Quintus! : Maximus Tigris: Commodus: Shadows And Dust, Maximus." Actor Oliver Reed sadly passed away in the middle of filming yet his performance as Proximo is one of the highlights of the movie. I will kill Commodus. To my son - I tell him I will see him again soon. Maximus: Devotion, to my family, to you. Maximus: There was a dream that was Rome. : Maximus: Marcus Aurelius trusted you. Marcus Aurelius: You have proven your valor once again, Maximus. Father. Commodus, 23. !Cassius: Uh, yes, Sire. He enters Rome like a conquering hero. And now we are Free. Filming & Production All Ive ever wanted was to live up to you, Caesar. So, Spaniard, we shall go to Rome together and have bloody adventures and the great whore will suckle us until we are fat and happy and can suckle no more. [very quickly and defensively] Would I? They call for you. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next. The 61 Best Gladiator Quotes #2: Maximus: You would fight me? We mortals are but shadows and dust. Three weeks from now, I will be harvesting my crops. Commodus: You go too far. : To my wifethat is not your business. Maximus, 36. Listen. [Praetorians point their spears at the gladiators while the Colosseum crowd chants for them to live. I want my money back. Proximo: Proximo Maximus: He touched me on the shoulder and I was free. We hope our collection taught you a valuable lesson about standing firm in the face of trials in life. And what could be more glorious than to challenge the emperor himself in the great arena.Maximus: You would fight me?Commodus: Why not? Maximus: Must my son die too before youll trust me? Are you not entertained? Lucilla: The frost, it sometimes makes the blade stick. Proximo: [to the gladiators, the crowd can be heard stamping their feet, cheering] Some of you are thinking you wont fight, some that you cant. The coliseum. Father.Marcus Aurelius: Commodus, your faults as a son is my failure as a father. And what is Rome, Maximus? And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next. Maximus, 31. But the Emperor Claudius knew that they were up to something. Lucius will stay with me now. I never acquired your comfort with it. Maximus I will give them something they have never seen before. Release Dates Are you not entertained? [just before he is stabbed by the guards]. : Ancestors, I honor you and will try to live with the dignity that you have taught me. Look at me! You have missed the war. Maximus: Quintus, look at me. and you'll wake up one day and all you'll say is, ''Republic, republic.'' Well, why not? Commodus: : In this life, we all die. Crazy Credits You may begin to love them for that. Can any of them fight? If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Learn from me. He begins to think about the bigger picture. Anyone here been in the army? And a great whore will suckle us until we are fat and happy and can suckle no more. Proximo will come at midnight and take you to the gate. Yet you have never been there. Girl? An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Which Gladiator quotes resonated with you the most? You could be magnificent.Maximus: I am required to kill so I kill. I think he could do very well. Falco, 34. "You have proven your valor once again, Maximus. Marcus Aurelius: Your Emperor asks for your loyalty, Maximus. All rights reserved. Maximus: [to the crowd] Are you not entertained?! What do you want? Commodus: A long time ago, the emperor presented me with a rudis. Marcus Aurelius: And then, when enough men have died, perhaps you will have your freedom. Do you understand? Commodus: Maximus Here, use this. Blessed mother, come to me with the Gods desire for my future. Maximus, that is why it must be you. [Marcus Aurelius tries to comfort Commodus by reaching out his hand to touch him on the face but Commodus pulls his head away from Marcus Aurelius' hand in disgust]. Conceal the wound. Soundtracks, Maximus stands up, clenching an arrow head in his right hand, removes helmet and turns around to face Commodus, Praetorians point their spears at the gladiators while the Colosseum crowd chants for them to live. Only a famous death will do. Commodus: [turns to Lucilla] If she decides to be noble and take her own life, he will die. But I have other virtues, father. Maximus: Do you find it hard to do your duty?Cicero: Sometimes I do what I want to do. The silence before you strike. There is no one left to fight, sire. Maximus, 42. If I can arrange it, will you meet him?Maximus: Do you not understand? I didnt realize he would send his best.Lucilla: Maximus, he doesnt know.Maximus: My family was burned and crucified while they were still alive.Lucilla: I knew nothing about it.Maximus: Dont lie to me!Lucilla: I wept for them.Maximus: [grabs her throat] As you wept for your father? To live in terror every moment of every day, because your son is heir to the throne. Lucilla Proximo Quotes - Gladiator (2000) ficquotes.com. They just walk around eating, and not mating. Maximus: All we can choose is how we die. Maximus Quintus: Marcus Aurelius: Enough of politics. That is enough. Is this not why you are here? I call it love, Gracchus. Proximo: Commodus: I