The first speech was the only one to be delivered in front of the praetor urbanus Manius Acilius Glabrio. Cicero used various techniques to argue against Verres, notably speaking directly to the audience during some sections of the speech. In the aftermath of the trial, Cicero not only published the Divinatio in Caecilium and the speech he gave during the actio prima (commonly labelled in Verrem 1), but also the five speeches he had prepared for the actio secunda (in Verrem 2.15). Cicero weaves an alternative narrative of events, alleging that Roscius' relatives conspired to kill the wealthy Roscius Snr to claim his property. In 70 BC, when Gnaeus Pompeius and Marcus Licinius Crassus shared the consulship for the first time, Rome's rising star in oratory, Marcus Tullius Cicero, successfully prosecuted Gaius Verres on the charge of misconduct, especially extortion, during his term as governor of Sicily (73-71 BC). In 69, Hortensius, one of his advocates, and Q. Caecilius Metellus Creticus, one of his main friends and supporters, would have been consuls, and M. Caecilius Metellus (a brother of the aforementioned Metellus) would have presided over the extortion court as praetor. His return to the status of privatus (an individual not holding public office) set in motion the following procedural steps: postulatio (c. 10 January 70): in early January of 70, Cicero applied to the praetor presiding over the extortion court, Manlius Acilius Glabrio, for permission to prosecute Verres (postulatio). As already mentioned, Verres and his supporters tried to prolong the trial until the following year. The famous fresco by Cesare Maccari depicts the moment during Cicero's speech where the senators rise from their seats and single out Catiline on account of his crimes. These relatives, Magnus and Capito, allegedly worked in collusion with the high-ranking official Chrysogonus to legally seize the defendant's inheritance through the era's terrifying proscriptions campaign. Big, Bad Bug, ea, quae coniuncta cum illis rebus sunt de quibus antea dixi,. In Verrem II.1. The famed 'Catilinarians' - the speeches Cicero gave on the occasion of the Catilinarian conspiracy - are some of the most famous orations in history. Context: In the summer of 70 B.C., Cicero prosecuted Gaius Verres for extortion, misgovernment, and oppression. Cicero's Catiline Orations were significant for their rhetorical brilliance and historical significance. This Study Guide consists of approximately 26pages of chapter summaries, quotes, character analysis, themes, and more - This study guide contains the following sections: This detailed literature summary also contains Topics for Discussion and a Free Quiz on To get a high-quality original essay, click here. By clicking Receive Essay, you agree to our, History Essay on Imperial Actions of Europe in Africa, History Essay Sample about Catherine The Great, Changing Role of Women in The 1920s Essay Example, Could the Allies Have Won WWII Without the United States? The Philippics round out Cicero's life, as Marcus Antonius eventually has occasion to have him murdered. However, it was his use of involving the audience that made In Verrem so effective. After only 50 days, enough evidence had been . Verres had the man flogged, and then he had him crucified, both punishments not to be inflicted on a Roman citizen without a trial in Rome (and even then, an execution by. These speeches are highly political, particularly In Verrem I. Verres, despite his corruption, was well-connected. 0000002564 00000 n When slandering him he placed the focus on his un-Roman behaviour as he knew it would upset and anger the jury, ensuring that they would vote against him. 0000002603 00000 n Soon after the court heard Cicero's speeches, Hortensius advised Verres that it would be hard for him to win at this point, and further advised that the best course of action was for Verres to essentially plead no contest by going into voluntary exile (an option open to higher-ranking Romans in his situation). 19 The fact that he circulated all the speeches to do with the trial of Verres indicates his high opinion of the set and his belief in their value as documents of self-promotion. In Sicily, Verres was alleged to have despoiled temples and used a number of national emergencies, including the Third Servile War, as cover for elaborate extortion plots.[3]. Cicero ultimately relies on his audience to ensure a win. The following very brief summary of Cicero's life is drawn from the Oxford Classical Dictionary. Pompei ('On the Command of Gnaeus Pompeius'), teaching or studying Selected Political Speeches of Cicero. Thus Cicero does his best to depict Verres as a heinous and hardened criminal, with a particular penchant for debauchery from his early youth. These speeches are highly political, particularly In Verrem I. Verres, despite his corruption, was well-connected. See more Apollonius Molon. The Question and Answer section for Ciceros Orations is a great The first speech intended for the second hearing (Ver. These speeches are highly political, particularly In Verrem I. Verres, In the second, infinitely more damning speech, Cicero laid out the full charge sheet. "In Verrem I" is the first of these speeches. 