- Investments in machinery, labor, capital and infrastructure are low. Which of the following laid the groundwork for modern Texas ranching? Social sustainability With the human population continuing to rise, it is vital that the agricultural industry becomes more sustainable to meet the needs of the growing population. One of the impacts of this growing population is an increase in land usage for settlement purposes. - By developing in open spaces, they greatly reduce the risks of fires. Hope you can understand intensive farming's advantages and disadvantages. Summary. False! Intensive farming (Source-dreamstime) Advantages of Intensive Farming (IF) 1. Some of these disadvantages include mass environmental damage, high levels of pollution, compromised animal welfare, as well as increased public health risks such as zoonotic disease and antibiotic resistance. the advantages is they get bay more and they need to work more What is the opposite to subsistence farming? Advantages of extensive fish farming system CM Farm Tech, What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Fish , 6 Pros and Cons of Fish Farming | APECSEC.org, Challenges, advantages and development of extensive , What are the advantages and disadvantages of extensive , Fish Farming Advantages & Disadvantages | Bizfluent, Fish Farming Pros & Cons Pets on Mom.com, 26 Pros and Cons of Fish Farming & Aquaculture E&C. What are the advantages and disadvantages of extensive farming? Your IP: These advancements have allowed people to take on a wider variety of occupations while lowering food prices and helping to give rise to urbanization. Deforestation and alteration of the natural environment. - Cattle are used that adapt very well to the geographical area. Aquaculture Helps the Economy. Exceeding the use of pesticides affects the health of human beings severely, leading to skin allergy, physical deformity, and congenital disease. The technical definition is very broad, but colloquially, ranching is most associated with the very large beef cattle farms that are ubiquitous in Texas. Some Advantages of Producing Sheep Sheep are easy to handle and generally require little input. Ranching is an agricultural practice in which grazing livestock are left inside a fenced pasture. This leads to economies of scale and directly contributes towards meeting the ever-growing demand for food supplies. Over 30% of the natural biomes where commercial fishing takes place have been over-exploited in recent years. In areas of the world where climate effects are generally uniform, the spatial distribution of extensive and intensive farms largely boils down to land costs and bid-rent theory. What country has the least arable land per capita? 3. Higher risks of cancer and birth defects. This is true whether you're a nomad by choice, or whether climate conditions encourage a nomadic lifestyle. Mechanisation can be used more effectively over large, flat areas. One of the basic principles of economics is that if demand is increasing and the supply is , Disadvantages[edit] Yields tend to be much lower than with intensive farming in the short term. These organisms are beneficial and detrimental to society. In the developed world, the average lifespan is approaching 85 years for top nations. Among those who defend this position is Ral Molina, who has a doctorate in Agricultural Sciences from the National University of Colombia. 2) Profitability: Use waste material of one component at the least cost. Modern agriculture equipment has got designed to focus on a single crop type in the fields. Statistics show a direct relation between the consumption of food procured from intensive farming sites and an increase in the number of cancer patients and children born with defects. Increased food production has played a significant role in meeting the rising food demand resulting from the ever booming human population. In extensive fish farming, economic and labour inputs are usually low. Your email address will not be published. A single family of six does not need 30,000 potatoes, so that family will likely practice extensive agriculture by default. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. - Extensive livestock areas are usually owned by producer families, they are usually small and are exploited in a traditional way, without the use of highly elaborate and / or sophisticated infrastructure. Fig. Required fields are marked *. Extensive Farming Advantages and Disadvantages Extensive farming comes with a number of advantages: Significantly less pollution than intensive agriculture Less land degradation than intensive agriculture Better quality of life for livestock Provides a sustainable food source or income in areas where other agricultural methods do not work Intensive farming for animals (livestock) will only focus on one type, allowing for the same birth, development, and maturity procedure.monoculture field of wheat growing Dag Endresen. Intensive farming not only involves horticulture, but also livestock farming. A friend of yours is taking over a family farm. Apart from this, it is also associated with farms that keep livestock above their holding capacity, which in turn leads to pollution, various diseases, and infections brought about by overcrowding and poor hygiene. www.scientificamerican.com. The EPA (Environment Protection Agency) has set certain rules and regulations on how livestock, pesticides, and animal manure are to be maintained. Extensive farming has a number of advantages over intensive farming: Less labour per unit areas is required to farm large areas, especially since expensive alterations to land (like terracing) are completely absent. Extensive Farming # Characteristic Features: Furthermore, intensive farming kills beneficial insects and plants, degrades and depletes the very soil it depends on, creates polluted runoff and clogged water systems, increases susceptibility to flooding, causes the genetic erosion of crops and livestock