call it love. Quintus:People should know when they are conquered. [Inspecting the gladiators through the bars, Lucius notices Maximus and motions him closer. Maximus: You will be paid on my return. How can I reward Rome's greatest general? My decision disappoints you? You dont find it hard to do your duty? Maximus, 49. Maximus: - Maximus (Gladiator), 'At my signal, unleash Hell.' I will not believe that they fought and died for nothing.Marcus Aurelius: And what would you believe?Maximus: They fought for you and for Rome.Marcus Aurelius: And what is Rome, Maximus?Maximus: Ive seen much of the rest of the world. The tyrant? When Commodus organizes an event that would last for 150 days, Maximus disguises himself as a Carthaginian and leads his team to victory. [an unknown gladiator responds yes and tells Maximus he served under his command at Vindobona]. Ancestors, I honor you and will try to live with the dignity that you have taught me. Maximus, 9. | Please be quiet, brother! [the negotiator is riding headless towards the army] There is no one left to fight, sire. : Give me two days and I will buy your freedom. But I do try to be a man for the people. Gracchus, 15. Yes, and in a republic the senate has the power. Congratulations, you have very persuasive friends. Notebook quotes movie noah fire tumblr famous relationships awakens soul kind spark inspiring quote quotesgram money subscribe gosling ryan reach. Fifty-thousand Romans. You may even begin to love them. The film. Watching every movement of your sword. What marks you out is having the mindset of a champion. Manu Bennett, 32. Forgive me, Sire. : Beware of Gaius. : When a man sees his end, he wants to know there was some purpose to his life. I am terribly vexed. That is enough. We deal with a variety of issues on a daily basis, which causes us to lose hope. Maximus Proximo: Proximo: - Maximus: I've seen much of the rest of the world. Random Posts. Have I missed the battle? Proximo After making his first significant screen appearances in Hammer Horror films in the early 1960s, his notable films include The Trap (1966), playing Bill Sikes in the 1968 Best Picture Oscar . This psychotic obsession for wealth shows little sign of conscience or mercy. Gracchus: But the Senate is the people, Sire, chosen from among the people, to speak for the people.Commodus: I doubt if many of the people eat so well as you do, Gracchus, or have such splendid mistresses Gaius. Gladiator (2000) Quotes Showing all 81 items Commodus : Rise. The people are my children, I am their father. I will not make a martyr of him. And what do you think happened then, Lucius? : Slave, you will remove your helmet and tell me your name.Maximus: [removes his helmet and turns] My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius. 1. They all say that. Should they share her lovers fate or should I be merciful? Would have been like the sun on my heart for a thousand years. - Here he is. (sighs) My brother hates all the world and you most of all. | Privacy Policy I will empower you to one end alone, to give power back to the people of Rome and end the corruption that has crippled it. Maximus and the other gladiators were taken to a small area behind the seats. Quintus: Gracchus: General. He won the battle. That's enough for the provinces, but not for Rome. People should know when they are conquered. Maximus: Boy? Proximo was a former gladiator himself who won his freedom and owns the other fighters now. That is not it! You could be magnificent. Lucius Verus: I did not say I knew him! You know dirt cleans off a lot easier than blood, Quintus. Maximus, 5. So, we will lie still, and let our enemies come to us and nibble. Commodus cannot rule. He watches Maximus refuse to train with the others, and ultimately tells Hagen to stop hitting him. But none of my virtues were on your list. June Masters Bacher. The coliseum. Lucilla: My father favors you now. Save the bulls. Two years, two hundred and sixty-four days and this morning. Gracchus: [referring to Commodus] He enters Rome like a conquering hero. A general who became a slave. All I've ever wanted was to live up to you, Caesar. Win the crowd and you will win your freedom. My brother's had Gracchus arrested. I give you my word.Proximo: Your word! Take away their freedom and still they'll roar. Amused, Maximus complies, Lucius smiles, and points to the art on Maximus' armor, the negotiator is riding headless towards the army, Maximus is about to ride out with the cavalry to fight the barbarians, Upon seeing the Coliseum for the first time, Critics' Choice Movie Award for Best Picture. Proximo's first encountered while drinking a beverage in a cafe in Africa. Will I be known as the philosopher? Maximus: I have only one more life to take, then it is done.Commodus: Take it now. Then listen to me. That can be a virtue when it drives us to excel. But I on the other hand, I am an entertainer. : You could only whisper it. Sheathe your swords! Proximo But so did I. Marcus Aurelius is dead, Maximus. You can help me. Lucilla: What did my father want with you?Maximus: To wish me well before I leave for home.Lucilla: Youre lying, I could always tell when