What was the purpose of royal court? A minstrel was essentially a medieval musician. World History Publishing is a non-profit company registered in the United Kingdom. Period Costumes . The king would seek advice from the wise (hopefully) men of his court which would include relatives, barons, lords, and members of the church such as bishops. The carpenter and blacksmith were one of the most important occupations in the medieval period. They sometimes had stalls in a marketplace. [9], The Sasanian Empire adopting and developing the earlier court culture and customs of the Achaemenid Empire would also influence again the development of the complex court and court customs of the Roman Empire and Byzantine Empire. The royal court functions in the following hierarchical structure: In addition to all the above sections of the royal court, there are also various other offices within the royal court that work in coordination with the chief of the royal court. Medieval times were pretty rough for most people, since they were subsistence farmers, and thus one bad winter or flood away from total disaster. World History Encyclopedia is a non-profit organization. Like hats, belts were very popular in medieval times, belt makers were in demand to make a variety of belts for common people and nobility. [8] Though Alexander the Great had an entourage and the rudimentary elements of a court, it was not until after he conquered Persia that he took many of the more complex Achaemenid court customs back to the Kingdom of Macedonia, developing a royal court that would later influence the courts of Hellenistic Greece and the Roman Empire. Trouvre were poet-composers who were very similar to Troubadours, they composed and performed lyric poetry during the high medieval period. Some castles had a separate person, the keeper of the wardrobe, in charge of clothing, which was usually kept in wooden chests. Medieval royal marriages were not based on love or even physical attraction; they were political unions, designed to improve the power, wealth and political reach of the king. Answer (1 of 5): Depends which court when; the Middle Ages lasted 1000 years and in several countries. The chaplain had his own clerks which made up the castle's secretarial department, and he frequently travelled when the lord did, taking with him a portable altar. Antoine Dieu / Public domain. A chamberlain looked after the lord's own chamber and the wardrobes of the castle, including the liveries of the knights which usually carried the lord's coat of arms or badge. Then there were soldiers who were trained to use the longbow and crossbows such as the ballista which might be mounted in the castle towers. Please note that content linked from this page may have different licensing terms. Such court appointments each have their own histories. Medieval craftsmen were skilled workers who made important products that were needed in medieval villages, towns, and cities and also for warfare. In the morning the king comes in [to the imperial box overlooking the Hippodrome] with his intimates and servants, all of them dressed in red. These styles generally dated back to the days when a noble household had practical and mundane concerns as well as high politics and culture. There were three royal courts: the Court of the Exchequer, the Court of the King's Bench, and the Court of the Common Pleas. The Calimala imported woolen cloth from France and other regions and used highly skilled techniques in which the cloth was dyed, stretched, fulled, calendared, and finished. Renamed Groom of the Stole in Victorian times (and essentially stripped of its original meaning), it wasn`t until 1901 that the term completely disappeared from the roles. They would be used at homes, churches, outdoor feasts, and in greater abundance on special occasions. Most courts featured a strict order of precedence, often involving imperial, royal, and noble ranks, orders of chivalry, and nobility. Can you help me? The work of the chief is directly supervised by the king. In the Median and Achaemenid periods", "The Social World of the Byzantine Court", 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198227458.001.0001, "Bibliography of Early Modern courts 15801700, structure and patronage", "Court culture: representations of intimacy", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Royal_court&oldid=1125788047, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing Chinese-language text, Wikipedia articles needing clarification from November 2017, Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from May 2019, Articles incorporating a citation from the 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia with Wikisource reference, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, The Court of Elfheim Formed by Mab Greenbriar in. The title was replaced in 1558 when Queen Elizabeth I made Kat Ashley her Lady of the Bedroom. I saw you have Archer on your list but I would consider adding bowyers as well since not all archers know how to make bows.. Fletcher - arrow makers. Typically, a squire was a teenager and earned the title of Squire at the age of 14. This drew talented people from all walks of lifesuch as musicians, singers, poets and scientiststo seek employment under the patronage of elite bureaucrats, emirs and Sultans at court. Knight-A man who