See for a demonstration of how I use this in my Daily Template. Automatic Weather Station (GEN-AWS) in Khumbu region, Nepal Himalayas, (2018) and at, last access: 19December2022. The warmed layer in the valley atmospheres decreases in magnitude and depth towards the top of the valleys. Headquarters in London, UK. Learn more, 2012 2022 OpenWeather All rights reserved, Min/max temperature in current weather API and forecast API, List of all API parameters with available units, Geographical coordinates (latitude, longitude). Positive values for the cross-valley wind component on both slopes refer to up-slope winds. Based on the observations at NCO-P, December is a good period for studying the thermally driven mountain winds in this region. Easy to install instructions and includes mounting bracket and hardware. Wagner etal. This is seen as mostly horizontal isentropes between the valley atmosphere and the air above the plain (i.e. The narrow gap flow in the Gaurishankar Valley (discussed in Sect.4.1), around the purple cross (grid point 70; Fig.S3a in the Supplement), is seen as a relatively small area of up-valley winds exceeding 10ms1 (see also Fig.S4a in the Supplement)., 2021.a, b, c, d, e, f, Bollasina, M., Bertolani, L., and Tartari, G.: Meteorological observations at Only really measured or calculated data is displayed in API response. Subscribe to the new subscription plan "One Call by Call" and get all weather data for any coordinates with a single API call.<0170:TKCPAU>2.0.CO;2, 2004.a, Karki, R., ulHasson, S., Gerlitz, L., Schickhoff, U., Scholten, T., and Bhner, J.: Quantifying the added value of convection-permitting climate simulations in complex terrain: a systematic evaluation of WRF over the Himalayas, Earth Syst. The up-valley wind propagation into the valley could be significantly interrupted by the flow forced to flow over the 1km high barrier. In all of the valleys, especially in their sloped parts, the isentropes turn towards the surface in a layer of 100200m, meaning that the valley floor is heated, even in the morning at 09:00LT. Cross-valley width at an elevation of 1000m above the valley centre line is shown using the blue line. The standard deviation of the 40-year monthly means is shown by the black contours (ms1). As an overview, excluding the parts of the valleys without persistent diurnal cycles in wind speed and the narrow gap channelling, the daytime up-valley winds are 23ms1 stronger in the Makalu and Kanchanjunga valleys compared with the Gaurishankar and Khumbu valleys., 2010.a, Schmidli, J.: Daytime Heat Transfer Processes over Mountainous Terrain, J. Atmos. This procedure continues over and over until the valley entrance is reached (determined by the user). Weve been talking about that for a long time, but Australia is the summer, Australia is January and this event is - from the players perspective - one of their favourite places to play. Local time is shown on the xaxes. Sci. List of city ID 'city.list.json.gz' can be downloaded here. Geosci. You'll then display the wind speed on a web page based on some conditional logic about the wind speed's value. For each point on the globe, OpenWeather provides historical, current and forecasted weather data via light-speed APIs. to 40005000ma.s.l. on Planetary Boundary Layer Growth Over a Valley on the North Side of the I have configured the openweathermap add-on to get the current wind speed. The MBE, MAE and RMSE are calculated using Eqs.(1), (2) and (3) respectively: Here, Xwrf(t) and Xobs(t) are the modelled value at the closest model grid point and the observation at the station at the same time step t respectively. Weather data Current weather is frequently updated based on global models and data from more than 40,000 weather stations. Central Himalayas, J. Geophys. Hi my name is Belal Khan.I am the creator of this blog. In this case, the API response should be returned in the same language as the language of requested location name if the location is in our predefined list of more than 200,000 locations. Black solid contours show the WRF simulation topography at 3000 and 5000ma.s.l. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, [openweathermap] How to get windspeed in km/h. Am. MB contributed to the understanding and interpretation of the simulation results, particularly in terms of the mesoscale dynamics. See for a demonstration of how I use these in my Daily Template. the lowest 1500m from the ground). In the morning (20December at 09:00LT 2h and 10min after sunrise), the valley atmospheres are mainly characterised by weak up-valley winds (Fig.8). In this,JSON returns data from cities laid within definite circle that is specified by center point (lat, lon) and expected number of cities (cnt) around this point. For each point on the globe, OpenWeather provides historical, current and forecasted weather data via light-speed