Hi Willard. You should keep all of your medical records so that you can prove that you have a pre-existing condition and that the costs of treatment have been covered by your pet insurance plan. Vets often providerough estimates with the lowest and highest price range considering that they might not know how long and how involved the procedure may be often until they start the procedure. He have 1 undescended testicle. Firstly, the true incidence of spay coat is unknown but it appears to be very low. This seems to be the mechanism by which cancer occurs, and therefore it would best be removed. Thanks! Factors that might increase the risk of an undescended testicle in a newborn include: Do you think there is a chance of it dropping still or is it pretty much set in the stars? I really hope he doesnt have cancer. If your son has an undescended testicle that doesn't correct itself, surgery can relocate the testicle into the scrotum. Did you know? The dog was castrated I thought and so had the two veterinarians before me. They certainly dont go back up once they come down! By the time most puppies go home between 8 and 12 weeks old, the male puppy will have both testicles descended into his scrotal sac. Cryptorchidism is when one or both testicles fail to drop into the scrotum (ball sack). I hope Im not to late on post. Aloha, I am a foster for a 10 yr old sweet chihuahua who weighs 5 lbs. However, cancer is unlikely to occur before a year of age so there isnt much to fear. I have a 12 month old german shepherd with bilateral cryptochidism, when he was 16 weeks the vet advised to wait unitl he was 12 months before having the procedure, would you agree with this? Testicular tumours have a tendency to produce female hormones. Based on the question and summary, it is difficult to give a definitive answer to the question of whether or not to buy a puppy with undescended testicles. They were very pushy on removing them both. The Irish setters in our clinic have beautiful handsome coats and are all desexed. Therefore, the only drawback is cost. Why does my 8 week old puppy not have balls? Just been to the vet and he said he couldn't feel any testicles. zl. One or both testicles not descending is documented to happen to between 0.7% and 9.7% of puppies. The tumor can secrete estrogen, causing changes in your dog's appearance and behavior. Is he telling me the truth or is he just making extra money from me? This is a schipperke, and she admitted to me early on that she was planning to use him at stud, now seems to be changing this plan. At 14 weeks (purchased at 12 weeks) the Local Vet informed me that he suffers from cryptorchid (unilateral). Should I Put My Dog on Vetmedin or Cardisure? How big an op is it to find 2 testicles? mz. Can not neuter him or should I. I want to keep him as it is. Your vet will have developed their own successful approach, so dont worry if it looks different. This is genetic so should she be desexed & not have another litter ? VeterinaryPartner.com: Cryptorchidism (Retained Testicles), Pet Informed: Veterinary Advice Online - Cryptorchidism (Undescended Testicles). There are few contraindications to trying the Chinese herbal formula first very rarely a dog may develop diarrhea with the herbs. By the time most puppies go home between 8 and 12 weeks old, the male puppy will have both testicles descended into his scrotal sac. If both testicles are retained the male is typically infertile however, it is still important for them to be neutered as the retained testicles can become cancerous. The undescended testicle attaches to a ligament that in turn attaches to the dog's body wall. In two cases, they were dogs from disreputable rescue centres who did not ensure that the dog was fully desexed before rehoming. A male puppy's testicles usually descend from his abdomen into his scrotum by the time he's 10 days old. A small tube containing a camera is inserted through a small incision in your son's abdomen. If you can prove that the breeder was lying, then its really an issue for consumer law. > I forget about them, and usually only remember them when I feel them by accident! Friends are trying to dissuade us from going ahead because this should not happen in purebred dogs. Or do you think we are past that point now? As a general rule, an undescended testicle is more common in purebred dogs, especially in the following breeds: However, an undescended testicle can happen to any dog. In addition to reporting for a major newspaper chain, she has been published in "Horse News," "Suburban Classic," "Hoof Beats," "Equine Journal" and other publications. The retained testicle can be found by the inguinal canal, within the abdominal cavity or under the skin between the inguinal ring and the scrotum, explains Philip A. Bushby, a board, certified veterinary surgeon. Is it worth getting an ultrasound to see where it is located and if it will drop? It sounds like youre reading too much of the wrong information its not a big deal to have the surgery. Your dog's undescended testicle could be located almost anywhere in his abdomen, and your vet will most likely have to search for it in order to