Asked about his teachers by his parents, he replied, 'Well, some are priests and the others are gentlemen'. The vast majority of pupils go on to Higher Education, gaining places to a wide variety of universities both in the UK and abroad. One of the significant events of these years was the building of the new pavilion. The school is renowned for the quality of both its choral and instrumental music, with a significant number of pupils who go on to Oxford and Cambridge, reading music. A level chemistry help for a re-take student. going to bed reasonably early. English folk have lesser faults.' Essentiallv all aspects of the School were allowed to grow and there was encouragement for all to pursue their interests as the breadth of the School's curricular and extra-curricular activities grew in all directions. In fact, Dr Vance was anxious to resort to punishment as little as possible: 'Both the fact of punishment and the wish to avoid punishment ultimately appeal to fear. Father Butcher cared deeply for the religious life of the School and affected a happy union between the artistic and the spiritual. These plans ensure that the curriculum is ambitious for everyone. Here at Cardinal Vaughan, we are proud of our heritage in these subjects, with many pupils going on to study them at leading Universities. There is also a newly founded Geography Society who encourages younger pupils to broaden their understanding of the subject. You will then receive a confirmation email and can login to submit the form. Back to all news. 'Americans are boastful; Irishmen are quarrelsome, the French are fussy, and the Germans oppressive. Former pupils of this period almost universally acknowledge that the Vaughan influenced their lives in many ways. We are incredibly proud of our Sixth Form and the superb quality of education we provide to students in Gateshead and beyond. The Doctor took an intense pride in all things English and these patriotic views seem to have rubbed off on the pupils, as the following extracts from The Vaughanian of 1937 show: 'Englishmen have more reason to be proud of their country than any other people. ACN United Kingdom - Aid to the Church in Need. Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School is a Roman Catholic day secondary school in Holland Park, London, with approximately 950 students.. Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School - Policies & Documents Price: 10.00. There could never be any doubt that one worked in a community directed by the values of the Gospel.' Tel: 0191 487 7638 Fax: 0191 482 4421 Email: Subject overview document. Flying Officer Donald Edward Garland, VC, (1918-1940); R.A.F pilot during the Second World War. Shortly after his appointment, the need for urgent structural repairs became apparent. favourite cocktail, also, opinion on cocktails? Learn more. U6FC P14: Clockwise from top left: A young Fergus in uniform, Impressing Sixth Form Historians & Politicians with his magic tricks . I have a grey suit Which is the school uniform for Cardinal Vaughan six form iblazer was worn for 2years and trousers for one year. People who took Further Maths A-level, how overwhelming was it? Sixth-form French and Art pupils attended a talk about Czanne (whom Picasso regarded as the father of his generation of artists)by one of the Tate Moderns art lecturers and then explored his work in the exhibition. In these years we see the origins of the great choral tradition of the Vaughan. It was formally opened on Sunday 29 January 1995, preceded by a match between the First Xl and the Old Boys which ended in an honourable draw. Represented both Arsenal F.C. Sixth-form French and Art pupils attended a talk about Czanne (whom Picasso regarded as the 'father' of his generation of artists) . 806 8067 22 Registered Office: Imperial House, 2nd Floor, 40-42 Queens Road, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 3XB, Taking a break or withdrawing from your course, You're seeing our new experience! Some remarkable engineering took place to cure this problem. The coupler design is standard, an src: Priapism is a condition in which a penis remains erect for hours in the absence of stimulation or after stimulatio src: Paraquat (trivial name; ) or N , N ?-dimethyl-4,4?-bipyridinium dichloride (systematic name) is an organic compo src: Glasses , also known as eyeglasses or spectacles , are devices consisting of glass or hard plastic lenses mounte Matt Bishop (b. Read the full story here:, We wanted to reflect on some of the incredible opportunities that our pupils enjoyed over the Christmas period. During his term of office the school was temporarily evacuated to Beaumont College, Windsor during the Second World War. Number of pupils 1027. The Student Room and The Uni Guide are trading names of The Student Room Group Ltd. Register Number: 04666380 (England and Wales), VAT No. Extra special thanks to Ms Drury, Head of Drama, Ms Georgiakakis, Teacher of Classics, Latin & Greek, and Ms Upton, English Teacher. The registered office address is Bishop Wilkinson Catholic Education HQ, Barmston Court, Turbine Business Park, Nissan Way, Washington, SR5 3NY. The Schola also visited Assisi and sang Mass in the Patriarchal Basilica of San Francesco. The school fields seven Football teams and an equal number of rugby union teams. The Schola Cantorum is the School's liturgical choir, founded in 1980 and made up of boys aged from 11 to 18. [Blog], University of Oxford 2023 Undergraduate Applicants Official Thread, NICS Staff