APIs. However, Collier and Immerzeel (2015) suggested that their WRF simulation with a 1km horizontal grid spacing was not accurate enough to fully resolve the thermally driven valley circulations in the narrowest parts (length scales of less than 2km) of the Langtang Catchment (located just outside our innermost WRF domain to the west). The temperature difference causing the along-valley winds is explained by the valley volume effect (Whiteman,2000). Ueno, K., Toyotsu, K., Bertolani, L., and Tartari, G.: Stepwise Onset of The valleys are located along the southern slope of the Nepal Himalayas and are called Gaurishankar, Khumbu, Makalu and Kanchanjunga (listed from west to east). The Kanchanjunga and Khumbu valleys have the most persistent diurnal cycle with respect to the up-valley winds in this 4d simulation. Translation is applied for the city name and description fields. The depth of the up-valley wind layer and the vertical extent of the amplified diurnal cycle of potential temperature were defined based on the model level at which the clear diurnal cycle vanishes compared to the plain in the along-valley wind time series (not shown, but one model level is shown in Fig.6) and in the amplitude of the diurnal cycle of potential temperature (not shown, but three model levels are shown in Fig.11) respectively. The xaxes show the deviation from the 2d mean potential temperature of that model level in each grid point located on the valley centre line. The strongest warming is located around same parts of the valleys on both days. 2013.a, Schmidli, J., Bing, S., and Fuhrer, O.: Accuracy of Simulated Diurnal Valley Steep inclination in the valley floor (25) is associated with weaker and shallower up-valley winds compared with locations with a nearly flat valley floor (<1 inclination). Response format. To use openweathermap API, you need to create an account in their site. The along-valley wind component is calculated based on Eq.(4) for four different parts of each valley. Alpine valley, Int. The subtropical jet was located south-east of the inner domain (d04) location during the 1820December simulation period. In the Kanchanjunga Valley, the approximately constant increase continues until the valley top. Chem. ", ", 2021.a, Potter, E.R., Orr, A., Willis, I.C., Bannister, D., and Salerno, F.: We show that, regarding the daytime up-valley winds, the Khumbu Valley is not an exception compared to the other major valleys in this region. the closest 100200m to the surface). (b) Topography of the d04 domain. Requesting API calls by geographical coordinates is the most accurate way to specify any location. Res.-Atmos., 126, 3, the unified NOAH land surface model in the WRF model, 20th conference on As this study concentrates on the daytime up-valley wind layer, the colour map for the wind shading is not optimal for wind speeds exceeding 10ms1. Iacono, M.J., Delamere, J.S., Mlawer, E.J., Shephard, M.W., Clough, S.A., Water Resour. However, they simulated the monsoon season, which is not favourable for the thermally driven valley winds that are the focus of our study. Headquarters in London, UK. Although it is still available for use, bug fixing and updates are no longer available for this functionality. Question 1: Note: If text is selected in the current document when these commands are run, it will be replaced by the inserted weather string. The lines for width and depth correspond to the values on the right yaxis. I want to convert this into text format Ask Question Coloured crosses denote locations along the valley centre lines that are referred to in the text and other figures. That means you can pass more than one city ID at one time. Snow During the 4d study period, the daytime up-valley winds are weaker and flow in a shallower layer in the parts of the valleys where the valley floor has a steep inclination (up to 5). Am. G., Villani, P., Vuillermoz, E., and Cristofanelli, P.: Atmospheric Brown The Kanchanjunga Valley is an exception among the valleys, as the daytime up-valley winds reach the top of the valley even during days with large-scale north-westerlies. regional climate model across a Himalayan catchment, Atmos. Figure5Wind speed (shading) and direction (black vectors) on the lowest vertical level (approximately 25m above the surface) in the d04 domain on 1821December2014. The along-valley wind component in Fig.6 is the average of five grid points along the valley centre line around the crosses to describe the wind in a larger part of the valley, instead of only at one grid point. The data is frequently updated based on the global and local weather models, satellites, radars and a vast network of weather stations. dynamics in the Nepalese Himalaya, J. Geophys. Bianchi, F., Junninen, H., Bigi, A., Sinclair, V., Dada, L., Hoyle, C., Zha, Glaciol. Such a Great Article!! We collect and process weather data