"Imi" translates to "meaning" in English. But I think also things vary between federations and Dojo's. It was named byChoshin Chibana(1885-1969) in 1933, but the system itself is much older. Typically, the Japanese stances are longer and lower than the Okinawan ones--more exagerated, if you will. The Best Traditional Karate and Kobudo Classes in the Phoenix Valley. I agree, both. The meaning of many techniques was lost during the historical transmission of Karate from Okinawa to Japan. Arigato gozaimasu. If it were meant for mass training, wouldn't it be easier? Yes, it includes the comparatively few dojos of Japanese styles like Shotokan and Kyokushin. I first learned the 'how' before I learned the 'why'. This phenomenon has alsospread to the West, and is even getting popular inBrazilian Jiu-Jitsu and MMA too. In my experience, small classes would benefit the Shotokan student in much the same way as in other disciplines whether physical or academic. 1. It takes a lot of understanding to get it right, YES or NO??. Stances are important in karate as they represent the foundation, or roots of good technique. The International Okinawan Goju-Ryu Karate-do Federation (IOGKF) is the largest traditional Okinawan Karate organization in the world. I like to say that traditional karate is a thinking man's discipline. Keep your front leg in front of you, with your foot pointing forward. This spartan training environment actually adds to the focus of individualization over mass instruction. Are there difference beetween karate stance on traditional okinawa karate, and japanese karate? I went over this web site and I believe you have a lot of wonderful information, saved to favorites (:. But these ones in particular I disagree with and wanted to share my thoughts. I am from Cambodia . We use cookies to make wikiHow great. I'm very tempted to say, "Oss!" "Learn't is the English, Australian past tense for learn. There is also the factor of variance due to complexity and Wing Chun does have a lot of variables, like the yin/yang energy and each technique tends to be not one set thing but often has different positions and purposes. An open style american karate practitioner that practices with meaning will learn more about any type of "bushido/kime/whatever you want to call it" then a "traditionalist" that travels to Okinawa to train a couple of days thinking they found the "magic" of "karate". the tuidi (pushing hands) is similar to Sticky shand used in wu shu? In kendo (which is VERY Japanese), my sensei did explain the why (which target to hit), but in terms of lecture/lessons, he focused much more on the how (body mechanics, posture, zanshin). The Okinawan Karate of today has developed over centuries and was not the result of a single founder, as many schools of martial arts have been. In the japanese karate it's very military, drill sergeant like. 2. I do taekwondo and not karate but i like watching you a lot and i like reading about karate, and this was just amazing to read. Okinawan martial arts refers to martial arts, such as karate, tegumi and Okinawan kobud, which originated among the indigenous people of Okinawa. I believe the Okinawan styles are more sophisticated. Okinawan systems put more emphasis on pressure point strikes. So, I wouldn't get too dogmatic about where the actual roots come from. While we do tounraments they are very limited and the training for tournament kata for example is very different that our traditional kata. But this ties in with my previous points: if you never train for real, then how do you know you can do it? Higaonna and his heir Chojun Miyagi were the ones to set the base of Goju Ryu. It always surprises me when someone puts out an article on a blog, however, that posters respond so personally. Due to a reason i cannot explain i am unable to see the images in #3, #4, #6, #8, #9, #10, Thank you so much for your very informative and inspiring articles. This is as good an article as I have read for the "Short Answer" to this question. DEBATE IS HEALTHY/ KUMITE HAS "1" WINNER: So it was not that one was more important than the other, but rather, how they were the opposite sides of the same coin- or another example of yin / yang.. For people without good fundamentals and understanding the "how" and the "why" are equally important. A good example can be seen in Kusanku with the drop after the one-legged turn (or jump, in some styles), but there is another drop into a low stance in some versions. My understanding of it: "Bring all your energy to one point (in time and space)!". God forbid someone's feelings get hurt. I have read this article four times. It is inaccurate to say that all Okinawan karate has high stances. My style is better than your