When three 8-year-old boys were found dead in the woods of West Memphis Arkansas, the police immediately turned to Echols and his two friends Jason Baldwin and Jessie Misskelley. Fools on Parade: Hollywood and journalistic dupes, etc. Keep in mind, he was on death row for the majority of time. A HUGE EX-SUPPORTER! Of course police could get him to say whatever he wanted, especially when they told him if he did they would buy his dad a new truck. I really havent made up my mind fully about the guilt or innocence of anyone yet. please go read callahan and educate yourself. i would trust him with my little kid and my dog. also, eyewitnesses in 1993 reported seeing the accused walking around west memphis carrying wooden staffs. Peter Jackson isnt privy to all the facts like this author is. If they were born just 5 or 10 years later I think they would have been prolific school shooters. because hutchison was dying? Jan. 20, 2012. And images of skulls, dead people, devils and demons. are responsible, either, although they support the most logical scenarios in terms of brutal child murders. Though much is circumstantial, taken in totality is far more convincing than the argument theyre innocent. maybe a motive if there was life insurance on the stepson. Damien Echols was a known animal abuser? Was he? now have any of his celebrity fans or supporters ever gone to visit the graves of any of those three children? And he came in the Flesh not as a good looking blue eyed white rich man as the catho/pagan sect will have you believe. Or the Jacoby guy who is friends with Hobbs and still says hes lying? Wax found on the victims matched wax Damien used practicing on his satanic book. Info is info facts are facts. Lets see, how about his history of violence, his psychotic episodes, his multiple commitments to mental institutions, the animal abuse, his bragging about the murders, testifying how he would have committed the crimes, blowing kisses in the courtroom, Miskellys multiple confessions even after conviction, and his conviction being held up by the Arkansas Supreme Court multiple times. I believed the movies and the books but then I found out that they only present one side of the argument. Possibly his low IQ prevented him from expressing himself concisely and articulately as well, but his main points stayed consistent throughout his confessions. The defense claim the kids were killed somewhere else. I think not. their own children also grieve the loss). found he did not fall off the edge of the earth, should he have been punished Well your getting attention, However i think Your the type of person that comes to mind when i think of what type of sick bastard would of did this to them little boys. Including such celebrities as Johnny Depp, Natalie Maines, and Eddie Vedder. You can check out his Facebook page to hear his views on the topic and see how he has participated in protests against the death penalty. Forensic evidence cleared the WM3. According to his journal, he later cooked and ate the boy. I agree. Celebrities, interviews, women, It seems that 2011 is shaping up to be the year that child killers are released. West Memphis police just had it out for those three and needed to answer the angry parents!!! (But the second Im able to convince my husband that homeschooling might be a good idea, Ill be yanking them out and joining some homeschooling networks before he has a chance to change his mind.) So, why even bother to investigate when a person is found murdered. They knew they would be exposed if they didnt. What should truly be able to take place is their (no option pleas) be voided & have a retrial & then have every one of them corrupt S.O.B. My assertions are based on actual evidence but I guess its just not the evidence you like is it counselor? He isnt going to buy what the celebrities are selling. Much like other teen killers that Ive posted about Echols has always maintained that its everybodys fault but his that he was in jail. Conversely I could ask you where is the proof that theyre innocent and not just feelings? the thing is yours is funny and quite hypocritical. I am not a WM3 supporter, I am an Arkansan who would like to know why and how an elementary triple homicide of children laden with evidence, leads and suspects remains unsolved, while one of the most unreasonable criminal prosecutions and convictions in American history happens simultaneously in my community. Yeah, that never happens. Echols is a firm believer in black magick, and he's written books about how it saved his life when he was in prison. My kids occasionally go with their grandparents, but theyre with them the entire time. And this dumbthat started this link callinghimself trenchreynolds is as stupid as they come. Not animals, people. DUH DUH DUH DUH DUH. Are you saying school shooters didnt exist at the time? I think the point was being made about the laziness or sheer incompetence of those that should have done a more thorough investigation. Dont let HOLLYWOOD think for you, Link to Jesses confession to his lawyer February 8, 1994 if they were so innocent, why the alford plea? Oh boyusually, I find that someone who professes loudly to possess common sense actually seems to lack severely in it. What evidence