remove it. The only effective treatment is desexing or neutering, or at very least the surgical removal of the undescended testicle. This will help to reduce the risk of getting sick and requiring treatment. If both testicles are retained in a cryptorchid dog, the dog may be infertile. Should i remove the undescended and the good one together? Our dog stayed overnight at the vet's and come the morning, he was leaping around as normal. Healthy Pawsibilities. And certainly, if the dog is castrated, it is best to recover the missing testicle at that time. Theres something about the higher temperature of retained testicles that makes cancer much more likely. Now, there are a few things to consider when it comes to deciding whether or not to remove a retained testicle. Before surgery, your vet locates the undescended testicle via ultrasound. This condition is called cryptorchidism, or retained testicles. Because of the risk factors, and the fact that the dog will still exhibit the male dog's desire to breed without the ability to do so, the retained testicle requires surgical extraction. I would be much more concerned about someone buying a 15 week old puppy read this article on why a puppys age matters. Excellent Posts. For dogs like these, my technique will create an incision like this on each side. nw. Thankyou. Hi Andrew We have just been told our 16week old pure-bred Kelpie only has 1 testicle and we have to de-sex him, they said before 6months or he will get cancer. Dogs with cryptorchidism may also experience an increase in the incidence of certain diseases, such as cancer. Do we just wait and see as he isnt 6 months old yet? However, certain breeds appear genetically predisposed to cryptorchidism. Hi Andrew I have german shepherds puppy is 15 weeks old and only one testicle being checked by the vet from 10 weeks old and 14 weeks thats was last week and still the same I spoke to the breeder she mentioned that by 6 weeks checked both was there so in this case Will be dropped or what Do i do. The prognosis is excellent for dogs that undergo surgery before problems develop in the retained testicle. The information provided here is not intended to be used as a substitute for going to the vet. While this is worrisome for breeding prospects and show prospects, as a dog with a retained testicle should not be used for breeding, and show dogs are always checked for both testicle presence. However it seems that you have no intention of breeding. Any male canine, purebred or mixed, can experience retained testicles. Cryptorchid dogs can be neutered at any age, but some veterinarians may recommend waiting until they have reached four to six months of age. What are the chances that the second testicle descends? Un-decended testicles can cause cancer and are better removed. Ultimately, it is up to the buyer to decide if they feel comfortable taking on a puppy with this condition, and to consult with a vet if they have any concerns. He certainly will, but one year of age is quite sufficient. Dogs with retained testicles can't show in conformation classes, as it is a defect; they should not be bred. As a breeder of a commonly affected breed (Shetland Sheepdogs) I do offer to pay the difference between the cryptorchid procedure and standard castration for any cryptorchid puppies. He had testes that didnt drop and the dogs home we had him from daid he was vaccinated he went in for surgery as he had a cancer growth but died in surgery he bled to death gutted and 6 months on Im surviving but miss him so much. What do you think we should do? Hi,I have a 6 month golden retreiver with double cryptorchidism. Hi, we have an 11 month old golden retriever puppy with only one testicle descended. These are the dogs I have seen either die or come close. Some breeders may recommend that potential buyers avoid puppies with undescended testicles, as these may indicate potential health problems down the road. The problem with a retained testicle is it can easily become cancerous. Video showing how to find both testicles on a giant schnauzer puppy that seems to only have one testicle down. My daughters six month old corgi has undescended testicles. We live in Victoria, Australia Thank you Susi. Men with this condition are born with more than two testes, also known as testicles or gonads. > There is an increased Cancer risk wthy the retained one, but certainly no hurry to do anything. My Shitzu has only one testicle. We know the testicle starts its journey where ovaries lie, and travels along a line through the inguinal ring towards the scrotum. Hi Andrew, I have a 6.5 month old (we think) Potcake (mixed breed from the Turks and Caicos) whos cryptorchid. Cryptorchidism can be treated by surgically removing the undescended testicle. I only hope the breeder is of the same opinion. Hes also 52 lbs, so Im thinking hes on the larger end of a medium size dog. Hi Cam. Hi Christina. Hi Arianna. Several years ago, when I was in private practice, I had a older canine patient with chronic illnesses; but his blood work and other diagnostics were always normal. Usually, this is easy. Thanks Andrew much appreciated. It is estimated that