The entire article and the contents within are published by, wholly-ownedandcopyright of UFO Insight. These are able to put prey into a trance-like state before being killed and consumed. One that hosts an ancient civilization unknown to the modern world. Quayle, like many others it should be said, believes an alien presence resides within the Antarctic region. Again, quoting Quayle in his aforementioned book, Someone, or something, has summoned the worlds leaders. Appendix J - Reduced Delta Reliance Addendum to 2015 UWMP-2021.06.24. I was reading about Organism 46b, and as stupid as it sounds, it's definitely plausible. They continued their work and excitedly began documenting their discoveries. This ability can be further developed by organism 46B. [24] It is suspected that these Antarctic subglacial lakes may be connected by a network of subglacial rivers. Helper(s): Animals Article, Ethan Roe for Initiative spot-checking, Write-up completed on the 20th of October, 2020. Tragically my colleague and lifelong friend was killed this way. SKIP TO 00:17:00 TO GET TO THE STORY Welcome to Episode 109: Lake Vostok & Organism 46-B! "[4], Lukin claims that hot-water drilling is much more dangerous for the microbiotic fauna, as it would boil the living species, and disturb the entire structure of water layers of the lake. [4], The overlying ice provides a continuous paleoclimatic record of 400,000years, although the lake water itself may have been isolated for 15[7][8] to 25 million years. Underneath Antarctica's miles of ice, you'll find approximately 400 subglacial lakes. Escaping the creature, a member of the team managed to lop off one of 46-B's tentacles, although the severed limb attacked the group again. Scientists suggested that the lake could possess a unique habitat for ancient bacteria with an isolated microbial gene pool containing characteristics developed perhaps 500,000years ago. What makes this lake so special is that . A more outlandish theory is the possibility a severed tentacle could grow back into a full creature. Dr. Anton Padalka was part of the 8-person team sent to explore and catalog the lifeforms in Lake Vostok. [67] It was predicted that the water would rise 3040 m in the bottom part of the borehole, but in fact the water rose from the lake to a height of more than 500m. In October of that same year, the work was suspended for that southern summer because of insufficient funding by the federal Russian government. [20], From this core, specifically from ice that is thought to have formed from lake water freezing onto the base of the ice sheet, extremophile microbes were found, suggesting that the lake water supports life. The team found 3,507 unique gene sequences, and approximately 94% of the sequences were from bacteria and 6% were from Eukarya. The sheer weight and pressure around 345 bars (5,000psi) of the continental ice cap on top of Lake Vostok is estimated to contribute to the high gas concentration. [13], Scientists first reported evidence of microbes in the accretion ice in 1999. Organism 46-B is a super cephalopod similar to a glass octopus . [62], Critics from the scientific community state that no valuable information can be obtained until they can test clean samples of lake water, uncontaminated by drilling fluid. Real or Fake is the show where I, Tyler Pankhurst Explain an interesting conspiracy theory in detail and you the viewer decides if it is Real or Fake?? This resulted in an estimate that the entire volume of the lake is replaced every 13,300years its effective mean residence time.[30]. The only human presence on Antarctica is a collection of international scientists. Fluid Form represents the octopuss extreme ductility it is Always On, does not reduce the octopuss STR, does not allow splitting into separate parts, and does not add to the OV/RV versus most Physical Attacks, instead only adding to RV versus blunt impacts (-3 FC total). Even more disturbing, and again a notion echoed by many, The history of the world is not what it is. The Russians did find psychrophilicAn organism that grows best at low temperatures microbial life according to the official reports. There wasnt even mention of use of exotic gas mixes which technical divers use at depth (nitrogen becomes akin to laughing gas, and oxygen becomes toxic under pressure unless mixed with other gases, like helium). Particularly when part of those claims revolves around weaponized DNA, from a shapeshifting aquatic entity no less. However, it is certainly possible that the team was doing more than drilling core samples. The drilling team left by aircraft on 6 February 2011. It was referred to and eventually cataloged as "Organism 46B". [46], In January 2011, the head of the Russian Antarctic Expedition, Valery Lukin, announced that his team had only 50m (200ft) of ice left to drill in order to reach the water. Underneath Antarctica's miles of ice, you'll find approximately 400 subglacial lakes. Journalists attempting to verify the story have been unable to locate Dr. Padalka. Not least due to the apparent reasons for the confiscation of the strange creature. Perhaps, though, its most remarkable ability is that of camouflage. Many scientists believe that conditions around Lake Vostok, and Antarctica in general, are likely very similar to those we may one day find on one of Jupiters main moons, Europa, and, to a lesser extent, those on Enceladus, one of the main moons of Saturn. Even stranger, within this inner Earth was another species, perhaps indigenous, perhaps extraterrestrial, but certainly not human. 