0000046913 00000 n The idea of someone being carried in this manner creates a thought of violence, insinuating that fights often break out. help you understand the book. He would rather spend his time partying than doing his job. pl. By Cicero stating that he knows that the jury is not in any doubt about Verres, he makes it clear that there is only one choice and that if anyone was to side with Verres they, like him, would be seen as un-Roman.. Another clever way that Cicero uses his interactions with his audience is making them focus solely on Verres crimes and his wrongs. 0000007031 00000 n 0000011900 00000 n No clear consensus has emerged, not least since his practice will most likely have differed from case to case, ranging from almost instant release with only minor adjustments to significant revision and publication several years after the original delivery.20 The speeches that Cicero prepared for the second hearing belong to those that he anyway never gave, so here the question is moot. Cicero touched very little on Verres' extortion crimes in Sicily in the first speech. [1], Afterwards, he was protected to a degree by Sulla, and allowed to indulge a skill for gubernatorial extortion in Cilicia under the province's governor, Gnaeus Cornelius Dolabella in 81 BC. Summary Full synopsis of in verrem Module Politics of the late republic Institution OCR Discusses theme - divided by chapter Full information needed for essays Preview 1 out of 4 pages Getting your document ready. In Verrem "Against Verres" is a series of juridical orations given by Cicero, who was serving as Prosecutor in a trial against the corrupt governor of Sicily, Verres. From Syracuse to Rome: The Travails of Silanion's Sappho. Transactions of the American Philological Association, vol. Botw Normal Ending, Through a series of orations and witnesses, Verres's prosecutor, Cicero, presented a powerful story of how the shocking greed and arrogance of a provincial governor wreaked . 0000003885 00000 n Moreover, Cicero alleges that Verres placed a crony of his, Cleomenes by name, as commander of a fleet expedition to destroy a group of pirates in the area (the reason being, Cicero argues, to keep him out of reach as Verres cuckolded him) and that Cleomenes, due to incompetence, allowed the pirates to enter into Syracuse harbor and sack the town. Chapter I, In Verrem I Summary and Analysis. Cicero enumerated a number of charges against Verres during his tenure as governor of Moreover, Cicero alleges that Verres placed a crony of his, Cleomenes by name, as commander of a fleet expedition to destroy a group of pirates in the area (the reason being, Cicero argues, to keep him out of reach as Verres Of the planned orators, only Cicero had an opportunity to speak. Cicero realized that this would inevitably drag out the proceedings past the new year, and so he requested that he be allowed to call witnesses immediately to buttress his charges, before the speeches were made.[4]. The case was a success and brought Cicero much renown as both an orator and advocate. Cicero (Marcus Tullius, 106-43 BCE ), Roman lawyer, orator, politician and philosopher, of whom we know more than of any other Roman, lived through the stirring era which saw the rise, dictatorship, and death of Julius Caesar in a tottering republic. Instead, it is composed entirely of his speeches. Cicero would serve in Sicily in 75 BC as a quaestor, and in doing so made contacts with a number of Sicilian towns. Gen. By use of slander and comparison he was able to showthe extent of Verres crimes and bad character, speaking of his laziness, partying, thievery among others. Time was precious: he was aware of the fact that the defence wanted to delay the trial until the following year. 2.1.16: celeritas reditionis). Get Selected Political Speeches of Cicero from A similar instance of Cicero speaking of Verres character comes when his Sicilian fleet is described as being full of Very good looking young men. (Cicero, 2006, 63) Ciceros focus on Verres vanity during these sections are used to show that Verres put his own wants above all else. Selected Political Speeches of Cicero from, Order our Selected Political Speeches of Cicero Study Guide, Chapter 3, De imperio Cn. T+h:lf:rlUy|AsB+r\-%}%W"971rI ,BSfy+!WzJl_@,j@5i,&e*w(t2x`$TNi\ Arlop Xd)#Re0A0@alPTII$R-@fd@" #() L44HKu~sKpk(W8 The so-called Verrine Orations thus comprise the Divinatio in Caecilium (Preliminary hearing against Caecilius'), which won him the right to act as prosecutor of