The eastern subspecies is found to the north of the Florida subspecies, from Georgia to North Carolina. eye from supralabials and temporal scales; temporal scales variable, usually 3-5 or 4-5 on 48: 112125) that the two North American species (A. contortrix and A. The Northern cottonmouth ( Agkistrodon piscivorus) is the only venomous snake you are likely to find near the water. swamps, freshwater and brackish marshes, ditches, streams, rivers, and forested and This snake has not been domesticated in any way. Distribution. It grows to average lengths of 30-48 in. white, red and yellow. The flash of white contrasts with the snake's dark body colors to create a startling display. of embryos continues until birth in September (Blem, 1981b). been found in the following counties/cites: Brunswick County, A moderately-sized snake, most copperheads are less than 36 inches with larger . they are underwater. Phylogenet. Range & Habitat The cottonmouth is confined mostly to the Coastal Plain region in Georgia, but does make it up the western . They will flatten their bodies, vibrate their tails, elevate snakes there would be a drastic increase in crop/food damage and rodent spread Wood (1954a) Sexual dimorphism index was -0.26. Known predators of juveniles found in Virginia include longnose gar (Lepisosteus osseus), In Virginia, there are three species of watersnake: brown watersnake, northern watersnake and plain-bellied watersnake. According to Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (opens in new tab) (TPWD), cottonmouths live less than 10 years in the wild. Their coloration varies from dark brown or black to olive, banded brown or yellow. Cottonmouths kill with a single, venomous bite, then wrap around their prey until it stops moving before swallowing their food whole. Adult Size: Averages at 24 to 36 inches. Maintenance of this species in Ancistrodon, and Stejneger (1895) first used the corrected spelling, Agkistrodon. Range: Most of Virginia, excluding the counties of Tazewell, Wythe, Grayson, and Campbell. The northern water snake is the snake that is most often mistaken for the cottonmouth. appeared to be smaller in the 1980s than in previous years, in contrast to the contrary However, they tend to prefer to live in rivers and streams. No deaths have This [2] . They eat fish, small mammals, birds, amphibians and reptiles including other snakes and even smaller water moccasins, according to the University of Michigan's Animal Diversity Web (opens in new tab) (ADW). They are the only venomous snake in the U.S. that spends a lot of time in the water, Live Science previously reported (opens in new tab). But they are opportunistic and will also eat small . Most snake bites from any snake happen when the snake is accidentally stepped on or is threatened in some way. fangs rotate from a resting position along the roof of the mouth to an erect position by the females (131.6 1.5, 128-135, n = 62), but the average number of subcaudals was slightly However, its important to know the difference between these snakes, and not just so that you know which ones to steer clear of. This is a semiaquatic snake found in lowland habitats, including swamps, freshwater and brackish marshes, ponds, ditches, streams, rivers, and forested and grassland areas next to wet areas. Northern Cottonmouth Range Map. . Northern Watersnakes are one of our most abundant snakes and can be found near any Some of the crossbands may be broken, not meeting at the backbone. higher in males (46.3 1.6, 41-50, n = 70) than in females (43.8 1.4, 39-46, n = 60). This is in reference to recurved fangs. The nonvenomous northern water snake is often mistaken for the cottonmouth, but it has crossbands that are not wider at the ends, no vertical pupil, no pit on the face. South Carolina, by Schmidt (1953). They are the only venomous snake in the U.S. that spends a lot of time in the water, Live Science previously reported (opens in new tab). The smallest Another characteristic of all Surry County, sexes (males 11.7-23.9%, ave. = 15.0 1.7, n = 70; females 10.4-16.4%, ave. = 14.3 1.1, n [1] Where Does Cottonmouth Come From? Coloration and Pattern: Dorsum of body and tail Cottonmouths are venomous, and they can be quite dangerous if you disturb or threaten them, but they should not be vilified. keeping records. Virginia with starch-gel electrophoresis and found that all exhibited a high degree of Cottonmouths are venomous snakes that live throughout North America. Copperheads are found all throughout the state. Cottonmouths are pit vipers (opens in new tab), as are copperheads (opens in new tab) and rattlesnakes (opens in new tab), Sara Viernum, a herpetologist based in Portland, Oregon, told Live Science. probably evolved to allow prey capture in dark spaces, like rodent burrows. Though individuals may reach up to 6 ft. in length, their average size is closer to approximately 3 ft. long. Blem (1981b) found that Although bites are rare, cottonmouth venom is potent and can be deadly to humans. They primarily live in aquatic and wetland habitats, including swamps, marshes, drainage ditches, ponds, lakes and streams. Queensakes are also seen as ideal prey for a wide range of animals in the state. Around 8,000 bites are poisonous, resulting in an average of 12 deaths each year. Other local names for cottonmouths include black moccasins, gapers, mangrove rattlers, snap jaws, stub-tail snakes, swamp lions, trap jaws, water mambas and water pilots. cream with brown patches or streaks; dorsum of head flat; head somewhat triangular and The scientific name is Agkistrodon piscivorus conanti. These snakes are also known as water moccasins. But for the snakes in Virginia, winter time is usually hibernation time. The cottonmouth has a shocking white interior to its mouth. 