beyond a reasonable doubt is there to place Jason Baldwin a the scene? I grew up listening to Metallica, Slayer and Megadeth & was given to reading the odd Stephen King novel and I think it a big mistake to get distracted by the mess the prosecution made of the case by following their own prejudice and religious vigiour and baseing a large ammount of their case on it. Plus Ive been writing about violent teen crimes for 11 years. I feel like a fool now. After that, the two had become penpals of sorts, corresponding regularly. Ive read the 500. Why do prisoners Notice I made no mention of anything even remotely occult related. Until then, when you almost did. Munson, the Metallica -playing Stranger Things character, was inspired by Damien Echols, a writer who was part of the West Memphis Three, a group of teenagers convicted of murder in Arkansas in. The cold hard truth is, Terry Hobbs should be kissing the ground those 3 walk on. Mr. Ramsey has done excellent unbiased research into the case. Anyone who buys his art or supports him in anyway is just one of those sick people who idolize serial killers like John Wayne Gacy and who buy the art of Jeffrey Dahmer. Ok, the thing is, NO SCHOOL SHOOTER HAS EVER BEEN PROLIFIC. The problem with people anymore is they hear something on TV or by some moron actor or singer and they believe its the truth. They are not the victims in this case, the victims were three eight year old little boys who had no real way to defend themselves against these monsters. Hey trenchyboy that word afterlife didnt stir up any satanic demons did it ? The signed affidavit is on callahans if you care to review it.. Damien was so mentally ill that he qualified for disability in the state of Arkansas. You have all been fooled. Sorry but you cant just guess who did it. Gave in quickly? I couldnt find where I could edit my post, so Ill add this, I too have my own preconceived ideas about how people should act. Where is the innocence??? Boycott these parasitesthey are evil and they know it!! People need to read up on this case properly (Callaghan is a good place to start). REALLLLYY???? Michael Moore, Stevie Branch and Chris Byers may you rest in peace If I am correct we have a very serious situation to contend with being that they have fooled a huge audience to follow their cause and donate money their foundations. But the so called Hobbs evidence is no evidence at all against Hobbs. Another small tidbit before I go 09-Nov-2020. Jesus Would. And the whole school (including the teachers) knew, and just laughed and said oh, them old hick boys! And do you know how many kids in any given high school in America like to shock people by talking about murder and mayhem, and wear black all the time? Did you read Echols book (Almost Home) Jana? Heres the thing I dont believe a single thing out of Echols mouth. 22-year independent crime news and opinion writer. Wow to this article just wow. you know i am far from being a supporter, but Miskellys confessions should have never been allowed. Thank you for your comment Mandy. Damian Seth Azariah's father is best known as a member of the West Memphis Three, a group of teenagers controversially accused of a triple murder. the young boys no longer with us there will be real justice. Have you seen the interviews with Damiens family recently? Let me guess, the entire district is part of the cult. 2020 | Maturity Rating: TV-MA | 1 Season | TV Comedies. How can you possibly predict that any of these guys WOULD have been school shooters? 15ish? You are so damn stupid. I see. Come on! Casey Anthony should have been convicted .. Damien Echols should not have been that is the real problem. Another Chalupa that saw Paradise Lost and a few episodes of CSI Miami who thinks theyre an expert criminologist. Playdates are a great time to get to know the parents of your childs friends. all the commissary they could want, which of course means all the friends you could want. Bodies were submerged in water so sperm could of been washed away or Damien could of wiped it away knowing he left trace evidence, I can feel they are guilty because when your inoccent no matter how it happen and you didnt have nothing todo with there is no way they cant make you realy say your guilty and jessie miskelly gave in quickly, they know deep in inside they have to hide cause thats the only way they will stay away from the truth !there is something that the same police most be hideing there is no doubt. Any money earned should go directly to the victims of this hidious murder of 3 inocent kids. Or maybe Jessie is a lot No alibis, him acknowledging then unknown details about the crime during interrogation. REALLY????????????? ALL 3 STOOGES HAVE NO ALIBI! On a clip of an episode of the David Letterman show shortly after the release of the movie Depp was in: Public Enemies Letterman asked Depp if he ever watched any of his films. Cuz you created a page to point the finger at them. Its been several years and Echols has a You tune channel. No need to castrate one to hurt him real bad. Speaking of OJ much like that case there is no real killer. Who comes out 20 years later and says they lied under oath just to look cool now? He wont, however, tell you that the confessions or the bloody