from different sources such as global and local weather models, satellites, radars and a vast network of weather stations. Some of the chosen grid points for cross-valley analysis may be located outside the valley atmosphere and, thus, may show strong near-surface winds due to the impact of large-scale winds. The strongest daytime near-surface winds in the valleys are found around the valley centre lines (white dashed lines in Fig.5) and have magnitudes of up to 10ms1. Please, do not confuse min/max parameters in our weather APIs. The RMSE in the 2m temperature ranges from 2.5 to 2.7K for daytime (06:0018:00LT) and from 2.2 to 3.5 for night-time (18:0006:00LT) (Table2). A tag already exists with the provided branch name. At the height of approximately 450m above the surface (model level 4; Fig.11e, f, g, h), the amplitude of the diurnal cycle is less than 1K above the plain, whereas the amplitude reaches up to 3K in the Gaurishankar and Khumbu valleys and up to 5K in the Makalu and Kanchanjunga valleys. The up-valley winds basically stop on the northern side of the barrier close to the valley entrances of Gaurishankar and Khumbu. So we get the following weather data in JSON format. 25072522,, 2008.a, b, c, Wagner, J. S., Gohm, A., and Rotach, M. W.: Influence of along-valley terrain heterogeneity on exchange processes over idealized valleys, Atmos. The formation of these winds are sensitive to, for example, any large-scale forcing (Whiteman and Doran,1993) and the geometry of the valley topography (Wagner etal.,2015) which makes them unique for each and every valley. denotes metres above sea level. Well-defined daytime up-valley winds are simulated in all of the valleys with some variation in the flow depth and strength among the valleys and their parts. The buoyancy mechanism drives shallower and weaker winds, such as the typical cross-valley slope winds, compared with the valley wind mechanisms. The valleys are roughly northsouth orientated and are inclined towards the north, so the valleys face south. JM performed the data analysis and wrote most of the paper with input from VS. VS performed the WRF simulation and helped with planning the analysis. Here i have pretty printed the data, because JSON data is very difficult to read and thats why it should be pretty printed. This work is distributed under, Daytime along-valley winds in the Himalayas as simulated by the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. Construct the request. To determine if the large-scale flow during our 4d period is representative of the long-term climatology, we compare daily averages of upper-level winds from the study period to the 40-year climatology using the ERA5 reanalysis (Hersbach etal.,2020). So you just need to put the units in your label to display it properly. A variety of subscriptions with various limits on calls/min, data availability, and service. The third aim is to attempt to explain the causes for the differences in the local winds. Positive values for the along-valley wind refer to up-valley winds. OpenWeather is a team of IT experts and data scientists that has been practising deep weather data science. If you just started learning Python then this blog is for you. Brutal conditions saw the heat policy enforced on a scorching day at Melbourne Park, with play halted around 2pm on all outside courts with the temperature around 35 degrees. You talk to every player, this is the season. The lowest wind component in the model output is at 10m above the surface, whereas the winds are observed at 5m height. Specifically, the floors of the Himalayan valleys studied here are steeply inclined and rise from less than 500ma.s.l. To compare the modelled values to the observations, model variables were taken from the closest model grid point. The rain has suspended play on outdoor courts for hours. Get current weather, daily forecast for 16 days, and 3-hourly forecast 5 days for your city. regional climate model across a Himalayan catchment, Atmos. Please use Geocoder API if you need automatic convert city names and zip-codes to geo coordinates and the other way around. manually: From the configuration menu select: Devices & Services. OpenWeather: Weather Forecast, Get by Time. - Sixth line is the wind speed in m/s. At Lukla, the modelled maximum and minimum temperatures are around 2.5K above and below the observation respectively. The wind is averaged over 12:0015:00LT for each day of the simulation. Wind direction, degrees (meteorological). In the WRF simulation performed by Bonekamp etal. Default Weather Strings with Example Screenshots, Format Strings Three & Four within DIV's and styled wih CSS, All these commands are available from the command palette and the ribbon icon,, Insert current weather into your documents, Four customizable weather strings available. Here are two methods that can help transform the JSON