660-940, n = 43), and males reached a larger total length (to 1,536 mm) than females (to Snakes will the combat dance described for Agkistrodon contortrix (Gloyd and Conant, 1990). number of divided subcaudals (21.2 6.0, 8-35, n = 58) than males (18.3 5.6, 6-31, n = Learn how to identify them with pictures. The habitat of cottonmouths range from Virginia down to sunny Florida. Crossbands get darker as they approach the tail. If confronted, the Cottonmouth will stand its ground and "gape" (open its mouth), revealing the cotton white mouth. to chocolate brown. diseases. If you happen to see a cottonmouth, these snakes prefer to flee to safety than stand their ground and attack you. These snakes are venomous, and can be extremely dangerous. Description: A large, heavy-bodied venomous snake reaching a maximum total length of 1,880 mm (74.0 inches) (Gloyd and Conant, . 1. Cottonmouths are relatively large, ranging from 2 to 4 feet long (61 to 122 centimeters), according to the Savannah River Ecology Laboratory (opens in new tab). Northern Cottonmouths are born alive with a bright yellowish to yellowish green tail Average body mass for adult males (1,035.0 463.7 g, 384-1,700, n = 8) was nearly Adult snakes usually vary in length from 30 to 48 inches up to a maximum of 74 inches. Virginia DWR, Available here:, Virginia DWR, Available here:, Virginia Herpetological Society, Available here: Cottonmouths have accounted for less than 1% of all snakebite deaths in the U.S., according to TPWD. Located in the southeastern region of the US, Virginia is known for its vast and diverse habitats. Additionally, as cottonmouths are often in the water, its important to watch out for them there too. If approached, it will stand its ground, or crawl away very slowly. Adults are typically 30 - 48 inches, but can grow up to 61 inches long. Also, never put your hands into a crevice or anywhere that you cant see what is in there. However, if you're out exploring, it's important to take care as there are 32 snakes in the The belly is cream with patches or streaks of black. They have even been known to be cannibalistic, but the bulk of their diet consists of fish and frogs. moccasin, cotton-mouthed snake, gapper, highland moccasin, lowland . It is far better to learn the pattern and coloration of a few subrubrum), Eastern Hog-Nosed Snakes (Heterodon platirhinos), and least shrews (Cryptotis parva) Bothner (1974) observed Georgia Northern Cottonmouth responsive to changes in temperature of 0.001C (Halliday and Adler, 1986). They are commonly found in marshes, lakes, swamps, streams, creeks, and ponds. snakebite and snakebite patterns are in the section "Venomous Snakebite." Cottonmouths are semi-aquatic snakes and spend much of their lives in water. Timber Rattlesnake (Crotalus horridus), the Eastern Copperhead (Agkistrodon When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Northern Cottonmouths appear to have a biennial-to-triennial cycle of litter production (Gloyd and tip. often classified in the subfamily Crotalinae, although some taxonomists refer them to full The Florida subspecies is found in Florida, southern Georgia, and a number of different islands. One of the main differences between these snakes and other aquatic snakes including the cottonmouth is that when threatened, they tend to leave the water and flee across the land. mechanical action of lowering the lower jaw. by Cope (1900), Schmidt (1953), Wood (1954a), Goodwin and Wood (1956), and Martin and Wood Cottonmouths can also shake their tails a bit like a rattlesnake and can make a vibrating sound by doing so, but they don't have an actual rattle, like rattlesnakes do. ), Green Sexual Dimorphism: Adult male body size averaged Cottonmouths in Virginia: Where They Live and How Often They Bite, National Library of Medicine, Available here: The name "cottonmouth" refers to the manner in which the cottonmouth Of the three species, the northern watersnake is by far the most misidentified as a . The majority of the species in this family are pit vipers (120+ species); the remaining 50 Plain-bellied water snakes are 24 to 40 inches long and have thick, heavy bodies. Hibernation in the cold weather may be the most important factor which prevents the spread of the cottonmouth's population in North Virginia . Size: 30 - 48 inches. Copperheads have a more extensive range than the Cottonmouths, i.e., they have five sub-species. Range and Habitat: Cottonmouths range throughout . Most cottonmouths live in the southeastern states, but their range extends to Texas, southern Illinois, and even parts of Indiana. New York, However, if youre out exploring, its important to take care as there are 32 snakes in the state, with three being venomous. Cottonmouths rarely bite humans unless they are picked up or stepped on. Official records state that there are between 7,000 and 8,000 venomous snake bites in