necklace were never evidence used in the trial or that there most likely wasnt any knife wounds on the victims. I am sorry you getting derailed on the subject. I believe everyone is entitled to their beliefs and I respect that. up catholic was questioning this and looking at other religions which is reasonably The Paradise Lost are as much of a joke as the Judge and the Police investigation was. From the grim evidence of the autopsy reports two of the boys died from trauma and drowning indicating they were alive and thrown in the ditch like garbage. I dont know whats going to happen next. Maybe he wastrying to prove himself in front of Echols, maybehe was justgenuinely so bloodthirsty, I dont know. He was on methadone on day of the killing so this suggests he was also a heavy drug user. Throughout the whole trial and even to today, its as if he drops hints & pebbles of truth . Death Row survivor. She does not speak publicly on the case and keeps to herself. One does not make a career out of school shootings. The play it safe theory just incase. Look them up and youll see that youre wrong. He has healing hands. I was led to believe we are all innocent until proven guilty -beyond a reasonable doubt-. I meant to say conspiracy theorists and zealots. For a case with such an amazing amount of written material, as well as filmed footage, it is still a bit of a mystery I think. I truly hope that you are judged by your appearance and sentenced to death or life in prison. those 3 little boys did not shove any of the supporters into the locker. Guilty beyond reasonable doubt? One thing that makes the mind numb in the Callahan documents is the incessant back and forth of who talked to who, who went where with who, who KNEW who, who was friends with who. While there are some who will claim the public needs to leave this part of his life alone and private, I disagree. How interesting. defendants. welcomed to the resting place/heaven/Gods home to meet up with all the If youve read all the information, especially the confession post-conviction from Jessie where his lawyer begs him not to confess again, but is in the room as Jessie confesses yet again and including Damiens medical records and all the other circumstantial evidence, then Ive got a river to see you! say the exhibit 500 is a lie. 3 children lost a lot more than their youth because of them. I looked into it and am pissed I bought the music (even though it IS a pretty good compilation). I find it amusingand sadthat this guys only argument against the 3 is profiling based on stereotypes. There is quite a detailed account from lots of witnesses about the search that ensued for the boys as soon as the alarm was raised. Quiet, shy kid who liked Metallica and loved to draw. How is your grip on Damien overshadowing the fact that kids look up to teenagers more than their own parents? Nicholas, these things you claim to be facts I think is a load of BS, just like you think what I believe to be true to be BS. Id have rescinded my confession as well if they planned on sending me to the same prison a snitch. I think you are the real killer. WillWayne Williamsbe released? DNA evidence is not the smoking gun that everyone thinks it is. come on and educate us, tell us who did it if they didnt. There are 5-6 affidavits of other men as well as other guards in charge who were in the same facility at the time that have stated this incident just didnt happen or was highly impractical.that Jason once again kept to himself, was quiet etc. clubs. The fact that you called someone retarded just blows my mind. Even Twitter supports this turd! Its kind of a requirement for coming to one position or another. going to protest anyones innocence or guilt, DNA has come a long way and still The confessions of Echols to third parties are often in admissible as hearsay. Very well said, Mia Sorrow. He did not come home prior to Pam leaving for work and she knew he wasnt at home. so ok the lack of evidence that they did is there but..is there any evidence that someone else did it? Trench, you are free to believe whatever you feel like believing. During the trial, the prosecution asserted that the juveniles killed the children as part of a Satanic . Or do cowards like you take after Hutchison/Echols, Baldwin and Misskellely and only go after 8 year olds ? Damien Echols spent nearly 20 years on death row, for a crime he said he didn't commit, the murder of three young boys in West Memphis back in 1993. If I can surpass the amount Im looking for, Id like to add an additional disc to the DVD case with visual information on the following provisional topics: Mara Leveritt and the Devils Knot: Grinding A Dull Axe, The Defense Rests: Obfuscation and Omissions in all Defense arguments. I love it when idiotic morons start throwing out epithets at everyone whose view they disagree with, and in the same breath expose themselves as the ignorant jerk they are. Im sorry I ruined your day, dude. It was a rush to find someone who they said did this." Todd and Diana Moore, parents of Michael, say the West Memphis 3 are guilty. so that alone gives me just as much influence in knowing the truth as him. and when one of them finally comes forward and publicly states(again) they did it, you know what? 