example, since most of the brit tanks at that level can be easily penned even by .50 cal weapons from the air. In real life, German cats had a more advanced system/concept known as regenerative steering, this is vastly more energy efficient and especially useful for these heavy late wartanks, and other tanks after the war. Long 88 can one shot a T__ but in my experience you have to go for the shot trap, which is a risky shot. Bad gun handling in the -5 degrees gun depression, only 24 deg/sec aced vs 40 degree/sec aced for most western MBTs, 7.1s reload, slower than 120mm which is 6.36 or 6 seconds. Same procedure as with Panthers. Manual Engine Control. Germany is being denied their AA roof mounted guns because "They would make no difference". What I don't get is the selective nature of it (hidden slope modifiers, HEAT-FS nerf). It would actually give Germany some nice, War Thunder map friendly brawling options, like T-34's, IS-2's, T-54's, as well as some lower BR MBT's with decent armour, like T-55's, T-72's etc. When I played my 6.0s, uptiers to 6.3 and 6.7 were common but things worked out well. So, lets dive in to look at some of the most common claims: One of the most common complaints that is leveled against the nation of Germany is a perceived lack of mobility. You have to angleit correctly to make it work. With a fast tank it is easier to get to places and to take advantageous positions. Yes but this is should be fixed for once and for all. They can both all go through the Centurion mantlet with ease. I almost never see the Swedish Centurion, no matter playing on or against British team. Or is it? Those three qualities are what control the tank's ability. According to this complaint, Germany's mobility is insufficient to be competitive in RB GFs, with the greatest concentration of this complaint being focused on the 5.X range. The third point can be solved simply by accepting what everyone accepts when they go to the cap--the "welp, gotta head in there" feeling. Excellent points; and to add to that is the long-standing issue of the Mk 103 cannon nerf that renders a whole host of effective cannon CAS utterly useless. - If it is a sufficiently big map he will just cap before you even get to see the cap point. I have to say that this thread's OP is pretty much THE biggest disconnect from reality that I've read in LONG time. As a bad player I would say that German ground vehicles require a lot of patience to play effectively. If you do manage to pen turret you only kill 2 crew at the most, and he uses his excellent reverse gear to get away. Just look at the Tiger 1H how many Heavy Tanks at 5.3 can roll up to 45 almost 50Km/h. You have to be reactive rather than proactive and take advantage of mistakes made by allied players. No, the good players, because we need to play with this.. other 90% of the other players, that only got enough braincells to press W. Just carry, its what I do. while proclaiming yourself in some sort of 'neutral good' position. I will never understand whats inside Gaijin dev team, but they should add a German Mig 29, instead of waiting until russia gets a better plane first, as always. If he sees that you do dare to cap he will just rush back because he has the speed. Even so, better reverse speed on competing tanks does not in itself put those competing tanks (like M18s), as they can have drawbacks of their own. I have said quite the opposite honestly. There are major gaps in all the TTs that need to be addressed. I'd certainly replace the Hs 129B-2/MK 103 if the Bf 110G was a Tier III vehicle. This is especially visible while on 6.7 when vehicles of the same tier can lol pen Tiger II upf. As if the game and the race to the capture point ends the moment they get to it and then it just sits there waiting for the Panther to roll in. More to the point, your initial comment is THE biggest disconnect from reality that I've read in LONG time. pzkpfw ii ausf l luchs 37mm war thunder official forum. I haven't used mine for like 3 months. Or this amazing times when you play the tractor simulator trying to get you slow vehicle to this surprising spot which takes you forever, and hoping that noone shoots or bombs you on the way there. An uptier will barely affect the performance of an M18. It's very weak side armor also means that it's close to pointless to angle it, compared to the Tiger I. @Loongsheepwell, except that you can just lolpen the entire front with APDS. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . Panther 2s didnt disappear. How is this true for any vehicles? But that doesn't change the fact that the tank have bad reverse speeds,, fit in with all the other bad aspects of the Panther in this game, like bad low speed movement due to the missing regenerative steering. Are there no third positions or one that is at least more pragmatic? The fast-paced and valiant opener marks a strong, excessive statement right at the beginning, because every detail fascinates: the riffing, the solos, the chorus, pick out whatever you want. This is why nobody takes anyone who believes in tygor syndrom seriously. Still more enjoyable than japanese start off. I'd certainly replace the Hs 129B-2/MK 103 if the Bf 110G was a Tier III vehicle. For Centurion Mk.3 vs King Tiger H, The long 88 can kill the Cent before it can point precisely on its turret cheek. Just because there would be more open maps doesn't mean we can't have CQC maps. history projects. With so few vehicles in their selections at 4.X and 6.X, the Americans and Russians face much worse situations with uptiers. I "like" how you start out this topic with some kind of meme-theme, that there's nothing to it more than it being perceived as "suffering!" Anything that doesn't fit your narrative: step forward progressively. Those things can shrug off even the 10.5 in close combat. germany 5.3-6.3 problem its the same as soviet mbts 8.7-10.3 problem. 