There are different bases on which various divisions in an organization can be created. iv. Role of the group Vice President is often ambiguous. It helps with arranging works out of the portion parts so as to empower the affirmation of the goals of the affiliation. For instance, two divisions may have their separate marketing research wings or public relations departments. 1. The main advantages of the simple structure are the following: i. The owner manager gets invested with a complete knowledge of his organisation and its business. ii. Decision-making is very quick. These flat organizational structure advantages and disadvantages show us that when it is implemented with a clear plan, it can be successful. In each of these bases, functions involved and, therefore, departments created are different. Second, creating self-managing teams is a long-drawn process full of anxiety and tension. The advantages of product based structure are as follows: (i) Product departmentation can reduce the coordination problems which are created under functional departmentation. Separate strategic and operational control. doi:, Organizational Structure. In performance appraisal, 360-degree appraisal system is used. ii. The Importance of a Good Organizational Structure. ii. Firstly, there may be lack of close control over manufacturing operations. These structures may be adopted on either/or basis or in hybrid form, that is, a part of the structure may be in one form while other part may be in another form which is quite common with large organizations. Provides greater decentralisation of authority. The disadvantages of product based structure are as under: (i) It results in the duplication of personnel and physical facilities. Through these networks, people of boundary less organizations communicate across intra-organizational and extra-organizational boundaries. b. Departmentation refers to the formal structure of the organisation composed of various departments and managerial positions and their relationships to each other. However, top management will continue to control decisions that involve strategic and coordinative variables. The different organisational structures described above have their own advantages and disadvantages. Geographical or Territory Based Structure 11. Helps individual businesses respond to the changes in external environment. Many of these studies have determined that there is, in fact, a relationship between structure and performance, but to better understand the link between organizational structure To create an effective organizational structure and behavior for Dunkin Brands, the companys structure has to reflect the brand recognition and value locally and internationally. Project Organisation Structure 13. Whenever these conditions exist, use of matrix structure is beneficial. It helps in fast communication, since it is simple and informal, and. The organisational structure of an enterprise may undergo changes when there are changes in such factors as the size of the enterprise, nature of business, marketing characteristics, etc. The addition of specialized staff departments to a functional design may enable an organization to lead effectively with same degree of environment uncertainty and dynamism. Boundary less organizations are better equipped to manage these features. It may take the form of combining product and geographical divisions or functional and divisional structures, operating in tandem. For instance, three separate divisions in food preparation appliances were merged in a single SBU to serve house ware market. When making beyond any doubt your organization is well organized, a couple of steps must be taken after: When it comes to advancing the structure of a company it is basic to communicate the proper stream of information to everyone inside the organization. Under this structure, direct contact replaces bureaucracy. Everything you need to know about the types and classification of organisation structure. It thwarts duplication of capacities and makes it conceivable to achieve most extraordinary creation with the slightest endeavors. Essay Service Examples Business Organizational Structure. Thus, what is suitable for one business may not be suitable for a similar unit, but there are successful firms in a given industry tend to design structure in a similar way. WebWin Win! Terms of Use, Types Of Organizational Structure: Advantages And Disadvantages., Types Of Organizational Structure: Advantages And Disadvantages [Internet]. Functional organisation is highly suitable for an enterprise engaged in production and distribution of a single product or a small number of products. Based on this concept, virtual organization has been defined as follows Virtual Corporation is a temporary network of independent companiessupplies, customers, even erstwhile rivalslinked by information technology to share skills, costs, and access to one anothers markets. Organizational structure is critical for any developing company to supply direction and clarity on particular human resource issues, such as managerial authority. However like every other thing in this world, data structure has its own advantages and disadvantages. We are going to focus on the advantages and disadvantages of using data structure. Data structure helps in efficient storage of data in the storage device. Data structure usage provides convenience while retrieving the data from storage device. (iii) There may be lack of understanding between different departments. Boundary less organization has self-managing teams but it differs from a team-based organization. It may be noted that generally project teams are created along with the existing functional organisation. Offer assistance on an issue can come from anyplace inside the company. Similarly, matrix superior has to share the facilities with others. The management groups the activities on this basis to cater to the requirements of clearly defined customer groups. 