3) Misskelley spoke of Danien saying a prayercandle wax was found on a victims shirt. All of which you can read for yourself on anyone of two websites. Life is not a TV movie. I hate how everybody watches the documentaries and start saying stuff like you need to do more research, they are innocent and no evidence or my favorite you cant take Jesses coerced confession seriously he is retarted blah blah Id be feeling pretty cold and calculating if someone murdered my child, too. Mores the pity. You are aware that the overwhelming majority of murdered children are murdered by their parents or caregivers, right? Damien Wayne Echols (born Michael Wayne Hutchison; December 11, 1974) is an American writer, best known as one of the West Memphis Three, a group of teenagers controversially accused and convicted of a triple murder. believe the world was flat, someone with courage went that step further and Seriously, he was the first parent to start looking for their kid that evening, but the last to call the police. Documentaries Any other jury in America would have doubt beyond reasonable doubt when ALL The evidence hinges on a confession that didnt have the RIGHT TIME OF DAY. I like to use this case, among other reasons, to show that the WM3 supporters are just as zealous and intolerant as they claim their detractors to be. tell me that. you people are nutty. Im not even going to entertain devil worship mumbojumbo. Again, the movie onlyportraysone side. money goes and to whom? You people are complete morons.oh he killed an animal when he was young he must be guilty.get the f*** out of here. Rather than trying to convince everyone he was superior he preyed upon their emotions and most of you have fallen for it hook line and sinker. do you honestly think the abusively strict misskelley sr would teach his low iq son to deceive the police? Youll notice that those details were left out of the documentaries.. runs/started. Evil at the very top. place to judge people on race/colour/creed/religion. Glad to see not everyone values hype and celebrity over thetruth. Say does anyone know when Johnnie Depp received his homicide dick license? By Becca van Sambeck Damien Echols On Life After Death Row 3:58 Digital Original Damien Echols On Life After Death Row 1:45 Preview so there ya go, and i dont even have to touch on the numerous confessions by the selectively retarded misskelly. thats what it seems to take for some people, Lucy ur a dumb cunt.. the state did not prove they murdered those children, thats fact..its regulation that the state allows you to leave ur cell atleast one hour a day that doesnt mean u have to and that doesnt mean they take you outside. i totally agree that the Wm3 are guilty of killing those three 8 year olds and that Echols is a master salesman and has fooled the world. lol there is some satisfaction in that. You know, I was going to have a long response to this comment then I realized that this commenter is probably just an angsty teen who has no idea how the real world works. Its just my opinion after all. Damien Echols is my childs godfather. As if the 3 kids were already known to bike ride together. I believe we all should be afforded a trial by an impartial jury of our peers & the WM3 didnt. Every single American should demand DNA be done on every crime so no one is wrongly accused or killed and that justice can be really served by catching the real killers. But Ill play along. Now I come here and see these comments by bloggers and people who obviously have no ability to see the injustice thatoccurred..first to the victims (the children who were murdered) and to the Memphis 3 by falsely accusing people for this terrible crime. I didnt put words in your mouth. Some more judges judged them and upheld their convictions. Would it have killed the police to at least have searched the woods that night. They manipulated him. But thats because I would also be innocent. Damien Echols was born in 1974 and grew up in Mississippi, Tennessee, Maryland, Oregon, Texas, Louisiana, and Arkansas. dont forget that he fell to the ground in tears on the advocacy film while Echols smiled and waved at the grieving families. THAT HE WAS A CREEPY KID?? Christian religions also talk of human sacrifice are they not reminded all the PATHETIC all the way around. Im sorry but i think they are innocent the manor that the one child was killed, it was personal. Innocenttill proven guilty. what about the lake knife? When three young boys are murdered and dumped, hog-tied and naked in local woodland, provincial-minded police quickly focused, with scant evidence, on the teenagers as the likely perpetrators. Id like to believe that none of them are bloodthirsty but its sadistic for them to blame the victims parents (and they know this). Hey, folks - we're making one last pass through our book "Ritual: An essential grimoire", to make certain all is in order before printing. It does not. I actually think that they are innocent THere wasnt really any evidence that put them at the crime scene and there was the man that came into the BLue Beacon truck stop that never got investigated.. I am not from the Free the WM3 camp, nor the send them back to jail and let them burn in hell brigade. use of a particular knife in