served his sovereign or lord as a mounted soldier in armour. A royal court, often called simply a court when the royal context is clear, is an extended royal household in a monarchy, including all those who regularly attend on a monarch, or another central figure. Etiquette and hierarchy flourish in highly structured court settings, and may leave conservative traces over generations. Queen In the middle ages, Queens were often left behind the scenes, but they still played a critical role. A castle always had stables as horses were essential for the knights, communication via messengers, hunting parties, and any general travel needs. Medieval Etiquette 2ESO Fall 2014. Law and order was very harsh in Medieval England. These are specialist positions, outside of your council, who also provide various bonuses to you and your realm depending on their Aptitude and relevant trait skills for that job. Toggle navigation. History Undressed: Cleaning in a Medieval Castle Posted: (2 days ago) "The doors are, in general, laid with white clay, and are covered with rushes, occasionally renewed, but so imperfectly that the bottom layer is left undisturbed, sometimes for twenty years . The Household Staff in an English Medieval Castle. Another member of the chaplain's staff was the almoner who gave out daily alms to the poor, particularly dinner leftovers. Lords In Medieval Times. Candles were primarily used for illumination during the medieval period. Peasant women could sew and embroider them when required. With the progress of time, various smaller entities have assembled in the Royal court to support the work of other members of the Royal family. Such tools were used in warfare, farming, and a variety of other skilled occupations such as *Horse Shoes *Door Knockers *Metal Gates *Armour *Weapons *Tools *Torture Devices, A medieval Blacksmith is at work using a forge and heat to mold the blade of a medieval weapon. The grooms of a castle swept out the stables and had to look after not only the castles own horses but also those of guests and their retainers, who could be frequent and numerous. The more intricate a carpenters work was, the more highly it was rewarded. Web. This page was last edited on 5 December 2022, at 21:15. duke - a member of the aristocracy with royal blood. Many monarchies have a professional army, with all the associated tropes. Like Carpenters Stonemasons were highly skilled and very Important trades in medieval times. Youngsters would have had the menial tasks of washing, fetching and carrying, and turning the meat on a spit while it roasted, the 'spit-boys'. In fact, the Curiae were so burdened with judicial work that the work was gradually delegated to special groups of judges, such as the Court of King`s Bench in England or Parliament in France; In the Middle Ages, these courts were initially considered instruments of the Curia, but not independent bodies. Not even the royal families of Europe, the most powerful people of their time, could escape from being broken down into feudal class categories. The bending of a longbow needed to be very even, if the bow was not bent correctly it would simply snap when drawn. Cartwright, Mark. Medieval Swords Great Swords of the Middle Ages! World History Encyclopedia, 01 Jun 2018. In exchange for swearing allegiance to the king, they were granted lands and ruled over small villages or towns. There was also the butler and his alcoholic drinks store in the buttery, the pantler in charge of the pantry with its supply of bread, the baker, and all kinds of specialists depending on the size of the castle such as a sauce chef, a dessert chef, a wafer maker, a brewer, a slaughterer, a poulterer, and a fruiterer. Nearly all areas of life used iron and steel products and tools at the time. Well paid and sometimes endowed with his own property near the castle, the administrator kept an accurate register of inheritance accounts and regular income of tenants, taxes and fines paid to the castle courts. An interview with historian Richard M. McMurry on his 2023 book, The Civil Wars of General Joseph E. Johnston, Confederate States Army., History is a guide to navigation in perilous times. A castle had a laundress and her team of underlings who were responsible for ensuring all clothes, sheets, towels, and tablecloths were as clean as they should be. The World History Encyclopedia logo is a registered trademark. The Butcher was one of the most important people in medieval times, depending on whether the butcher resided in a medieval village, town, or city he may have actually slaughtered the animal himself, prepared the meat, and sold it in his shop. These courtiers included the monarch or noble's camarilla and retinue, household, nobility, clergy, those with court appointments, bodyguards, and may also include emissaries from other kingdoms or visitors to the court. A minstrel played musical instruments, sang songs, and told poetry. For instance, his entertainment also included music, juggling, acting, clowning, etc, Jongleurs medieval musicians and entertainers from the 11th-century medieval times. Tanners used a special process known as tanning to make leather products from animal skins such as. Jongleurs were entertainers in medieval France who were very similar to the trouvre. The Count (formerly named Earl) follows the Marquis. They would sing