20112022 Gaijin Games Kft. Most German fighters can either take a 500kg bomb or a 250kg bomb. But to argue the tiger 2 has a worse hull than the T series is a joke. . And that's just fighting american 6.7 with other 6.7s good luck in 5.7 vehicles when you get uptiered, lol. For the most part, this is a much slower song that focuses on being absolutely skull crushingly heavy, and it truly does succeed. Threads 63 Messages 220. . Ferdi is 7.0 and I did managed 17 kills a match. So saying it does bad thing in a downtier goes whichever way you draw it. That's good to hear, I know I did my part to live up to those stories. Yeah, i totally wonder why you never see people playing them, but I still see the same ol team comps of 90% tiger 2s. Mobility is simply king in this game. Having the Panther 2 in game used to alleviate this problem and give 6.7 germany a solid medium tank to rely on, but now that it's removed it's a lot harder to play these close range maps. It also blinds the enemy which is quite useful(or annoying, depending on which side you're on). With no premiums in the medium br.s it is difficult to break even. If you compare the Panther and M18, the M18 is quicker but is not armored nor as well armed. It is not a matter of belief, it's a matter of understanding that having a whole bunch of people brand new out of 3.0 in 5.X is a problem. Walter Dorn. Other nations have a lot of fast backups with good guns, like the M18, T114, M50, ASU 85, Falcon etc. According to the complaint, Germany suffers terribly under the weight of uptiers. As the matter relates to teams' statuses and ticket bleed, the capture point's alignment once captured is ended from the moment it is captured until the moment that hold on it is broken or the game ends. Sell, buy or trade War Thunder Items and Services here. Hell no, you can still get kills if you have a decent team and play smart. On paper there is no logical reason why Germany shouldn't be doing much better than these nations which have worse line ups and fight the same threats. Be always aware of this. Slow vehicle that suddenly appears. I'd love to hear an in depth explanation of why you think that. #warthunder #warthundermemes #warthunderfunny #warthunderclipsTwitch: Twitch.t. It is however annoying still though. This and the blinding factor is a massive inbalance. When you have 2 identical vehicles performing differently by a noticeable margin with the only variable being the people who play them, it really makes you wonder. german 6.7 is actually really good against soviet 6.7. With a particular fixation on the M18, German players often complain about German vehicles and how they lack the mobility of their Allied opponents. Pretty much initiallybut when you do this often enough you'll start to see a pattern and this will narrow your choices downquite a bit and increase your chances of success, it can be slow sometimes but that's the nature of hunting. If mobility was all that mattered, everyone would be driving around in M18s, M2A4s, A13s, BT-5s and R3s at every BRand yet they dont. War Thunder trading. The Arado B-2 has a great flight model, very maneuverable and easy to pull up out of a dive attack. Download Free PDF View PDF. Besides, Panther II mounts the long 88 so T__ tanks still can and will bounce it with ease. But it will go as well as it would if American tanks went up to 6.7. All trademarks, logos and brand names are the property of their respective owners. The latter is mostly forgotten as in this gamewe currently only have a very basic steering system wherethey turn by applying breaks to one track to initiate the turn. The M18's like any vehicle that doesn't get shot. It is really frustrating when we can't have any machine guns on top of the panzers period. The Panther by contrasthave close to no reverse. Last thing is that Centurions have a lower top speed than king tigers but have much better acceleration and reactionary mobility, and the ability to fire on the move means they have overall greater effective mobility on the battlefield. While light vehicles can rush about in cities, they're balanced in the cities by the same hard cover they benefit from. Been consistent honestly. The T34 where as it has more penetration it has a longer reload and solid shot which recently seems to have suffered a reduced damage output off it round. What do you expect? Meanwhile, what is expected of the high skill T__ player? As for the Panthers' turret traverse, except for the D variant, all are quite well suited for engagement at medium to long ranges. Two world wars and two pandemics are just a few of the many historic events witnessed by Sister Andre during her 118 years. The Brit needs 2-3 good hits to kill the KT, while the KT just takes one hit to blow the Cent up with huge APHE. But only at long range. But Germany has little to complain about compared to the French. I'd love to hear an in depth explanation of why you think that. With a few more wins per hundred matches, they'd be at that point. Denying that problem only makes it worse. Neither does it have much of a turret traversethis would of course be no issue if the capture points weren't only inside cities where traverse matters!). Fapadoska, 1 hour ago in Questions to the Team. Is a panther really a good vehicle for flanking? And if he turns it to the side literally shoot the huge side of the turret that will be exposed. Well one or two not that much but a bit more and flying becomes more problematic. It takes longer to aim for weak spot, than the Tiger II stopping and just point at your silhouette. As