style.because of this or that! Sorry to tell the truth . As in everything else, smaller class sizes tend to be best. I am going to Tokyo and Okinawa in October. * Naihanchi (; also known as Naifanchi): this was the original name for the three Tekki kata, but was changed by Funakoshi . I really like your article P.S. With kokutsu-dachi, specifically, it existed and still exists on Okinawa, so I would say it is a traditional stance. But as I said my understanding of his art is little. Feet are about two shoulder widths apart, toes are facing forward (parallel). If you really want to improve your Karate, you should definitely check out this article I wrote about my favorite equipment for training Karate at home. . Karate was introduced to the public as a way of life, means of healthy living, right action, benevolence and self defense. Each time I pick up something I missed last time. Okinawan competition can get very rough, as can one-on-one workouts. 5:03. I don't want to be a burden, but I still have some questions about studying karate in Okinawa. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. I have trained it so and i have teached it this way. You felt the comparison was 'degrading.' Basically, you needpersonal attention directlyfrom asensei. The kata have wide stances, both Okinawan and Japanese. When we understand our style, we can train it better & use it best. 6. Vanity seems to be standing in the way of people who cannot entertain the thought that someone is practicing a superior fighting style than themselves. This dojo was also popular for the Kobudo karate practices and, to date, has the Kobudo weapons hanging on its wall. I'd like to end with a strong OSU!! This iswhy Okinawan Karate is hard toteach a big group of people at once you simplycannot give adequate individual attention toa group of 50 students or more! The high stances of Okinawan Karate feel more natural, and is much easier for westerners to hold - as opposed to the deep karate stances that often feel forced. Good day Jesse-san. At the *Seiyo no Shorin-Ryu Karat *Training in traditional martial arts can provide individuals with I found something you wrote very interesting..i have met some people who practise japanese styles of Karate and they are more competitive type of persons and some of them also work as bouncers..i personally don't agree with that,especially when you claim that you are in a spiritual path!.Of course,please don't misunderstand what i'm saying,i'm not generalizing,there are many good guys out there who practise japanese karate,but all of the people i saw in Okinawan karate school are polite and friendly persons,just like the sensei is!.. The stances of Okinawan Karate are meant to be practical when applied in self-defense, since they can be quickly and effortlessly reached from your everyday stance. Anza (ahn-zah)- cross leg sitting. Usually, yes. and elbow lock etc, changing the kata bunkia into a strike.. As with every aspect of Okinawan Karate, there is more than one definition. He was born in Shuri and was an active part of Karate practices in the Ryuku Kingdom. You see we do have several practitioners who have taken their art to the ring. One of my opinions is that traditional karate is very sophisticated. Nope, the Indian influence was just one of several sources that made up Karate. Due to its central location, Okinawan karate styles has been influenced by several cultures with a long history of trade and cultural exchange, including Japan, China, and Southeast Asia, which greatly influenced the development of martial . I simply try to gain useful information from whomever I train with. Shischin, 7. IMO, I think there is great benefit to incorporating the comparative information into one's karate training regimen. I was taught the details you mentioned, foot movement, hip movement, etc. email: israelpiedade@gmail.com. This article has been viewed 15,731 times. Keep a distance of approximately one and a half shoulder width between your feet. This style mainly focuses on direct attacks, so there is a lot of emphasis on the Katas. Traditional Karate Vs. Modern Okinawan Karate, Okinawan Karate Vs. Japanese Karate Differences, 3 Best Okinawan Karate Books You Need To Read, 2. Shit-ry is synthesis of the Okinawan Shuri-te and Naha-te schools of karate and today is considered one of the four main styles of the . He was such a brilliant teacher that one of his students, Chojun Miyagi, learned from him and developed his own art form named Goju Ryu. ?For example shotokan kokutsu dachi on kung fu is knew like San chi pu, and is really similar to Ban man pu . Hi Jesse, Robert Sullivan from GKR Karate back again. 