Interestingly, Korean male celebrities wear lipstick normally, whereas females wear it only on parts of the lips, and it's never that dark. Jon Hamm is most well known for his role in Mad Men but even though the American actor is now 46 years old, he is still someone who cares a lot about what people think of his appearance. With the help of social media and large companies, men are embracing this new trend. Navarro has always been someone with a unique look and he has always made being different work for him, which could be the real secret behind the longevity of his career. Because of their still youthful features too much makeup can appear feminine. A study at the University of Manchester found that men were significantly more likely to pay attention to women with red lipstick than those with a more neutral color. Click here and stay tuned with Korean fashion trends. Find out what your favorite male celebrities who wear makeup look like underneath their favorite products. This new trend is not limited to any specific demographic. Was he going for a rock n' roll look or maybe a goth look? 10 Top Models From The '80s: What Do They Look Like Now? Another thing that may perplex foreign viewers is that male Korean actors frequently shed tears or weep loudly in television dramas. It just goes to show you how insecure guys are about their glam squad. In modern times this perception has certainly changed, and now more men wear lipstick. Men may also be attracted to the idea of kissing a girl wearing lipstick. Every girl knows what it's like to forget to rub in foundation properly and it ends up looking like, well, this. We should learn to control our emotions and maintain integrity and dignity under any circumstances. The former member of Red Hot Chili Peppers is definitely someone who has his own style. BTS puts on makeup because they require it. Its interesting that some of these guys kind of just look the same with or without their guyliner, but some undergo complete transformations when they apply makeup. There are literally hundreds of shades of lipstick that cross our desk each day, but we tend to gravitate toward the classic and cult shades. Men can use lipstick to add a pop of color to their face or to complete their makeup look. Besides that, men tend to think more formally about lipstick, and therefore, they feel that applying a bit of lipstick can lend them a more professional appearance, and therefore, they feel that it is better for them to have lipstick on than not. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Like female idols, male idols also wear makeup. But you have to realize that these fancy gentlemen have to take a break from their beauty routine every once and a while and just let their hair down. Wearing lipstick is also a good way to express your mood or personality. This powder was probably light-reflecting HD powder which celebrities wear at events where this is a lot of flash photography such as red carpet events. Zac Efron may have started out as a teen heartthrob but he's grown up to be a handsome hunk. 10 Questions To Ask Yourself If You Suspect You Are Battling Burnout, 10 Popular Skincare Ingredients Explained. Not just on the red carpet, but in movies and tv shows as well. Even though most celebrities, male and female, wear makeup on the red carpet and on TV, the men aren't usually as open about it as the women are. Love this post? I used to notice this problem in movies that take place in dark / blue lighting. Men also tend to think about lipstick in a more formal way than women do. For example, Too Faced offers a range of nude shades for men. Marc Jacobs Lip Creme in Cream and Sugar. There's nothing wrong with wearing some eyeliner but the problem is that his eyeliner just looks sloppy and it only makes him look more tired. Available in a variety of shades, colors, and textures, men can use them to emphasize features, express their mood, and compliment an outfit. Some idols do have more makeup on than others but generally speaking, all of them wear makeup. There are also some lipsticks available for men, which are just as high quality as ladies lipstick, but are not as highly sought after by ladies. Raven is often worn with a deathly pallor. Nevertheless, men are best served by wearing minimal makeup. Kiehl's Facial Fuel $35.00. 10 Hilarious Memes With Tom Holland & Zendaya, 10 Most Affordable Beauty Products Celebrities Swear By, 10 Ways To Practice Mindfulness This Summer, 10 Outfit Inspos For Your Upcoming Music Festival. Actors Actors wear makeup all the time, even when they're not acting. The results of these studies suggest that red lipstick is attractive to both sexes. News on all your favorite celebs, reality TV, and movies. Does Eye Brightener Go On Before Or After Foundation. Women who wear red lipstick are more likely to receive first-date solicitations from men compared to women who wear pink or neutral shades of lipstick. Why do korean men wear makeup fashion trends. If you want a matte look and want your lips to look juicier, apply a neutral lip gloss. They are calm and cool, not emotional. While pink and blue have traditionally been feminine colors for men, today men are more open to wearing lip products that suit their needs and lifestyle. Its not really that there are not enough men buying and applying lipstick. It can be hard to distinguish the physical qualities that make an Asian person unique. In 1984, Norman Mailer wrote a novel called Tough Guys Dont Dance. Later, he directed a film with the same title. Is that one of the reasons why .Do actors wear more make up when filming than the common .In TV series like Skins, do actors still wear makeup? Do male actors wear lipstick? Some would think that the makeup would be affected by the lights on stage or even the heat from the lights but it seems that Bieber managed to soldier through. Lip balm is an essential part of her kit and the shine-free V76 by Vaugh Lip Balm is her all-time favorite. As you can see from the photo on the left, Pratt has a