Sowell agreed with Levin that the upcoming election is very consequential to the future of the United States. But add to that the taking Bible reading out of the schools. Mr. Sowell is right but if this country does cease to exist, it will never come back. Thomas Sowell has published a large volume of writing. Then 5 years ago, they noticed a large increase and were stunned. As with many others in his neighborhood, Thomas Sowell left home early and did not finish high school. We are seeing some of this in my own hometown in North Carolina in which left leaning Democrats have taken over key positions. This is an election year. It will be about choosing a candidate who can be most effectively pressured into allowing more space for the evolving anti-racist movement., This explains all. I am not as knowledgeable or astute as some people on this blog but I believe that Communist takeovers of nations in the past did not come about by the will of the ordinary people. When the ungodly countries come against Israel, the Bible makes it clear that no one, not even the US will come to Israels aid. And much of that was from within, not just the barbarians attacking from outside.. The true story of the Islamic Supremacist war on free speech as told by those on the front lines fighting for our First Amendment rights, Here is the Horrifying Sexual Assault Criminal Complaint Against Jacob Blake, CDC Quietly Updated COVID-19 Numbers Only 9,210 Americans Died From COVID-19 Alone Rest Had Different Other Serious Illnesses, Talcum X Calls for More Violence and Complete Dismantling of US Police, GOP Congress members demand end to tax breaks for abortion, Moronic Wisconsin Rioter Accidentally Lights Herself on Fire, Young Girl Maced After Parents Bring Her to Seattle Riots, Twitter Shuts Down Thousands Of Q-Anon Accounts Most Q Accounts Support Trump, Woman Who Framed Former Missouri Gov. "Their purpose is served by having other people cave in. Hows this for propaganda: I use Titanic analogies so many times, people are going to think Ive got an obsession, but at what point was she doomedwhen she hit the iceberg or when she was still a mile away in heavy fog? The Lord be with you and know that I join you in prayer for our land and will keep you and your husband on my prayer list too. Read our editorial standards. They not only fired her, they made it impossible for her to get another job anywhere else.. I hope, of course, that will never happen, but there is such a thing as a point of no return. however he is RIGHT on this issue. The other team went into their formation to defend against the punt. It infuriated me. Thomas Sowell was born in North Carolina and grew up in Harlem. Geller explained. TAPES: We Investigated a Suburban LGBTQ Pedophile Ring. See any objecting to it? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. . If not for civil war or revolution I expect Sharia law will be enforced through the backdoor of outlawing hate speech (as the cowardly leftist, Scottish atheists who run that cuntry have already done). By then we will have a population we dont recognize. Japan has never lost a war until WWII going back more than 3 thousand years while dominating all of Asia throughout its history. The time to change rules is before the game starts. I intend to contact them today and the FCC. He has published 56 books in over a dozen languages. August 3, 2022. I must say, even though I was regarded as pessimistic, I was never pessimistic enough to think that things would degenerate to the point where they are now, Sowell told Levin. Thomas Sowell tells Mark Levin systemic racism has no meaning - TheBlaze News Radio Podcasts BlazeTV Watch LIVE Blaze Media / News Thomas Sowell says systemic racism 'has no meaning'; warns 2020 election could be 'point of no return' "The people who use it don't have any clear idea what they're saying," Thomas Sowell tells Mark Levin. This is meant to start more mass shootings and give license to killers. The Radicals are devaluing human matter the race. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. The . Sowell: If Biden Is Elected He Could Push the US Past 'Point of No Return,' Like Roman Empire By Randy DeSoto July 13, 2020 at 3:27pm Renowned academic and author Thomas Sowell contends if Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden were to win the presidency, it may well push the United States past the "point of no return." The current angry outcries because there was no primary vote in Colorado to choose delegates, supposedly because "the system" was "rigged" against Donald Trump, is only the latest sign of a widespread lack of interest in facts. by Michael K. Smith / December 22nd, 2020 In an interview with Peter Robinson, Thomas Sowell (Hoover Institution) criticizes the political work of Noam Chomsky on grounds that make clear he does not distinguish Chomsky's libertarian socialism from the technocratic and highly militarized state capitalism favored by liberal elites. Yet there are some who are not only willing, but eager, to take decisions away from those who are directly affected. Where theyre talking about reducing the number of police, reducing the resources put in police work, at a time when murder rates have been skyrocketing over what they were just a year ago in 2019. They were forced into bloody and lawless hell. President Biden's approval numbers posted every weekday, Walter E. Williams 1936-2020 By Thomas Sowell, 'Tax Cuts for the Rich'? I mean, when I was teaching at Cornell in 1965, we had people of all kinds of persuasions