2:20 pm 3:35 pm, E4 Supports for Families Affected by Substance Misuse: The Project Connect Model. Presenters: Kim Pearson & Tiffany Glass, Sacramento County Department of Child, Family and Adult Services, Sacramento, CA; LaDonna Lee, Better Life Childrens Services, Sacramento, CA, A9 Show Me Solutions: Thinking Outside the Box During the Capacity Crisis. The first I-CEPS digital event will be held over three days: Tuesday 6 Thursday 8 June, 2023. TOP PERFORMERS: Murray is . The learning objectives are to: identify the strengths of families involved in kinship care and advantages to children residing in these families, when unable to remain with their families of birth; and describe how caregivers can use these strengths to provide safety, well-being, and permanency for the children in their care. Sign up for the latest news and updates from CARE. Presenters: Michelle Reines, National Family Preservation Network, Asheville, NC; Todd Hickman, Health Connect America, Inc., Memphis, TN, D11 Revisioning Therapeutic Foster Care: Transformation of the Connecticut System with Functional Family Therapy (FFT). FFT in Foster Care is a family-focused and trauma-informed treatment model specifically designed to be used in the foster care system. The cost is $20 per family. CWLAs Conference is a valuable opportunity to strengthen your brand awareness while connecting with leaders in the child- and family-serving sector. These strategies range from legal representation, coaching models, increasing worker retention, family-centered practice models, and focusing on permanency from day one. The presenters for this workshop have deep and broad experiences working in, and alongside, community residents and families as part of a broader strategy for family support. Anthony Gay is the Director of Curricula Development at Welcome2Reality, LLC. Journey to Zero (JtoZ) is a 3-year, $7.3M, evidence-based, community/child welfare partnership (2019-2022) for children in care or at high risk for entry. NHSA's annual Parent and Family Engagement Conference is the only national event that focuses on how Head Start parents, families, and staff can best partner to promote both family engagement and children's development. Parenting & Homeschool Conference March 24 & 25, 2023 Featuring Ken Ham, Zan Tyler, Ginny Yurich, Dr. Roger Smith, & more! This presentation will provide an overview of the impact of an enhanced Kinship Navigator program on kinship caregivers and the children in their care. Rhythm is deep within our human capacity and is an incredible biological gift. In many cases, the absence of a father contributes to increased risk of child maltreatment. Unfortunately, the interventions of child welfare agencies have mostly been ineffective at strengthening family protective factors due to the lack of ongoing father inclusion efforts, and limited access to gender responsive support services. Maximize your exposure! In this workshop, we will review the outcomes that have been measured: increased child safety (decreased re-opening rate post-closure); improved child stability (prevented entry to care); advanced child permanency (90% remained with family/kin); child kept within their community/culture (85%); cost savings analysis (year 2 data found JtoZ cost $4.3M and saved $40M). We can tap into that gift, first by being reminded that it is there everywhere and then by engaging in simple activities that are rhythmic and patterned as a form of regulation and connection. Presenters: Tom Sexton & Marta Anderson, FFT Partners, New York, NY; Nicole McKelvey-Walsh, Connecticut Department of Children and Families, Hartford, CT, D12 A Training Lifeline for Caregivers: A Collaboration between Centene and the National Foster Parent Association. This session will highlight the Kentucky Department of Community Based Services (DCBS) experience measuring and monitoring the initial and ongoing implementation of its Family First Prevention Services plan. Moreover, fatherhood research has centered White, married, heterosexual fathers to the detriment of the diversity of fatherhood experiences and the contexts of fathers who are marginalized, their families, and communities. Presenters will show how to meaningfully engage people with lived expertise, provide examples of working with university and community partners to develop leadership certifications and promote healing, and outline how DC is using the social-ecological model as a framework for system vision setting, implementation, and evaluation. Presenters: Gianfranco Patuzzo, Citrus Family Care Network, Miami, FL; Carlos Laso, Miami Dade County Homeless Trust, Miami, FL; Jason Ruiz, Hialeah Housing Authority, Miami, FL, C11 Going Upstream: Cultural Networking with a Community to Serve the Health Needs of Families Who Are Black. We will discuss adapting an EBP to meet the diverse needs of families, with an emphasis on ways KEEP is tailored to support youth who are LGBTQIA+ and youth in transcultural placements. Through this presentation, we will explain the development of the Indiana Safe Systems program during the outbreak of COVID-19, and detail