cryptorchid dogs are 13 times more likely to develop testicular cancer compared to the average intact dog. The main message is that whether your puppy is cryptorchid or not, its no big deal as long as you act on it. Not sure how common/uncommon this is but I am considering if it might be a good idea to pass on this puppy if this is something that can lead to serious complications. In nearly all puppies, this is by 6 to 8 weeks of age. If your pet is unwell, please seek veterinary attention. However, if one testicle is in the sack, there really should be two. For all future inquiries on the best age to castrate a dog visit this page for specific breed advice or check the link in the main article. He is now 9 months and his testicles have not dropped what age should he be fixed. To diagnose a dog as cryptorchid, you have to know how long a testicle normally takes to arrive. Cryptorchidism in dogs is a sex-limited autosomal recessive trait and both male and female dogs can carry this gene and pass it to their offspring. George Doyle & Ciaran Griffin/Stockbyte/Getty Images. Recently I have started only doing it with a vasectomy of the descended testicle. Earlier this week he was vomiting. You should definitely get him seen by a vet as theres every chance he has another six years of good quality life if the problem is fixed quickly. For many dog owners, it is preferable to try natural methods first; therefore, if surgery is the only option youve been offered, you now have the added option of a Traditional Chinese Veterinary Herbal formula to try. You might be worth getting opinions from other local vets for comparison. Hi Dawn. Since abdominal surgery is necessary to retrieve the testicle, the recovery period for your male dog is a couple of weeks. New Cat Poisons: Hair Dyes, Hair Loss Treatments & Diclofenac, Undescended testicles must always be removed. Cryptorchid dogs are generally not able to produce viable sperm and are at risk of developing reproductive problems. The twisting cuts off the blood supply to the testicle, causing intense pain. What are the questions to ask to ensure that you are not looking into a very involved surgery? Cryptorchidism is when it fails to reach its destination. Hi Leah. Generally, most vet offices charge for the cost of a normal neuter and add an additional $80 to $100 to it for a cryptorchid dog. You should compare pet insurance plans before you decide which one to get. My dog is a 9 year-old shih tzu, my mother never really gave much importance to his retained testicle and now it is a bit bigger than the one that did descend. Hi Allison. ia tn gb qq . Guide me with both the scenarios of no other testicle present or there could be other one inside him. If the puppy does not drop I will make it right with the buyer I want to be a responsible breeder. Can you just remove the testie that hasnt dropped without de-sexing? They almost certainly wont come down but if you follow the advice in the article theres nothing to worry about. My questions are 1. Neutering is recommended to prevent future problems. I have seen one dog die and two come terrifyingly close through a lack of owner awareness. Hi Leah. Hi Lupe. They never seem to elaborate why, other than breeding risks. I don't think I can bath a tiny dog like a Yorkie without shouting 'CWOR, THESE ONES ARE MASSIVE, COME SEE.' #1 Undescended testicle : ( 09-09-2010, 06:23 AM Just found out our 8 week old gd has only one descended testicle. The vet said give it 6 months and if it doesnt drop, hell need to be neutered. Occasionally, dogs are born as monorchids, meaning only one testicle developed. Therefore, these dogs were thought to be neutered until the symptoms of cancer appeared. The best news was after surgery, this particular dog felt so much better, and his health issues were resolved. Hi Lola. Is there a chance for it to still drop? How much longer would you suggest we wait before revisiting our vet. Any advice would be much appreciated, apologies for the long post. Additionally, some puppies may not develop these traits until they are older, so it is important to consult with a vet before making a purchase. There is a Chinese herbal formula, Epimedium Powder, that has worked in some dogs to encourage the testicle to drop. In cryptorchid dogs, the testicles may be in the abdominal cavity, in the inguinal canal, or in other locations outside of the scrotum. What are Complications from surgery? Thanks. However, at 7 weeks, undescended testicles don't mean much. Hi Beatrice. However, if costs are limited its perfectly reasonable to surgically explore for the testicle as this is almost always successful. Cryptorchidism may be presumed present if the testicles cannot be felt in the scrotum after two to four months of age. If the testicle was not seen on ultrasound, and I had no clue whether it was in the abdomen or in the groin, then the rare worst case scenario is that two incisions (both pictured above) are needed to find it. Then he suggested to remove the single testicle as well for zero chances of it becoming a tumor. Hi Maree. While any dog breed may end up with retained testicles, this tendency has been found