2020 Urban Water Management Plan & Water Shortage Contingency Plan. In this scenario, Luthor secretly gave the mission leader a kryptonite laced specimen tank to capture the creature or some other method to temporarily render the creature docile. Kropotkin's theory was further developed by Russian glaciologist I. As scientists in other fields learned more about Jupiter and its moons, specifically Europa, the findings in the Antarctic region of Lake Vostok, came flooding to the forefront of their minds. Weighing in at close to a ton, it is on par with the largest cephalopods ever known to live in the deep. Sequences from aerobic, anaerobic, psychrophilic, thermophilic, halophilic, alkaliphilic, acidophilic, desiccation-resistant, autotrophic, and heterotrophic organisms were present, including a number from multicellular eukaryotes.[56]. Several hundred species of eukaryotic organisms also live in the water, including over 100 multicellular species. However, the programs director immediately ordered the hole plugged. Some versions of Spider-Mans origin story have him bitten by a genetically engineered super-spider with the abilities of all the differing species of spider. This tactic allowed it to observe and approach the scientists as they observed it. The waters in Lake Vostok are under a tremendous amount of pressure, equating to 355 bar (355 times the pressure of the atmosphere at the surface sea level) due to the ice pressing down on it. In Luthors hands it possibly could be used to replicate such abilities in humans. North America (Minus Mexico and Caribbean), Mysterious Creatures: A Guide to Cryptozoology, Cumberland Spaceman (Solway Firth Spaceman), Pterosaurs and Pterodactyls in Cryptozoology, The Buru, Giant Lizards and Giant Crocodiles, The Death Dealing Tree of the Phillippines, The Mysterious Giant Snake Of North-Africa, Titanoboa and largest snakes of the world. Because Lake Vostok may contain an environment sealed off below the ice for millions of years, the conditions could resemble those of ice-covered oceans hypothesized to exist on Jupiter's moon Europa,[12][15] and Saturn's moon Enceladus. Regeneration is physical damage only , but allows regrowth of lost limbs. "It shaped itself into the form of a human diver. Much like, if research is correct, the conditions on the aforementioned moons. [72] However, the water samples obtained by the Russian team were heavily contaminated with drilling fluid, so they reported in May 2017 that it was impossible at this time to obtain reliable data on the real chemical and biological composition of the lake water. [75], Some environmentalist groups remain unconvinced by these arguments. Measuring 250km (160mi) long by 50km (30mi) wide at its widest point,[1] it covers an area of 12,500km2 (4,830sqmi) making it the 16th largest lake by surface area. The deepest SCUBA diver ever was a little over 1000 feet, at which the pressure is roughly 32 bar. Confiscating it for security. During an observation mission, Padalka and an unnamed marine biologist came across another member of their crew in the area. The lake constitutes the coldest naturally occurring conditions thus far recorded on Earth. As we have mentioned Antarctica is a subject of conspiracies of wide-reaching variety. Here was an almost identical place where not only could their theories be tested, but so could a certain amount of logistics in actually penetrating the ice in the first place. Perhaps Vostok is essentially a breeding cage for the creatures created by a god, or someplace it was imprisoned by some deity jealous of the pet. It released paralytic venom through the water using an organ similar to its ink sacs. In our modern world of conference video calling, or several altogether more hospitable and welcoming meeting destinations only a short flight away, that something must have influence and power. The story has been picked up and spread across conspiracy sites and headlines (mostly tabloid papers/sites like the Daily Express from the UK). Antarctic glacial ice covers the lake, roughly 4,000 meters thick. [7] The researchers then switched to a new thermal drill head with a "clean" silicone oil fluid to drill the rest of the way. Space-based radar revealed that this subglacial body of fresh water is one of the largest lakes in the world, and one of some 140 subglacial lakes in Antarctica. Dr. Anton Padalka claims to have been part of the first scientistific expedition to explore the lake. It resembles its closest known relative, the glass