the evolutionary process of Safety Science with the investment of a psychologically safe environment after a critical incident occurs. We believe that intentionally supporting fathers to address their personal and family needs in a holistic and nurturing format enables fathers to succeed as parents. We will end the presentation by reiterating the importance of implementing a team of individuals willing to provide support to staff through an evidence-based curriculum during an unfortunate event. To achieve this, caregivers (foster and kinship) must become a part of that support network for the family. This model outlines the core components for trauma-responsive care for parent-child systems and includes the core components of a replicable framework, applicable across a full continuum of care. In this workshop, we will discuss the results of a recent study on early adolescent attachment, which resulted in new information for the field, why this should be a new area of focus, and what factors child welfare professionals should consider when making permanency decisions for this population. Facilitator: Gary Taylor, CWLA Senior Fellow, Building Blocks for Effective Co-Parenting*. We will provide a brief overview of the model and share experiences from the perspective of the state and the FFT training organization, demonstrating why this project continues to excel despite numerous challenges along the way. This workshop will examine the innovative design and comprehensive integration of benefits coordination throughout the OhioKAN Kinship and Adoption Navigator program. We are excited to announce that the Parents as Teachers 2023 International Conference is headed south to the Big New Orleans home to round-the-clock nightlife activities, vibrant live-music scene, and spicy cuisine reflecting its history as a melting pot of French, African and . Early bird registration through December 31, 2022 is $30 per person. 10:55 am 12:10 pm, D4 SBCT meets START: An Adapted Relational Model for Children 0-3 in the Child Welfare System. Presenters: Rachel Parrett & Keith Luebcke & Ashley Kaelin, Indiana Department of Child Services, Indianapolis, IN, F4 Going Beyond the Rhetoric of Family Engagement. We will provide insights on how these assessments are incorporating a diversity, equity, and inclusion lens and centering youth. For more information about becoming a sponsor, contact Andrew atabrown@careofsem.com,or download the sponsorship proposal: CARE 2023 Sponsorship Information. The quality of supervision is recognized as a significant factor in organizational capacity and ability to provide services that achieve organizational goals and desired outcomes for children, youth, and families, as well as staff retention and professional development. Presenters: Shannon Deinhart & Sheila Corrigan & Heather Jamison, Kinnect, Cleveland, OH, Friday, April 28 Learn how a culture of shared learning contributed to the success of youth advocacy efforts in the New England states. Workshops will focus on effective strategies and practices that strengthen families; cross-system partnerships; innovative approaches to service delivery; bolstering the child welfare workforce; strategies for supporting families impacted by mental health, and more. Attendees will then engage in a discussion about: how rigorous evaluation can help understand implementation fidelity and long-term impact; how leadership can use research to understand statewide system change initiatives when research findings are complicated; how program and research teams can partner on CQI to understand implementation; and how nuanced lessons learned can inform future initiatives. Building Relationships with the Media and Understanding What Makes News with Beverly Jackson. Child welfare professionals support families and make positive daily impacts, but child welfare work is often only visible to community members when tragedy occurs. Presenters: Jaymie Lorthridge, Kaye Implementation & Evaluation, Atlanta, GA; Todd Holder, Action 4 Child Protection, Jarales, NM, F6 Addressing Critical Challenges Providers Face in Implementing Sustainable Evidence Based Intervention (EBI) Programs in Family First. Our objectives in this presentation are to share new approaches to addressing serious injuries and fatalities from maltreatment and to introduce new strategies for reframing childhood adversity as a public, preventable, and solvable issue. CWLAs National Conference, held steps from Capitol Hill, offers a valuable opportunity for agencies to connect directly with their members of Congress. A map of the area, driving directions, and ground transportation options are available atHyatt Regency Capitol Hill. We will seek to gain a deeper understanding of what school-based mental health can and should look like, specifically addressing post-pandemic effects on children. For questions, or more information, please contact Teresa Sandner at tsandner@careofsem.com. The co-presenters are young advocates with foster care experience, who helped develop the proposal with support from the Annie E. Casey Foundation. Model: A Relational Approach for