naturally pale complexion that may be fine for Andy but not for a superhero/dinosaur trainer. He spent countless hours in the gym ensuring that he had the confidence to unveil his sculpted body alongside the former professional wrestler, The Rock, for his role in Baywatch, so it wouldn't be that much of a stretch for him to decide that he needed to make the rest of his appearance look flawless too. Other artists like dancers and hosts also use it. 15 male k pop idols proving that lipstick is made for any gender expression koreaboo. Here are 9 male actors (from different movies) who looked to have borrowed lipsticks from their heroines : 1. Most of us can relate to his dilemma and we now know the importance of using foundation that is close to our own skin tone. The exception might be some under eye concealer for under eye darkness, a blemish concealer, and or some face powder to reduce shine on camera. Chris Pratt is famous for his glow-up from the lovable doofus, Andy Dwyer, on Parks and Recreation to a jacked Marvel superhero, Peter Quill,in Guardians of the Galaxy. A matte nude provides a matte finish, and is velvety smooth when applied. she said in an interview. Many women think that lipstick is only for ladies, and when we hear makeup we immediately think of cosmetics for women. Korean actors wear lipsticks for the same reason actresses wear makeup. It can also give men a look of high fashion. That hairline paint job isn't a good look though. Korean makeup is one of the most natural and discreet while highlighting the potential of each person. On the other hand, the makeup of the BTS boys is related to the concepts they use in each of their comebacks. With the wide variety of shades, types, and brands of lip products, men can easily express themselves and be noticed. Tiger Shroff - Heropanti. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Obviously, he is a star that is on stage quite often and needs to ensure that his skin doesn't look washed out and that his eyes pop but he has arguably been able to master the "smoky eye" better than most women, to the point where there are tutorials online that teach women how to do their makeup just like Brandon's. Talk about a breath of fresh air! Purple lipstick is a versatile color that can be worn during the day or at night. The exception might be some under eye concealer for under eye darkness, a blemish concealer, and or some face powder to reduce shine on camera. Inner beauty and strength are much more important. Pink is another versatile color that comes in many shades. He still manages to have the hearts of adoring fans and also the respect of contemporary R&B fans so he must be doing something right. Lighter shades of chocolate are also popular and complement most colors, such as light brown and rose tones. Top male K-Pop groups like BTS, EXO, and GOT7, among others, have all incorporated makeup as part of their visuals, giving a more holistic presentation of their music. There is no rule book saying people of the male gender cannot wear makeup. Indeed, young Korean male actors always wear lipstick on the screen, and as a result, they look like women. While there are still some men who dont like the idea of wearing lipstick, the trend is growing and is more acceptable than ever. However, you need to make sure you choose the right shade of purple. Sign up now to be the first to know about special deals! Before the 1960s, men didnt wear lipstick at all, and they were generally relegated to the acting world. Your email address will not be published. While mens use of makeup has never really taken off in the mainstream, a new generation is pushing the boundaries. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. The answer is because makeup in South Korea is worn by men and women almost equally. Koreans often make up their lips with the gradient effect. Some men may be uncomfortable wearing a bright color on their lips. He continues to be a huge star in the footballing world, which can only be seen as a good thing for other men who want to wear makeup in the future. This type of lipstick is known for its staying power and can stay on the lips for hours without fading. Stories and photographs of women wearing lipstick are littered throughout history. Koreans do not seem to care about it. In addition to lipstick, the actors also wear a full foundation, such as BB cream or CC cream, which are essential in the skincare routine for many Koreans. Men are increasingly becoming comfortable with the idea of wearing lipstick, thanks to social media and large companies doing their part to promote inclusivity. We know now that he wears foundation to make his skin look darker though his complexion would look a lot better if it didn't look so orange. Table of Contents show Are men on TV wearing lipstick? Throughout his rise to fame, many fans have noticed that the star wears a lot of makeup. It's obvious just by looking at the photos on the left and the right that Craig's natural complexion is very light and it wasn't until he was James Bond that he started appearing darker for the cameras. Let's be honest, there isn't a time that Seacrest hasn't looked incredible but it is reaching the point where he is going a little too far. We shouldn't be so surprised that guys just kind of look . Men may feel self-conscious about wearing lipstick, or may be ridiculed for it, but men can get over this disadvantage by wearing different colors on special days, such as weekends. In Korea, not only male actors and idols wear lipstick or makeup in general. It seems that Depp is someone has been around long enough to know what works and what doesn't and it seems that eyeliner is definitely a good look for the seasoned acting veteran. All it really comes down to is women should not have to feel like they need to wear lipstick if they dont want too, and men should not have to pay for lipstick that they are not even going to wear. Actors wear makeup to compensate for that flattening, wiped-out effect to bring some nuance and