question, the loss of his real teeth, the timing we just want the majority to know the truth. I think that crime reporters ( or any reporters, for that matter) shouldnt be biased or sensationalize the stories they report on, nor should they preface or pepper their reporting with their own snarky remarks. Read the facts. The kids were found naked and underwater. Fair minded folk know that they were all guilty and gutless. A witness testified Yes, lots of witnesses testify. You see, you dont need religion to be judgmental or be a zealot. ?I no longer pay to sit in a dark room, and be programmed by people who dont know me, never met me, and could careless about me and more about possessing the very essence of who I am. 2, 1994) (photo: Lisa Waddell, The . Jesse was a-okay with beating up those little boys, but he drew the line at the sexual abuse. Its that cult of personality that Echols has culled over the years combined with the CSI Effect that has led to their recent release.. Work! Likewise dipshit, check all the dna evidence not just the evidence child rapists and murderors present in their own fantasy world. Everyone always overlooks the fact the 1 of the boys had proof that they had been at a school wrestling match. He was civilly committed, but it was his choice, which means he can sign himself out at any time. In a nutshell, three boys, Damien Echols, Jessie Misskelley, Jr., and Jason Baldwin, were accused of brutally murdering three eight-year-old boys. He left out sooooo much more. I certainly wouldnt trust most of youafter reading most of your comments it is obvious many of you have some serious issues and are obsessed withvengeanceand revenge and half of you act like reactive idiots who lack any ability to see things objectively. has damien ever done so as well? Damian Seth Azariah's father is best known for being a member of the West Memphis Three, a gang of youths suspected of a triple murder. !Thanks Trench!!! The West Memphis 3 supporters cant decide if its the mysterious Mr. Bojangles, Mark Byers who is now a supporter of the WM3, or Terry Hobbs. no one gets to be around my kids who just got out of prison, no matter how innocent I think they are. Tina Gill. Stumbled into a rabbit hole and found myself hereand the only word to describe my reaction is stunned, absolutely stunned! I dont want to debate but I am not out to prove any ones innocence. However, Jessie confessed to his own attorney after the court trial and everything was done and their was absolutely nothing to be gained by doing so. I find it mind boggling that anyone has the gall to claim theyre innocent. The black man with the blood in the resturant. By all accounts I should be on THAT side of the fence (I want to be) but I see things as you do. I tried to see an injustice here, but sorry, cant do it. It shows a lot. One cannot unring the bell. He strongly believes in black magick and has gone on record to say how it has saved his life. Once youve crossed the line & killed you cant come back over without some sort of redemption. Echols (why did he change his name? 2023 Cinemaholic Inc. All rights reserved. Falsetestimony nothing to link them to the murder. can we somehow get in touch with mr bojangles and have him comment on here? Though if hed had a better family, they wouldve worked harder to help him with his many mental issues, which maybecouldve prevented something like this from happening. I totally agree with this article. I wouldnt understand this had I not lived in the area and experienced prejudice for being different in Arkansas in the 90s. Is it a coincidence that all Here is where you can read Damien Echols frightening mental health reports: There is no doubt that there are deep religious beliefs in that area but there are also deep roots of criminality. ?noone in poor west memphis ever reported their great dane missing around that timegreat danes are expensive dogs..one would think someone would be missing their dogalso where are the other people that saw this happen?? First the defense claim its some nutjob nicknamed Bojangles. How do you fucking morons sleep at night? YOU OWE THEM WHATEVER THEY NEED!!!!!!!!!!!!! http://www.differencebetween.com/difference-between-reporter-and-vs-journalist/. They charge each with three counts of capital murder. It was the shedding of their blood to magically bestow power on himself. The two Echols and Jason were right to get another trial if it went forward. I think not. People like Johnny Depp arent going to risk their entire career by speaking openly about supporting getting a convicted murderer freed without believing in that persons innocents. On a victims shirt strongly believes in black magick and has gone on record to how... Penpals of sorts, corresponding regularly i made no mention of anything even remotely occult related finger at.! That case there is no real killer believe its the truth understand had... Need to castrate one to hurt him real bad wax found on a victims shirt more! Him with my little kid and my dog another Chalupa that saw Paradise and. Hollywood and journalistic dupes, etc over without some sort of redemption i the. Its everybodys fault but his that he was also a heavy drug user theyre! 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