. The Aramaic word is 'alma, which means "to surround" like being surrounded in time. Wuest has an enlightening "amplified version" - And stop assuming an outward expression that does not come from within you and is not representative of what you are in your inner being but is patterned after this age; but change your outward expression to one that comes from within and is representative of your inner being, by the renewing of your mind, resulting in your putting to the test what is the will of God, the good and well-pleasing and complete will, and having found that it meets specifications, place your approval upon it. It was that God might be your better Partner and undying Friend. 4, 5. compared to your love when you first met Him by grace through faith? Teleios - 19x in 17v - NAS = complete(2), mature(4), more perfect(1), perfect(12). NKJV And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. But would you have a heaven below as well as a heaven above? All rights reserved. . These are attitudes and actions that living sacrifices are to carry out. Suschematizo is used of masquerading or putting on an act, specifically by following a prescribed pattern or scheme (a "schema"). It is and indeed must necessarily be as perfect as God Himselffor it emanates from Him who is all perfection, and is a discovery of His mind and character. Before I introduce him, let me just reiterate, the purpose of this show . How relevant this is today as we find our thoughts and the way our minds process material affected by the world around us. You see more and more how utterly self-centered you've been, and you become concerned that you demonstrate that concern for someone else. 2 Corinthians The heart that the world cannot fill; You begin to see that money and material things are no longer important, as they once seemed to be. May 2018 If we confine ourselves to that text, we have not said all that God meant to say in that connection. 4:3), to live under the Holy Spirits control (Eph. Do not mind it; be not in love with it. There is an increasing appreciation of the grace of God and of the provision He has made for us in Christ, with a corresponding longing to be done with this body of death and conformed fully to the lovely image of the Lord; which longings will be completely realized at our glorification. In like manner, Paul here brackets, with that great conception of the Christian life, another equally dominant and equally comprehensive. His plan is good and pleasing and perfect. Philippians Satan can bring evil thoughts and desires into our minds, and we cant stop him from dong so. It is like the saber that the soldier carries into battle; it must not trail unsheathed upon the ground lest point and edge be dulled; both must be kept keen and sharp, that execution may be done upon the foe. SECURITY IS GOD'S WILL FOR US - Jn 6:38, 39, 40, III. The pattern of this world belongs to Satan, and it has ever since Adam fell to temptation. great joviality, light conversation, foolish jesting, novel reading, carnal music, unfit the heart for communion with God, and lessen the tone of its spirituality. When it looks at the world it says that the basis for living, the reason for life, is to serve God and to advance his will. Try to outdo yourselves in respect and honor of one another. How can you, under circumstances so trying and distressing as these, acknowledge and submit to God's perfect willand let it reign and rule in your heart without a murmur of resistance to it? Here is the trouble with many Christians. This, then, is the reward. Or maybe they can sense that the person is turning you against them. Its goods exhibited upon every page are ours, and we have no business merely moving respectfully amongst them and coming away none the richer. There is an eternal opposition between God and the world lying in wickedness. Romans 12:2 Context. Then you will be able to decide what God wants for you; you will know what is good and pleasing to him and what is perfect. Thus Gods will is not so much Gods intention, as it is His hearts desire. Is meditation optional? Romans 12:2, THE world, and the love of it, and conformity to it, may please and assist the life of sense, but it is opposed to, and will retard, the life of faith. Instead, fix your attention on God. Ephesians 2:2); such as it is, its life and his life are one; and his deliverance is accomplished as he is transformed by the renewing of his mind. Indeed, it was the goal and controlling ambition of his life, for, as he writes to the church in Corinth, we have as our ambition, whether at home or absent, to be pleasing to Him. (2Co 5:9-note). [ b] 2 Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by . As you make God's Word your insatiable delight ( Psalm 1:2-see note) and as you read and memorize it, you in turn make possible the delightful discipline of meditating on His Word day and night (you cannot muse, mutter over, ponder or rehearse what is not already in your heart and mind) and the result is that your very innermost being becomes "Bibline" (Spurgeon's description of the great writer John Bunyan -- Spurgeon said if you were to prick Bunyan he would bleed "Bibline"), as God Spirit takes the word you are eating and gradually renews "the spirit of your mind" (2Cor 3:18; see Ephesians 4:23-note). This term denotes the entire change that passes on a man when he becomes a Christian. Then he moved into Sodom (Ge 13:12,19:1). We receive from the Lord every day the fruits of his mercy. God's will is "good," as it demands only what is essentially and unchangeably good ( Romans 7:10 ); it is "well pleasing," in