You can read more about the positive manifestation of the 22nd degree here: I am no longer grieving for him as such but the connection. I am really curious about this bc after the tragic event I went through with my kids dad that was battling an addiction and became violent it has inspired me to learn about my chart, his chart, and our kids charts. My libra Jupiter also appears to be my chart ruler. I attribute the many points to my survival and decent nature, as I have so many they form conjunctions, sextiles, and trines. I have Saturn at 18 degrees Scorpio in the 8th house and Mars at 22 degrees Capricorn in the 10th. author of The Meaning Book. The purpose of astrology is not to scare anyone. hey i have an aquarius moon in 18 degrees what can that mean for me? Which house it is located in btw? Him and I both have 22 degree in our 3H. But the aspects, sign positions count a lot too. With such a prominent killer I was expecting to find more. I have moon in Capricorn at 18 degrees and have been reading a bit about Vedic astrology. Answer (1 of 3): It simply means that the planet is in 22 degrees of a particular sign. Also mars 18degreea at 7th house. For something really bad to happen I always use the 3 indication rule. In the second part of this piece, I will show some celebrity charts (and serial killer charts) who killed another human being. Lilith Libra 22 -_-) 6 Neptune 8th house pieces I would advise you anyway to make Mars manifests in your work. These are considered sensitive, and sometimes strengthening, points. Gut-wrenching work this. Hi! That is all so very interesting, I had no idea of fixed stars! My Ascendent is at 18th of Scorpio and I have Neptun at 22th of Scorpio in the first house, conjunct my Ascendent. She played, Christina Grimmie WikipediaChristina Victoria Grimmie (March 12, 1994 June 10, 2016) was an American singer, songwriter, actress, and, Sam Cooke WikipediaSamuel Cook (January 22, 1931 December 11, 1964), known professionally as Sam Cooke, was an American, Don King WikipediaDonald King (born August 20, 1931) is an American former boxing promoter known for his involvement in historic, Ted Bundy WikipediaTheodore Robert Bundy ( born Cowell; November 24, 1946 January 24, 1989) was an American serial killer who, John Wayne Gacy WikipediaJohn Wayne Gacy (March 17, 1942 May 10, 1994) was an American serial killer and sex offender known as the Gemini degrees- 3, 15, 27: "two", double, siblings, hands, neighborhood, friends, birds, tea, geometric patterns, documents, communication, electronic devices, books, self-expression, and the color yellow. Can there be a mistake with the birth record? Your email address will not be published. Sharon Tate, the actress who was murdered by the Charlie Manson cult members. Hope you are doing well health wise! I also heard that 25 degrees in Leo is pretty feared aspect (Ive got this placement in ascendent) Ive been learning astrology for a while but Im still quite confused about the degrees. This is interesting. The sign of Libra at 22nd degree in my 10th House. We can this time see the ruler of the AC Saturn on 22 degrees so again one for team 22 degrees. For some time Ive been reading warning comments regarding this but I would like to have another explanation rather than traggedy in my family or with my kids. Oh, and plus, the Scorpio one also has an aspect of Sun-Chiron, but instead of conjunct, is opposite the Sun. Virgo Venus in a female chart is not a walk in a park at a young age Until the native learns how to be equal in relationships, learns to accept herself, (stops criticizing herself), develops healthy self-worth, etc. Btw with 8th house Pluto its great to dive deep in astrology, in occult topics, in pscyhololy. I have Uranus and Neptune both at the 18th degree, in the fourth house-Capricorn. For the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn), the critical degrees are 0, 13, and 26. Please gimme some insight. Does that basically mean i will have to experience a serious illness? . Worth a mention that Solar fire calculates it at 21 degrees 59 minutes. 9 Degrees of Sagittarius is a warrior degree, and is also a degree of homicide. Too soon to tell. She has Sun, Mars Mercury conjuct in Sagittarius. These cookies do not store any personal information. Is there anything I should worry about? You are a Pisces through and through, listen to your accurate intuitions, it will help anytime.:). And the native carries the grief for such a long time. Or helping others? Not in terms of actual death, like the gun violence examples you brought up. During the 1960s,, Abraham Lincoln WikipediaAbraham Lincoln (; February 12, 1809 April 15, 1865) was an American lawyer and statesman who served as the, Tara Correa-McMullen WikipediaTara Correa-McMullen (born Tara McMullen; May 24, 1989 October 21, 2005) was an American actress. I have the 22nd degree in moon (Pisces), according to some astrologers the moon symbolizes the figure of the mother in life. She has Uranus 18 degree Pisces in 10th house (conjuct my Sun at 17 degree). Chart of Christina Grimmie, a singer who was also murdered by a fan during a concert. Go figure. 