Parents in Recovery. Connecting people with the University of Wisconsin. Presenters: Joseph Walker & Sonja Ulrich, Center for Native Child and Family Resilience, Olympia, WA, G8 Innovative Ways to Restructure the Child Welfare System. Together, we will determine which need to meet, we will meet the need, and then watch the funds be transferred directly to a local church leader near the need. Wraparound services are holistic, culturally relevant, and logistically convenient for families and include the whole family. Presenters: Latonya Adjei-Tabi & Teri Kook, National Center on Substance Abuse and Child Welfare, Lake Forest, CA, Thursday, April 27 Presenters will offer their expertise and recommendations for moving forward. Please enter name (s) you would like on your nametag (s). Presenters: Natalie Crawford Cox, The Family Centre of Northern Alberta, Edmonton, AB; Meredith Greig, The Family Centre of Northern Alberta, Edmonton, AB, B6 CQI, Data, and Authentic Inclusion: A Five-Year Journey to Improve Permanency Outcomes. These tools are part of systemic structures that can advance equity or perpetuate disparities for families that have been historically underserved by child welfare agencies. Presenters will share information about FCTs expansion across the nation with an increasing focus on reunification and preservation and an additional pilot of FCT-Recovery, which focuses on incorporating substance treatment best practices. In addition, he has been teaching business management courses as an adjunct professor for Wilmington University, Delaware for more than 17 years. This workshop provides an overview of a graphic and conceptual model that guides the Catalyst Centers approach to uplifting youth-centered care. The target audience includes trainers, frontline workers, supervisors, managers, and administrators; professionals with all levels of experience are invited to attend. Aga Khan University and University of Toronto, Parenting and Family Research Alliance (PAFRA). Please request public communicative accommodations based on a disability via the registration form or by email to Heather Lipinski Stelljes at: heather.stelljes@wisc.edu. We know there are high emotional, physical, fiscal, and social consequences with out-of-home placements. Presenter: Angela Lytle, JusticeWorks Colorado, Denver, CO, G4 SOUL Family: A Youth-Led Proposal to Expand Permanency Options for Teens in Foster Care. Instead, it requires concerted, collective efforts among all stakeholders to build family support and community-based child protection systems. This interactive workshop will provide participants with opportunities to engage in thoughtful discussions around diverse sexual orientations and gender identity expressions (SOGIE); participate in exercises to improve skills; develop strategies to support youth who are LGBTQ+ and in foster care; understand how current practices and policies can limit youths permanency outcomes; and hear from youth with lived experience. Child welfare decisions result in families being kept together or children being removed from their homes. Keynote speakers and other live events will be held on Zoom. Presenters: Sharon Kollar & Michelle Clinch, National Child Welfare Workforce Institute, Portland, OR, C4 Field Insights Applied to a Toolkit to Enhance Identification of Children with Prenatal Substance Exposures. Participants will view clips of the training modules and engage in interactive activities from the material. To regain a proactive approach to casework, offer relief and benefits to staff, and provide better outcomes for children and families, the narrative needs to change. Children thrive when surrounded by a community of caring people who work together to always place them at the center. This workshop will focus on the Oregon implementation of KEEP, an evidence-based, 16-week peer support and skill enhancement program for families (resource and kinship). Workshops E Interested in sponsoring the overall conference? Elementary and older children will be at Anchorage Grace Church (Grace Christian School). The criteria and recommendations center a diverse collection of families worldviews, include principles of social justice and multicultural validity, and assess whether there are opportunities to increase families decision-making power. This network of 60 cross-sector partners evolved into an effective, equity driven, one-stop health program that connects families who are Black with healthcare providers who understand the significance of culture in providing healthcare, while adapting to meet family needs within their respective community context, and demonstrating commitment to timely, quality, and responsive care. Step 2: Name tags. The . The page you are looking for no longer exists. Contact CWLA2023@cwla.org for assistance. The primary focus of Family Centered Treatment (FCT) for over 30 years has been to find simple, practical, and holistic solutions for families faced with disruption due to external and/or internal stressors, circumstances, or forced removal of children from the home due to delinquent behaviors from youth or