the US per year, which lead to five deaths on average. body mass (Blem, 1981b). Cottonmouths may also make themselves stink to deter predators by spraying a foul-smelling musk from glands in the base of their tail, according to the Florida Museum of Natural History (opens in new tab). Edit: A number of commenters have reported seeing Cottonmouths throughout Virginia. A bands darken posteriorly and are entirely black on tail; a variable number of crossbands Although bites are rare, cottonmouth venom can be deadly to humans. lateral blotches, as in Nerodia taxispilota. the range of the Water Moccasin. However, its habitat continues bullhead catfishes (lctalurus spp. A lighter to darker cross-banding pattern may be seen, especially on the sides. The Florida cottonmouth was formerly a subspecies along with the eastern and western cottonmouth but studies proved that it was different enough to warrant being reclassified as its own species in 2015. similarity. These snakes live in wetland regions within the southeastern corner of Virginia. (153.6 cm) Record length: . Cottonmouths and Nerodia species have similar coloring and patterns and are all usually found near water. Considering that there are a lot of snakes in Virginia, its not surprising that there are a few that look like cottonmouths mainly water snakes. caught in the Dismal Swamp region near the Virginia-North Carolina line (Gloyd and Conant, Each species of pit viper possesses a heat-sensing pit Unfortunately, harmless northern water snakes are During the mating process, males slither around, waving their tails to lure females away from other male suitors. So, join us as we discover everything you need to know about cottonmouths in Virginia! This means that they give live birth to young instead of laying eggs. The largest of the water snakes in Virginia is the brown water snake which is usually 30 to 60 inches long, although it can be longer. Cottonmouths are semiaquatic, so they're comfortable both swimming in water (hence their other common name of water moccasin) and basking on land. yellowish olive to black with a series of 10-23 (ave. = 13.2 1.5, n = 134) black located between the eye and nostril that is used to aid in prey location. The Eastern cottonmouth is restricted to Virginia . water. Remarks: Other common names in Virginia are Cope (1860) first placed this species in the genus Confusing Species: This species is very often Neonates were 221-237 mm SVL (ave. = 227.9 Musk is If you are unlucky enough to be bitten by a cottonmouth, the main symptoms that you will experience are extreme pain and swelling in the area around the bite. This species is also reported to cannibalize smaller individuals.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,600],'animals_net-banner-1','ezslot_6',116,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-animals_net-banner-1-0'); While these snakes are venomous, and can pose quite a danger to humans if bitten, they are unnecessarily persecuted. Neonates in a Chesterfield County population averaged 211.3 mm SVL and 17.3 g There are four main types of venom cytotoxic, neurotoxic, hemotoxic, and proteolytic and these all attack the body differently. J. Linn. and semi-aquatic snakes. All the pit vipers in the region, including timber rattlesnakes, share the following characteristics: . Virginia requires the protection of all forms of wetlands and their surrounding forests. The striking patterns present on the juveniles fades with age. The largest cottonmouth on record was just over 74 inches, and it was found "in the Dismal Swamp region near the Virginia-North Carolina line," according to the Virginia Herpetological Society. Adults are reddish brown [5] As an adult, it is large and capable of delivering a painful and potentially fatal bite. Brown Watersnakes primarily feed on catfish. subcaudal scales along the entire tail, no facial pit, no vertical pupil, and no fangs. (Hamilton and Pollack, 1955; Bothner, 1974; Brown, 1979; Collins, 1980). . Females have a gestation period of five months. of 6-9 (5.1%); loreal scale absent; preoculars 2/2; series of 2-4 small scales separating Refuge, despite the perceptions of most people. The hemotoxins lead to "hemorrhaging throughout the circulatory system (opens in new tab) wherever the venom has spread," she said. They are found primarily in southeastern virginia. Juveniles also have bright-yellow tail tips that they use as lure to attract prey. Although there are no reliable records to go on to determine just how dangerous cottonmouths are in Virginia, we can still look at the overall figures that we have to hand. Despite common folklore, cottonmouths do not chase after people. NY 10036. They are heavy bodied snakes that can reach over 70 inches in length, but typically are between 36 and 48 inches. However, the snakes can live much longer in captivity, and at least one captive cottonmouth has lived to be over 24 years old, according to ADW. Subspecies are not recognized. 1,100 mm). Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Available here:,than%20to%20die%20from%20them. They are uncommon in Dismal Swamp National Wildlife This is because some people mistake the water snakes for cottonmouths and actively hunt or kill them simply because of a case of misidentification. 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