We Jorgensons will have our pound of Skrill flesh., We are arguing if we should or should not put commas before and after Jorgensons.. Your examples do not contain appositives. Kindly look at this example. Im leaning towards the last one. 11 reviews. Thanks for your help! Any one else notice that example #4 is wrong, because, its correct: 4. In "This is my friend John" you have restrictive apposition: the sentence, as punctuated, indicates that you have more than one friend; you are speaking of the friend of yours named John. Or, does it say that any building permit (application) that has gone through the processes and also was legally and formally applied for prior to adoption of this ordinance, may be continued without obtaining an allocation., It seems that if a comma was between applied for, and prior to adoption, it would change the meaning and imply both items must be done prior to adoption to then be continued without obtaining an allocation.. Bus drivers are well trained, and therefore, they get into fewer accidents. Do I need to add another comma before the names of my family members? The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? The best guidance we can find on this is to add s only to the appositive, as you have done, and also drop the comma that would normally follow the appositive phrase. "But if a word or phrase provides necessary information, information that significantly restricts or limits the meaning of the sentence, do not place commas around it:", I'm generally in favor of the Oxford comma myself. 120 seconds. Thank you. In your second example, however, the word friend is not a precise identifier because one may have numerous friends. On the Closing date the Buyer shall transfer the balance of purchase price ($5,125,500) to the Sellers broker bank account, number 13579, at Wells Fargo Bank., Are the commas used in the sentence correct? Your answer talks about parenthetical commas, without actually using the word parenthetical, describing the word between commas as "inessential". However, s, as used here, is a notable exception: it replaces the comma in such cases. In accordance with our Rule 5 of Commas, nonessential words need to be set off by commas. This does not include doctors fees, which can be thousands of dollars more even when insurance is included. Without context, it is impossible to know which may have been intended. Certainly, the book is extraneous in this example. Hello. P.S. How to automatically classify a sentence or text based on its context? Finally she did, and my friend, John, and I went shopping. My cousin, Chris, is a genius when it comes to math. In addition, since it is not a complete sentence, we see no reason to end in a period. My Friend John NLP language technique is useful as: In each case your listeners will unconsciously make links between what you are saying and their own situation. No commas are needed if you have two (or more) older brothers. What's the term for TV series / movies that focus on a family as well as their individual lives? I work for a law firm. The phrase my friend John contains two appositives, because my friend and John are two ways of identifying that person I know well. That messes up the possessive, since now you have one possessive and two noun phrases that are both supposed to refer to the same thing. I read so a restrictive comma after show is necessary as so no restrictive comma after show is necessary.. You could use commas in that case. I'm wondering if the following sentences are both OK. A compound sentence comprises two independent clauses. 'Mary' is inessential--assuming I have only one mother (not always the case I know), then "my mother" is enough to identify who I am speaking about. I have a question regarding a next sentence: An above average student and talented musician John made his family proud. Nor would you likely write Martin the captain wore his dress uniform, but Lewis the captain was attired in his combat fatigues. Captain Martin wore . Thanks for your efforts. Also, our Rule 10 of Commas says, When starting a sentence with a dependent clause, use a comma after it. Therefore, write the following: In the article Saving Penguins, thousands of teenagers rushed to help 40,000 penguins. That sentence works fine on its own. We have made small revisions to our previous explanations to help you distinguish between someone who is sufficiently identified and a dependent phrase that begins a sentence. Last week, I decided to visit my best friend, John. Unless this is a special case, your sentence requires no commas. = I am talking to "Tom." I say "I found out from my friend," and then address Tom: "No, Tom, I didn't find out from a book. However, if an individual has a first wife, a second wife, etc (in order of marriages and divorces), how do we convey that? Mrs. Brown stated her boyfriend, Jim Smiths, education includes a degree or Mrs. Brown stated her boyfriends, Jim Smith, education includes a degree. then I can't think of a way to make this unambiguous using commas alone, as it matches the equally correct sentence meaning that Mr. Brooks, another person who is my teacher, and myself all went to the store. When you use "thank you" in this way, you don't need to place a comma after it. Or, you could remove any doubts by rewriting the sentence as, Shadam will be married in the gold wedding band of her mother, Sarah. B. In 1988, Indian-British author Salman Rushdie published a book called The Satanic Verses, which seemed to be a satire taunting modern Islam. Since David has been married three times, we dont know which ex-wife he has accompanied to the after-party. Thanks, MarkI thought thats what you meant, but so many apparently simple rules turn out to be anything but when one starts poking at them with real world examples. It doesn't really matter, though; any other . Hence "my brother Sam", "my cousin Vinny" are ambiguous as to whether I have more than one. The phrase "my friend John" contains two appositives, because "my friend" and "John" are two ways of identifying that person I know well. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company. Explanation: My friend is not a precise identifier because one may have numerous friends. Heres a question about the use of commas in this sentence: The bathtub is overflowing! my youngest sister, Sheila, yelled. We have to add an appositive. Feedback would be appreciated. Since Leena is not essential to the meaning of his wife, use commas around the appositive. (3) Our Senator Jorge Torres first bill was for tax reductions. Brett lives in Denver with his wife, Leena, and three sons. Captain Lewis was . (It could. Answer: Yes, you need to use a comma between the person's name and the greeting. Example: Harvey, my friend, loves animals. 2. My friend Amelia can speak four languages. Nonrestrictive appositive (a topic): My manager created a discussion topic, What concerns do you have at work?, in my appraisal document. 2. Aided by a friend I built a treehouse. Ask Annalisa Barbieri Marriage. Grammar explanation. Mt. The commas are correct, or enclose the bank account in parentheses instead: (number 13579). That clauses following a verb expressing mental action are always essential. The phrase also a January high is nonessential. As we indicate in Rule 2 of Dashes, dashes can replace otherwise mandatory punctuation. She lives with her husband, Eric, Gina, Emily (her younger daughter from a subsequent marriage), and Larry (Erics son). A phrase that people use when they've actually forgotten your name. My wife wants me to have an affair with her best friend. Many things make someone a good friend, and the definition of what makes a true friendship differs from . We prefer the first sentence, because please is considered an interrupter. Brett lives in Denver with his wife, three sons, and his cousin Leena. Since he is possessing his participation, can I add the s and then follow that by a comma? For instance, what do the following two sentences imply? What is the point of a comma? I do not know. Madol Duwa is a precise identifier; the appositive the famous childrens book is not considered essential. Charles went to town with his best friend, Mike. She didnt know. In the article Saving Penguins thousands of teenagers rushed to help 40,000 penguins. Although some writers would follow the question mark with a comma in your sentence, most editors would drop the comma and go with just the question mark. When an appositive is essential to the meaning of the noun it belongs to, dont use commas. Danny, thank you for your thoughtful message. Titles of Books, Plays, Articles, etc. The scarf, given to Shadam by her father, Richard, will also be used. Card trick: guessing the suit if you see the remaining three cards (important is that you can't move or turn the cards), Removing unreal/gift co-authors previously added because of academic bullying, Indefinite article before noun starting with "the", How to make chocolate safe for Keidran? Would the following sentences be correct? Quotation Marks. Finally, you'll never receive email notifications about content they create or likes they designate for your content. 2. Both the city and the state (or country) need commas when they appear midsentence. Is a comma required after special guest in the following sentence? What precedes it is a sufficiently restricted descriptor. I saw these rules and thats why I confused. Ella my little sister will escort you to your seat. I am seeing it a lot with the comma and I dont believe there should be a comma because there is more than one defendant. In contrast, enclosing Emma in commas would imply that Emma is my only sister. You will improve your English, guaranteed. I looked through the comma guide on your website but thought Id double check. He was formerly a senior vice president at Apple Inc. The title of the book Great Expectations is a precise identifier, and the phrase by Charles Dickens is nonessential. In this sentence, is the comma necessary? English puts the possessive 's at the end of the whole noun phrase. I dont understand why. Is there a punctuation change for the second. There are a few exceptions and they're mostly family relations. What do you think? 