just for the economics department. Legendary Thomas Sowell Warns Our Country Is Approaching the 'Point of No Return' By Elise Ehrhard July 18, 2020 at 8:24am Conservative economist and American treasure Thomas Sowell has a warning for Americans: The 2020 elections could be a "point of no return" for the United States. The time of the end is here, imagine, one man leading one powerful nation is all that stands in the brink. PAM KEY 19 Jul 2020 Renowned academic and author Thomas Sowell contends if Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden were to win the presidency, it may well push the United States past the point of no return.. All rights reserved. , If Killary had all be wearing Mao jackets now and being monitored 24/7..descendants would be in re-education camps.. Did You Notice What Was Off About Greta Thunberg's Coal Mine Protest in Germany? Hopefully, Americans will be able to pull back from the abyss by electing local, state and national leaders willing to fight against the scourge of left-wing domestic terrorism enabled by Democrats. 56% Say Yes. You know what hurts me more than those that ignore His Word? And what we hear in the academia, what we see on media, and what we hear from the Democrats and so forth, theres no kind of government that can protect us from ourselves. He said, "I give them all A's and B's. CNN Finally Reports on Biden Family Corruption, and Everyone Should Be Asking Why, Rep. Eric Swalwell & 'The View' hosts move the presidential wrongdoing goalposts on classified docs. One was hit on the head with a club the other night. Thomas Sowell is a . Aye, lass. Indeed, his new book -- Charter Schools and Their Enemies -- was published on his 90th birthday. In even the most democratic countries, undemocratic institutions abound. Im going to be contacting TBS and the FCC today. >>>>>>>>>>> COMING TO A TOWN NEAR YOU SOON <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<, Testing Will Begin In Africa For Biometric ID, Vaccine Records, & Payment Systems 19 Back in the days of the Cold War between the Communist bloc of nations and the Western democracies, the Communists maintained pervasive restrictions around Eastern Europe that were aptly called an "iron curtain," isolating the people in its bloc from the ideas of the West and physically obstructing their escape. Already in the point of no return. It just seems such utter madness, he continued, and what is frightening is how many people in responsible positions are caving in to every demand that is made, repeating any kind of nonsense that youre supposed to repeat.. But advertising revenues have all but disappeared. Keep spreading His Word. It isnt just New York and Seattle. And besides, writing for the general public enables him to address the heart of issues without the smoke and mirrors that so often accompany academic writing. But both are great at rhetoric. It's the most important election since Lincoln . They exist to choose candidates they think can win elections. All Rights Reserved. When a friend or one of my children call and say they meant to call on such-an-such a day, I tell them that the Lords timing is better than ours and they called at the perfect time. I was very disappointied in him when he retired his pen because of his hatred for Trump. In August 2018, in what is now a tweet of historical and legal significance, Musk said he would make Tesla a private company. "For example, one of the things I came across in writing a previous book was the poverty rate between blacks and whites," Sowell said. Back in the 1960s, as large numbers of black students were entering a certain Ivy League university for the first time, someone asked a chemistry professor -- off the record -- what his response to them was. "In other words, black married couples not only have a lower poverty rate than blacks as a whole, they have a lower poverty rate than whites as a whole," Sowell said. That God alone will save them so the world will see He is the one in power. If Sanders has anything to show for his many years in Congress, no one seems to know what it is. BlazeTV host Mark Levin asked National Humanities Medal-winning scholar Thomas Sowell about systemic racism, and the famed economist said the term has no definitive meaning. We are being heavily censored too! Thomas Sowell is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305. What unfolds may be closer to the 1964 movie, Dr. So far theyve gone freebut the heat is on! Listen to radical Angela Davis admitting that they can push Biden to do what they want: This explains all. More Than 1-in-4 Think Someone They Know Died From COVID-19 Vaccines, Repeal Funding for New IRS Agents? But the Pirates won the World Series, because the rules go by how many games were won, not how many runs were scored. Disgusting, inflammatory, and Commie lies! The next few years were difficult ones, but eventually he joined the Marine Corps and became a photographer in the Korean War. I watched that interview with Levin and believe BOTH men are brilliant!! In just a matter of days -- perhaps next Monday -- a decision will be made in Washington affecting the futures of millions of children in low-income communities, and in the very troubled area of race relations in America. The Roman Empire overcame many problems in its long history, but eventually it reached a point where it simply could no longer continue on. Thomas Sowell | Oct 30, 2020 . Their purpose is served by having other people cave in.. As the post-election shock of some, and the euphoria of others, both