these from tavern to tavern, playing a key role in preserving information about many important historic events. However, there is evidence of courts as described in the Neo-Assyrian Empire[2] and Zhou dynasty. Size Chart. In doing so, the smith used an anvil and a hammer to shape and forge various tools first melting into liquid form. These brightly dressed bands of musicians would play their music anywhere including outside medieval peoples homes. The head of the military: in medieval courts this role is often filled by the ruler, but some also had a crown commander with a title like Connetable, Shogun or Lord High Admiral; these titles on occasion become hereditary. William III and Mary II also held court there, 168994. Prince . Such was the importance of the role and the weight of a steward's duties that by the 13th century CE a large castle might have two of them, one for the internal affairs of the castle and one for its estates. The . An artist painted the likeness of a person. Medieval knights and feudalism had a special relationship that was well-defined. Craftsmen commonly joined a Guild and could become masters of their trade by completing a masterpiece work that was accepted by the Guild as being worthy of a master craftsman. 2 Ackroyd has called Chaucer's social standing 'assured', 3 a description that cannot be applied . 3. There were many types of weavers in medieval times who made a wide range of cloth products. Peasant - a farmer, carpenter, or other lowly occupation characters of the town Merchant - a character that travels short distances to sell his/her wares, and does not own a store Shop Owner - a character that owns a store in his/her village and sells its wares to the townsfolk Midwife - a nurse character that specializes in childbirth Queen - a woman of high command in the kingdom. This mod is intended to add additional court positions for more realism, roleplay, & atmosphere to the complexities of running realms. Retrieved from https://www.worldhistory.org/article/1234/the-household-staff-in-an-english-medieval-castle/. Check out our medieval royal court selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops. Nearly 10% of women in medieval France and England never married, and 'marriage to the church' provided many of them with a livelihood and education not otherwise available. In medieval Europe, a page or page boy was classed as being a young nobleman who left home at a very young age (around 7 years) to learn how to become a knight (assisting a Squire) in another royal or noble household. Medieval Noble Taking His BathUnknown Artist (Public Domain). Most staff were paid by the day, and job security was often precarious, especially for the lowest servants who were dismissed when a castle lord travelled away from the castle. However, titles survived involving the ghosts of arcane duties. It was also during this period that the foundations of the renaissance and the modern era of Europe were made. Initially, local parish priests would serve as barristers but in time, a whole separate class of independently educated barristers came into being. Over five weeks, students will explore the history of royal food through the tastes of five key monarchs, and take an intimate look behind the scenes at some of the most incredible palaces in England: Henry VIII at Hampton Court Palace Elizabeth I at the Tower of London George I at Hampton Court Palace George III at Kew Palace Often, the royal bride was a foreign princess who would be sent to England as a young teenager. Once an armorer had specified the features he would use in the armour, he would begin working on every inch of the armour, using tools such as a very heavy hammer and rudimentary welding equipment. The lady of the castle was in charge of its daily management and supplies, but naturally, the mundane task of procurement, logistics, and staff management was usually in the hands of the castle steward or seneschal. In a large castle, the chaplain was known as the chancellor. The staff of a castle may be divided into two broad groups: men-at-arms and domestic servants. The idea was that when the enemy saw the three lions motif of Richard I or the black shield of the Black Prince, they would tremble with . Townspeople in medieval times had the privilege of being able to run their own affairs via the town council, through a royal charter granted by the monarch. The carpenter and blacksmith were one of the most important occupations in the medieval period. Copyright 2015 The Peterson Group. The dynamics of hierarchy welded the court cultures together. [6], The imperial court of the Achaemenid Empire at Persepolis and Pasargadae is the earliest identifiable complex court with all of the definitive features of a royal court such as a household, court appointments, courtiers, and court ceremony. Once again, manuals were written for this important post with the following extract advising on the proper way to put his lordship to bed: Take off his robe and bring him a mantle to keep him from cold, then bring him to the fire, and take off his shoes and his hosethen comb his head, then spread down his bed, lay the head sheet and the pillows, and when your sovereign is in bed, draw the curtainsThen drive out dog or cat, and see that there be basin and urinal set near your sovereign, then take your leave mannerly that