Verres; the decisive speech he gave during the first hearing (in Verrem 1); and the material Cicero prepared for the second hearing, repackaged into five undelivered orations (in Verrem 2.1-5).1 The dissemination of this corpus of speeches constituted an unprecedented enterprise, the largest single publication of [his . Other notable orations include the Pro Caelio, Pro Milone and the Phillipics against Marc Antony (largely responsible for Cicero's prosecution and execution). Immediately, both Verres and Hortensius realized that the court as composed under Glabrio was inhospitable to the defense, and began to try to derail the prosecution by procedural tricks that had the effect of delaying or prolonging the trial. More charges were levelled outside of this naval affair. xref In Verrem is another notable oration, wherein Cicero represented the province of Sicily to prosecute the corrupt governor Verres for changes of corruption and extortion. Verres advocate Hortensius did not expect this deviation from standard procedure and faced a difficult challenge. Pusher Private Channels, Mercurium, qui sacris anniversariis apud eos ac summa religione. These speeches are highly political, particularly In Verrem I. Verres, despite his corruption, was well-connected. : Against Verres, Part 2, Books 3-5. He was widely regarded as one of the most intelligent and civilized 'old men' of the republic, even during Caesar's dictatorship. You can order a custom paper by our expert writers. New!! Cicero The Latin Library The Classics Page. This was done by first trying to place a similar prosecution on the docket, to take place before Verres' trial, one concerning a governor of Bithynia for extortion. 0000011194 00000 n To conclude, Ciceros speech was helped by his use of various techniques that enforced the idea that Verres was not fit to be a Governor of Rome. It is given in the Roman forum and attempts to convince a group of people in a non-legal setting (typically legislative) to take a certain course of action. The first oration against Verres. resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss thenovel. 0 Cicero is serving as prosecutor against the infamously corrupt governor of Sicily, Verres. However, Verres's allies supported the famous orator and lawyer Hortensius against Cicero. But in the larger scheme of things, Ver. {w?*L,xd";.mxa? A patrician, Catiline, and some of his allies, wish to take over Rome for themselves and elevate Catiline to consul (or even dictator). There are seven "In Verrem" speeches, but five were never given because Verres fled before the trial ended. Keywords: Jurisprudence, Legal History, Natural Law Theory, Roman Jurisprudence. This page was last edited on 3 March 2022, at 12:24. Cicero formally charged Verres with extortion of 40 million sesterces A penalty of 100 million sesterces (maximum allowed by law) 2. Tempest explains how Cicero used the jury to his favour in Staging A Prosecution. In 70 BC Cicero, who had served as quaestor in Sicily five years previously, was commissioned by the Sicilians to prosecute the island's former governor, Gaius Verres, for corruption. We are thankful for their contributions and encourage you to make yourown. In Caecilium. Cicero prevented this by delivering a quick and damning summary of his evidence rather than making use of the lengthy speeches he had drafted. Anonymous "Ciceros Orations Summary". Not affiliated with Harvard College. I see that it is doubtful to no one, judges, but that Gaius Verres very openly plundered all religious and secular items in Sicily, both privatly and publicly, and that he engaged in, not only without any pricks of conscience, but also without concealment, in stealing and plundering of every type. The actio secunda, for which Cicero had prepared a massive amount of material adding up to five full speeches, never took place. 0000008050 00000 n Why was that pirate kept out of sight? (Cicero, 2006, 66) Cicero uses a rhetorical question here, knowingly putting Verres on the spot. Chapter 1, Attack on Misgovernment, Against Verres I Summary and Analysis. Pro Roscio Amerino marked Cicero's first significant legal oration, given in defense of Sextus Roscius Jnr, brought to trial for the charge of parricide. Good for Cicero to raise his profile. Cicero placed his focus on convincing the jury of the fact that Verres actions were un-Roman, something that would have been successful due to the importance of Roman values. Speaking out against Sulla's regime, Cicero also takes great care in flattering the dictator for his personal and professional safety. Tempests statement can be considered as accurate as without audience involvement, the speech would not have worked as well. These speeches were given in 70 B.C. Instead, he took a two-pronged approach, by both inflating the vanity of the all-senator jury and making the most of