9 degrees of Pisces is one of the worst degrees in the Zodiac. To be honest, I was thinking about how to use that energy but your questions prompted me to think about how to use it in my business, which is mostly online and involves a large number of people. Ascendant in Virgo at 6. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. To interpret that planetary position the whole natal chart must be seen. Dec 22 2022 0:00 am. My dad is a cap and quite literally my best friend and I am getting overwhelmed by this info . My mother? Should I be worried ?? With love, Niki. An asteroid (Juno) and the Moons furthest point (Black Moon Lilith) dont really count. . Mutable . <3. Thank you! Not the easiest research I have ever done, reading all these gruesome stories. Thanks. Just develop more Virgo qualities on those areas of life, which are affected by Mars and Jupiter. I wish a ot of succes with your career! The degrees are scary, is all I can say. Zavijava (Virgo) 28. Without having a look on your chart I would say about the 7th house Saturn that it must be a double Saturn influence, depends on the dignity of Saturn. same im really scared i have 4 22 degrees. Which is double mercurial. my daughters Gemini rising at 18 This is one possible positive manifestation. Hi Natasha, omg that is a triple whammy! Can we find another one with a prominent 22 degree? Just to let you know, the accuracy of this is scary. One point to the 22 degree is to be killed, degree team. Cancer north nodes are destined to help people in various ways. I have mars in 22 deg 3H scorpio and saturn in 18 deg 8H aries kinda scared tbh is this really bad? Any planet in the 11th house is good. I have 22 degree MC in my 10th house Capricorn and IC Half a point to the 22nd degree as the killer and killed degree here. Luckily (or unfortunately, depending on which camp You are in) no sign of the 22nd degree in this chart as well. Its a 9 in numerology, that is also the worst, which is also my life path number. What do you think? This is where I started to run out of famous people who were murdered/killed here (luckily!). . 19- Libra degree. Scorpio 11-20. Ive been single every since. These are the spans of degrees for the Sun's Face (or "decan" or "decanic faces"): Aries 11-20. MC and Sun are quite close here but interesting to notice that Neptune is on 22 degrees and in the house of death this time. Thanks. And what aspects do they have? But Im personally not convinced at all. Thanks for this! Who was tragically and very publicly assassinated in Dallas in 1963. I have my sun in 22 degrees in Leo as well as my north node in this house. However, some degrees hold more weight than others. If you answer that means a lot to me. My MC is 11 degrees Virgo 53 10; Saturn is 23 degrees Virgo 44 42; and South Node is 28 degrees Virgo 23 7. Comment document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "acdbaefa34d27de5536ba68820687d24" );document.getElementById("b9267cae9b").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Hey, I'm Niki, on a mission to make astrology popular, user-friendly, and easily understandable. As you said you have a Virgo Ascendant, hopefully the busy Aquarius house (now 4 planets are in Aquarius), which is your 6th house, brings you healing! omg how has life been like for you so far? Sid Vicious WikipediaJohn Simon Ritchie (10 May 1957 2 February 1979), known professionally as Sid Vicious, was an English musician Thanks so much for your hard work and your ever-insightful observations! Just like this one, I have easier placements in my Natal chart, my Sun just gets a lot of challenge I guess dont want to paint a doomed fate for my chart here aha, Your email address will not be published. Talk about someone who was born to be a leader. according to nikola's research, each degree is connected to the sign it rules: Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. And whether you have a day or a night chart. Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius): 8-9 and 21-22 degrees. I personally have 22 degrees in Capricorn Chiron and Im kinda worried since Chiron is pretty heavy aspect even with his massive healing qualities. hi! For an accurate systray reading, more info is needed. I have Saturn in Libra 22 degree in my 7th house. Hi Niki, John Lennon WikipediaJohn Winston Ono Lennon (born John Winston Lennon; 9 October 1940 8 December 1980) was an English singer, Don King WikipediaDonald King (born August 20, 1931) is an American former boxing promoter known for his involvement in historic I dont think having the MC at the 18th degree is that bad, I have the same. its nice to meet you! Wishing you the very best! Hello!, I have my sun and mercury in 18th degrees, both capricorn, 3rd house. You are having a Venus return soon. I have an 18 degree in Taurus Saturn 8th house and 22 degrees in Taurus Mars 9th house. It just wants you to be of service of some sort, or work in a Virgo ruled field. Another possible manifestation as 8th house is transformation and having Pluto there is a double whammy in your life, a lot of transformations happens but having Pluto at the 22nd degree means those transformations happen very slowly, step-by-step not all of a sudden. (my sun, venus, and mercury are in Pisces, too), interpret your Moon like this: which house does it rule? Because it carries the agenda of that house to the 7th house). 9 degrees of Pisces is one of the worst degrees in the Zodiac. Abraham Lincoln WikipediaAbraham Lincoln (; February 12, 1809 April 15, 1865) was an American lawyer and statesman who served as the The Paralympian who killed his girlfriend and whose sentence was reviewed multiple times (added to the sentence). Hi Please understand that at best this is an indication towards it = You will still be the one making decisions in Your life. Prominent planets on this degree are also seen in the charts of religious and spiritual reformers. I have the same placements as you and since i read about the degree theory i have had a really bad death anxiety, so i understand how you feel. I also have Leo sun in the 6th house at 25 degrees. The degrees just add more meaning or deeper insight. I was having anxiety over the 18th and 22 degree. The minutes are important for natal chart rectification and for the slow-moving planetary transits. Without knowing anything about your career, and work what about considering it as to be of service of sorts? Is your Moon badly aspected by other planets, such as Pluto, satrun or the 12th house ruler? Not even an asteroid (although I wouldnt use these at all with this topic). These cookies do not store any personal information. As well as many people who have come in contact with the theory have discovered the infamous 22nd degree in their charts as well. Although, this time of birth is taken from a birth certificate. I realized I had the 22nd degree in my moon sign of Virgo and want to know what that means. Make a career out of 5th house domains, or be a leader figure in such a field. Hi there, You have done a great job. It can have many general interpretations, such as a long-lasting marrige, working together with the spouse, a more mature or older spouse etc. My ex, who so far has been my only real love experience in life passed away 6yrs ago. That would have a beneficial influence on your private life too. Thank you for this article. I have seen all of the mystery and all the things hidden that are dark, and also some great benefits of my life being saved from the darkness in my journey of self-healing in very intense ways. This was amazingly accurate. Close but not quite. Focus on the more positive manifestation of that planet. My longterm relationship ended in betrayal. The 22nd degree can indicate that a native's loved one passed/passes away. Depending on where your north node is, you'll understand what area of life that you'll have to assist people in. I have a set of twins with their sun at 22 degrees of Scorpio; their father is a Capricorn. Firstly, these are the critical degrees: 0, 13, and 26 degrees of the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn) 8-9 and 21-22 degrees of fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius); and. Not sure exactly what to make of either of those though. I have Mars at 18 Gemini. 22 Capciron: destruction, critical degree. The closest we can see to the difficult degree are MC on 21 degrees and 40 minutes. Critical degrees are certain degrees in the Zodiac that have critical energy. I saw this somewhere and i conducted a research and i just found out that my Venus in Aqua is in 22 degrees. I have a question about getting the accuracy of those degrees. I am a Leo sun, Libra moon, Gemini rising. Do not freak out about the rest of your chart. Btw having Saturn in the 7th house also an indicator for a partner who has Capricorn character traits, again double Capricorn because 22nd degree is the Capricorn degree. Its as if shadow people and people up to no good, appeared out of nowhere, so I could pay all my karma, and its for lifetimes; which has been my lifes goal when it became apparent that this type of life was not going to stop. I appreaicte that you you shared it with us. IP: Logged. Thank you for this article it definitely helped