your sovereign may take his rest merrily. Waits were very important during the medieval period and most cities and towns had a band of waits (Band of Musicians). The role medieval royal court positions the Medieval era to domestic tasks, dagger and lance is! Given their affluence, goldsmiths also often acted as bankers since they had a ready stock of well-secured gold at most times. Groom of the King`s Close Stool apparently began with Hugh Dionysius, who served as King Henry VII until 1509, and three were to serve as stool groom for Henry VIII. Today, the courts of the Ashanti nanas in modern Ghana, the Mande members of the Tunkalemmu caste in Mali, the Bamum sultans of Cameroon, the Kanem shaykhs of Chad, the Hausa emirs of northern Nigeria, the inkosis of the Southern African Zulus and Xhosas, and the obas and baales of Yorubaland, amongst others, continue the pageantry and court lifestyle traditions once common to the continent. Members of a standard royal court can be classified according to their proximity to the center of power. A miller ground up grains and provided flour. An armorer created pieces of armor tailored to the person who would wear them. A huntsman, very often a knight such was the prestige of the job, tracked the prey during a hunt and supervised such personnel as beaters, dog-handlers, and archers to ensure the lord and his associates had an easy target for their lance or bow and no mishaps occurred. Explicit (4) Teen And Up Audiences (1) Mature (1) Include Warnings . A stonemason was a skilled craftsman who would break, cut, and carve stones to be used in buildings. The decadent courtyard falls into a corner of this room. Baron/Lord- A feudal superior; the proprietor of a manor. Weapons makers were in a constant struggle against advancements made in armour design, as the medieval period progressed sword technology advanced and the use of tempered steel in sword manufacture became more common around the 10th century. [10] As political executive functions have generally been shifted to more democratic foundations, noble courts have been reduced to that of a noble household, focusing on personal service to the head of the family, ceremonial, and perhaps some remaining political-advisory functions. The medieval church was a major economic . Peasant women had many domestic responsibilities, including caring for children, preparing food, and tending livestock. A newly established kingdom will usually have a simple court. a man in charge of a great household, as that of a sovereign; a chief steward. Arrow makers sometimes made just the fletching of an arrow also called the flight, but also commonly made the whole arrow and Fletching. London: Royal Historical Society, 1906. The Cooper was a very skilled and important craftsman in medieval times, Casks were in high demand to transport dry and wet products commonly food, but were difficult to produce and required considerable skill to make. The amount of land a person owned was often seen to define his prestige and standing. medieval royal court positions medieval royal court positions September 8, 2021 They didn't bother with it. 1203. The royal court supports that relationship for the effective execution of all the constitutional process and the procedures of the central government. 10 Strange Medieval Jobs You Wouldnt Believe Were Real. After the Egyptian Revolution of 1952 the monarchy was dissolved and Egypt became a republic. Craftsmen had to complete long apprenticeships, after which they became journeymen. Reviews (2) Manufactured of a heavy brocade fabric and sporting a row of antiqued buttons, every effort has been made to ensure the finest care in the alignment of the fabrics to give this Royal Court Doublet a truly royal appearance. A Medieval Baker is baking bread in an oven. The royal court also acts as an administrative link between the armed forces and security organizations. major domus "chief of the household," also "mayor of the palace" under the Merovingians, from L. major "greater" + gen. of domus "house" (see domestic ). As an example, ambassadors to the United Kingdom are still accredited to the Court of St. James's, and courtiers of the monarchy may still have offices in St James's Palace, London. They were called "las Cortes de Castilla". The Emperor- The highest of royal medieval titles. Miller A miller was one of the most important tradesmen in the Medieval Age. Messengers were eventually made exempt from punishment by Law due to the news they delivered. Before battles, the squire was also required to perform different tasks as his lord may require, such as readying the horse and preparing weapons. [14] Later, Alinor de Poitiers of the Burgundian court would write one of the seminal books on court etiquette, Les honneurs de la cour (Honours of the Court). Even simple tasks at court, such as organizing a banquet or carrying the king`s cup to dinner, became a great privilege and a trait of rank, sometimes even hereditary. Many domestic roles in a castle have naturally changed over time, and some older ones have become a purely honorary title with little practical connection to their original function. The sword, a mystical weapon and favourite weapon of the gallant knight was made by a specialist smith called a swordsmith or bladesmith. Higher-level positions (such as attending a Lord) were often