for the Panthers' turret traverse, except for the D variant, all are quite well suited for engagement at medium to long ranges. Just because there would be more open maps doesn't mean we can't have CQC maps. The T-72 is mediocre in forward mobility, and has a painful -4kph reverse. What's clear is how later German vehicles are designed to deal with tanks at long range, making use of frontal armor, penetreation and RoF. Not enough apparently the M41 appears to be shrouded in mediocrity that is the M41. In general, German win rates are in the 40s even at their lowest and this means that they're near the balancing point (the 45-55% range, being within +/-5 of 50%). My guess, this is the reason some players dont like the Panther, because you can not get out of trouble fast. It doesn't cover up that much of a hull you can shoot it reasonably well. Stop placing artificial nerfs on German vehicles and weapons; Mk 103s should have the same accuracy as allied autocannons, Panther APCR should have the historical ~260mm of pen instead of the laughable 228mm of pen in-game, and so on. One of those is a premium, one of them was added literally last month and has an abysmal stock grind, and the last one is a terrible casemate TD that happens to be somewhat faster than a medium tank. I haven't had a single game with Germany either on the same or enemy team without there being a single puma. 2. Germany has a p-47 just like the allies? They've been in the game for years so to state that they've dropped off the face of the earth is anything but true. Maps in air battles are sometimes given to br.s that have no way of properly using them (I hear top jets get tiny maps sometimes) and low speed props get huge maps sometimes (even in jets some of the maps make no sense, why would I fly an Me262 for ten minutes to stress out about my 2 sec window to hit an a.i. Some people apparently prefer that Germany suffer rather than see the problems seriously talked about and dealt with--quite sad. 1. Your best chance would be using Japan yourself, Ah I see. His vocals stand in contrast with the somewhat polished production. German CAS planes are generally heavy fighters, attackers, and bombers whereas the premier US/UK CAS planes are well equipped fighter bombers. King Tigers are too slow and obvious to really bother with going for caps, and their armor isn't reliable enough to use as a spearhead for an attack. Just an endemic lack of knowledge of what assets are available to the Germans. No matter how well you argue or what evidence you cite, you will inevitably be attacked by the people who cling to beliefs of German victimhood if you speak out against it--the believers dont want to hear dissent--just know about that. King tiger turret is just a big flat sheet of 185mm armor. Apds isn't guaranteed damage actually put rounds through things and have done no damage on many occasions. He can just wait till you start to cap and go around you. The stock ammo misery for every leos and m48 etc, Stock ammo of the Leo 1 is the same as every other 105mm L7 at 7.7. Isn't it a bit dishonest to completely "forget" to bring out the more negative aspects of the panther? According to the complaint, proof of German suffering is had in German win rates--which are often lower than their Allied peers WRs. The issue is that T__ are better than every heavy in game all the way up until the IS-3, and their BR should reflect that. Sit in cover, spot an enemy in third person, pop out, shoot and repeat. With a fast tank it is easier to get to places and to take advantageous positions. Slow speed handling of the Panther is also very bad, making it a bad brawler in CQC situations where you most likely would have to turn with the traverse to get on target in that tank. The first two points can be resolved by reforming the German tree to not have the jumps that it has and by requiring players to unlock more vehicles to progress to such higher BRs (as other nations have). The best editions of doctor oz supplement pills for ed Florus are Duker s, 2 vols. It should be 6.7 or 7.0 at best. FRENCH AVIATION TREE IS A JOKE! Relative merit is in play here. I've heard that damage output might be linked to vehicle tiers and the Puma is just rank 2. The cas exists but people act like fighters dont exist in the German tree that can do as the same thing. The T34 where as it has more penetration it has a longer reload and solid shot which recently seems to have suffered a reduced damage output off it round. I take the 110G into every BR range before radar SPAA. Forming a wide line and covering each other. Which is why its more rewarding when they pull it off as they had to put more effort into making it work and that's what people need nowadays a challenge. So again, on the standard map with cap in the middle the Panther will usually be the last to arrive at the cap. But to the long 88 you can kill them rather easily. The personal well being of the person who capped it means little to the team if they have succeeded--that part of their reason for being is fulfilled by then. Wins per hundred matches, they 'd be at that point world wars and two are. Other nations ( `` not neccessary '' ) and for all is really frustrating when we ca have! By all trademarks, logos and brand names are the property of their respective owners out, and! Case, just drive backwards or risk turning the hull sideways and foreward. Ii upf a viable option, especially on T__ which can take an 88 to the French map. Expected of the Panther and M18, the line Germany suffers tanks went up to 6.7 common but things out., they 'd be at that point APDS is n't guaranteed damage actually put rounds through things and have no... 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