begin to wear off, the country and the new administration will The unholy rush to enslave the world with RFID technology is being speeded up at an alarming rate. All Rights Reserved. There is no point denying or sugar-coating the plain fact that the voters this election year face a choice between two of the worst candidates in living memory. Thomas Sowell just turned 90, but he is still on the case. His dozen books, as well as numerous articles and essays, cover a wide range of topics, from classic economic theory to judicial activism, from civil rights to choosing the right college. Also working against that narrative was most of the states north of the Mason-Dixon line voted to abolish slavery by the end of the Revolutionary War in 1783, and all northern states did by 1804. After leaving the service, Thomas Sowell entered Harvard University, worked a part-time job as a photographer and studied the science that would become his passion and profession: economics. Speaking with economist Thomas Sowell, Levin asked if he saw the election that way. If you do have an account, but are having problems logging in or leaving a comment, it may be because of a browser extension or add-on, perhaps uBlock Origin or an ad blocker or something else. Iran and some other countries will go after Israel with the U.S. out of the way as a back up. Moreover, much of his writing is considered ground-breaking -- work that will outlive the great majority of scholarship done today. I am there. Please take a moment to consider this. The beginning of a new year is the perfect time to commit anew to making Bible study a priority. ordinary citizens, so even though they are elected, a truly By 03 Nov, 2020 Uncategorized 03 Nov, 2020 Uncategorized Copyright Media. He said the phrases remind him of propaganda tactics used in Nazi Germany where if a lie was "repeated long enough and loud enough" people would believe it. For more information about our use of cookies, our collection, use, and disclosure of personal information generally, and any rights you may have to access, delete, or opt out of the sale of your personal information, please view our, CBS News reporter frustrates Jean-Pierre for exposing hole in excuse for hiding details about Biden classified docs, Biden's DOJ fights to reinstate mask mandate on planes, MacIntyre: The left never cared about free speech, Viral video shows contestants on 'Celebrity Jeopardy!' Its those that havent given a second thought to the future (lack of one) of their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. How they do it is their business. Everyone who reads our reporting knows the Geller Report covers the news the media won't. The law is there only when you have less than nine zeros behind your name. Sowell, who has written 56 books, released his latest book, titled "Charter Schools and Their Enemies," last month. Cancel culture will be looked at as a time of social cohesion. The 1960 Yankees never whined that the World Series had been "stolen" from them. Heres a token black who posed as a Republican under GWB showing his true colors again and btw he also endorsed Obama. The radical left even admits that Biden will be their puppet. The Wellness Program involving GAVI, Mastercard, and Trust Stamp will soon be launched in West Africa and will be coupled with a COVID-19 vaccination program once a vaccine becomes available. Drollinger: This Year, Commit to Studying the Word of God Regularly, University at Heart of Biden Classified Docs Scandal Received Millions from Chinese - House Committee Demands Answers, Man's $115K Electric Hummer Breaks Down in Middle of Utah Desert, And It's Not the First Time, Solomon: Jury Selection Begins in Trial Stemming from 2018 Musk Tweet, Elon Musk Unloads Twitter Junk at Fire Sale Auction - Here's What Was Sold So Far, News, Politics, Culture and more in realtime. And what is frightening is how many people in responsible positions are caving in to every demand that is made, repeating any kind of nonsense that youre supposed to repeat. The Roman Empire overcame many problems in its long history, but eventually, it reached the point where it simply could no longer continue on. We want you to join the conversation, so perhaps disable browser extensions or your ad blocker until that "post comment" button appears. I thank you for your kindly being there to read my post. The 2020 United States presidential election was the 59th quadrennial presidential election, held on Tuesday, November 3, 2020. Now economist Thomas Sowell is leading the counterattack. I doubt my vote would do that but it is the thought that counts. We are talking about the 1776 project versus the 1619 project and you can see where the Democrats have tied into the 1619 project and many of the Republicans are trying to defend the founding and the 1776 project. The biggest surprise among the. Levin asked Sowell what he thought of the phrase systemic racism.. What does that mean? Trump and his allies claimed it was suspicious that Biden lost 18 of 19 counties that had correctly picked the winner since 1980. We must continue to report on the global jihad and the left's war on freedom. I went to Fort Benning, Georgia, named after a Confederate, and I did all my training there, but it never stuck to me that this name should be changed. over the planned Islamic supremacist mega-mosque at Ground Zero. When I see a a complete redo of the education system and what is taught I will have hope. Similarly, a controversial Israeli tech firm currently being used in Rhode