Cambions are the children ofdemonsby human mothers. She was in life the wife of the male Izanagi no Mikoto and then transformed into a demon after she died while bringing to this world the fire god Kagutsuchi, as a demon she descended to the Yomi the land of the demons where she had many children. While many demons are undoubtedly evil, the incubus is truly deplorable. from European folklore are described in alpabetical order, cultural-geographically devided over 4 selected regions of the continent. They are the corpses that rise again from the grave after death in search of their victims. Grim-like phantom dogs or creatures var ffid = 1; In the Germanic and Celtic, as well as in the Baltic, Scandinavian and Slavic regions of Europe, many creatures that act as barn, farm yard or stable spirits remain half wild and maintain a dual nature; they reward people under certain conditions (good behavior, respect, rituals, food offerings etc.) Learn more about my philosophy behind the classifications. They frequently appear in traditionalkaidanand essays, and they are frequently the subject of ykai depictions. Theres nobody home, but you feel someone there. We use cookies to make sure you have the best experience on our website. Then there are ghostly animals and earth and household spirits, like the many types of Kobolds, the Dutch Kabouter and the Kaukas of Prussia and Latvia. By using this website or by closing this dialog you agree with the conditions described, 10 amazing European myths | Demons, seventh children and more. It is said that a Roman gladiator named Longinus, nailed a spear on the crucified body of Jesus Christ so that he would die faster. This English myth, speaks of the figure of a person who was engaged in jumping and havoc throughout the country. Kappasare waterdemonswith unbelievable elastic arms. For five torturous months, Abaddon and his army torment anyone who doesnt have Gods seal on their forehead. Like many fallen angels, Azazel soon became one of the evilest demons in folklore. Hel was the daughter of Loki and the giantess, Angrboda. In the Judeo-Christian stories, they describe her as the first wife of Adam, who was created with him at the same time, when Adam tries to impose to her, but she refused to live under his rules. Many people say that she enjoys taking care of household chores or tending to animals when she likes a household. They were known because anyone who dared to look directly into their eyes would be transformed to stone immediately. An alp is a nightmare being originating in German folklore. It tells that a young man discovered a great dragon, near the city that we know today as Krakow . Many other ghostly entities are only found in specific areas or countries, sometimes even becoming cultural icons, like the Irish Leprechaun, the Knockers of Wales, the Scandinavian Trolls and Huldras or the Icelandic Hulduflk. Mountain spirits The Water spirits of Eastern Europe (and some in Southern Europe) can sometimes be traced back to the Greek water and spring nymphs. Should you ever have the misfortune of encountering it, you will soon die, or at least become seriously ill. These cookies do not store any personal information. "Fairy" can describe either a single being or multiple ones like Trolls, Banshees, and Gnomes. Leviathan(twisted, coiled) is a sea monster referenced in the Tanakh, or the Old Testament. However, many people claim to this day that they have encountered the mysterious strigoi while venturing outside after dark in towns and forests throughout this portion of Europe. Devil Survivor 2 "A German fairy commonly depicted as a small creature with doglike face. In medieval legend, acambionis the half-human children of the combination between a human male and a succubus, or of an incubus and a human female. Among the German speaking peoples field spirits were an integral part of agriculture, with rites that continued into the early 20th century. Klmking is the being that fulfills that role in Eastern Europes long catalog of scary After this, she explored the world by herself, and in some of those adventures, she discovers the red sea, this place was the home of hordes of demons. The same is true for the Baltic states. However, Satan became a demonic entity in opposition to God over time. Among the Slavs some demons originally belonged to the pre-Christian pantheon of Slavic gods and goddesses, like Boginka. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. He walked to the peak of the hill and asked the inhabitant if he might stay the night. Many demons like the incubus, mare, and succubus, target their victims while they sleep. Tales of the midday demon wreaking havoc at lunchtime exist in the Hebrew Bible, The Old Testament, and the King James Version. The fear of the unknown manifested itself as malicious paranormal entities. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. However, before you go to the East Anglian countryside with a shotgun, beware that there are also numerous stories in the region about large black dogs that actually help travellers get back home safely. The Jews are part of European culture for two millennia. Hecate, also called Agriope ("savage face"), was the daughter of the Titan Perses and of Asteria. The scariest creature on this list has to be the Klmking. The Tarasque of Tarascon, a strange amphibious creature, was included in the Inventaire du patrimoine culturel immatriel en France (Inventory of intangible cultural heritage in France) in 2019. The mythology has carried over into other mediums such as movies, television, and. Spirits that are derivatives of ancient pagan gods Incubus-Succubus type spirits InEnglish folklore,Puck, sometimes known asRobin Goodfellow, is known as adomesticanda naturesprite,and a demon, or afairy as well. TheKappais a being in Japanese Folklore. At other times, though, he was a Some creatures from Breton folklore are particularly horrific as the hollow eyed Ankou, the werewolf-like Bugul-nz or the ghostly and Will o the Wisp-like Yan-gant-y-tan who roams the night roads with his five lit candles. Demons play a significant role in Jewish demonology, which influenced other religions. The New Testament describes him as the King of a plague of locusts who have crowned human faces with womens hair, a scorpion stinger on their tail, and lions teeth. It is the restless ghost of an unholy dead. Database of Demons, Evil Spirits, and Monsters. We are sure that this legend will sound to you as it is one of the most famous European myths. We use cookies to offer you a better browsing experience and to analyze site traffic. The fomorians, whose name means 'dark of the sea,' were a race of Gaelic demons said to be the offspring of Noah's son, Ham. Netflix-series like The Witcher, the Polish production Cracow Monsters or movies on folkloric beings like Border (Swedish: Grns)about Trolls, The Invisible Guardian-Trilogy (featuring creatures from Basque folklore) and the folkloric horror movie Huldra, feature all kinds of supernatural creatures. Although an arbitrary indexation, one could state that roughly the following classes are the most notable: Alp or Mare-type spirits is masculine, like a bull or billy goat. All these demons have some interesting stories that we will tell you next, lets take a look into some of these demons. European demons Cacus. Atlantis has always been a civilization with many mysteries, for which many explorers would give their lives to find it . A midwife would be tasked with keeping Bannik away during delivery. According to legend, the mischievous drude often participated in the Wild Hunt, where a mythical demon leads a supernatural army on a horrifying pursuit. Subcategories This category has the following 3 subcategories, out of 3 total. We use cookies to make sure you have the best experience on our website. Will Joe Bidens inauguration lead the U.S. into a civil war? In the Middle Ages, the legends of these creatures terrorized the vast majority of European inhabitants. Some say that the legend of Black Shuck may have been the inspiration for a similar creature in Sir Arthur Conan Doyles The Hound of the Baskervilles. It was roughly dark when he saw on a hill an old anjitsu, the home of lonely priests. Weather and wind-spirits Remarkably often it are the Not to be bewildered with the similarly named Alp-luachra, the alp is sometimes likened to a vampire, but its actions are more akin to that of the incubus. Also known as the Duke of Hell, Astaroth first appeared in. Rokurokubi is a type of Japaneseykai. Nickaris a demon or spirit in theDictionnaire Infernal. It depends on who you ask. As the story goes, The Devil was a fallen angel sent to hell before the creation of the earth. You wouldnt want to come across a strigoi while strolling through a European village with nothing but the dying flicker of a candle wick in your hands. She is a greatly popular demon because after her death she was the woman who created the world in the company of Izanagi no Mikoto. He was tall, thin, with metal claws and eyes like the devil . Throughout history, there have been many demons, but none are as terrifying as Belphegor. Forming an unholy alliance with Lucifer and Beelzebub, Astaroth is one of the most notorious demons in history. In European folklore, there has always been a theory that seventh children have had special powers. Eastern Europe is home to some of the creepiest creatures in folklore. Neutral or friendly water-spirits In some beliefs, demons are fallen angels that serve as The Devils army punishing humans for their sinful ways. Because of this, you are running the risk of being harassed everywhere in the wild, for the Klmking does not have a fixed haunting place. The mythology has carried over into other mediums such as movies, television, and podcasts. Nowadays, Lilith is a famous demon or spirit appearing in classic horror movies and other genres. Compendium-2 deals with the Germanic parts of Central Europe, the Low Countries, the Baltic region and Finland. Its appearance is an old, ugly, huge, and fat woman that uses clothes made by three fibers. This lady demon also called Poludnitsa comes from the Slavic stories, she is a demon who appears to the people in Eastern Europe. When this creature was first described by Pliny the Elder in the 1st century A.D., it was nothing more than a very venomous snake, no more than twelve fingers in length. Greek influences entered Slavic culture via the Balkan, while there are also many spirit being that resonate with creatures from Germanic and Northern folklore like the Lisna or Lisnytsia (She of the forest), a kind of Ukrainian version of the Scandinavian Huldra or Skogsret. Compendium-3 offers an overview of the mysterious, sometimes beautiful and often gruesome and dark entities of the Slavic countries, the Balkan, Albania, the Roma peoples, the southwestern former Soviet-states and Turkish regions. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. A demon swarm and war bringers or takers. To share in the spooky atmosphere of the season, The AEGEEan has made a list of the top 10 scariest creatures in European folklore. The King James Bible translation of Azazel means scapegoat. These demon children called Lilim go to the outside world to live there, some of them becoming a succubus, as sexy and intelligent as their mom. It is the female version of the incubus and they are known as the lover demon because they approach men to have sex with them while they are sleeping. Fae. Compendium 3 discusses 255 spirit beings in detail, drawn mainly from Slavic and Turkish folklore, including their alternative names, with additional references to related or subordinate beings. In places where it is alleged to roam, warning signs have been placed to ward away children and tourists. Other of their spells is that she can afflict people with sickness and heart attacks, especially workers of the lands. Household spirits This European myth, has its origin in Poland being in that country one of the most famous legends. Animpis amythologicalcreature like to afairyorgoblin, commonly illustrate infolkloreandsuperstition. As one of the 12 Apostles of Jesus, only St. Bartholomew could resist the evil demon Astaroths temptations. Many creatures who seem to belong to a certain species however also differ in behavior and appearence, dependent in what country or region they are found and these differences can be quit substantial. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for How about Demons? They describe her to wear a long white dress with a giant scythe. The physical description of these demonesses these days are amazing curvy and voluptuous bodies, with silky skin, bat wings, curled horns, and eyes that shine even in the darkest night. Netflix-series like. Furthermore, Roman mythology considers Lucifer the son of the goddess of dawn, Aurora. In fact, Bannik is weaved into many of the most common traditions of Eastern European life. A huge A list of the main female demons worldwide. In their appearance, they are ugly women with hair replaced by snakes the lower part of their body is also the tail of a snake. Representing sloth, Belphegor tempts humans with laziness. In Jewish teachings, the Behemoth was a land monster who lived in the invisible desert near the Garden of Eden. According to legend, Lilith was Adams first wife before Eve. Dominant are also the many field spirits, the Alp (Nightmare) and variations on Alp-type creatures. Local spirits They are then sacrificed in the summoning ritual used to bring Ose to earth. Women in Eastern Europe often used the banya when birthing. Perun is one of the oldest and most mysterious entities from Eastern European folklore. Ribesal, aka Rubezal, is a specter at the summit of the Risemberg, according to the people of Silesia. var slotId = 'div-gpt-ad-slappedham_com-medrectangle-3-0'; Thisvampireis frequently described as appearing in the form of apolecat, which is more similar to aweaselthan an adorable, cuddly kitten. but his legend grew throughout the Middle Ages. That means youll need some good luck if you plan to hunt her down! In addition, many Eastern European couples used the banya to take steam baths as part of their wedding ritual. Hes easily one of the strangest demons to roam the earth. When she appears she asks some questions to her victims and if they fail in the answer or last too long, she will chop their heads off or make them go crazy with no remorse. In Roman mythology, Cacus, the son of Vulcan, was a giant who lived in a cave on Mount Aventine. SOME LINKS MAY BE AFFILIATE LINKS. In the deep and dark abyss beyond the light reside the strangest and evilest demons. To make matters worse, some stories tell that, if the Klmking goes through the body of someone, this person becomes evil. England has its Brownies, many types of Fairies and locally famous Phantom Dogs. Picollus was revered by the ancient inhabitants of Prussia and would appear to important people during their last days. Demogorgon, also known as thePrince of Demons, was a powerfuldemon lordandlesser deity. In European folklore and folk-belief , familiar spirits (named to simply as familiars or animal guides) were assumed to be supernatural entities that would assist witches and cunning folk in their practice of magic. Appearing in the Old Testaments Book of Job, Behemoth was so powerful and strong that only God could defeat it. A certain god of thunder and war seemed to be at the top of the food chain throughout most of the region during the pre-Christian era. Its not a person but an entity a supernatural entity known as a demon. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. It has never been known for sure what or who was Spring Heeled Jack. Perun is essentially a thunder god. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Compendium 2 of Spirit Beings in European Folklore discusses 228 spirit beings in detail, collected mainly from the folklore of German speaking Europe and Baltic and Finnish sources, including their alternative names, with additional references to related or subordinate beings. Appearing in the Book of Revelations, the sea creature Leviathan is an evil demon thats either The Devils right-hand demon or the Devil itself. Several portions of the Hebrew Bible mention Leviathan, notably The Book of Job. The goddess of creation and death in the Shinto Japanese mythology. Spirits rooted in Turkish-Mongolian culture Thats quite the accomplishment considering the other demons include The Devil and Lucifer. Compendium-1 describes a fascinating variety of 292 Nordic and Celtic spirit beings in alphabetically arranged paragraphs; accurate with many alternative names for the creatures and subdivisions of related beings. in Christianity. By continuing to use our website, you consent to the use of these cookies. Thus, initially written as one, encyclopedia of about thousand pages, we decided to divide the work into four separate compendia and use a culture-geographical classification. Introducing humans to forbidden wisdom, Azazel was often in opposition to God. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Those with troublesome futures would receive the sharp sting of Banniks claw instead. window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId, 'adsensetype', 1); Few demons compare to the evil and strange Beelzebub. Baubas, Lithuania. Its female counterpart is a succubus. Nobody was able to kill him, until a humble shoemaker devised a plan and stuffed a goat of sulfur and tar that exploded inside the dragon's stomach, bursting it into a thousand pieces. Typically an incubus is dominant and a succubus is submissive. This creature is like the bogeyman on steroids: its a dark Midday women Residents of a home would need to say elaborate prayers or position brooms outside their bedroom doors. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Sometimes, when youre sleeping at night, you feel a cold chill enter the room. hiiet) is the Finnish word for demon mentioned in the Kalevala. Ancient Russians attributed the phenomenon of sleep paralysis to Kikimora. No less than 1045 creatures (!) This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Evil spirits of the dead We also added a new set of illustrations (ink drawings) adapted to the classic style to preserve the romantic nature of this theme. In the Hebrew Bible, Azazel is a ritual involving two goats, one going free and the other getting sacrificed. In some stories, they are fortune tellers, who will be of service to anyone who seeks them out. She also carries a broom that is used to sweep away any tracks that she makes. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 international license. The Devil is the ultimate evil demon in Christianity. The living strigoi are sorcerers that, according to legend plague the countryside with deceased and death. They are found in writings commonly in the Quran(the 72ndsurais titledSrat al-Jinn) and other Islamic texts and dwell in the world. Although in many cases they simply leave, taking their gift of prosperity with them. Lechies were Russian demons that lived in the woods. It emerged in the Victorian era and the legend says that this person was able to perform improbable jumps so that soon began to gain fame among people. The wizard Merlin and King Arthur were two of the best-known characters in European mythology . Bogeys Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); 2023 Enroll now in the course: Fallen Angels, Demons & Satan in Judeo-Christian Traditions. COPYRIGHT 2023 Next Luxury ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. } Yan-gant-y-tan is a demon from Brittany, who wanders the night holding 5 candles on his 5 fingers. Updated 11/08/2022. That's where the saying goes Hope is the last thing you lose . Woe is he, who wanders the moors of the northern and eastern Netherlands at night. Abaddon is easily one of the strangest and weirdest demons. This succubus/demoness takes the form of a human female and attempts to shape in with the human society. In folklore and parapsychology, a poltergeist (German for pounding ghost) is a kind of ghost or other supernatural force or being which is accountable for physical disturbances, such as loud noises and objects being moved or ruined. These are the creepiest creatures from Eastern European folklore. Eastern Europe is home to some of the creepiest creatures in folklore. Elves, beasts, monsters and spirits are said to haunt the forests and homes in this part of the world. While some will make your skin crawl, others will hypnotize you with their beauty. some of them are ghosts and not demons but thats ok. Im writing a story and looking for something that could maybe show up in a strike of lightning and leave a sulfur smell, I know the sulfur smell is more of a movie/tv thing but I like that idea. NEXTLUXURYDOTCOM LLC IS A PARTICIPANT IN THE AMAZON SERVICES LLC ASSOCIATES PROGRAM, AN AFFILIATE ADVERTISING PROGRAM DESIGNED TO PROVIDE A MEANS FOR SITES TO EARN ADVERTISING FEES BY ADVERTISING AND LINKING TO AMAZON.COM. for God. However, perhaps the most disturbing aspect of the Wolpertinger, is that some people have actually hunted down various woodland critters to create their own stuffed Wolpertingers. 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