harmful behaviors from parents. Cathy and Todd host their annual Zen Parenting Conference in Chicago with today's most sought-after thought leaders. In this presentation, we will discuss how staff are able to provide case-management services while having lived experience themselves and why having lived experience matters. Since KEEP expanded statewide in 2019, the program has enrolled more than 2,500 families from every Oregon county. Improving knowledge transferThe I-CEPS 2023 aims to provide a global opportunity for enhancing knowledge transfer in the field of parenting. Presenters: Stephanie Glickman & Tim Wood & Lindsey Morgan, Family Centered Treatment Foundation, Charlotte, NC, H5 Equitable Solutions to Keep Children Safe in Their Homes and Support Families. Workshops H This workshop will provide concrete tools for developing vicarious resilience and recognizing compassion satisfaction. Presenters: Julie Murphy, James Bell Associates, Portland, OR; Alicia Summers, National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges, Reno, NV; Monica Faulkner, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX; Heather Allan, Kempe Center for the Prevention and Treatment of Child Abuse & Neglect, Aurora, CO, F9 It Takes a Village: Using a Wraparound Paradigm for Healing, Reunification, and Permanency. Teaching & Leading Children Sat 1/28/23 professionals only. Our annual conference allows you to deepen relationships with existing clients, and feature products and services they may not have realized you offer. Click here to read our terms of use and privacy policy. This conference features dozens of events lasting over four days combined with an educational festival featuring a variety of topics of interest for educators, such as early learning and special needs. In this training session, we will introduce and discuss the 4 As Approach to Promoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. These supportive workforce practices can be created and maintained to attract committed social service staff and retain the excellent employees on your teams. Parents as Teachers 2023 International Conference Heads south to the Big Easy - New Orleans, Louisiana. JAN 06, 2023 Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held on Thursday, January 19 from 3:30 PM - 7:00 PM and on Friday, January 20 from 7:30 AM - 11:30 AM. The I-CEPS 2023 will bring together professionals in all fields of parenting support from around the world. Additionally, keynote and invited speaker sessions will be recorded and remain available for three-months post-Congress on the event platform. This presentation is designed for peer interaction, shared learning, and strategy development. Due to the strong commitment of the NFPA Board of Directors, and with the support of Centene, the NFPA Training Institute was launched in 2020 to provide quality educational and training workshops/webinars to parents seeking help in parenting. CSU Fullerton ranks second in the Big West shooting 37.2% from 3-point range. Participants will also learn about strategies for leveraging state and community partnerships to successfully implement federal and state policy as well as tools and resources created to support implementation. Pictures are either Creative Commons licensed or through Fotolia. 15. Exhibitors receive an over 30% discount on conference program advertising (as detailed below), Reserve program ad space by March 10, 2023. This presentation will focus on providing a landscape analysis of all Independent Life Skill assessments that are currently being used nationally. Successful family engagement supports a comprehensive assessment of parental protective capacities vital for safety planning. We will also introduce how we pioneered a project to find solutions towards building connectedness and embedding safe environments for the purpose of improving child welfare outcomes within local offices. In this workshop, we will examine the ways in which child protective service practice is currently limited in its approach to engaging with family members in non-custodial roles, and acknowledge that a large segment of this population are fathers. 9:30 am 11:20 am Presenters will share the essential components of the enhanced model and will provide an overview of both quantitative and qualitative outcomes that children and caregivers in the pilot sites experienced. Through case-based learning and reflective activities, participants will gain tools to support caregiving relationships that promote normative development of children living between biological and foster/kinship homes. We will describe what these approaches look like in action, challenges and successes in planning and implementation, and how to intentionally work with parents to address challenges related to accessing housing resources. Safety science is a multidisciplinary field of research and practice concerned with creating and sustaining safety in high-risk industries where professionals make high-impact decisions, like child welfare. Attendees will be invited to reflect on opportunities to enhance Kinship Navigator programs in their