2023 Network organisation in suitable for all endeavours which require high flexibility to respond quickly to changing environment. 1. Laborers back in affiliation increase their support and move forward their will to work. The advantages of functional structure are as under: (i) It is easier to organise departments based on functions and sub-functions. The word simple has many other senses as However, virtual organisations may suffer from two problems. For example, marketing department may be classified and grouped into advertising sales, market research, and so on. WebSee definition of simple on adj. Disadvantage: Weakening of Common Bonds. The SBU structure groups similar products, markets and/or technologies into homogeneous groups in order to achieve synergies. Taking everything on ones head has its own risks and disadvantages. Upon completion of the project, these people may return to their original departments for further assignment. In other words, an organization is known by its culture. In boundary less organizations, functional departments are replaced by cross-functional teams and organising activities around processes. This type of departmentation is useful where it is essential to coordinate the activities relating to a particular product. It is found in almost every enterprise at some level in the organisation structure as it leads to better planning and control of the key functions on which the survival and growth of the enterprise depends. In addition to vertical communication, lateral and horizontal communications are quite common. iii. It facilitates specialised performance of various functions. While growth through expansion of same line of business forces an organization to organize on functional basis, growth through geographic and product diversification necessitates the adoption of divisional structure. There are a number of variables that separate small-business operations from large-business operations, one of which is the usage of a formal organizational structure. The design permits division of labour and encourages specialization. When directors are given a assignment, they ought to pool the resources essential to assist their specialists to urge the work done. The nature of the organisational structure depends on a number of factors like the size of the enterprise, objectives of the enterprise, nature of the business, marketing characteristics, social factors, etc. In this way, advantages of specialisation can be taken as managers work in a functional area and they become quite efficient in dealing with the problems of that area. 6. 2. This may lead to decrease in profits even, when there is increase in sales. WebDisadvantages: (i) Conflict between line and staff may still arise. It is very useful where it is desired to introduce specialisation in the performance of various functions like production, finance, marketing, etc. WebThis structure is simple and flexible, which makes it relatively easy to understand and to implement. It also highlights the various roles and responsibilities. Mechanistic structure is characterised by a greater degree of horizontal differentiation, high formalization (i.e., formal relations and communication), mostly downward communication, and little participation by low-level members in decision-making. There are some disadvantages to having a simple organizational structure in a business, some of which include: In an organization with no managers to lead employees, the leader becomes the sole provider for employee guidance and instructions for tasks. This can give the leader more work than any other employee in the business. Cost and profit responsibilities may not be very clear in the matrix organisation. ii. It may become uneconomical where full use cannot be made of the specialised skills and equipment of each department. Besides better coordination, it will also improve customer service. There are many advantages to having a simple structured organization, some of which include: Increased leader control With no managers organizing work between the employees and a single leader, the owner of the organization has complete control Virtual Organisation. Geographical or Territory Based Structure, Essays, Research Papers and Articles on Business Management, Organisational Structure: Functional Structure and Divisional Structure, Designing the Project Organisation Structure: 2 Forms, Matrix Organisation: Concept, Advantages and Limitations, Types of Organisation: Advantages & Disadvantages | Functions | Management, International Human Resource Management: Meaning, Need, Challenges and Issues, Types and Classification of Organisation Structure (with Advantages and Disadvantages). 3 disadvantages of a functional structure. Shell type structure construction was as old as 1920s. If teams are not created properly, there may be chaos in the organization. iii. The activities of the individuals and the groups will become Though some degree of such conflicts is positive, they may often be heightened specially in the absence of coordinative force leading to destruction in the firm. It may sometimes cause fragmentation and duplication of functions. (ii) Successful completion of the project is critical for the firm. This approach helps reduce errors and lowers costs. Stability procedure: technique includes an anticipated domain and somewhat chance in outer changes. iii. Project management concentrates on special assignment to complete the project in time with scheduled cost structure. ii. Copyright 10. The basic reason behind creating a virtual organization is to generate synergy through temporary alliances. There is no potential for future development. In the present era of globalisation, strategic alliances and organization-customer-supplier links have become significant sources for developing competitive advantage. Customer Based Structure 12. A good example of this strategy is Google and LinkedIn, who already have an internal incubator, thus their employees are peached to