soothe my anxiety a bit. hi! does this happen to have any implications on my love life? And it is truly magical. I will leave you the link here: I am confident they will be benefited from this site. Example - Pluto in Aspect I recently saw a reader who was experiencing transiting Pluto at 24 Capricorn semi-sextile her natal Ceres at 24 Sagittarius in the Ninth House of travel, publishing, academia, foreigners, foreign countries and education. My Virgo Sun 18 degrees, conj. Gianni Versace WikipediaGiovanni Maria Gianni Versace ( Italian: [dovanni versate]; 2 December 1946 15 July 1997) was an I also have Sun conjunct North Node and squared by MC. Writing your incomes and expenses meticlously. I have double virgo placements first and second house. What is your take on these placements? Planets situated there will act with a tinge of extremes and respectively the area of the person's life, ruled by this . Thank you so much. Virgo 1-10. I have my Uranus in Capricorn at the 22nd degree, Hi nicki! However, in female chart Venus represent also the self-esteem and slef-worth. This was about the time I started feeling really bad for these people. 9 degrees of Pisces is one of the worst degrees in the Zodiac. Thank you so so much!!! Hi, thanks for this info!! And the 18th degree has many positive attributes. The Taurus one had Sun conjunct Chiron, next to fixed star Algol. I hope Ive given you enough information to make an assessment. What does that mean?, Making money (2nd house) with Moon domains and make it as a career (22nd degree, Capricorn degree). Hello! You can find more info about the 22nd degree in the article above. Now that my lifetime (40 years) of paying that debt as an adult is completed (2020) I now I get the Magical qualities of the 18 degrees of Scorpio RIsing. I wanted to ask you about the 22nd degree in my chart! but i think it has something to do with my cusp because my birth is december 23. lemme know what you think!! Lower self or the unconscious level of . Is that bad for my long term career? Sagittarius () (Greek: Toxts, Latin: Sagittarius) is the ninth astrological sign, which is associated with the constellation Sagittarius and spans 240-270th degrees of the zodiac. Rest his soul. Wish you all the best! 22nd degree in astrology to kill or to be killed? My rising is at 18 of Sagittarius and my Sun is at 0 of Capricorn in the 1st House along with ( Mercury 5, Venus 12, Uranus 9, and Neptune 13) and my 2nd house Saturn 24, Moon 25 and North Node 29 and I would love to hear what you have to say about it. Best wishes, Lia x. I was freaking myself out! Are you 100% sure that your time of birth is accurate? Gianni Versace, the famous fashion mogul who was murdered in 1997. One Taurus, one Scorpio. No sign of the 22 degree. im already a hypochondriac i didnt need this too , Please do not worry about that placement. Im not that good in understanding all this I just got really worried about 22 degree bc of kill or to be killed, Are you sure that the Asc is accurate? A person lives in the three distinct mental levels. So I have my Venus at the 21 degree in the 12th house and my Pluto at the 22nd degree in the 12th house also both are Sagittarius. For the Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius), they are 8-9 degrees and 21-22 degrees. I`m 39 but can`t live fully because of my health issues. I think that it can be considered for my Jupiter in Saggitarius (8th house) 13 to be sextiling my sun, but it might be a minor aspect, it doesnt show up sometimes in charts. My sun is in Gemini, so communication with my father under the influence of the 18th degree was nearly impossible as he was verbally very negative and belittling towards me. 22 November 1986, 10:30 EET, Pretoria, South Africa (25S45, 28E12). When she turned fifty, she married for a second time. Wow, wonderful blog layout! What does this mean? Singer Selena. Sun: 10 degrees Capricorn Trine Moon and Uranus Moon: 11 degrees Taurus Conjunction Uranus Mercury: 23 degrees Capricorn Conjunction Venus and Pluto; Sextile Neptune Venus . | Secrets Of The Natal Charts, The Meaning Of The 29th Degree In Astrology + Examples, The Meaning Of The 28th Degree In Astrology + Examples, Find another one with a prominent 22 degree: ) see the ruler of the AC Saturn 22. Have Neptun at 22th of Scorpio in the 6th house at 25 degrees of is... Am confident they will be benefited from this site work and your ever-insightful!. That my Venus in Aqua is in 22 degrees of Pisces is one the... 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This time of birth is accurate at the 18th degree is to be a leader in! Am getting overwhelmed by this info are considered sensitive, and sometimes strengthening, points closest we can see the.
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