2. Whether the original intent was for tournaments or not, it has evolved into such. It is true that it is more difficult to give individual attention to large classes. For full details visit https://www.iainabernethy.co.uk/legal-information, Hello to everyone, I have got some question about karate stances. How this convention fits into traditional karate training is a key question highlighted by the authors discussion. Thats the reason why Okinawan karate stances are higher, more natural, and easy to adapt. Really? Anko Itosu 4. Despite balancing the two styles, do you find yourself having a tendency to prefer Japanese to Okinawan, or Okinawan to Japanese? Especially the term "Kime": There was no person, who was teaching me the meaning of the word. Okinawans definitely know about their rich Chinese influenced heritage. Yes, some Okinawans, even though disarmed by their king (Sho Shin) in 1480 Regards from South Africa. To define is to say what something is, whereas to describe is just to say how it is. arts nor has as much expertise as our instructors! Some of the major Karate styles include Goju-Ryu, Kyokushin, Shito-Ryu, Shorin-Ryu, Shotokan and Wado-Ryu. Get over it! Great article, as you say yourself, its a generalizations. of Old monk - Pencil Sketch by Soke Hausel (I think I didnt reach to ten, ha!) After 52 years of karate & about 12-15 trips to Japan I finally went to Okinawa this August with about 50 of my students. Goju-ryu () is one of the main traditional style of Okinawan Karate, featuring a combination of hard and soft techniques. Todd Litzy. It's the individual who brings the excellence and your comment is ample demonstration. Anyway, keep posting, Jesse. Each Okinawan karate style is derived from either a particular karate masters style or a mix of different masters techniques. *karate*. I've posted before I don't personally care for Shotokan. I teach this way too. what a great article, love itthanks do for sharing. They are ancientterms of the Okinawan language. It also represents techniques and training guides for new karate kids. It will also help to wear a comfortable and flexible attire such as a Karate uniform (Gi). They also have tuishou which means push hands in Chinese(Basically a close range training exercise to teach sensitivity if arms ever meet). Then you are exposed to the why. I practice Goju-ryu which is an Okinawan karate and I never realised how different the Japanese karate was. shihan abbas hekmatnia 8th dan The feet are shoulder width apart, facing forward. Very interesting article me big bow for the efforts put in. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Yes, sort of. ThereforeUechi-ryuis also heavily influenced by the kung fu from Fujian province. Excellent article sir. True Martial Artist knows that it doesn't take long to cripple or kill a person. I also love learning the differences in karate. in India people is not much aware of your ebsite and your tremendous knowledge in martial arts. Suggestion for guest article(s): This was a good read. [bow] He is one of the pioneers who made karate a part of the modern Okinawan school curriculum. Shorin Ryu Okinawan Karate Vs. Japanese Karate - Differences Sports Vs. LifeStyle Natural Stances Why And How Okinawan Karate Weapons - Kobudo Top 2 Okinawan Karate Dojos The Jundokan Shodokan Dojo 4 Famous Masters of Okinawan Karate 1. Now itlooks like: my ideas about "kime" seems to be much closer to the okinawan idea of chinkuchi, as the interpretations of other karatekas (who seems to focusing on the stopping/arresting part of kime, and not of transferring energy to the target)? And then there's the weapons. Not only that, Chinese fighters used those same training tools to condition themselves. I really have now a clear picture of Karate History. Okinawan Karate is more focused on the whys of each action. Pull back your front leg with only the ball of your foot lightly touching the ground. Palms, vertical punches, elbows, knees and kicks.". Great article! Feet facing outwards at 45. Osu. The one that leaps out to me is the lock applied to his opponent's right elbow, although there may be something going on with their knees too. The whole answer is I respect it & appreciated it's teachings, and try to benefit from study of it, it's values such as laid out in this article. Shotokan karate != all Japanese Karate. But instead of waiting several years to know why we did it that way, I was shown an application and the difference in performing it improperly and properly and how all those little tweaks made the application so much more effective. Moreover, I consider the style I practice to be among the more rudimentary, IOW not the 'best' by any means. "TERMS" mean nothing, you can call it "rocks,pillow,tv" whatever word you want, you still need to TRAIN