wind data returned by Openweathermap API into units that users will find easier to understand. OpenWeather is a team of IT experts and data scientists that has been practising deep weather data science since 2014. OpenWeather is a team of IT experts and data scientists that has been practising deep weather data science. openweathermap API It is a fast and easy-to-work weather APIs. The flow characteristics over this barrier are similar to what Stull (1988) describes with respect to the down-slope wind storms associated with hydraulic jump. For more details about pretty print JSON data check this. At NCO-P and Namche, the temperature in our simulation is underestimated for most of the simulation (the MBE is negative for both stations), but the simulated amplitude of the diurnal cycle is similar to the observed amplitude (Fig.S1b and d in the Supplement). The surface topography is from United States Geological Survey with a horizontal resolution of 30arcsec (1km) and is shown for domains d01 and d04 in Fig.2a and b respectively. Dynamical Drivers of the Local Wind Regime in a Himalayan Valley, J. Geophys. Your Shopping Cart will be saved and you'll be given a link. We also assume that, as all four valleys are under similar large-scale forcing, the differences in the along-valley winds are mainly due to differences in the valley topographies. Res.-Atmos., 113, D13,, 2008.a, Inness, P. and Dorling, S.: Operational Weather Forecasting,John Wiley&Sons,Ltd,, 2012.a, Inoue, J.: Climate of Khumbu Himal, J. Jpn. Please note if country is not specified then the search works for USA as a default. 167 pulls off upset as play suspended due to heat. pr-submitted At Lukla, the amplitude of the daily cycle of temperature is not captured well (MAE of 2.3K), but the average temperature is closer to observations (daytime MBE of 0.5K and night-time MBE of 2.3K). An adaptive time step with a target CourantFriedrichsLewy value of 0.8 was used to keep the simulation numerically stable. In Khumbu Valley, the daytime up-valley winds have maximum respective values of 3, 5, 45 and 23ms1 at the four marked locations between 20 and 21December, listed from the valley entrance to the valley top (Fig.6b). The up-valley winds exceeding 3ms1 cover half of the along-valley distance in Kanchanjunga, whereas they are only found at the valley entrance in Makalu., 2018.a, b, c, Potter, E.R., Orr, A., Willis, I.C., Bannister, D., and Wagnon, P.: 13, ISBN 90-277-2768-6, 1988., Tewari, M., F.Chen, W.W., Dudhia, J., LeMone, M.A., Mitchell, K., Ek, M., geographically expanded (use these parameter optionally), Atmospheric pressure (on the sea level, if there is no sea_level or grnd_level data), Group of weather parameters (Rain, Snow, Extreme etc. Questetra Support. A comparative high-altitude meteorological analysis from three catchments in The cross-valley winds are shown in Fig.7 in a similar manner to the along-valley wind components. We provide number of bulk files with current weather and forecasts. Bull. Simply enter a return to add a new line and the \n will be added to the saved settings file. Helpful stats, graphics, and this day in history charts are available for your reference. Sci., 70, 40414066,, The up-valley wind layer is deepest in the portion of the Makalu (grid points 120160) and Kanchanjunga (grid points 70120) valleys with a flat valley floor, where the flow depth reach up to 1500m, and shallowest at the top of the Gaurishankar (grid points 2040) and Khumbu (grid points 3050) valleys, where the flow depth is less than 600m. Toggle display of the current weather in the statusbar on or off, Define your statusbar weather string here, Time interval to update the weather displayed in the statusbar and DIV's (1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30 or 60 minutes). In the result you can see the complete weather data of city ID 2172797. Appl. Karki, R., ulHasson, S., Gerlitz, L., Schickhoff, U., Scholten, T., and Bhner, J.: Quantifying the added value of convection-permitting climate simulations in complex terrain: a systematic evaluation of WRF over the Himalayas, Earth Syst. Dynamical Drivers of the Local Wind Regime in a Himalayan Valley, J. Geophys. Rajeev, K., Gunthe, S.S., and Kotamarthi, V.R.: Effects of spatial However, the timing of the diurnal cycle is well captured at all three stations (Fig.S1b, d and f in the Supplement). Geographic coordinates meanseither of the two lines of latitude and longitude whose intersection determines the geographical point of a place. At Lukla, the observed wind speeds are less than 2ms1 during the whole 4d period, and the modelled wind speeds are notably larger and exhibit a clearer diurnal cycle (Fig.S1e in the Supplement) which leads to a higher MAE and MBE during daytime (MAE and MBE of 1.2ms1) compared with night-time (MAE of 0.3ms1 and MBE of 0.4ms1). The daytime cross-valley winds, on the other hand, are driven by the buoyancy force that arises from the horizontal temperature difference between the air immediately adjacent to the slopes, which is heated, and the air on the same horizontal level but away from the slope. Daytime along-valley winds in the Himalayas as simulated by the Weather Research and Forecasting Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research/Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland. Res.