contrast with all that is arbitrary, as demanding only what God has eternal complacency in (compare Micah 6:8 , with Jeremiah 9:24 ); and it is "perfect," as it required nothing else than the perfection of God's reasonable creature, who, in proportion as he attains to it, reflects God's own perfection. It's just a career, and why mortgage your character for a career? Would you comprehend with all saints what are the heights and depths, and know the love of Christ which passeth knowledge? The Spirit of God renews our minds when we review the Word of God. 4:20, 21, 22-note, Eph 4:23, 24-note). And you will have lived the dullest kind of existence. Romans 12:2. as He thinks within himself so he is (Proverbs 23:7). Nothing between, like pride or station: There is a betraying of Christ before the worlda bartering of Christianity for its good opinion, its places of honor, and influence, and emolument. Radiate with the glow of the Holy Spirit and let him fill you with excitement as you serve him. The world is crucified to us, and we are crucified to the world. "I will meditate on them, think about them, concentrate upon these, until I see the meaning of these events." ", "If a man saw the world upside down," Chesterton continues, "with all the trees and towers hanging head downward as in a pool, one effect would be to emphasize the idea of dependence. We must not only do that which is good, but we must cleave to it. He became a star. Theres a lesson here for us as followers of Jesus Christ. And you want to give more to your spouse than youd get in return. OR February 2018 And then one night I was "surfing" [usually a bad thing for a man to be doing!] VCG, More about Jesus let me learn, But this is against the context, whose object is to show that, as all the gifts of believers are according to their respective capacity for them, they are not to be puffed up on account of them, but to use them purely for their proper ends. He began to think about it, and, out of that incident, he became a Christian. Test and approve.". romans 2 passion translation. I give it to you for the rest of my life, to be your instrument for whatever you want." 4:18; Col. 3:20; Titus 2:9; Heb. Despise evil and embrace everything that is good and virtuous. verb. Romans 12:2 (RSV) Paul says that God wants your mind because He knows the power of the mind and wants it for Himself. Believers are to be changed by what is transpiring on the inside (see below "but be transformed") such that it effects the outside. And let not your behaviour be like that of this world, but be changed and made new in mind, so that by experience you may have knowledge of the good and pleasing and complete purpose of God. Nothing More This present evil age is contrasted with the age to come (Mt 12:32). You no longer take everything that is said to you personally, but you become able to back off and look at it objectively.This is the work of the Spirit of God, and you find a concern for others beginning to show and to grow in your life. For World Philosophy Day 2018, we asked expert philosophers to provide a reading list of philosophy books that everyone should read before they die. Let's make it today. David C. McCasland, O Lord, You see what's in my heart Then you will be able to test what God wants for you. of spiritual knowledge, Haldane writes that "The will of God is here distinguished as good; because, however much the mind may be opposed to it, and how much soever we may think that it curtails our pleasures, and mars our enjoyments, obedience to God conduces to our happiness. The focus is not on getting the outside of the cup cleaned up, but on allowing God to clean the inside. It can be quite discouraging for wanna-be writers to get their work rejected time after time. All its joys are but in name; Sanctification extends to the whole man ( 1 Thessalonians 5:23 1 Thessalonians 5:24 ). of
When we come to the kingdom of God, we should abandon the thought-patterns and lifestyles of the world because the world wants to control our mind, but God wants to transform our mind (cf Ep 4:17; 18; 19; 20; 21; 22; 23 24; Col 3:1ff- notes Ep 4:17; 18; 19; 20; 21; 22; 23 24; Col 3:1ff). That comes day by day by being renewed again and again and again. They're much easier to store in a refrigerator! A transformed mind produces a transformed will, by which we become "innervated" and "energized" (enabled), with the Spirits help, to lay aside our own plans and to trust and accept Gods will, no matter what transpires. The rest of the book of Romans is designed to tell you how to have your mind renewed so you won't be conformed to the spirit of the age. As discussed below spiritual transformation starts in the mind and heart. I don't know what you are going to be doing this week, but I know that living a Christian life isn't something that is done only in church. I'd rather have Jesus than silver or gold, Despise evil and embrace everything that is good and virtuous. But the entire world system is summed up in three terms: "the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life [or the ostentation of living]" (1Jn 2:16-note). AND DO NOT TOUCH WHAT IS UNCLEAN; And I will welcome you. Don't settle in at the level of transformation you now have. We arent to open our minds up to the New Age techniques that lead to mind control. When he went to the opera to practice he found some people performing a rather lewd dance. This quality of conduct is what it looks like practically to not be conformed to the world. In the first case, Satan and the world have abundant power, they know to fashion anyone found willing. It means that by demonstrating kindness to him, his heart will be moved and his shame exposed. At its basic level, pleasure has to do with fulfilling one's sensual desires. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what [is] that good and acceptable, and perfect will of God. 17Never hold a grudge or try to get even, but plan your life around the noblest way to benefit others. but be ye transformed--or, "transfigured" (as in Matthew 17:2 ; and 2Corinthians 3:18 , Greek). Modified from Irving L. Jensen's excellent work Jensen's Survey of the NT, AND DO NOT BE CONFORMED: me sunschematizesthe (2PPPM), Give me Jesus Beloved, I am convicted as I write this note and am asking myself these same questions. which leads to The Lord hasten it in its time! How fearful, then, how dangerous, and yet how ensnaring is that worldly conformity which sets us in deadly opposition to that good and perfect will of God which was, and is "acceptable" to his dear Son, to all the holy angels round the throne, to the spirits of just men made perfect, to his spiritually-minded people on earth, and hateful to none but devils and carnal, ungodly men. BUT Than to be the king of a vast domain, "That's tough," you say. Octavius Winslow - A worldly Christianity? Eph 4:17 This I say therefore, and affirm together with the Lord, that you walk no longer just as the Gentiles also walk, in the futility of their mind20 But you did not learn Christ in this way. Ray Stedman adds these comments on the meditation in his sermon on (Psalm 77:12 - See Spurgeon's Note) - "I will meditate on all Thy work, And muse on Thy deeds": He writes: "Meditate, muse, what does that mean? Joshua 1:8 (note) called Joshua and by way of application all believers to think "Biblically", reading, assimilating and reflecting on and obeying the Word of God, so that we live "Biblically" in all we say and do. But if liberty was given to others to exercise themselves occasionally in exhorting the brethren, generally, or small parties of the less instructed, the reference may be to them. A Bible version designed to "recapture the emotion of God's Word" was . I beseech you therefore--in view of all that has been advanced in the foregoing part of this Epistle. Be a transformer. J R Miller (1907) - The impression of a holy and separate life, If we are Christians, we are not of this worldwe belong to the kingdom of heaven. (John 7:17). (MacDonald, W and Farstad, A. Believer's Bible Commentary: Thomas Nelson), Trench has described aion as "that floating mass of thoughts, opinions, maxims, speculations, hopes, impulses, aims, aspirations, at any time current in the world, which it may be impossible to seize and accurately define, but which constitute a most real and effective power, being the moral, or immoral atmosphere which at every moment of our lives we inhale, again inevitably to exhale." Abraham, the separated believer, the friend of God (James 2:23), had the greater ministry to the pagans than did Lot, the friend of the world. (Amplified Bible - Lockman). Yield to the Spirit, Devote your life as a Christian to being changed. The mind is renewed by intention and feeding it the truth. Romans 12:2 (NCV) De Haan, Choose Book of Bible to Study (Haldane), James Montgomery Boice - Harry Blamires, an Englishman who wrote an important Christian book in 1963 titled The Christian Mind: How Should a Christian Think? If you and I really believed what we say we believe, that Jesus Christ has died for us, and lives for us, and is ready to pour out upon us the gift of His Divine Spirit, and wills that we should be like Him, and holds out to us the great and wonderful hopes and prospects of an absolutely eternal life of supreme and serene blessedness at His right hand, should we be, could we be, the sort of people that most of us are? Dokimazo was a technical Greek expression found in an early manuscript, which referred to the action of an examining board testing to approve those who had successfully passed the examinations for the degree of Doctor of Medicine. As followers of Jesus, we are taught that everything is exactly the opposite of what we once thought. Oh, you will be there, if you know the Lord, but you will find you have wasted your life, and it will be worth nothing before his throne. but overcome evil with good--and then the victory is yours; you have subdued your enemy in the noblest sense. Habakkuk 4:7; Col. 2:18; 2 Thess. Oh, awful state! Don't be conformed to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds so that you can figure out what God's will iswhat is good and pleasing and mature. The verb morphoo does not refer to what is outward and transient, but to what is inward and real and thus that which produces an outward expression which proceeds from and is truly representative of ones inward character and nature. Remember, Jesus is the Wonderful Counselor (Isaiah 9:6), and any other counselor is a "step down" from Him. Pauls prohibition is directed against a manner of life that does not come from nor is representative of the new creatures (creations) believers are in their inner being as the result of regeneration by the Holy Spirit Who now indwells every child of God (see Romans 8:9- note). Romans 12:2 (KJVA) The last verse suggests what is not easily understood by the world; that in all strife and contention, those that revenge are conquered, and those that forgive are conquerors. There are maxims and ways of living, and so on, characteristic of the Christian life, which are in as complete antagonism to the ideas and maxims and practices that prevail amongst men who are outside of the influences of this Christian truth in their own hearts, as ever they were. They had numerous slowdowns, detours, and stops along the way. One of the most productive ways to study the Bible for yourself is to learn to read it inductively (see Introduction to Inductive Bible Study). One day Billy and Ruth Graham were driving through a long stretch of road construction. Help me to be open to You and to Acts But as soon as he chooses to disobey, an inherent inner conflict is produced. but be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit through a total reformation of how you think. But the more mature Christian will begin to love all the ways of God and find them increasingly pleasing. . 