Verres' early character. The next speech is "In Verrem II.5." One of the ways that Cicero was able to create an effective attack was by his use of slander. In Verrem II.5. %%EOF By the end of 70 BC, Verres was living in exile in Massilia, modern-day Marseilles, where he would live the rest of his life (history records he was killed during the proscriptions of the Second Triumvirate over a sculpture desired by Mark Antony). Non dicam illinc hoc signum ablatum esse et illud: hoc dico, nullum te Aspendi signum, Verres, reliquisse, omnia ex fanis, ex locis publicis, palam, spectantibus omnibus, plaustris evecta exportataque esse. Scholars have debated, more or less inconclusively, whether and, if so, to what degree Cicero revised speeches after delivery before circulating them in written form. To camouflage the fact that this was going on, Cicero further accuses Verres of administratively shuffling around the pirates to cities that had no knowledge of them and substituting others in their place on the execution block. First off, Cicero had to fight for the right to deliver the prosecution instead of Quintus Caecilius Nigera client of Verres who would likely have neutered the case against him. Sing. 2.1 is primarily a warm-up to his account of Verres governorship of Sicily, to which he devoted the four subsequent speeches.23. everything you need to sharpen your knowledge of Selected Political Speeches of Cicero. Cicero's Orations literature essays are academic essays for citation. and there seven speeches altogether, five of which he could not . Cicero is serving as prosecutor against the infamously corrupt governor of Sicily, Verres. The second prong concerned Verres' defense's attempts to keep the case from proceeding on technicalities. inquisitio: to prepare his case, Cicero asked for, and was granted, 110 days, during which he travelled to Sicily to secure witnesses and documentation. Because of a public festival occurring in Rome, Verres' and Hortensius' fame, many people flocked to watch the trail. Cicero wrote a variety of philosophical, rhetorical (on the study and practice of rhetoric), political and legal works. In Verrem is another notable oration, wherein Cicero represented the province of Sicily to prosecute the corrupt governor Verres for changes of corruption and extortion. Dickinson College CommentariesDepartment of Classical StudiesDickinson CollegeCarlisle, PA 17013 245-1493, The Trial of Verres and Cicero's Speeches, 2431: Explanation why Cicero didnt indict in detail during the, 41102: Verres stint as legate and pro-quaestor of Dolabella in Cilicia, 90102: Verres crimes as a guardian and pro-quaestor, 12854: Misconduct as a supervisor of the maintenance of public buildings, 15558: His jury-tampering in other trials. 0000017698 00000 n Via Matteotti, 3721040 Vedano Olona VA. gordon, gino and fred season 2 episode 5(function (w,d) {var loader = function () {var s = d.createElement("script"), tag = d.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.src=""; tag.parentNode.insertBefore(s,tag);}; if(w.addEventListener){w.addEventListener("load", loader, false);}else if(w.attachEvent){w.attachEvent("onload", loader);}else{w.onload = loader;}})(window, document); Orari di Apertura | Mart- Sab 08:30 12:30 15:00 -19:30, Ottica Zago 2018 All Rights Reserved - P.IVA 03256230123 -Design. The Pro Roscio Amerino closes with a poignant appeal to pathos, warning the judges that delivering a guilty verdict will set up an unjust precedent for manipulating the descendants of those proscribed. The first speech, "In Verrem I" is one of two 'juridical' orations included in the book - it is given in court and is intended to defend or convict a defendant. They include: Of the planned orators, only Cicero had an opportunity to speak. It would have been Ciceros practice in any case to work up extensive written notes for a speech before its oral delivery which of course does not mean that he read from a script in court and he most likely had his contribution to the actio secunda more or less ready to go by the time the trial began.21. When comparing Verres to someone Cicero made sure that he used a well known Roman figure that his audience would recognize. Survivor: Kaoh Rong Episode 1, In normal trials, both prosecution and defense would make a series of adversarial speeches before witnesses were called. Cicero was granted a 110-day adjournment to travel to Sicily to gather evidence Allowing the governor of Achaia case to be put one day ahead of the Verres case 3. will review the submission and either publish your submission or providefeedback. During the civil war between the government and the outlaw Sulla (8382 BC), Verres had been a junior officer in a Marian legion under Gaius Papirius Carbo. Sing. Cicero collected the remaining material, including what was to be his second speech dealing with Verres' actions in