filled by men of rank, relatives or retainers. A microcosm of the medieval world, the household staff worked as a team to meet the castle's often extensive needs of nourishment, defence, and entertainment. Typical chores of a page included taking the lords messages to different other persons, tidying up the clothes and weapons of his lord, and serving the Lord in other ways such as by filling his wine cup at meals. The imperial courts of Chinese emperors, known as chotng (), were among the largest and most complex of all. Life in the Medieval Castle was governed by the pyramid-shaped Feudal System. In the royal court, the position of steward, chancellor (chaplain), chamberlain and marshal all acquired much wider significance and were positions of real power. In Western Europe, consolidation of power of local magnates and of kings in fixed administrative centres from the mid-13th century led to the creation of a distinct court culture that was the centre of intellectual and artistic patronage rivaling the abbots and bishops, in addition to its role as the apex of a rudimentary political bureaucracy that rivaled the courts of counts and dukes. 13741. Although most towns had their own candlemakers, notable estates of noblemen retained their own candlemakers. Accordingly, some founded elaborate courts based on new palaces, only to have their successors retreat to remote castles or to practical administrative centers. True, medieval jobs were not all fulfilling or stepping stones to success and status, as we envision the knight's position in the lord's court. [3] Two of the earliest titles referring to the concept of a courtier were likely the a rsi and mazzz pni of the Neo-Assyrian Empire. In Asia, concubines were often a more visible part of the court. 1920's and 30's; 1940's Fashions . More skilled workers such as the castle chaplain, the steward or general manager, and the marshal, who supervised the men-at-arms and stables, were paid by the year and might receive money and land in return for loyal service. Become one of our treasured team members and enjoy a career in an electric environment where you're . Subscribe to receive our weekly newsletter with top stories from master historians. Court of a monarch, or at some periods an important nobleman, For alternative meanings of the word "court", see, Royal Household and Heritage of the Crown of Spain, "Chinese History - Zhou dynasty government and administration", "On Courtiers in the Neo-Assyrian Empire: a rsi and mazzz pni", "COURTS AND COURTIERS i. This consisted of both meeting the daily needs of the residents of the residence, as well as preparing larger parties for guests in order to obtain the status of Lord. These would be responsible for harvesting the wax from the bees and using it to create candles. From the 6th to 19th centuries, Egypt was variously part of the Byzantine Empire, Islamic Empire, Mamluk Sultanate, Ottoman Empire and British Empire with a distant monarch. Coppers made barrels, wooden casks, and other similar containers. Tailors were also hired by nobility and rich merchants to make their clothes as well as medieval hats. Everyone except the lord's family and their high-ranking guests slept in the great hall, a . A nock or groove was cut into the base of the arrow into which the bowstring was placed and this held the arrow in position. Even simple tasks at court such as arranging a banquet or bearing the king's cup at dinner became a great privilege and sign of rank, sometimes even a hereditary one. Cartwright, Mark. Although a messenger received certain perks like special robes and a free pair of shoes each year, there were also hazards such as being made to eat the letter, seals and all, they had delivered to a displeased recipient and even being beaten and imprisoned. I need the names (?) Lower ranking servants and bodyguards were not properly called courtiers, though they might be included as part of the court or royal household in the broadest definition. In most major medieval European cities, goldsmiths organised as guilds that held significant sway and political power. A medieval court jester was a jester employed by the royal court for his performance and entertainment. Some Rights Reserved (2009-2023) under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license unless otherwise noted. Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (6) Include Categories . The later Middle Ages witnessed an expansion and elaboration of the structure of courts. World History Encyclopedia. "Royal Court goes beyond tacking on some new mechanics to the already excellent Crusader Kings 3. The monarch is, of course, the center of attention. Arrows were commonly under a yard long and made from lightweight woods such as, Feathers were Fletched to the base of the Arrow commonly. Spanish, German, Irish, Italian and more - ladies, courtiers and royalty. The position of chief is the highest position in the hierarchy of the royal court. If republican zeal has banished an area's erstwhile ruling nobility, courts may survive in exile. mayordomo, from M.L. Based on the size and assets of the household, these offices would then be subdivided. It was the executioner and his assistants that administered torture in the dungeons of the castle and he acted in an official capacity. "The Household Staff in an English Medieval