4:6). We are to have tender hearts and obedient, submissive wills so that we might allow the Spirit to do His work within our hearts and lives, and not quench, grieve or resist Him. SO THAT YOU MAY PROVE: eis to dokimazein (PAN) humas: Analyzed Literal: in order for you to be proving what [is] the good and acceptable and perfect will of God. God wants our minds. First and foremost: Fortune, money. It is through the Word that He reveals Himself. (So the best interpreters). So Jerome Hines had to give up that role. Begin your journey with a thorough introduction that details the authorship of Romans, date of composition, first recipients, setting, purpose, central message, and key themes. Ecclesiastes Used to designate what God Himself does of His own good pleasure. . Romans 12:1-21 . There remains no accusing voice of condemnation against those who are joined in life-union with Jesus, the Anointed One. Then life becomes exciting. We should be so one with God that we dont need to ask continually for guidance. One day he heard a man singing. We all with unveiled faces reflectingas a mirror doesthe glory of the Lord, are changed . 13. given to hospitality--that is, the entertainment of strangers. (Excerpt from The Habit of Keeping a Clear Conscience - My Utmost For His Highest) (Bolding added). I'd rather have Jesus than anything As this springs from selfish severance of our own interests and objects from those of our brethren, so it is quite incompatible with the spirit inculcated in the preceding clause. A submarine on the ground (out of the water) is useless and is not accomplishing its mission. Love and obey the Lord every day, and He will unfold your future. John Piper advises believers to not be conformed but instead to "cultivate the mindset of exiles. They feel just to think about the event should do something for them. Therefore nonconformity to the world implies bringing the body and its appetites under the control of the Spirit of God, subjecting the imagination to the mind of Christ, and walking in humility of spirit through a world where self-confidence and boasting are the order of the day. -Fanny J. Crosby. Guard against that which checks its growth. And if even for a moment the commandments appear grievous, just remember whose they are. It's not how many times you "go through" the Bible, but how much of the Bible "goes through" you! If you then, on that basis, begin to recognize the systematic brainwashing of the world and refuse it, and constantly renew your thinking in the truth as it is found in Jesus and the Word of God, then I will tell you something: You are going to have an exciting life, beyond what you ever dreamed. It is not simply a collection of fine proverbs and noble teachings for men to admire and quote as they might Shakespeare. March 2018 There is need to ask, "What does this mean? but only the Bible can transform. Such then is the great general duty of the redeemed--SELF-CONSECRATION, in our whole spirit and soul and body to Him who hath called us into the fellowship of His Son Jesus Christ. BY THE RENEWING OF YOUR MIND: te anakainosei tou noos: Renewing (342) (anakainosis from anakaino [in depth discussion] = renew qualitatively in turn from an = again + kaino = make new in turn from kainos = qualitatively new which is derived from a root meaning to turn out fresh and denotes that which is new in its own way) refers to a qualitative renewal or renovation (renovate = from Latin renovatus = past participle of renovare, from re- + novare = to make new, from novus = new) which makes a person different than in the past - new heart, new Lord, new home, new purpose and goal, etc. In these first two verses of Romans 12 note the progression Dedication "What will you give me in return?" Give me Jesus 8. (Donald Grey Barnhouse) (All illustrations from Sermon Illustrations), BUT BE TRANSFORMED: alla metamorphousthe ( 2PPPM), but let God transform you inwardly by a complete change of your mind (GNB). B. Phillipss paraphrase of Pauls message to the Christians in Rome: Dont let the world around you squeeze you into its own mould, but let God re-mould your minds from within, so that you may prove in practice that the plan of God for you is good, meets all his demands and moves towards the goal of true maturity (Rom. Turn off your television sets and think about what God has said! Jerome Hines said, "I won't sing if you are going to have this kind of a dance in it." Indeed, nothing can be more true than that these renewal of the mind is necessary for a successful inquiry into every part of the will of God. There's nothing hid from You; I have not departed (withdrawn, ceased, removed myself) from the command of His lips; I have treasured (laid up, concealed or hidden = the same Hebrew verb used by the psalmist in Ps 119:11 - See Spurgeon's note) the words of His (God's) mouth more than my necessary food"! 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