Sicily, and published it as if it had actually been delivered in court. By doing this Cicero is able to undermine any power that Verres once had. Selected Political Speeches of Cicero by Cicero. Verres' pockets were sufficiently deep for an extensive campaign of bribery. That which was above all things to be desired, O judges, and which above all things was calculated to have the greatest influence towards allaying the unpopularity of your order, and putting an end to the discredit into which your judicial decisions have fallen, appears to have been thrown in your way, and . Cicero antagonizes these relatives and Chrysognus through carefully calculated character assassination, while elevating Roscius Jnr as a paragon of rustic country values and filial piety. There are nine, and they are ordered chronologically through his life. Search. in Verrem 2.5: Sicily - Verres as magistrate with imperium, responsible for public safety and endowed with the power to punish Cicero only decided to publish a selection of his speeches. 0000046874 00000 n The second speech apparently was meant to have been his rebuttal speech had the trial continued, as it alludes to witnesses as already having testified in front of Glabrio's court. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Segesta est oppidum pervetus in Sicilia, iudices,, quod ab Aenea fugiente a Troia atque in haec loca veniente conditum esse demonstrant., Itaque Segestani non solum perpetua societate atque amicitia, verum etiam cognatione se cum populo Romano coniunctos esse arbitrantur. There had also been, concurrent with this, an almost perpetual scandal of wealthy senators and knights bribing juries to gain verdicts favorable to them. 129).17 With the actio prima completed on 13 August, the court adjourned for the Votive Games that began on 16 August (comperendinatio). Cicero detailed Verres' early crimes and Verres' attempts to derail the trial. Setting of In Verrem. Cicero delivered is speech in the extortion court in Rome. An editor New: Create an account. After you claim a section youll have 24 hours to send in a draft. It is the last of the seven speeches, the last of the five that were never given. Pirates that were captured were sometimes sold under the table by Verres as slaves, rather than being executed, as Cicero argues was the proper punishment. Mercurium, qui sacris anniversariis apud eos ac summa. As M. Alexander points out, he was put in the invidious position of having to reply to charges that had not been fully argued, and while [he] probably had a good idea of the arguments which Cicero would be making at the second hearing, he would not have wanted to give credence to them by stating them himself, and then trying to refute them.16 In the Orator, a rhetorical treatise he wrote in 46 BC, Cicero seems to imply that Hortensius never gave a formal speech in reply and only cross-examined some witnesses during the first hearing (Orat. The first speech, "In Verrem I" is one of two 'juridical' orations included in the book - it is given in court and is intended to defend or convict a defendant. A map of all locations mentioned in the text and notes of the Aetia. Links to resources for finding sight reading passages of moderate difficulty, most with glosses. The people of Sicily despised him as did many in Rome; so, they backed Cicero. True, consistency of character was an important argument in Roman law courts anyone who could be shown to have a criminal record was considered more likely to have perpetrated the crime for which he was on trial, whereas an unblemished past could be marshalled in support of a plea of innocence. 137, no. Verres was defended by the eminent orator Quintus Hortensius who intended to use tact to delay the trial until an upcoming public holiday in the hope of securing a more sympathetic judge. This website uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. The eighth speech, "Pro Marcello" congratulates then dictator Caesar on pardoning his old rival Marcellus. During In Catilinam, Cicero reveals to the Roman Senate a plot by fellow senator Catiline to overthrow the government. Trainer; Finally, the ninth speech is "Philippic II," one of fourteen speeches where Cicero defends himself against vicious rhetorical attacks by Marcus Antonius. If one only reads an excerpt from this speech, it is easy to forget that Verres was not nor had ever been on trial for any of his actions as legate. Selected Political Speeches of Cicero Summary & Study Guide Description. Kids On Cages, (Devices that sustain this illusion include direct addresses to the audience, in particular the defendant, members of the jury, or opposing advocates, orders to the clerk to read out documents, and the use of deictic pronouns such as iste that suggest the presence of the person thus referred to.) IvyMoose is the largest stock of essay samples on lots of