more in toy and miniature poodles, Yorkshire terriers, Pomeranians, Chihuahuas, Maltese, boxers, English bulldogs, Shetland sheepdogs, and miniature schnauzers. I am uncertain if I should wait, as I am nervous about cancer, or go through with it and hope his back will be developed enough. I have a male pug puppy and he has one testicle that hasnt dropped yet. Please give me your opinion on this as well, and for any complications. Cryptorchidism is a condition found in male dogs in which one or both testicles have not descended into the testicular sac (scrotum). Cryptorchidism, retained or undescended testes . Hi, i have a 11 month old Labrador retriever and he has only one testicle, i visited his vet and the doctor said there is only one testicle and he cannot feel the other one. I have him scheduled for a neutering just before 7 months. I bought him with the intention of breeding; however, my wife and children want him as a pet and are hurt that I may ship him back. My dog is mini Maltezer. Although Should I wait until he is 12 mths old to get the testicle removed. Acupuncture can also help rebalance the body, working synergistically with the Epimedium Powder. In addition to reporting for a major newspaper chain, she has been published in "Horse News," "Suburban Classic," "Hoof Beats," "Equine Journal" and other publications. Because cryptorchidism carries serious health risks, he'll require surgery to remove the retained testicle as well as the one that fell. He'll probably have to wear the "cone of shame," or Elizabethan collar, to prevent him from chewing at the sutures. My Staff puppy has the exact thing. This is a golden retriever, so the owner is reluctant to desex earlier than necessary due to risks to joints. Hi Carolyn. } Other physical changes include hair loss and skin darkening. There is already far too much unethical breeding of dogs carrying this trait and nobody wants to contribute to further puppies having to face the same problem. My dog will not come to any difficulties right regarding his health? However, at least when they are like this they are very easy to remove. Most can be found externally by a careful examination once the dog is asleep, and the remainder by ultrasound. Undescended testicles in dogs is the single most common disorder of sexual development in male dogs. By 8 weeks of ages, both testicles should have dropped into the scrotum and they can often be easily be palpated. Slow descending testicles are not a problem. The surgery to remove an undescended testicle is far more delicate and invasive than the castration surgery used to remove normally descended testicles. This is a problem I have faced as well. You should also talk to your doctor about the best way to reduce the costs of treatment for pre-existing conditions. The surgery is relatively routine, and the outcomes are overwhelmingly positive. The cost for a dog neuter with undescended testicle may therefore vary from one location to another but generally may amount to anywhere between $150 and $550. The only way might be their previous breeding histories. var today = new Date() Hi Lisa. With a dog perfectly upside down, the way the scrotal testicle lies usually gives a clear idea of which one is missing. Why Is My Pug Puppy So Skinny [Expert Advice], Does Neutering a Dog Affect Muscle Growth (Definitive Guide), How Serious Is an Undescended Testicle in a Puppy, At What Age Should a Cryptorchid Dog Be Neutered, Does Cryptorchidism in Dogs Cause Aggression, How Long Does It Take a Dog to Recover From Cryptorchid Surgery, Can an Undescended Testicle Cause Pain in Dogs, How Much Does It Cost to Neuter a Cryptorchid Dog Uk. Hes 10.5 pounds and may grow only another pound or two. My boy is 4 and a half months old and no testicles have descended yethow will we locate them? Dogs with retained testicles face a far greater risk of testicular cancer than intact males with both testicles descended. Spermatic cord torsion (twisting onto itself) s a complication of cryptorchidism, and can cause sudden and severe abdominal pain. I have a 6 month older Havanese with only one descended testicle. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Hi Maria. It's very critical to learn how to make a dog testicle drop as it's an important sign of growing and healthy puppies. I bought a male pup a couple of years ago with the prospect of him being a show pup, sadly after we drove for 15 hours to get him the breeder told us he had only 1 testicle, because we had drove so far we took him back with us. Hello I have a five and a half month old Blue Cattle dog Pup. Abdominal testicle removal might add $200. Conventional recommendations suggest surgical removal of the missing testicle if it has not appeared in the scrotal sac by one year of age. There is nothing you can do to encourage the second one to descend--surgery, sooner rather than later, is your best bet. Surgery is necessary for these and complications are rare. One retained testicle in the abdomen. da. When a dog has a retained testicle, we call him cryptorchid, literally meaning hidden testicle. How do you know if it is the male or female that carries it? In my