HARD to ever experience the felling of the "TERM" you are talking about. They couldn't care less whether your stances/form looked pretty, as long as you could show that you understood the PRINCIPLE. There are plenty of Shotokan instructors out there who dont accept a dodgy application just because masters in their style demonstrated it. To sensei Funakishi, shotokan karate was a way of life. In Okinawa, you are never afraid of anyone in the dojo! Anyone actually see the tuite in photo #8? In Japanese style, the karateka is more focused on the perfection and completion of actions. I am trained in kyokushin since 25 years. *Yokoso*! Uechi Ryu 4. adults o *"After kobudo, we will fish for dinner with our nuntei-bo. His style has been practicing in Okinawa and Japan till date. However we do not embellish our kata by adding any extra movements what is different is usually the execution. No. However, for example in the case of Lyoto Machida, if he uses a Shotokan technique as he often does in MMA, and it is effective, does that mean MMA is effective or the technique is? I will not comment on those because I have no knowledge of these so I must hold my comments and just restrict them to Wado Ryu. Great observation. After 25 years in Kyokushin, I bumped into JKA Osaka Yoshiharu Sensei kata videos and was extremely impressed and 3 days later started my Shotokan training. Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt - Jon Hamm - Karate! The Okinawan karate stances are meant to be practical for self-defense by being natural and quick. You are talking martial arts, not karate. In the past, the Higashionna style had more popularity in Okinawa than the Itosu style. Teaching, learning, or even writing about martial arts was prohibited. A police baton-like weapon was used for blocking. When Karate was introduced to Japan,manythings changed. I practice Shotokan-ryu but I'm enamored with Okinawan Karate because of my short stature, hehehe. Does that make you feel better?? I would say that you almost have #2, but not entirely. It would be nice to be able to pick up Karate again and not injure myself. It is mainly used in kata and as a conditioning stance to strengthen glutes, thighs, and hips. Appreciated. It is known as Heiwa no Bu, which means the art of peace in Okinawa. Distribute your body weight equally on both legs. How you can see, word "Osu" is used also in her dojo ;). Any insight into how you're finding the balance would be appreciated! They need to be easily seen byhuge massesof people! Awesome! Try to use full force when executing each maneuver. Okinawan Karate Styles 1. Your whole front foot is fat on the floor. Wrong! He cannot fight and cannot disengage. I'm not a Wado Ryu practitioner, or a practitioner of Japanese karate. In this case, 93% of readers who voted found the article helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. It's not super-important (I'm good at apologizing, so I rarely get into physical fights), but it would be nice. Horror stories are often heard about some martial arts schools in the thus this excellent comparison starts with okinawa te.. As someone who has practiced Okinawan karate and kobudo and have visited Japanese dojo (though mostly do Judo while living in Japan) I very much appreciate this article. best of luck. Single karate techniques as well as the low stances and rigid footwork, which allows for quick and flexible movement, can be fairly effective in a real fight or for self-defense. RIGHT! (4) I see the concept as a valid way to strike. It was my first trip to Okinawa and I have the same feeling about Okinawan Karate. The why helps you to understand the reason for the how you do something. Ive trained very little in Japan, but did notice that all the Tokyo instructors (SKIF) used "hai" a lot, besides osu. Ancestor schools. Please note that there are slight differences from style to style in terms of stances. As its karatekas are taught to never attack first.. Sorry, you need to enable JavaScript to visit this website. Our style of Jujutsu stressed Atemi Waza. By how I see Shotokan is typically practiced, the emphasis is clearly on striking. Kewa Mabuni studied the Okinawan Shuri Ryu Karate in-depth and developed this art form. He has also just delivered a rather devastating blow to the inside of the opponent's left arm at the inside of the elbow and locked it. Traditional Okinawa Karate ()* But the modernized Okinawan karate belt system has ranked for each phase of learning. Basic Karate Moves start with; 1. The Shuri-di style uses natural stances and promotes light, fast movements. So there is great benefit to incorporating the comparative information into one karate! 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