octopus "vitreledonella richardi." But 46b has one advantage over its little sibling. According to official accounts, the Russians did reach the water level with a core sample hole drilled into Lake Vostok in 2012, however it was not big enough to accommodate a person. [1] According to the head of Russian Antarctic Expeditions, Valery Lukin, new equipment was developed by researchers at the Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute that would ensure the lake remains uncontaminated upon intrusion. The creature designated Organism 46-B was an aquatic beast allegedly captured by a Russian scientific team near the research outpost Vostok Station. Underneath Antarctica's miles of ice, you'll find approximately 400 subglacial lakes. Growth is always on and already figured into the stats. The story is almost certainly fictional, with at least one source citing the story to author C. Michael Forsythe (although the article I found online written by him lacked details found in many of the other articles). The environment is similar to what might potentially be found on Europa if water exists deep below its thick sheets of ice. We have examined before the claims of the secret Nazi Base 211, a facility that housed a plethora of highly advanced technology. Might it be that this presence is something the Russians have a beat on a little more than other authorities? 8 Followers, 79 Following, 4 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Lake Vostok (@organism.46b) The largest of these is Lake Vostok, discovered during the Soviet Antarctic Expeditions of 1959/1964 and later confirmed by British scientists in the early 1970s. And whether life already exists on these cosmic bodies or not, the possibility of human colonization rockets upwards with the presence of liquid water. [18], When British scientists in Antarctica performed airborne ice-penetrating radar surveys in the early 1970s, they detected unusual radar readings at the site which suggested the presence of a liquid freshwater lake below the ice. Lake Vostok is the largest of more than 145 subglacial lakes most of them several kilometers longthat have been discovered under Antarctica in past decades. Any confirmation of life in Lake Vostok could strengthen the prospect for the presence of life on icy moons. For example, not only is it extremely far fetched, but ice core drilling typically produces a passage only a few inches in diameter, certainly not large enough to transport a person through two miles of ice, never mind a tank capable of containing a 33-foot long aquatic creature. This was made up by the fiction author C. Michael Forsyth [1]. If this crude oil seeps upward via fractures, conduits, or porous sedimentary rock layers, it may pool up at the surface. Thus there would be no contact with any toxins in the water. Before we look a little further at some of the recent claims we will remind ourselves of just why, at least officially, Lake Vostok is of interest to scientists in the first place. Its possible the lakes under Antarctican ice are considered hidden seas by them and hiding places of powerful artifacts. Although it is extremely speculative, might we imagine that the Russian (and for a time Soviet) authorities are aware of some kind subaquatic species and presence? If you don't like what you read, you can unsubscribe at any time. UI designer : 2. Organism 46-B was an enormous 33ft long, 14-tentacled squid-like creature which lived in Lake . It disabled our radio, which we later learned to our alarm, was intentional. -Dr. Anton Padalka, An organism that grows best at low temperatures, Species (alien, humanoids, variant humans). Number of parts equals APs of power. However, rather than the usual 8 arms of an octopus it had a total of 14 arms. horrifying and stranger than fiction but all to believable given the right circumstances.Dr Anton the Soviet defector explained they entered the Lake one by one via an elevator placed in the borehole.They set up a makeshift camp along the shore and enterd the lake to dive around and see what they could discover.unfortunately they had all to quickly the Killer dubed Organism 46B.Organism 46B a 33ft Octopus with 14 arms, extremely high intelligence, the ability to mimic and camouflage and a paralizing venom release by its inc wasn't long before Organism 46b had paralyzed a reasercher and then tore him to pieces whilst devouring them.Organism 46-B then displayed its extremely high intelligence by disabling the reaserchers radio and communication equipment.on the reaserchers next dive and encounter of Organism 46b. SKIP TO 00:17:00 TO GET TO THE STORY Welcome to Episode 109: Lake Vostok & Organism 46-B! In July of 2012, a defecting Russian scientist showed up in Switzerland with an incredible story. Someone, Or Something, Has Summoned The Worlds Leaders!,,,, Operation Sea Find The Search For A Crashed UFO In Lake Backjson, The Baker Family UFO Encounter Over Lake Erie. Or Hoax? By the time the crew member had resumed the form of the octopus (46B) that it actually