Officer and Deputy Principal recruitment 2022. This growth enabled Canon Driscoll to build up a young and energetic teaching staff, many of whom would form the nucleus of Vaughan teachers for years to come. 2 Teams v Rutlish School. In the autumn of 1927 Canon Driscoll's health began to fail and he died December 29, at the age of 57. Bravo. He was the first layman to be appointed, following four priest predecessors. Other members of staff who played an important role in the lives of the older boys and girls during these years included Brendan Daintith, Paula Whyte and more latterly, Caroline Whelan. In 2002 the Schola toured Rome, singing at Santa Maria sopra Minerva (English cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor's titular church), and at the major Basilicas of St John Lateran, St Mary Major, St Paul's outside the Walls and St Peter's. These included Fathers Clayton and Charlier, Mr Luke, Mr Honan, Mr Parkinson and Mr Kellet. During the summer holidays of 1945 a party of Fifth- and Sixth- Formers spent several days helping to move the Vaughan back to Addison Road. The new School Chapel was opened at the start of the second term, on 19 January 1915. Discounts The latest products Rewards and points Dont worry, just enter your email address and well set up with a new password in no time! Paper forms should be returned by post to reach the school before the closing date. At last, in 1995, the dream was Largely due to the efforts of Mr Frank McCettigan, former pupil, negotiations with the Rugby Football Union resulted in the new building. We are considering it for my DD and are interested in any insights. The Vaughan began to take pupils of all abilities in 1977 and became an all-ability school. A-levels. 26 Jan 2023. Typically, Mr Kellett never complained but when he finally took over the new science block in 1963, it must have seemed like the Promised Land after so many years in the wilderness. He was especially pleased by the attention given to religious music, to religious art and to the works of the great Catholic writers. Dr Vance was unstintingin his praise of the efforts of his colleagues. 'Mr Churchill prayed that future generations might say of us in England, "This was their finest hour". The School's athletes participate in regional and national competitions. Football. We particularly welcome applications from families to whom we were unable to offer a place in Year 7 and who are now considering options for post- 16 education. smoking a spliff the night before ur exam.. good, bad, or no effect? In his later years he became Deputy Headmaster. Our sixth form in underpinned by the Catholic Ethos of the school and its motto: Fide, Labore, Caritate, which means By Faith, Hard Work and Kindness. The choir visited Paris in November 2007, singing High Mass at Notre Dame Cathedral. Bishop Jude will be raising awareness of the persecutions of Christians and minority faith groups around the world and introducing ways that we can all support #RedWednesday. Like their parents and teachers, they teach by example; younger boys have the right to expect the very best example from these senior members of the School. Mr. Gormally, famously a larger-than- life figure, had joined the Vaughan in 1980 and his prodigious gifts as a teacher were immediately recognised by Mr. Pellegrini, who made him Head of Lower School while he was still in his first year of teaching. Senior Rugby players also play Saturday morning and midweek fixtures during the Lent term. He had a simple devotion to the Catholic faith and that, above all, is what he wanted to pass on to the pupils. Copyright The Student Room 2023 all rights reserved. And Catholic education views the person primarily as a child of God Education fits a boy for life. He issued detailed instructions to staff who were to regard the time at Windsor cas special work for the School and for the country in time of war'. It is difficult for us at a grammar school to be forced to do work which should be done in the primary or preparatory school. His message of faith and hope resonated with everyone. The School has more than maintained high academic standards and children at all levels of the ability range have been enabled to realise their potential. 1971); Footballer; represented Chelsea F.C., winning the FA Cup in 1997, the Football League Cup in 1998 and the UEFA Super Cup in 1998. It had been Liam Cooney's idea that the use of the two school buildings should be reversed allowing him to establish a different atmosphere, more akin to a Sixth Form College for the top three years of the School. Another boy has vivid memories of 'Marching through Georgia'. Games for these competitions are played midweek. The robe is all black and is worn by teachers at all times, the Head Boy and Head Girl will wear a specially commissioned Blue and Maroon Robe. At different times there were plans for the Vaughan to amalgamate with St Edmund's, Fulham, using the Mary Boon buildings or, alternatively, to amalgamate with the Cardinal Manning School on the Ladbroke Upper Site. These results led to remarkable University applications and the School frequently sent high numbers of students to Oxbridge and was one of the very highest achieving schools at sending pupils to the Russell Group Universities (the 30 top universities in the country) There was not just academic success but other aspects of the School's life flourished as well. To help YOU achieve YOUR aspirational next steps. Cardinal Vaughan Memorial SchoolSports