species around the world, decreases biodiversity, destroys. Produce such as fruits, vegetables, eggs, milk and meat are all readily supplied to restaurants and supermarkets to meet the demand of the growing population of the world. These characteristics mean that extensive livestock farming is considered by some as less efficient in the economic, environmental and even social fields. The less a farmer needs to spend to produce a crop, the more savings can get passed to the end consumer. Moreso, the cost of fertilizer which is quite expensive can be done without. As is evident, the most important disadvantage of extensive agriculture is that, unlike intensive agriculture, its farms take longer to provide economic benefits . Suppose the three acres we mentioned above were instead used to plant, grow, and harvest 75,000 corn plants, including the use of pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers to ensure maximum yield. - Sheep and cattle are commonly used. By registering you get free access to our website and app (available on desktop AND mobile) which will help you to super-charge your learning process. In East Africa, the Maasai practice extensive pastoralism. According to Marta Rivera, who directs the chair of Agroecology and food systems at the University of Vic, extensive livestock production especially produces methane gas. Whats the difference between intensive and extensive farming? Extensive farming is using small inputs of fertilizer, labor and capital relative to the amount . Extensive farming generally has _____ inputs and ______ outputs than intensive agriculture. In contrast, intensive livestock production generates N2O and CO2, which arise as a consequence of the effort to produce cereals and feed that are used to feed livestock. Extensive farming refers to systems that use relatively small amounts of inputs, such as human labor, machinery such as tractors, and investment. Which of the following best explain why extensive farming is likely to decrease in the coming years? Fruits and vegetables purchased from farms that promote intensive farming are covered with invisible pesticides. Control is another important point. Extensive farming is more environmentally sustainable than intensive farming, though some practices like pastoralism expose domesticated animals to predators and disease. Intensive farming provides more significant production with less space and labor to maximize profits. Here are a few reasons: The physical environment/climate conditions simply do not support intensive agriculture. StudySmarter is commited to creating, free, high quality explainations, opening education to all. This is surely one of the most sought for keywords in the business, and people keep searching for disadvantages of aquaculture farming, disadvantages of fish culture, advantages and disadvantages of fishing . Most of Northern Europe experiences rainfall throughout the year, leaching the soil and robbing it of nutrients. Intensive farming causes environment pollution and induces major health issues due to poisonous agents. Specializing in such a specific area allows you to develop in-depth knowledge and direct experience on the livestock or specific crop type. Advantages and Disadvantages of Intensive Farming, Precision Farming Use Farming Tech to Improve Agronomy, Trimble Launches Farmer Core to Connect the Entire Farm Operation, The Role of Smart Farming in Developing Sustainable Agriculture, Modern agricultural technology adoption and its importance. Click to reveal What is the main characteristic of extensive farming? By contrast, intensive farming more or less requires you to settle in one place permanently. Agriculture, as a human practice, is something of a mishmash of natural forces and human labor capital. Disadvantages of Mixed Farming The capital investment is high in terms of buildings and equipment, and to buy the livestock. These are systems whereby animals spend all, or a substantial part, of each day outdoors and obtain most of their nutrients from pasture. Rye may have been planted earlier. Ranchers may cut down trees to clear more land for grazing. What are the advantages and disadvantages of extensive farming? Animals from different groups are not mixed during their stay on the farm. Some of the main characteristics of shifting cultivation are: Shifting cultivation plots regenerate more quickly than other types of cleared forest plots. Meanwhile, precision farming can significantly mitigate the adverse effects of industrial agriculture. Mechanization can be used more effectively over large, flat areas. In Sweden, this practice is called svedjebruk. Many give the animals antibiotics throughout their lives, and the animals have a shortened lifespan. Poltica de Devoluo Advantages and Disadvantages of Extensive Agriculture Extensive agriculture is a type of farming that uses large areas of land and requires little labor. 4 Advantages of Monoculture. The size of these farms outweighs any potential monetary loss that would be caused by transportation costs and a general shortage of local customers. There is an increasing amount of evidence suggesting that the sub-therapeutic use of antibiotics in food animals can pose a health risk to humans.Antibiotic Debate Overview www.pbs.org. Having the animals so tightly held in an area makes it hard to keep clean and often leads to filthy living conditions. The insects that survive begin to develop a resistance to the applied pesticide slowly. There are many advantages and disadvantages of intensive farming. 1. Advantages of intensive pig farming. Researchers opine that consumption of inorganic poisonous vegetables, fruits, poultry, and meat could probably be one of the reasons for causing such damage in the human body. What are the harmful effects of modern farming practices discuss any three effects with the help of a case study? What are the disadvantages of non-organic farming?
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