was, the biologist had been ripped to pieces by this deadly creature. The incident at Lake Vostok isnt the first time Russian scientists and military have encountered underwater extraterrestrial life. When Dr. Padalka discovered what was planned for the creature, he decided to defect so he could raise the alarm for the world. [56][57] Taxonomic classifications (to genus and/or species) or identification were possible for 1,623 of the sequences. We watched helplessly as it used its arms to tear off its head then popped its remains in its mouth. [16], Russian scientist Peter Kropotkin first proposed the idea of fresh water under Antarctic ice sheets at the end of the 19th century. [70][71], The drilling project has been opposed by some environmental groups and scientists who have argued that hot-water drilling would have a more limited environmental impact. What should we make of such claims? The details included in the articleare based on the reports, accounts and documentation available as provided bywitnesses and publications - sources/references are published above. Theres no indication in the story the creature had any such difficulty changing depths (even going so far as describing a severed tentacle still operating after it had left the water). ", Later, while diving in the lake, the group was attacked, the creature releasing its venom which took hold of one of them. This is due to the completely sealed-off, under the ice environment, that contains fresh water beneath the surface. [68][69], In 2019 the Russian government ordered that a new wintering complex be installed at the Lake Vostok research station, funded in part by Russian billionaire Leonid Mikhelson. As you might imagine, this type of lockdown creates suspicion. He would measure seismic activity and soundings below the surface. Removal of the drill would lower the pressure beneath it, drawing water into the hole to be left to freeze, creating a plug of ice in the bottom of the hole. More recently, apparent whistleblower-type information has come out of Russia claiming their government, and that of others around the world, most prominently the United States, are keeping the activities in the area under absolute secrecy. The station after which the lake is named commemorates the Vostok (), the 900-ton sloop-of-war ship sailed by one of the discoverers of Antarctica, Russian explorer Admiral Fabian von Bellingshausen. The story seems to combine the abilities of all the different octopuses and squids (some octopuses do actually release paralytic toxins along with mucus from their ink sac). While their previous work indicated the presence of bacteria that inhabit fish intestines, no sequences from fish were found. The stories, accounts, and discussions in this article may go against currently accepted science and common beliefs. The shapeshifting capabilities of organism 46-B sound almost diabolical. The creature designated Organism 46-B was an aquatic beast allegedly captured by a Russian scientific team near the research outpost Vostok Station. The largest of these i [73], The original drilling technique employed by the Russians involved the use of Freon and kerosene to lubricate the borehole and prevent it from collapsing and freezing over; 60 short tons (54t) of these chemicals have been used thus far on the ice above Lake Vostok. We do not aim to prove nordisprove any of the theories, cases, or reports. Perhaps Organism 46-B is familiar to the Atlanteans, either directly or through their own legends. SKIP TO 00:17:00 TO GET TO THE STORY Welcome to Episode 109: Lake Vostok & Organism 46-B! And ones far from beneficial for humanity in the long run. We watched helplessly as it used its arms to tear off his head then popped his remains in its mouth. The location as described in the story is more consistent with the hidden subterranean realms of speculative fiction and pulp novels than the actual Lake Vostok described by scientists. Organisim 46 B Killer Squid from Lake Vostok the Subglacial lake.Ok guys so just like most conspiracy theories this is going to get a little complicated so just bear with me.Lake Vostok was only discovered in 1974 after the Russian Soviet had established a research station above it in 1967.once the Russians had discovered there was a fresh water subglacial Lake some 4000 meters (2 miles) below them, they began a 30 year long drilling operation to drill to the fresh water Lake that was aptly named after the Russian research station Lake Vostok.In 2015 news articles started to circulate about a team of Russian Reasrchers who had gone missing on an expedition down to the subglacial Lake. At any time weighing in at close to a glass octopus seas by them hiding..., though, its most remarkable ability is that of camouflage form of human. Even stranger, within this inner Earth was another species, perhaps indigenous, perhaps,! 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Atms That Allow Overdraft Australia, Jordan Lake Seaforth Beach, Arizona Audit Updates, Howard Andrew Trovaioli, Articles L