own communities. The presenters will describe the program model and the practice approaches that have been found to be most effective when engaging with families on substance misuse and addiction, mental and physical health needs, parenting in recovery, child and family safety, reunification and permanency, and strengthening positive family dynamics. Presenters will provide examples of collaborative ways to strengthen the response to families experiencing DV to ensure that the safety of adult survivors is connected to the safety of child survivors using a trauma-informed approach. This site contains affiliate links. Cornerstone Church believes that the most effective discipleship strategy for children is to equip and encourage parents to disciple their own children. Pre-Conference Workshop: January 18, 2023 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Includes breakfast & lunch: $150: $175: $125: $150: Conference: January 18 - 20, 2023 Includes Opening Session & welcome reception at 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, breakfast & lunch on Thursday and Friday: $350: $425: $225: $275: Pre-Conference Training and Conference: January 18 . 22 - 26 August 2023. In this conference we have amazing speakers who will cover topics such as discipline, being a mom, being a dad, grandparents raising grandchildren, technology, raising teens, talking with your kids about sex, and much, much more. True collaboration allows space for everyones voice to be heard. Join us for this impactful hybrid event to support your goals for equitable family engagement in your school or district. Internationally, he has presented at the Renmin (the Peoples) University of China in Beijing, the New Zealand Ministry of Children and Family Services and the International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect in Durban, South Africa. Home Raising Wisconsins Children 2023 Conference. The presenters will also reflect on lessons learned related to optimizing positive child and family outcomes. OCFS will describe the steps taken towards statewide implementation of these new standards and how they were incorporated into state policy. Although much progress has been made with the acknowledgment, acceptance, and (when needed) mental health treatment of youth who are LGBTQIA, there remain many misconceptions and deficits for this population. Presenters: Cornelle Jenkins & Kelsie Tatum Martinez, California Alliance of Child and Family Services/Catalyst Center, Camarillo, CA; James Freeman, Training Grounds LLC, Simi Valley, CA, C10 Housing Youth & Families Who Have Been Involved with Foster Care and Child Welfare. Presenters will highlight successful approaches for data collection, policy development, and increasing partnership and collaboration with advocates and those with lived expertise. Resilient Communities shifts the responsibility for primary prevention away from individual responsibility and towards shared strategies, and helps communities raise awareness of and leverage their existing strengths to increase collective capacity to support families and enhance child well-being. In 2018, five organizations were awarded federal grants to Strengthen Child Welfare Systems through collaborative efforts to improve permanency outcomes for children involved in the child welfare system. Jurisdictions across the country are reorienting child welfare upstream towards prevention and including the provision of economic and concrete supports (ECS) as part of a comprehensive service array. By supporting CARE of Southeastern Michigan, youre helping people directly address substance abuse and other issues in their lives and communitieseffectively and through proven strategies. This presentation will look at sustaining wraparound through Medicaid waivers, quality measurement, and a drive to outcomes that matter. Participants will learn strategies for engaging youth and aligning their team approach by applying this model to their personal and professional practices, including as a tool for guiding youth/caregiver or youth/care-provider conversation or as a facilitation strategy within care team collaborations. Presenters: Joanie Rogers & Sara Smith & Teri Armistead, Missouri Department of Social Services, Jefferson City, MO, Wednesday, April 26 Copyright 2020First Baptist Concord Discover time-tested, research-backed, practical ideas for raising healthy, resilient, confident kids and becoming a more peaceful, capable, and effective parent! Modules and engage in interactive activities from the material transportation options are atHyatt! Comprehensive assessment of parental protective capacities vital for safety planning for Wilmington University, Delaware for more 17. Recognizing compassion satisfaction be held over three days: Tuesday 6 Thursday 8 June,.! To be used in the foster care system will be held over three days: Tuesday 6 8... At Welcome2Reality, LLC will be held on Zoom waivers, quality measurement, and a drive to outcomes matter! And older children will be held over three days: Tuesday 6 Thursday 8 June,.. 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