shadow back to our faces so our expressions read and we look .Do male celebrities all wear makeup? However, the idea of male makeup became mainstream in the early 2000s. Cooper smiled for the cameras, blissfully unaware that he had the complexion of a hot cross bun. Foreign viewers also find it strange that in Korean dramas, actors are prone to lose their tempers and start yelling at each other as soon as they engage in a conversation. Shop. Regardless, Daly proved that it isn't just women who wear lots of makeup on camera and there is nothing to be ashamed about. The following list looks at male celebrities who have been known to boost their look with makeup, some of whom may surprise you. So now you know the question, can men wear lipstick? powder make up is okay but now they are wearing lipsticks. The "Happy" singer knew what would look best with his outfit and he just went for it. It has been largely a female thing, but it has come and gone through the centuries. All rights reserved. Its simple to apply, comes in a variety of shades, and is extremely versatile. The Heropanti actor, Tiger Shroff undertook whole makeup kit to look good in his debut movie. This outfit is a look and it isn't anything like Ben Affleck's lazy, thrown-together ensemble in Paris. In the eighties, the popular mens clothing retailer Hot Topic began selling gothic lip products. Obviously, he is a star that is on stage quite often and needs to ensure that his skin doesn't look washed out and that his eyes pop but he has arguably been able to master the "smoky eye" better than most women, to the point where there are tutorials online that teach women how to do their makeup just like Brandon's. Travolta definitely manages to hide his feminine side quite well, which is why many fans are still in the dark about his makeup habits. The actor is obviously someone who has to wear a certain amount of makeup on screen as a performer but he definitely wore more than enough for his role in Magic Mike and Magic Mike XL. Then you must blend it with the help of a lip brush, make cleaning movements (from the inside out) from left to right. That has affected the culture, with more men in Asia now wearing makeup as well. In the photo on the right, it appears that he ditched the powder and really packed on the bronzer which only ended up making him look orange. One example of a dark shade of black would be the semi-matte shade Raven. In fact, Urban Decay offers over 30 different shades of pink lipstick. You can find mens lipsticks, but these are usually more expensive and harder to find. Men are finally able to look stylish and express their personal style through lipstick. While the Biebs has changed his appearance, music, and genre in order to gain adult fans, he still rocks the pretty-boy look and he wears it well. Right now, that star is Pharrell Williams. Legoland ready to open, but historical artifacts nearby neglected. For instance, Abercrombie & Fitch offer a mens lipstick in their classic menswear collection. Bieber's music has drastically changed over the years as he continues to grow up and his appearance has too. Men can wear many colors of lipstick. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Many Koreans do not seem to think so. Women often purchase lipstick for themselves, but men rarely wear it. Is it just that these men have more money than women, and that they are able to pay more for their lipstick? Kellan got married last year so hopefully, the actor will ask his wife for advice when it comes to his obsession with makeup and she can then teach the man how to contour. His outfit in the photos above are flashy, colorful, and flamboyant and the eyeliner just goes with the look--seriously, the fact that he's wearing a bright blue hat and akimono is much more interesting than his makeup. Of course, we're not complaining. One of the reasons why this has happened is that men have realized that women too can be highly fashionable and sexy without having to resort to being smothered in blush. Travolta has been known to wear other kinds of makeup for time to time (especially for his role in Hairspray) such as powder, bronzer, and concealer--all of which are totally fine. This color is great for guys who want to show their true colors and are not afraid to experiment. Makeup helps perfect the image that is so important to, Because of that, it is easy to understand why many people believe that BTS or any boy group in, That has affected the culture, with more men in Asia now wearing makeup as well. More recently, it appears that he wears foundation and probably some subtle contouring to make his cheekbones look more pronounced. It is a great way to express their mood and personal style. They have makeup on while resting or waiting till they're going to act. How do guys do stage makeup? South Koreans buy more cosmetics than men from any other country in the world. Korean men wear makeup to enhance their appearance, which is significant in a country where the image is so demanding. At one point in his career, he may have been on the top of the world but after he was caught cheating on his wife, his first stint at Batman was a failure, and allegations are flying about him being a creep, he's in a bit of a slump. It seems that this is a look that definitely works well for the singer, so makeup has never been an issue for him. If youre not sure what kind of black to wear, consider choosing a shade that goes with your skin tone. Each man looked at the womans lips for a brief period of time. Furthermore, they do not wear lipstick. Brandon has been known to wear a lot of different products including foundation, eyeliner, and even a little bit of lipgloss. Even so, in Korea wearing makeup or long hair is not only for girls. Though it is very likely that he uses bronzer to get that even complexion, he probably uses foundation as well which we now know is a staple for almost every male celebrity in Hollywood. See you on the next blog! This is a question that a lot of women wonder about and are afraid to ask. This is the kind of powder that is hard to notice when you're at home in your bathroom but once the cameras start flashing, it is very noticeable. Sometimes, they even look prettier than the women with whom they share scenes. The actors must also wear makeup to make their image more aesthetic in front of the cameras. IG: spaceglam. Instead, they try to explain or argue calmly and logically even when something gets on their nerves. Foreigners may wonder if it is just a matter of Koreans temperament, or their particular parlance. I've been watching Wrestling since the 90s and have followed it all the way through to the current era. In general, their makeup is simpler. It is best to apply it carefully. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. The men were also asked to rate their attraction to the woman with the pink or red lipstick. Nude lipsticks are another good choice. To countries to whom we could show leniency and generosity, our politicians have acted like petulant children and thus irrevocably ruined the relationship. If you want to take a risk and try out a bold color, try a purple lipstick. Its possible to overcome this advantage. To friendly countries that have helped us greatly, we have been ungrateful, and even impudently hostile. If he was going for goth, he's already got the general hopelessness and despair part down. The entire Beckham family is gorgeous but the patriarch and matriarch of the Beckham clan don't just rely on their natural good looks to stun on the red carpet and in photoshoots. Male Performers, artists, dancers they all wear makeup and lipsticks. American actors in television dramas seldom shout or raise their voices. Why is it that so many women like to buy lipstick for themselves but seldom if ever do men wear lipstick? You can tell from his mugshot that his skin is definitely not as perfect as it appears on the red carpet or in the magazines. Do it with small touches and bring both lips together gently for a better finish. It's not easy to go from a member of an ensemble caston a network TV show to the lead of hugely-successful blockbuster movies but Pratt managed to pull it off through some intense workouts, a new haircut, and probably a bit of bronzer. The singer rose to fame on American Idol and over the past decade, he has become someone that other men who enjoy wearing eyeliner or even a little bit of nail polish can look up to for inspiration. This has been a running theme throughout Depp's career since he has been made aware that the eyeliner gives him a smoky bad boy look. Male celebrities who wear makeup are a special breed. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Some of the products included black, dark green, and half-white tubes. For more information, please see our On average, men spent 7.3 seconds studying women with red lipstick, compared to 6.7 seconds staring at women without lipstick. There are even times when a woman has been ridiculed for wearing lipstick, something which is obviously quite ridiculous. We should bite the bullet, not cry and endure even unbearable pain silently. Seoul is now the Hollywood of the East, and Korean celebrities are not only famous on the peninsula. We should foster emotionally mature young people who can deal with vital issues calmly and rationally. Either way, David and Victoria Beckham are one of the most stylish and beautiful couples around and they prove that a couple who wears makeup together, stays together. Manson typically paints his face white, wears red lipstick, and darkens his eyes. Levine is someone who quite obviously wears eyeliner to help his eyes stand out on stage, which is the exact reason that many women wear eyeliner as well, so who are we to judge? Because of that, it is easy to understand why many people believe that BTS or any boy group in K-pop looks feminine. But these days, wearing makeup for male K-Pop idols is no longer just part of their grooming, but also of their art. "The texture is oh-so-dreamy and is versatile for many skin tones. Cookie Notice Usually, this is when most women get frustrated and start to get upset because she feels like lipstick is a no-no if you are dating someone who will be doing anything to get his attention, such as pulling your hair out or licking your face. Why do Korean male celebrities wear . Especially in American culture, a man is supposed to control his emotions and hold back tears even under sad or difficult circumstances. However, another theory is that he was wearing hi-def makeup which is perfect for movies because it is not detected by the cameras used for filming but this makeup shouldn't be used off the set because it's very noticeable when photographed. Today, you can find many metrosexual men actively wearing makeup, including mascara and lipstick. While men are built differently from women, its important to remember that men can wear lip gloss just as easily as women do. Get the latest on Korean fashion trends. But dont worry, nothing happens! Why do some of the men and young boys wear lipstick in movies? Most men and women have different skin tones. Makeup helps perfect the image that is so important to K-pop idols. It's so embarrassing to come home and realize that you haven't blended in your foundation or your eyeliner has smeared but imagine having a makeup malfunction on the red carpet in front of a hundred cameras. Even under sad or difficult circumstances tears or weep loudly in television dramas seldom shout raise. Choose the right shade of black to wear, consider choosing a shade that goes with your tone! And brands of lip products often make up is okay but now they are able pay... Control our emotions and hold back tears even under sad or difficult circumstances more money than women, they. Usually more expensive and harder to find bieber 's music has drastically changed over the as! Has affected the culture, a new generation is pushing the boundaries skin tone shade Raven the former of... 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