Website. We shall regard grousing as an infectious disease. At Cardinal Heenan Sixth Form were in YOUR corner. This essay first appeared in the programme for the Fortieth Anniversary Concert, given at Cadogan Hall in March 2020. For various reasons, such as the reluctance of some parents to accept an evacuation arranged by the government, only 201 boys assembled in the Hall for the departure -- about two thirds of the School roll. 27/09/2020 12:59. People who took Further Maths A-level, how overwhelming was it? During the mid to late 1980s the School was involved in sometimes stormy and always controversial struggle over and parents to diocesan and ILEA plans for the reorganisation of 16-19 educational provision. The rugby season commences in September with trials for all age groups. Are you the applicant or a parent/carer applying on behalf of an applicant? Father Richard Kenefeck, who succeeded him, was the longest serving Headmaster in the Vaughan's history, presiding over the School's development for nearly a quarter of a century, Richard Kenefeck was ordained in 1935 and went on to read English at Downing College, Cambridge. He came with the reputation of being a brilliant footballer and immediately took charge of sports and games. The changes concerned the supervisory role of the local authority in the random allocation process and the presence of an independent person during musical aptitude testing. After the death of the third Archbishop of Westminster, Herbert, Cardinal Vaughan in 1903 an appeal was set up to raise funds to found a boys' school to be named as a memorial to him; some 20,000 was subscribed. Enemy raiders passed and repassed overhead in the night to Coventry and to Birmingham. Frank was one of the last teachers to be appointed by Dr Vance and took up his duties under Monsignor Butcher in 1948 until his retirement in 1978. He was a considerate and gentle man essentially, one who would always extend help in the event of difficulty and who loyally stood fully behind his staff. At Windsor, officials and volunteers welcomed the various schools arriving from London. Classics for All #classics #latin #greek #homer #schoolproduction#theatre, An outstanding performance by our Senior String Ensemble last night at Speech Day. - Mumsnet Students and staff from the Sixth Form were delighted to attend the Adoremus National Eucharistic Pilgrimage and Congress in Liverpool on September 7th - 8th.. London sixth form /college 2022 Choosing a sixth form! Most, If not all, are proud to have been 'Vaughan boys.'. We have developed working partnerships with these schools to improve pupil outcomes and better secondary transition. As the 1950s gave way to the 1960s, Father Kenefeck found teaching Religious Education to the Sixth Form a more troublesome and demanding task. A young lady called Bernadette Murphy occupies a special niche in the Vaughan story. J. Booth, Form 1b Dr Vance went so far as to set out special reasons for leniency: The boys of this School may be forgiven many trifling and minor offences: because of the absence of a playground and suitable means of recreation during the day; on account of long journeys to and from home which many of them have; because they have a large number of classes during the course of the day; on account of the considerable amount of homework which they have to do in the evenings before going to bed reasonably early. The School was evacuated to Windsor where it remained until the end of the war. Graham Wilding remembers the kindness of one of his teachers: 'I can never see a Kit Kat without thinking of Miss Agnes Simpson, the only lady member of staff, who purchased a box full and distributed them among her group to allay the increasing pangs of hunger.' We have one style of uniform for Years 7 to 11 and a separate uniform for Sixth Form students. 437 views, 18 likes, 0 loves, 0 comments, 5 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from The Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School: Sixth Form students enjoy a taster session at Fulham Reach Boat Club. A Media Committee was formed, a newspaper published, write to Cardinal Hun-at, to Mrs O'Gorman, to their Nf. 27 Jan 2023. We would prefer online applications. Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School - Policies & Documents School Policies We are a Catholic community, committed in our Mission Statement to the vision of the School as a spiritual building whose cornerstone is Christ and whose foundations are the Apostles and Prophets. The School's Big Band has taken part in national competitions and has toured in France, Spain, Netherlands and the USA. Does not studying chemistry limit my chances of getting into biological sciences? The boys choose four subjects from engineering, art, business studies, design and technology, French, geography, history, an extra science course, music, physical education, ICT, and Spanish. Girls are awarded brooches in a similar way to mark their achievements. Thank youJasmine Takharfor inspiring our students. Tel: 0191 487 7638 Fax: 0191 482 4421 Email: From London pupil outcomes and better secondary transition first appeared in the programme the.. ' subject overview document, write to Cardinal Hun-at, to Mrs O'Gorman, their! He came with the reputation of being a brilliant footballer and immediately took charge of sports and games their.! Understanding of the great Catholic writers of these years we see the origins of efforts. 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