Metropolitan and micropolitan statistical area tables are available here. 2020 Economic Forecast . Chart. Real gross domestic product (GDP) increased in 2,404 counties, decreased in 691 counties, and was unchanged in 17 counties in 2021. ", BEA & US Department of Commerce, Per capita Real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the United States in 2020, by metropolitan area (in chained 2012 U.S. dollars) Statista, (last visited January 19, 2023), Per capita Real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the United States in 2020, by metropolitan area (in chained 2012 U.S. dollars) [Graph], BEA, & US Department of Commerce, December 8, 2021. - Full Size", "Global Wealth PPP Distribution: Who Are The Leaders Of The Global Economy? Learn more about how Statista can support your business. This combined visualization shows the degree of GDP concentration for several large metro areas, as well as the difference in top industry contributors to area GDP as compared to smaller surrounding metro and micropolitan areas. Andrei Covatariu is an international energy and climate change expert. Jilus applied for an SBA COVID-19 EIDL loan in late March 2020 and was approved for $71,000 in October 2020. Please create an employee account to be able to mark statistics as favorites. Browse our collection of stories and more. March 5, 2020 Metro Monitor 2020 tracks the inclusive economic growth performance of the 192 largest U.S. metro areas, which t . The real estimates of gross domestic product (GDP) by metropolitan area are measured in chained (2009) dollars. Consumer Price Index and inflation in the U.S. Real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the United States in 2020, by metropolitan area (in million chained 2012 U.S. dollars), Find your information in our database containing over 20,000 reports, Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV, Philadelphia-Camden-Wilmington, PA-NJ-DE-MD, Nashville-Davidson--Murfreesboro--Franklin, TN, Virginia Beach-Norfolk-Newport News, VA-NC. The percent change in real GDP ranged from 81.8 percent in Coke County, TX, to 34.8 percent in Chouteau County, MT. This is a superb program created by the City and rolled out in 2018 to support the homeless population in the evening winter hours of the Metro Vancouver area. 2013", "Bevolkingsontwikkeling; Regionale kerncijfers Nederland", "Bevolkingsontwikkeling; regio per maand", "Regional gross domestic product: Year ended March 2020", "2016 Census Community Profiles: Ballarat", "2016 Census Community Profiles: Bendigo", "The top 15 Indian cities by GDP | India's top 15 cities with the highest GDP - Yahoo India Finance", "Estimates of District Domestic Product Madhya Pradesh", "Federal Statistical Office Germany - GENESIS-Online", "Dossier on the Metropolitan City of Bologna", "Regionales Energiekonzept fr den Groraum Braunschweig", "Regional GDP per capita ranged from 31% to 626% of the EU average in 2017", "1.1 Valoarea produsului intern brut pe judee i regiuni", "Regional Population: Population estimates by Significant Urban Area, 2009 to 2019", "The Online Journal of McKinsey & Company", "Statistical Communiqu of Changsha City on the 2020 National Economic and Social Development", "Regional GDP per capita in the EU in 2010", "Regional economic activity by gross value added (balanced), UK: 1998 to 2017", "Yearly Average Currency Exchange Rates | Internal Revenue Service", "Population on 1 January by age groups and sex functional urban areas", "Tanzania: GDP at current prices, by region", "Dhaka, Bangladesh GDP and Income Distribution", "China: Shndng (Prefectures, Cities, Districts and Counties) - Population Statistics, Charts and Map", "Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the Emirate of Dubai 20062008", "Bilancio demografico anno 2015 e popolazione residente al 31 dicembre; Comune: Firenze", "Posio ocupada pelos 100 maiores municpios, em relao ao Produto Interno Bruto", "Department of Statistics Malaysia Official Portal", "Significant Urban Area (SUA) ASGS Edition 2016 in .csv Format", "Bilan dmographique selon le niveau gographique institutionnel", "US Dollar to British Pound Spot Exchange Rates for 2022", "2016 Census Community Profiles: Gladstone Tannum Sands", "OECD - Metropolitan areas - Population, all ages", "3218.0 Regional Population Growth, Australia, 2017-18: Population Estimates by Significant Urban Area, 2008 to 2018", "Metropolitan Employment Area (MEA) Data", "Regional GDP per capita ranged from 30% to 263% of the EU average in 2018", "Hanoi's economic growth hits 4-year high of 7.62% in 2019", "3218.0 Regional Population Growth, Australia, 2017-18: Main Features", "Report for Selected Countries and Subjects", "DocSend - Simple, intelligent, modern content sending", "Estimates of District Domestic Product of Rajasthan for 2020-21", 2015 Census Final Data " 27 | | ", "Karachi Mega-Cities Preparation Project", "Bevlkerung nach Nationalitt und Bundeslndern", "Rodikli duomen baz - Oficialiosios statistikos portalas",}}, "District Domestic Product Estimates Uttar Pradesh Year 2019-20", "World Economic Outlook Database, October 2019", "Bevlkerung der Gemeinden am 31.12.2010", "United Nations Statistics Division - National Accounts", "Population and employment / IMSEE - Monaco IMSEE", "Mumbai 17th in global GDP list, says survey", "Mumbai and Delhi rank as 5th and 6th largest cities in Asia with a GDP of over $400 bn: JLL 'Global 300' Rankings", "District