you were lying because you were never any good at it.Maximus: I never acquired your comfort with it.Lucilla: True, but then you never had to, life is more simple for a soldier. During his reign from 161 to 180, Rome became one of the largest empires to have ever existed. Promise me that you'll look after my family. Ive got a match coming up.Slave Trader: Some are good for fighting, others for dying. I know that you would die for honor. : : [to Falco] I would have butchered the whole world, if you would only love me! This list of great movie quotes from Gladiator collects all of the most famous lines from the film in one place, allowing you to pick the top quotes and move them up the list. Proximo "Anyone can train to be a gladiator. I was the best because the crowd loved me. Rise. To my wife that is not your business. The frost, sometimes makes the blade stick. Commodus: The mob sees this, and so does the senate. Oliver Reed (Proximo) Those giraffes you sold me, they won't mate. They were taken from me. : Happy to read and share the best inspirational Proximo Gladiator quotes, sayings and quotations on Wise Famous Quotes. You don't find it hard to do your duty? As Marcus' devious son Commodus ascends to the throne, Maxim Full production credits: "Learn from me. Shadows and dust, Maximus. Maximus: I am required to kill, so I kill. Rome is to be a republic again.Commodus: Maximus?Marcus Aurelius: Yes. Commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions, loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius. You could only whisper it. I will give them something they've never seen before. Set in Roman times, Gladiator follows Maximus (Russell Crowe), a powerful Roman general, loved by the people and the aging Emperor, Marcus Aurelius (Richard Harris). We mortals are but shadows and dust. [Maximus then swings the sword at the guard, cutting him across the face and killing him]. "Thrust this into another man's flesh, and they will applaud and love you for that. This is not it. Two thousand will never leave this place. Best Gladiator quotes, ranked by fans. Gladiators could eventually buy their freedom with the money they receive. Company Credits Maximus : My name is Gladiator. The general who became a slave. You're good, Spaniard, but you're not that good. Commodus: They tell me your son squealed like a girl when they nailed him to the cross. Gracchus: Author: Isabella Rossellini. Give me two days, and I will purchase your freedom. And when you die, and die you shall, your transition shall be to the sound ofProximo: [claps his hands] Gladiators, I salute you. [just before he is stabbed by the guards]. Your fame is well deserved, Spaniard. As if you were the Thundergod himself. [Commodus begins to asphyxiate Marcus whilst embracing him]. Maximus: We mortals are but shadows and dust. And the people that have mastered life seem to not care, and then they die, and then the grenade goes off. Written by David Franzoni, John Logan and William Nicholson. He won the battle. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next. A long time ago. They all say that, until they're out there, Proximo: Honor him.Gracchus: Who will help me carry him? Commodus: And now they love Maximus for his mercy. He then raises his fist and reluctantly gives the thumbs-up signal, after swiftly dispatching another gladiator, Marcus Aurelius tries to comfort Commodus by reaching out his hand to touch him on the face but Commodus pulls his head away from Marcus Aurelius' hand in disgust, Marcus opens up his arms to Commodus and gives him a hug, Commodus begins to asphyxiate Marcus while they hug, Marcus grunts, as an executioner tries to draw his sword but can't, Maximus looks at images of his wife and son, Maximus pauses, then turns around and walks away, first lines, the text that appears on screen, Gladiators surround Maximus to carry him out of the arena, during the fight with Maximus, Commodus loses his sword, Lucilla tries to convince Maximus to conspire with Senator Gracchus, an unknown gladiator responds yes and tells Maximus he served under his command at Vindobona, Inspecting the gladiators through the bars, Lucius notices Maximus and motions him closer. Slave, you will remove your helmet and tell me your name. Commodus, 45. After experiencing a severe career slowdown in the '90s, Reed was cast in Gladiator as Proximo, a former gladiator and trainer who became a friend and mentor to Crowe's Maximus. I have much to pay for. Juba: [buries Maximuss figurines where he died] Now we are free. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Lucilla Proximo Hes young. There was once a dream that was Rome. Maximus: Brothers, what we do in life echoes in eternity. They just walk around, eating, and not mating. Only a famous death will do. This is Argento, and this is Scarto. Marcus Aurelius: : That is enough. Maximus, 18. Whisper to them that I live only to hold them again. [laughing] : You simply won't die. Commodus: Hes made his decision. Maximus: Was I very different then? They're out of range. I will trust you. Commodus: Are you ready to do your duty for Rome? 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