Island offers AI-powered predictive analytics to identify likely future COVID-19 hotspots and individuals likely to contract COVID-19 in the future, while also offering governments the ability to predict future locations of and participants in riots and civil unrest. It was fourth down in a National Football League game, and the punting team came onto the field. What I see is that if the election goes to Biden that there is a good chance that the Democrats will then control all three bran the two [Houses] of Congress and the White House, and considering the kinds of things that they are proposing, that could well be the point of no return for this country., Sowell appeared on Levins show to discuss his new book, Charter Schools and Their Enemies.. He needs to do more about immigration and get tough. The convention rules that require a candidate to get a majority of the delegates, in order to become the party's nominee for President, are also nothing new. Share our posts on your social channels and with your email contacts. Posts by Thomas Sowell. Those who read his syndicated newspaper columns know that he expressed his opinions boldly and unequivocally there. Now they are using the Chinese virus to control us and that seems to be working like the other attempts havent. One of the painful realities of our times is how long a political lie can survive, even after having been disproved years ago, or even generations ago. But not in the classroom. Families are one of those institutions. If he doesnt there will be no need to worry about fraud or wonder about what we will get next as a President. So I fully support what John Millie is doing. One good thing though theres a weak point in all this communism, capitalism and if we fight back seriously America will not be beat. [No] government can continue good but under the controul of the people: and their people were so demoralised and depraved as to be incapable of exercising a wholsome controul, Jefferson wrote in December 1819. Trust Stamps interest in providing its technology to both COVID-19 response and to law enforcement is part of a growing trend where numerous companies providing digital solutions to COVID-19 also offer the same solutions to prison systems and law enforcement for the purposes of surveillance and predictive policing.. We have to purge this country of our enemies and reward our friends. "They claim they want equality for all. United States Military Academy at West Point, Regent University School of Law. As the delivery driver walked back to his vehicle, the ground opened up and swallowed him, and he fell 13 feet into a septic tank. Terms under which this service is provided to you, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. It is unclear how much the Wellness Pass initiative is motivated by public health concerns as opposed to free market considerations. Coleman Hughes, City Journal August 3, 2020. But Donald Trump's rhetoric and antics got the lion's share of the attention. Hoover Institution. Levin said that the 2020 election is one of the most important in history, and Sowell acknowledged how crucial it is. What I see is if the election goes to Biden then there is a good chance that the Democrats will then control all two branches of Congress and the White House, and considering the kinds of things that they are proposing, that can well mean the point of no return for this country.. Our readers contributions make that possible. representative government doesnt really exist. The atheist West is D-O-N-E. Reading newspaper columns of Thomas Sowell and James J. Kilpatrick turned me into a conservative many years ago. Listen to, FEBRUARY 21, 2020 A Look At The Signs Of The Times, MARCH 20, 2020 Pestilence, Plagues & Judgment Perfect Peace Broadcast Ministry Live Stream ID2020 Alliance - A digital identity program that aims to leverage immunization to insert tiny microchips GAVI: the vaccine alliance (the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation) -; founded by Bill Gates & Melinda Gates. hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. It is a most hopeful passage and I needed that today. He is the author of the book "We Hold These Truths" and screenwriter of the political documentary "I Want Your Money.". I hope of course that will never happen, but there is such a thing as a point of no return. representatives become the elites that seldom consult All Rights Reserved. Thousands and thousands of poor blacks being denied police protection, their nieghborhood stores looted and burned, thugs roaming free. Father unleashes on school board about sexual content in books for 7-year-olds, Foreign nationals can now police American citizens as California Democrats' law goes into effect, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Walter Williams loved teaching. Get next as a point of no return is before the game starts very to. Into a conservative many years ago, they made it impossible for her to get another job anywhere..... Someone they know Died from COVID-19 Vaccines, Repeal Funding for new IRS Agents at as point! Left home early and did not finish high school school of law Levin believe... In power and B 's 's rhetoric and antics got the lion share! Still on the head with a club the other attempts havent was fourth down in a National Football game. Choose candidates they think can win elections Sowell left home early and did not finish high.... Korean war B 's, much of his writing is considered ground-breaking -- that... 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