be creative and innovative to promote the growth of the company. Thus, the process of functional differentiation may continue through successive levels in the hierarchy. This avoids the expenses of renting new offices for the venture and costly travel time between companies. (vi) Since each product manager is required to supervise the diverse functions of production, sales and finance with respect to a particular product line, there is a wide scope for the training and development of all round executives. Retrieved from bizfluent:,, Get original paper written according to your instructions. It leads to uneconomical operations. Further, in large organizations, the basic organization structure may be supported by other forms for performing various activities like team-based organization, virtual organization, and boundary less organization. However, advantages of divisional structure score over its disadvantages. Divisional structure is built around business units. iii. Determines the administrator and degree to which jobs, force and duties are designated. The major advantages of the functional type of organisation are the following: i. iv. The establishment of a functional structure becomes necessary as a small organization grows and increases in the complexity of business activities creates the need for a more formal, systematised approach to major activities and for an increased delegation of decision making throughout the organization. The span of control becomes too large at top levels. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Organisational structure? Sharply focuses on accountability for performance. When the company creates a choice making handle make sure it is caught on by the entire organization, and hold preparing classes on workflow in case required. In matrix structure, a project manager is appointed to coordinate the activities of the project. Some companies can do something very well but struggle with most others. (b) Are temporary decisions. The second basic structural form employed by organizations is the divisional structure. In this study we aimed to show that the number of organizational structures may vary from one perspective to another, the definition as well, but the mission and the function of these structures are the same. Advantage: Specialization. 7. An organisation structure shows the authority and responsibility relationships between the various positions in the organisation by showing who reports to whom. The main benefit of this structure is that large area of building is covered. If people are not sure whom they report to, they may discover they are given conflicting assignments by two or more supervisors above them. The products are often unrelated and require different emphasis on different functions. They offer day courses, evening courses and correspondence courses to meet the requirements of different types of students. Some of the advantages of implementing the matrix organizational structure include: 1. Employees who work in such a structure are well organized and grouped according to tasks and functions, Employees focus on specific work or mission, This structure lacks teamwork, communication and discussion, This structure also lacks creativity and it limits the employees ability to develop and improve, Each department operates as an independent company that work on its own aspects & divisions and specify budgets to control its own resources, It offers flexibility by allowing each employee to operate as if its own company, reporting to CEO, one or two upper supervisors, Employees working in different departments, but the same function are unable to communicate well, Divisional structure may have tax implications by raising issues with accounting practices, Sharing knowledge between the employees across different functional divisions, Attaining strong communicational skills & understanding roles, Broadening employees skills & knowledge, thus increasing professional company growth, Creating confusion and conflict between supervisors and bosses about the issue to be reported, Creating confusion regarding employees job roles if not clearly defined, It eliminate red tape that might stall innovation in functional structure, This structure could be confusing and inconvenient if all employees involved dont agree on the way of organizing the structure, Makes it more difficult to coordinate the activities and functions of a larger number of subordinates, This structure have been criticized on the ground that they put a lot of pressure on subordinates by imposing on them too much of responsibility. Under the functional structure, the organisation is designed on the basis of the basic functions, namely, production, finance and accounting, marketing and personnel. (iv) Motivation of specialists may pose another problem for the project manager. In that case, the same auxiliary information thats circulated with respect to other divisions have to be circulated with respect to the assignment gather. Functional structure is, perhaps, most widely used in medium and large organizations with limited number of products. v. It will lead to misuse of organisation resources, due to lack of regulations. They may compete with each other in certain areas. It shows the authority and responsibility relationships between various positions in the organisation. Committee Organisational Structure Features: (a) Formed for managing certain problems/situations. Organizations in the camps were ranged from commanders to the camp officers, and the prisoners. List of Advantages of a Flat Organizational Structure 1. This essay sample was donated by a student to help the academic community. If there are too many divisions, coordination becomes complex and difficult. In this structure employees are supervised by two or more managers who they report to depending on the situation or project. For instance, line organisation is a kind of mechanistic structure. What is Decentralization: Advantages & Disadvantages of Decentralisation. Simple structure is a basic organizational design structure with low departmentalization, little work specialization, wide spans of control, centralized authority (typically the owner has most of the power) and little formalization or rules that govern operation. Advantage: Operational Clarity. These departments may be created on the basis of their requirement in the organization and can be placed according to their role in strategy implementation. Like any type of structure, a linear structure also has its advantages and disadvantages that an entrepreneur must be aware of. Among the advantages of a line structure, experts most often include: clear division of authority, competencies and responsibilities; possibility of quick interaction between employees and management; All rights reserved, The Relationship Between Organizational Structure And Job Performance, Organizational Structure And Behavior For Dunkin' Brands, Organizational Structure For Hardware Shack, Organizational Structure: Management, Marketing And Human Resource Management, AJS Organizational Administration In Justice And Security, The Organizational Structure Of Nazi Concentration Camp, Organizational And Management System Of Nike Company, Apple's Organizational Culture And Structure, Motivation And Leadership In Different Organizational Structures. Definitive structure chooses how the occupations, drive and obligations are consigned, controlled, and encouraged, and how information streams between the different degrees of the board. to bring their resources and capabilities together. The structure and behavior of an organization can change and evolve, as functions and roles change and evolve (Sandhu & Introduction The organizational structure is concerned with the mapping of the various organizational departments as well as teams, the hierarchical organization, the goals and objectives in each department. As said above, product based structure is suitable only for fairly large organisations having multi-product lines and which can appoint top managerial personnel to handle semi-autonomous product divisions. Where there are conflicts of interests, the quality of decision-making is enhanced by matrix structure. Responsibility and obligation are loosely defined; problems cannot be passed up, down, or laterally. A project may defined as a complex set of activities which are diverse, specialised and technical to be performed within the given time frame and cost structure. i. Data structure usage provides convenience while retrieving the data from storage device. This means that there are less wages, fringe benefits, and so on, to pay for management. The structure supports holistic approach to the project. Such structure is challenging, where it involves the knowledge of roles, responsibilities, work priorities and reporting to multiple bosses. Portable optical light microscopes are widely used tools in the field of microscopy. (ii) It focuses individual attention on each product line. You will got to consider contributing in a workflow program for superior record taking care of. (ii) It employs personnel with special abilities for meeting different customer requirements. For example, GEC was earlier having nine product groups and forty-eight divisions which were reorganised into forty- three strategic business units, many of which crossed group, division, and profit centre lines. Maintenance of economical central services is sometimes very difficult. They plan, control, and improve their own work processes. |?H *}gw~+t&/X]?>}"I$o It facilitates measurement of unit performance. An Organization structure helps in: Ineffectively structured organizations discover that critical deadlines are not met since there were not adequate human resources in each department to achieve all parts of a given assignment, or because it was not clear whose obligation the project was. Content Guidelines 2. (v) The departments based on territories can function as autonomous units. It is created to exploit fast changing opportunities and share skills and even facilitate access to global markets. The departmentation by product places all the responsibility and authority under one manager to get the product (or service) produced and marketed. In multi-product or multi-geographical area companies, divisions are created in the form of various strategic business units (SBUs). i. Intel was not happy about that venture and decided not to participate in any such venture. However, this can be treated as an operational problem which can be overcome through experience over the period of time. It may give rise to conflicts between divisions. f. They usually order materials, keep inventories, and deal with suppliers. During his assignment to a project, he works under the coordinative command of the project manager and he may be called upon by his permanent superior to perform certain services needed in the project. Size of the association: The size of the association additionally influences the authoritative structure. Divisional structure is similar to dividing an organization into several smaller organizations but it is not quite the same, since each smaller organization is not completely independent. However, management scholars have divided opinions over the effectiveness of virtual organizations because of the kind of trust that is required in creating such organizations. In a decentralized structure, the energetic drive is appropriated and the workplaces and divisions may have different degrees of independence. Career families, or career-graded structures, resemble #@[[}w4. We will write an essay sample crafted to your needs. (2013, October 4). Since these activities may be divided and assigned in different ways, there are many forms of organization structure. The design may often foster creativity and individualism. It represents traditional pyramid shaped organisation which is rigid in nature. 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