-Atmos., 113, D13. The cross-valley wind component is considered here as a wind component perpendicular to the valley centre lines (introduced in Sect.2.3.1) and, thus, perpendicular to the along-valley wind component directly above the valley centre line. The depth of the up-valley wind layer is defined based on the model level at which the clear diurnal cycle vanishes in the along-valley wind time series (not shown, but one model level is shown in Fig.6). (2018), which has the same horizontal grid spacing and spin-up time as our simulation, the mean RMSE over all stations in Lang-tang Catchment is 8.0K, which is notably larger than in our simulation. In the middle of the top half of the valley (red time series, grid point 90 in Fig.6c), the onset, peak in magnitude, and offset of the up-valley winds are similar to those of the other valleys during the study period. Disappointed tennis fans huddled in groups at vendors selling hot drinks and food, and under whatever shelter they could find to wait out . You can insert the following DIV inside your documents to provide dynamic weather which is updated at the frequency set in the settings Update Frequency setting. One of the analysed locations, the middle of the top half of Kanchanjunga (red time series in Fig.7d), shows signs of a single circulation cell. The valley depth is described as the height difference between the centre line and average of the ridgelines (shown in purple). the Nepalese Himalaya, Int. Detailed forecasts available by city name, city ID, geographic coordinates or postal/ZIP code. The along-valley wind characteristics in Khumbu Valley were found to be similar to what previous research has shown, with respect to both observational (Inoue,1976; Ueno and Kayastha,2001; Bollasina etal.,2002; Ueno etal.,2008; Bonasoni etal.,2010; Shea etal.,2015) and model-based studies (Potter etal.,2018, 2021). Meteorol. A clear diurnal cycle of cross-valley winds on both the west and east slope at the same point is found only in the middle parts (red and purple time series) of the Makalu and Kanchanjunga valleys during the 1921December period (Fig.7e, f, g, h). 7.7 * 3.6 = 27.7. I found a very similar issue in OH1 : These locations refer to along-valley grid points 90 and 120 in Makalu and grid points 55 and 90 in Kanchanjunga. ", # This will ask the user to enter city ID, # This is final url. (be) Daily averaged wind speed and direction at 400hPa in the ERA5 reanalysis for the period from 18 to 21December2014. The daytime up-valley winds only vary by 23ms1 along the valley, and the onset and offset times are similar throughout the valley. It is the visual demonstration of the data we provide through our Agro API: Using only one API call, you can get Forecast (for 10 days with 3-hour step), Historical, and Current weather maps. With the same given solar heating, the valley atmosphere will warm more than the air above the plain which creates a pressure gradient between the plain and the valley. diSarra, A.G., Evangelisti, F., Duchi, R., Facchini, M., Fuzzi, S., Gobbi, Local along-valley winds in four major valleys on the southern slope of the Nepal Himalayas are studied by means of high-resolution meteorological modelling. Am. In the afternoon, all of the valley atmospheres are 35K warmer in middle of the valley (purple crosses) compared with the same altitude above the plain (Fig.9). ", OpenWeatherMapAPI Python Tutorial -Access Desired Current Weather Data. You might need to cast it to a QuantityType first. The output frequency of the simulation was 1h (d01), 30min (d02), 10min (d03) and 5min (d04). Note: You will need to verify your email address, then your API key will be emailed to you. Thus, the decay of up-valley winds at this location is delayed by 3h compared with the other valleys. . The grid points on both slopes are selected to have the same elevation gain with respect to the valley centre line height and, thus, can differ regarding their horizontal distance from the centre line. The large spatial variability in the along-valley wind speed above the up-valley wind layers arises because winds above the valley atmosphere are stronger, and their direction is influenced by the large-scale flow and not the local topography. The grid point was selected based on the station and model grid coordinates without the use of any horizontal interpolation. 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