experience, they are invariably somewhere along this path. Hi Ashley. Natural methods using Traditional Chinese Veterinary Herbal formulas improve many patients quality-of-life and can help avoid major surgery. Were just wondering if all goes well and it stays down, if this is safe to keep or whether this one should still be removed? The chances are not very high unfortunately, but its still worth crossing your fingers. Thanks! Potcake Place (his shelter) thinks Huck may have some Rottweiller, Mastiff or Boxer in him but cant be sure ( he has long legs and a lanky teenager look). It takes a while for a dog to recover from a surgery to remove a cryptorchid (undescended) esticle. Discover why it happens. Surely if retained testicle is removed by 12 months, Cancer caused by the retained testicle would be Extremely UNLIKELY. He was good for a few days. The differences between dog and human skin are various. Hi Edwina. undescended testicle puppy 8 weeks. Undescending testicles are. For example, my own Border Terrier was bilaterally cryptorchid, which caused the breeder considerable embarrassment. The doctor might be able to fix the undescended testicle during the same procedure, but an additional surgery might be needed in some cases. Yes, dog eyes can be sensitive to sunlight, especially if their eyes are not protected by shade. There is no medical treatment likely to treat or prevent a retained testicle. Theres almost no chance that the testicle will descend by now. I have heard many different ages as to when to neuter. if (year < 1900) The sooner it is addressed and corrected the better. Hi Cesar. You can get pet insurance AFTER you have been diagnosed with a pre-existing condition. I have so far not been incorrect in the assumption that if the testicle cannot be palpated or seen then it will be abdominal. The risk of cancer developing by 18 months of age is low, but if you look at our page on the best age for desexing a Rottie, I recommend one year old. I think it is quite logical to only remove the undescended testicle. 3. How costly would this be? The exact process goes something like this: dogs are born with the testes tucked up within their abdomen, then around 10 days after birth, they descend into the scrotum. ht. Hi Lynne. His labs shows slight kidney problems. Ultimately, it is up to the buyer to decide if they feel comfortable taking on a puppy with this condition, and to consult with a vet if they have any concerns. what age do you suggest.he is 65 lbs now and breeder claims hes the 1st puppy ever to have this problem. That retained testicle must be surgically removed, because leaving it inside the dog's body can have unfortunate long-term consequences. You will find that neither statements are supported by the evidence in similar breeds, and there is no reason to think that Havanese are especially different. Our breeder notified us at their 6 weeks check up the puppy (Australian labradoodle) said he has undescended testicles. I have to be honest and say that in the past I took the clients word at face value that they wanted to keep the descended testicle for joint development or secondary sex characteristics only. Dogs may retain just one testicle or both testicles may be affected. He may honestly believe it will drop but probably less than 50% will actually do so. They're also vulnerable to testicular torsion, or twisting of the testicle. Attached to the vas deferens, a testicular cord, the twisting retained testicle cuts off the blood supply provided by the cord. Now Edward has to undergo a more extensive surgery and the surgery is considerably more expensive than neutering, since they have to go search for the undescended testicles. posted by MagicDolphin at 6:05 PM on July 28, 2007 Doxies are supposed to wait a little longer than the typical 6 months for neutering to allow their backs to fully develop since those are problem areas. If so have you heard a the testicle dropping after 6-7 months? Then, my preferred technique is a paramedian incision as shown here, which normally drops me right on top of it. My pup is 14 weeks old, on a show contract with only 1 testicle dropped so far. Sadly, its now very unlikely to drop. Walkerville SA 5081 Copyright 2022 Walkerville Vet, Heartworm, Flea and Worm Protection for Dogs, Treating mites, lice, worms and disease in poultry, recommended desexing time for each dog breed can be found here, read this article on why a puppys age matters, visit this page for specific breed advice, our page on the best age to desex Golden retrievers, the recommended desexing age for your breed, neuter age and back problems in Dachshunds, Feeding Bones To Dogs Is Linked To Less Dental Disease, A Review of Purinas Cat Allergen Reducing Diet. Believe it will drop cancer occurs, and can help avoid major surgery doing it with pre-existing! Now and breeder claims hes the 1st puppy ever to have this.... Week old puppy not have another litter Irish setters in our clinic have beautiful handsome coats and are better.! Dog stayed overnight at the vet & # x27 ; s abdomen your vet locates the undescended and outcomes. 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