topics and for any discipline. Excerpts from an English translation of the speeches are published in "Introduction: 5 Books of the Second Action Against Verres", in C. D. Yonge, ed., This page was last edited on 2 October 2022, at 20:29. cognoscite ea from is, ea, idacc. Pointing out the differences in the two made it clear to the audience that Verres was vain and lazy, rather than an efficient leader. Firstly by bringing up how he dealt with pirates, Servilius alone captured more pirates alive than all Governors before him put together, (Cicero, 2006, 66) Before going on to ask Verres, Why did you not do this? The next four speeches are all given within a week or two of one another. Unser Laden; 02571/5 69 89 33 persnlicher Kundenservice; Anmelden; 0 Artikel 0,00 ; Menu Menu . everything you need to sharpen your knowledge of Selected Political Speeches of Cicero. in Verrem 2.3: Sicily - extortion of taxes. The defense's strategy was to delay the trial as long as possible, until 69 B.C. 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Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Date of Trial, and where it took place, Cicero acted as, Verres was accused of and more. Cicero triumphed with the (surviving) speech Divinatio in Caecilium, in which he showed that his adversary was just not up to the task. THE FOURTH BOOK OF THE SECOND PLEADING IN THE PROSECUTION OF VERRES. In Verrem II.2. This gave Cicero's career a boost, in a large part because this allowed him a freedom to speak not usually granted to a newly enrolled member of the Senate. One of Rome's great generals, Pompey, had been leading the battle and he had to be renewed to continue legally leading Roman troops in battle. hb```b``f`e```d@ A,!n@92mlLLH`"+qr"cB 3O,n($cJ#=9w-w religio, religionis Fsupernatural constraint/taboo; obligation; sanction; worship; rite; sanctity. Cicero realized that this would inevitably drag out the proceedings past the new year, and so he requested that he be allowed to call witnesses immediately to buttress his charges, before the speeches were made.The first speech had touched more on the sharp practice of Verres and his attorney, Hortensius, in trying to derail or delay the trial. These speeches were given in 70 B.C. Similarly to slander, these are made to diminish Verres character. 1 / 28. These were that he subverted Roman security by accepting a bribe from the city of Messana to release them from their duty of providing a ship for the Roman fleet and that he fraudulently discharged men from fleet service, did not mark them down as discharged, and pocketed their active duty pay. All work ceased on festival days, according to Roman customs, including any ongoing trials. Romane Romane . However, this compilation does not include any of those works. Written by people who wish to remainanonymous. This had, apparently, caused friction and at least the appearance of "bought" justice, particularly when Senators were the accused, or the interests of a popular or powerful Senator were threatened. The speeches, which were concurrent with Cicero's election to the aedileship, paved the way for Cicero's public career. In it, Cicero took advantage of the almost unconditional freedom to speak in court to demolish Verres' case. In Verrem II.5 - Cicero [Marcus Tullius Cicero] - Oxford Scholarly Editions. You do not imagine that you have a share in the glory with Marcus Crassus or Gnaues Pompeius? (Cicero, 2006, 31) He then goes on to add that Crassus had Courage and foresight, and was Valiant, (Cicero, 2006, 31) Making it clear that Crassus, along with Pompeius, were men who put in effort to help during the war and that Verres did little to nothing and was just taking credit for others hard work. S life is drawn from the Oxford Classical Dictionary partying than doing his job that kept. 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'' congratulates then dictator Caesar on pardoning his old rival Marcellus is a great experience! Against Cicero as without audience involvement, the last of the almost unconditional freedom to speak essays are academic for! In Catilinam, Cicero took advantage of the second PLEADING in the first speech intended the. With glosses audience involvement, the last of the second prong concerned Verres ' extortion crimes in Sicily 75. Notably speaking directly to the aedileship, paved the way for Cicero 's literature. Illis rebus sunt de quibus antea dixi, the idea of someone being carried in manner... He was aware of the Aetia 2, Books 3-5 with a number of Sicilian towns '... Planned orators, only Cicero had an opportunity to speak in court demolish! He devoted the four subsequent speeches.23 the text and notes of the ways that Cicero was able in verrem summary... Largest stock of essay samples on lots of topics and for any discipline men ' of seven! 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