1) My manager created the discussion topic, What concerns do you have at work?, in my appraisal document. Googling phrases like "possessive descriptive adjective phrase" just comes up with a bunch of generic possessive how-to guides, none of which seem to cover this fringe case. But there's one comma rule I've flip-flopped on: my husband Michael. Example: CEO Julie Minsky will be our featured speaker. I have a question: Brett lives in Denver with his wife, Leena, and three sons.. Food trucks, which trucks equipped to cook and serve food, are becoming a popular dining option for food enthusiasts. Is it feasible to travel to Stuttgart via Zurich? I was looking for a new challenge and the timing was opportune as my sister Kate Smiths real estate business was expanding. Question: Where would the comma go in the sentence below? My uncle is sick, but the highway is green. For example: Johns, 18, labrador is white. See our post Capitalization of Job Titles for more information. Explanation: Julie Minsky is necessary to help identify CEO, so no commas are used. Your first sentence does not contain an appositive; therefore, commas are not necessary. Where does it go? Example: My sister, who received a scholarship, will attend Harvard. He knew what people said about him. Yes. The woman who lives next door works in a bank. Which one is correct? My wife, the CFO of her company, reads spy novels by the bucketful. Or are they both? Thank you for pointing this out. Example: This is the book that he put on the table. 3) My manager created the What concerns do you have at work? When one reads (name of a book), one can clearly notice a shift in style in chapter 15, wherein the writer makes extensive use of archaism. . However, some editors may prefer the second sentence. Unconsciously we take everything personally - that is, we seek to make sense of the world by working out how information affects us. The reason I give is that the use of either/or, and that the articles for the second two phrases differ, indicating that a bold truth-teller is an appositive, being less precise and thus not indicative of a specific candidate (A bold truth-teller? Does it make a difference if there are multiple defendants? (1) Our Senators, Jorge Torres, first bill was for tax reductions. Which of the following sentences is correct? Do you have to insert a comma in the following question and why? In trumpeting this masochistic achievement, the writer is suggesting that the volume in question is the only one in existence; it is the book. But bibliophiles have other options, so the writer should respect that fortunate fact by omitting both commas from this sentence. Or should it be as follows? "My sister Jane is a pain." The name should not be surrounded by commas, however it is a good practice to use a comma after phrases or clauses of more than three or four words that begin a sentence. If you use your name and job title as your trading name, should you use a comma to write it, like this: Your comma is fine; however, titles immediately following the name do not ordinarily require capitalization unless the title is part of a signature line, press release, or promotional material. Therefore, depending on whether Bretts wife is named Leena or whether Leena is some other member of the household, this sentence needs restructuring in order to be clear. Or does the name not get completely separated? In your example, however, one would assume you have multiple friends (I don't know, but you seem nice enough). Rules exist to serve the clear expression of ideas, and not the other way round. I simplified the sentence. The last comma is what's called an "oxford comma", and is a subject of some debate, which can be summarised as do we say. If I have two little sisters, and one of them is called Ella, then the comma shouldnt be there before the name. To achieve greater clarity in writing, it is best to keep related items as close together as possible. He noted that I had not mentioned Cyprian in my essay on this text and that some KJV only folks claimed that Cyprian actually quoted the form that appears in the KJV ("For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and . Should I put commas around from the arts to athletics in this sentence? How to use the passive voice. He names the toy astronaut, John, and from that moment on, the two become best friends. But when restrictive, I don't feel the pause after "my boss" anymore than after "my friend" when it's restrictive, which is another reason why I'm now thinking the comma should be left out to be consistent with how something like "my friend" is treated when restrictive. The correct treatment would be: Mrs. Brown stated her boyfriends, Jim Smiths, education includes a degree. We have a relationship with Mr. Smith through our partnership in Florida, as well as WITH his nephew, who is a member of our church.. Regarding comma usage, the sentence is incorrect. Or the first has gone through the processes, and only the second must be applied for prior to adoption, to then be continued without obtaining an allocation. My grammar is admittedly very weak, but everyone tells me that the document this comes from is well written. If I understand you correctly My sister Jane is a pain is correct if Jane is one of multiple sisters, but if she is the only sister it should be My sister, Jane, is a pain. But that doesnt seem to match up with the continued advice: and a clarifying modifier like older (unless there are two or more sisters of greater age) preceding her name would be helpful. If Jane is my only sister, what is the point of the clarifying modifier? Also, a period is missing from the end of the sentence. It does not contain an appositive; therefore, the commas are unnecessary. The slight pause around the name should tip you off: Spencer [pause] I love you. 5 Mr. Johnson our coach told us to accept defeat graciously. QGIS: Aligning elements in the second column in the legend. Hato Island and its 223 residents were struck by a tornado. Therefore, its fine to bend the rule in this case. my husband, Michael, I have just one husband. Example: Harvey, my friend, loves animals. Use commas to separate words and word groups in a simple series of three or more items. The entire phrase following Jack is an appositive. How do we correct this? Material created by Jane Straus and GrammarBook.com. (Well, okay, it could be two people, if you're telling a story to "My friend" about John and yourself. We suggest that it would also look and sound better to include the articles with the teams: The number-one seed, the Tampa Bay Rays, played the eight seed, the Toronto Blue Jays. 11. I can certainly imagine saying to someone: "My friend Sarah is an accountant. So there's still just you and John. 1) There was a call about a man whos sick named Paul. The absence of comma indicates that I have more than one sister. My aunt's cat. First of all, I would like to thank you for this wonderful explanation. All Right Reserved, 7 Examples of Passive Voice (And How To Fix Them), Our weekly newsletter is free (one email per week, on Tuesdays). @GentlePurpleRain Yes, here it would be more ambiguous and complicated, and depends on whether the speaker expects their audience to know who their oldest friend is. Instead of parenthetical commas, we now interpret the commas as separating items on a list. This is still ambiguous as to whether there are 2 or 3 people going shopping. If we consider my older brother like a nonessential phrase so we need to put a comma after it. In the second sentence, father is a precise identifier (as long as there is only one person he calls his father). Regarding comma usage, the sentence is incorrect. What follows the comma is then taken to be in apposition, adding only supplementary information (his name is John). Defining relative clauses give us essential information - information that tells us who or what we are talking about. After short phrases or clauses, the comma is optional. Sometimes we represent more than one party. 1 That house in fact belongs to my grandfather. If you happen to have multiple beloveds (or multiple Johns -- thank you, Kit), you can use . Her hero is Michelle Kwan a, skating superstar. I believe the latter (with the additional comma) is generally preferred, as it avoids ambiguity in phrases like "I'd like to thank my parents, Ayn Rand and God"., in which it sounds like the speaker is the child of Ayn Rand and God, while they actually meant a list of things consisting of [the parents, Ayn Rand, God]. or Give me that pen please, Sue. Why is water leaking from this hole under the sink? Required fields are marked *. Andrews, the dead mans, parents were fighting a custody battle. Give me that pen, please, Sue. The whole reason that we haven't either all settled on using Oxford commas or all settled on not using them is that neither system actually works. If I were to reverse the sentence, I know this would be the proper way to write it: Brooklyn, our highly acclaimed Opening Night film, is receiving major Oscar buzzbut I tend to need to put the title in the middle of the sentence, rather than at the beginning, hence the confusion. If it is a difference in these sentences or should be difference in logic, describing a structure of these two sentences, please let me know. Some use it on occasion. Battles by My Friend John . How would you punctuate the following book dedication? We need a comma to separate two adjectives which can be reversed in order. Yes but in the above example Bob Jones, Architect as a business trading name I see as needing the capital, as it is the full name of an entity. To show plural possession, write brothers and sisters names. See our post Apostrophes. You use an opens in a new window apostrophe plus an "s" on the end of "Squiggly.". True, but the writers comment "we need to" makes it appear that they are not just trying to parse an existing sentence, but to create a new one. ), while THE most dishonest candidate in history is clearly referring to one person (at least in Pences mind), and because even if there were other most dishonest candidate(s) in history, only one of them is running against Trump at this time. How many people are in the sentence My friend, John, and I went shopping? My boss John came over. For example: Martin, the Capital: does it mean there is only one capital? Hello, Rene. Pop Quiz (Note that mayor is not capitalized.). We recommend writing as follows: Restrictive appositive (the topic): My manager created the discussion topic What concerns do you have at work? in my appraisal document. My friends are not famous, but their voices always encourage me, inspire me, and move me to action. If you're wrapping a full sentence within parentheses, the final punctuation must stay within those parentheses: Correct: John is reckless fool . Outdoor amusements means those amusements including: fairgrounds, outdoor sports facilities, racetracks, and other similar uses, not otherwise specifically defined.. Therefore you are correct to use a comma: We read the book Great Expectations, by Charles Dickens. Thanks! How do I make it clear that Eric is the husband in this long list of people that live in this house? Your comment demonstrates how its possible to follow all the rules perfectly yet the exact meaning of the sentence is still unclear. Buses drivers are well trained and, therefore, they get into less accidents. A friend recently wrote to me about the KJV reading of 1 John 5:7-8. (I just decided to "throw" in her name to give you some extra information.) We have a relationship with Mr. Smith through our partnership in Florida and his nephew who is a member of our church. lingobingo Senior Member London English - England Dec 5, 2022 #2 We are going to eat, talk, and watch a movie. 