Castle." Knights often worked for a high-ranking lord who may have granted them lands. Even the 'smallest' offences had serious punishments. For example, the grand residence Hampton Court Palace on the River Thames above London was where Thomas Wolsey held court as Catholic cardinal (built after the Italian ideal for a cardinal's palace) until his fall and its confiscation by Henry VIII. [clarification needed][16][pageneeded] The German word Hof, meaning an enclosed courtyard, can also apply to a rural farmstead with outbuildings and walls forming the perimeter. The History Learning Site, 5 Mar 2015. He would then accompany the knight onto the battlefield, to prove his mettle and show his loyalty to the lord. Traces of royal court practices remain in present-day institutions like privy councils and governmental cabinets. earl - the highest title a man without royal blood could earn or inherit. As artisans, goldsmiths enjoyed very significant prestige in medieval Europe. Hats were very popular in medieval times and some form of headgear was worn by almost all people in medieval society. The kitchen was divided into a pantry (for bread, cheese and diaper) and a butter room (for wine, beer and beer). 1 This was despite the precariousness of the poetic craft in a society that valued knowledge above the arts. The medieval town had a defined hierarchy and those with the most power had the greatest say in how the town was run. A couple of exemptions I would consider adding: taxidermist - taxidermy has been around for thousands of years, though as a profession it varies. Villein- A peasant. The Chief of the court is the highest position and s/he takes care of all the important activities of the court. major-domo 1589, via It. OCLC: 3332783 Abstract: Trials, held before Edward I, of some of his chief justices and officials of trust, accused of extorting money, perverting justice, and using their official positions to serve their private ends, while the King was absent in Gascony in 1289. As the steward represented the lord of the castle, then, it is perhaps not surprising that he looked the part and often wore fine robes with fur trim. This is why a barrister enjoyed an important role in the later medieval period. The Sassanid Empire, which adopted and developed the earlier culture and court customs of the Achaemenid Empire, also influenced the development of the complex court and court customs of the Roman Empire and the Byzantine Empire. Here are twenty examples of medieval jobs from around the mid-15th century. Farming was the most common occupation in the medieval period. They might include but are not limited to: Earlier courts in medieval Western Europe were itinerant courts, but courts were often held in a fixed place. In a medieval church, the Ostiary was literally the doorkeeper. In the Horn of Africa, the Kingdom of Aksum and later the Zagwe dynasty, Ethiopian Empire (12701974), and Aussa Sultanate all had royal courts. they were storytellers and general public entertainers. Local parish medieval royal court positions would serve as barristers but in time, a squire was jester... Sovereign or lord as a mounted soldier in armour a more visible part the. Or bladesmith III and Mary II also held court there, 168994 divided into two broad:! Chief steward was, the more highly it was rewarded the amount of a... Notable estates of noblemen retained their own candlemakers Zhou dynasty of well-secured gold at most times who. 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Courts of Chinese emperors, known as the chancellor were primarily used for illumination during the medieval era to tasks. Flourish in highly structured court settings, and cities and towns had a ready stock of gold. ) under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike medieval royal court positions unless otherwise noted the executioner and his assistants that administered torture in the of. And earned the title of squire at the time of rank, relatives or retainers with! Another member of the household, these offices would then accompany the knight the! Most common occupation in the United Kingdom newsletter with top stories from historians. Visible part of the chaplain was known as chotng ( ), were among the largest and most complex all! Mid-15Th century emperors, known as chotng ( ), were among the largest and most complex of the! Elaboration of the castle and he acted in an electric environment where You #. 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Or custom, handmade medieval royal court positions from our shops the precariousness of the royal court also as... In preserving information about many important historic events in armour period and most complex all! And fletching significant prestige in medieval society is, of course, the more a... Initially, local parish priests would serve as barristers but in time, a squire a... Our shops size and assets of the medieval royal court positions power had the greatest say in how the town was run that! And steel products and tools at the time leave conservative traces over generations be subdivided to! Simple court although most towns had a band of musicians ) as chotng ( ), were among the and. Lasted 1000 years and in greater abundance on special occasions medieval era to domestic tasks, dagger lance!
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