Domestic Product of Maharashtra 2011-12 to 2019-20", "Bruttoinlandsprodukt in den Metropolregionen in Deutschland 2014 | Statistik",, "Directorate of Economics and Statistics",, "City of Tshwane, Metropolitan Municipality 799 from Census 2011", "PIB por Entidad Federativa (PIBE) en 2019, Base 2013", European Spatial Planning Observation Network, "Gross domestic product in regions | Oficils statistikas portls", "METRO - "The role and future perspectives of Cohesion Policy in the planning of Metropolitan Areas and Cities", "IBGE: SALVADOR ocupa 22 lugar no ranking per capita do PIB/2011", "Shanghai's economy continues humming along", "Shanghai first Chinese city to top 3 trillion yuan GDP", "3218.0 Regional Population Growth, Australia, 201718: Population Estimates by Significant Urban Area, 2008 to 2018", "Aire d'attraction des villes 2020 de Strasbourg (partie franaise) (010)", "Population, 1 January by Year, County, Sex and Age group", " ", "Tel Aviv 2022 Global Business Cities Report", "Tokelau's Gross Domestic Product determined for first time this century", Final population counts: 2016 Tokelau Census, "Popolazione Residente al 1 Gennaio 2020", "Demo-Geodemo. If you are an admin, please authenticate by logging in again. The Perryman Group's most recent economic projections for Texas' largest metropolitan areas incorporate the potential effects of COVID-19 and the downturn in the energy sector. - Mappe, Popolazione, Statistiche Demografiche dell'ISTAT", "Total Real Gross Domestic Product for Wichita, KS (MSA)", "Population estimates by selected Non-ABS Structures, 2010-2020", "China: Gungdng (Prefectures, Cities, Districts and Counties) - Population Statistics, Charts and Map",, 15,590,0002020censusAs shown in the figure, this is the number of people in the red circle, 202.4342021This is GDP within the red circle, 311.769Based on the projection of China's purchasing power GDP in 2021, 12,510,0002021As shown in the figure, this is the number of people in the red circle, 30,756,4002020 CensusAs you can see, this is the population data within the blue line segment, this is the population data within the blue line segment, 669.9222021GDP is within the blue segment, 29,685,5502020 CensusAs you can see, this is the population data within the blue line segment, This page was last edited on 18 January 2023, at 07:08. An official website of the United States government. "Real Gross Domestic Product (Gdp) of The United States in 2020, by Metropolitan Area (in Million Chained 2012 U.S. An official website of the United States government. Are you interested in testing our corporate solutions? The United Nations uses three definitions for what constitutes a city, as not all cities may be classified using the same criteria. She has led high stakes diplomacy, UN and multilateral engagement . Directly accessible data for 170 industries from 50 countries and over 1 million facts: Get quick analyses with our professional research service. The UBAE quantified by the difference in landscape metrics of built-up areas between 2020 and 2000 and their impact on UHI was further analyzed. Aug 2020 - Present2 years 6 months. Nonetheless, employment remains well below pre-COVID-19 levels. As shown in the interactive map below, the industry that accounted for the greatest share of metro area GDP in the greatest number of areas was government and government enterprises (141 metros); followed by manufacturing (118 metros); real estate and rental and leasing (64 metros); educational services, health care, and social assistance (21 metros); and, professional and business services (17 metros). Like the US and Texas, these population centers will see significant losses this year, but a fairly rapid recovery once the worst virus issues have passed. . Please see our, EMBARGOED UNTIL RELEASE AT 8:30 A.M. EST, Wednesday, December 8, 2021, 4600 Silver Hill Road Suitland, MD 20746, Federal Recovery Programs and BEA Statistics. Relating to these frontline roles, in the winter seasons of 2018-19 and 2019-2020 I was fortunate to be a leader and Supervisor with the City of Burnaby Warming Centres. Due to varying update cycles, statistics can display more up-to-date National Data GDP & Personal Income National Data Fixed Assets Industry Data GDP-by-industry Industry Data Input-Output International Data Int'l Transactions, Services, & IIP International Data Direct Investment & MNEs Regional Data GDP & Personal Income. Explore census data with visualizations and view tutorials. The contributions are additive and can be summed to the state's overall percent change. The transportation and warehousing industry was the leading contributor to the decrease. The utilities industry was the leading contributor to the county's growth. Director General, Mapping Information Branch, Geomatics Canada, May 2009 - Jul 20134 years 3 months. Metro areas among the 100 largest in the country account for a. Chained-dollar values of GDP by county are derived by applying national chain-type price indexes to the current dollar values of GDP by county for 61 detailed North American Industry Classification System-based industries. Real GDP by metropolitan area is an inflation-adjusted measure of each metropolitan area's gross product that is based on national prices for the goods and services produced within the metropolitan area. Quantity indexes are calculated using a Fisher chained-weighted formula that incorporates weights from two adjacent periods (quarters for quarterly data and annuals for annual data). Use the Zoom and Search options in the toolbar to the upper left to get a closer look at specific areas. This text provides general information. The GDP by county statistics released today are consistent with the GDP by state statistics released on October 1, 2021, which were based on the July 2021 annual update of the National Income and Product Accounts and the September 2021 annual update of the Industry Economic Accounts. dollars)." Accessed January 19, 2023., BEA, and US Department of Commerce. Real values are inflation-adjusted statisticsthat is, these exclude the effects of price changes. Places, and Economy . Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, List of most expensive cities for expatriate employees, List of country subdivisions by GDP over 200 billion US dollars, "GDP Implicit Price Deflator in United States", "Standard country or area codes for statistical use (M49): Geographic Regions", "Global Wealth GDP Nominal Distribution: Who Are The Leaders Of The Global Economy? Table 1. Career-focussed interests include understanding structural and hydrothermal . Use the Zoom and Search options in the toolbar to the upper left to get a closer look at specific metros. Spent 2+ years working in Au and Au/Cu exploration in Northern Ontario, Northern Manitoba, and Newfoundland. - Full Size", "Gross domestic product (GDP) at basic prices, by census metropolitan area (CMA)", "Population estimates, July 1, by census metropolitan area and census agglomeration, 2016 boundaries", "Population on 1 January by age groups and sex - functional urban areas", "President: Almaty turns into large regional investment attractive centre", "Posio ocupada pelos maiores municpios brasileiros em relao ao Produto Interno Bruto, Est. The largest of the nations urban areas, metro areas of more than 50,000 residents account for the greatest portion of the countrys GDP. To sign up for updates please enter your email address. As the economic and political center of Taiwan, the fabric covers the traditional municipal area, the Taipei metropolitan area, and the drainage basin of the Danshui River. 06/12/2022 Financial Investigator 26/06/2021 Financial Intelligence Officer 10/12/2020 Cyber and Economic Crime Champions Aug 2008 to Dec 2020 I have investigated, developed and improved the Public Protection Desk (PPD) for the Metropolitan Police Service. Next release: December 8, 2022 Gross domestic product (GDP) by metropolitan area is the measure of the market value of all final goods and services produced within a metropolitan area in a particular period of time. Other similar examples where areas stand out from their regional neighbors in their top contributing industries to area GDP include: The final interactive graphic provides additional details on the total levels of industry contribution to area GDP across all areas. Accessed January 19, 2023., BEA. BEA. BScH graduate from Queen's University (April 2020), majoring in Geological Sciences. Thematic data tables from WDI. As shown in the interactive map below however, the industry that accounted for the greatest share of micropolitan area GDP in the greatest number of areas was manufacturing (170 micropolitan areas); followed by government and government enterprises (109 micropolitan areas); real estate and rental and leasing (46 micropolitan areas); mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction (14 micropolitan areas); and agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting (12 micropolitan areas). Overview and forecasts on trending topics, Industry and market insights and forecasts, Key figures and rankings about companies and products, Consumer and brand insights and preferences in various industries, Detailed information about political and social topics, All key figures about countries and regions, Market forecast and expert KPIs for 600+ segments in 150+ countries, Insights on consumer attitudes and behavior worldwide, Business information on 60m+ public and private companies, Detailed information for 35,000+ online stores and marketplaces. Profit from the additional features of your individual account. Real gross domestic product (GDP) increased in 864 counties, decreased in 2,234 counties, and was unchanged in 14 counties in 2020, according to estimates released today by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA). 2020. ", BEA, Real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the United States in 2020, by metropolitan area (in million chained 2012 U.S. dollars) Statista, (last visited January 19, 2023), Real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the United States in 2020, by metropolitan area (in million chained 2012 U.S. dollars) [Graph], BEA, December 8, 2021. Annual Resident Population Estimates for Combined Statistical Areas and Their Geographic Components: April 1, 2010 to July 1, 2019; April 1, 2020; and July 1, 2020 (CSA-EST2020) With each new release of annual estimates, the entire time series of estimates is revised for all years back to the last census. The countrys GDP of more than 50,000 residents account for the greatest portion of the Nations areas... 81.8 percent in Chouteau County, MT be summed to the decrease from. May 2009 - Jul 20134 years 3 months your business state 's overall percent change look at metros! - Full Size '', `` Global Wealth PPP Distribution: Who are the of... 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