2. Are the following punctuated correctly? Give a thief enough rope and he'll hang himself. Food trucks, which are trucks equipped to cook and serve food, are becoming a popular dining option for food enthusiasts. Explanation: Our senator is an appositive of the proper noun Jorge Torres. This is, at best, a hopeless sentence that must be recast. I believe we need to wrap our friend's name in commas (first sentence example), but wouldn't that make it three people? (No commas if you have more than one brother.) Most of the time you probably won't use a comma with "too" because your sentences will be chugging along without needing a pause. There are a number of ways you could write it. For example, The dessert is made of bananaberry, a patented blended of bananas and blueberries and features a dollop of whipped cream.. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Lets eat, Grandma! versus Lets eat Grandma!. As we mention in our comment of January 11, 2012, we can follow all the rules perfectly yet the exact meaning of a sentence can still be unclear. My best friend, Amelia, can speak four languages. Book titles should be italicized. Thanks. Both of those look wrong to me. So 'John' is essential to understanding your meaning. A potentially less awkward treatment would be: Mrs. Brown stated the education of her boyfriend, Jim Smith, includes a degree. The professor of clinical psychology at Amsterdam University Pim Cuijper states that there is no evidence that supports this online treatment is less effective than conventional therapy. Is it redundant to repeat a word inside em-dashes? David White Jr. is the father of David White III. Or do I use commas or not? 8. . Is there something incorrect or that otherwise needs improvement in my answer that warrants these downvotes? When setting off a persons age, one uses comma before and after: Is it correct to do the same when John is possessive? The comma is required regardless of the name used. The scarf given to Shadam by her father, Richard, will also be used. quote: I need to prove one of my teachers wrong. CORRECT. Salman Rushdie is necessary to help identify Indian-British author. I am confused about appositives and coordinating conjunctions separating two independent clauses. Is this an OK usage of "except in the event"? Relative clauses give us information about the person or thing mentioned. UNC Wilmington offers diverse possibilities from the arts to athletics that I would love to take advantage of in the fall of this year. . John knows everything about me, and I know everything about him. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. A rule that depends on how many dogs you have, or similar context should be treated as a guideline at best. The phrase newest show restricts the show title; only one show by the performance artist can be his or her newest, so a restrictive comma after show is necessary. The sentence is correct as shown if the writer has more than one sister, but a comma is required if the writer specifies which sister: My older sister, Jane, is a pain. A comma is also required, however, in the original sentence if Jane is the only sister: My sister, Jane, is a pain., @ApK, the mistake is the missing comma after show. The author clearly said that in the explanatory paragraph., Oops. Examples The report was prepared by Christopher Smith, PhD. Thank you for pointing out these punctuation errors. Charles went to town with his best friend, Mike. We regularly use "my friend + name" without pauses or commas, especially when speaking. My friend is taking this as a joke, saying that Pence is endorsing Gary Johnson (a bold truth-teller) among three candidates, while I say that even ignoring the obvious context of the statement, the phrase should still be taken as an appositive. @EmmaDash if friend, John and "I" are all dogs, then it would be zero ;). The name Janice is essential to the meaning of the word friend, since she is not their only friend. Thank you! D. Likes to sleep in the chair. [Source: Huddleston and Pullum, The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language (2002), p. 482]. These compound sentence examples come from everyday sayings and proverbs in the English language. SEP 30, 2022; My Friend John - John watches The Umbrella Academy My Friend John - John watches The Umbrella Academy But it's not much of a rule anyway. Let's take a look at another example: Remember how we said the comma belongs between the quote and the tag? , skating superstar Saving Penguins, thousands of dollars more even when insurance is included actually using word... Name to give you some extra information. ) average student and talented musician John made his family proud attend. Expression of ideas, and not the other way round phrase my +... Becoming a popular dining option for food enthusiasts Johnson our coach told us to accept defeat.! Affects us, it is not considered essential: Martin, the dead mans parents... Examples the report was prepared by Christopher Smith, includes a degree an accountant throw & quot in... Charles Dickens is nonessential give us information about the use of commas in this house writer should that... 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